Truth time. A simple yes or no would suffice

Truth time. A simple yes or no would suffice.

Q: user , would you sell out immediately given the chance?

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I would sell like vodka in Russia


sell out what?

Too broad a question. Sell out to whom? What would be compromised? For what price?

Sell out from what? a product? loyalty? This is a retarded question.

Abuse and perhaps distort your own knowledge and belief and do it for money. A typical example of a prostitute

If we're talking about money and noone gets hurt. You bet your ass and anyone who doesn't is stupid. Trick is to get enough money .


Sounds retarded. I guess I wouldn't do it.

I would sell out my company though. Definitely.


Top 5 whores in this thread live right now


yes. I'd even shill for Hillary Clinton if it made me millions. My integrity comes for a price though.

Its like the first posts are an impression of your initial thought and then the "no's" come ...perhaps an impression of having thought about it. I'm on to you pack of fucks

Rule34 on hildog

to be fair they're responding to a faggy question by a faggy OP. What the fuck does "selling out" even mean? Sign up with a music label? Endorse a product on TV? The fuck is the question anyway?

I resent being put in the company of those. I mean four of them did not read the rules, and the other one is a sell out

Its not so much going as far as fucking showbiz. My question has enough space to think between the lines. How much do you lie to yourself everyday by doing what you're doing? I think everyone of us is a huge bullshit machine whore

Yes if it paid enough and didn't take up too much time.


just google shadman loli hillary. It's part of her new ad campaign

Well, I'd lie for money I guess, as long as it was to sell some bullshit product or whatever and didn't hurt anyone. That's about it.

Prepare to make a whopping $8/hr. That's how much those shills are paid.


Do you ever reflect upon that capability of oneself?
(Re: first reply)

the celebrities all got paid millions for this add. Also Mark Cuban gets paid for his constant shilling. He was given a front row seat to the debate because (((reasons)))


You're not a celeb though.

Do you ever imagine what you become when you start sucking monopoly dick?

Obviously not. Whore

Don't know what you mean. That's a celebrity's job. I have to work for a living like a peasant at the bottom.

Yeah whore yourself to someone else for money. Not "earn a living". Keep on doing your job slave. "Your wage packet is what i'd wipe my arse with" - your BOSS

Well I run my own mini company which is nothing to speak of honestly. I guess my clients are my bosses.

This planet is really feces though. We have to work our lives away at the bottom while trillionaires collect thousands per second causing wars and ritual raping prepubescent kids for fun. A really sad world to live in.

And are you going to just stand there and allow that to happen? At least you're aware of the living manifestations of parasites in our world. Yet it is purely external. Good for you running your own operation. Sorry i was expressing aggro on you.

I am sorry for calling you all whores. Thought about it there for a bit.

I can't really do anything about it. They have too much money and too many slaves ('employees') protecting them. All I can do is try to live a half decent life on my own.

My operation is kind of lame to be honest. Nobody has money to spend on small business because the bigger businesses are always cheaper. And because the trillionaires are sitting on all this wealth.

I gotta tell you man, I really look forward to death. I'm really wondering what happens when you die, as long as it isn't the same thing all over again. I've seen everything there is to see on this planet as far as my income allows me to, and I'm honestly quite bored. You can't do anything on earth unless you're born rich.

'selling out' is what the incompetent yell at successful people who use their influence to better their own lives

yea that's why you gotta manage your expectations from life or suffer something so serious just sitting at home watching TV makes you feel like a king

You you find that kind of fear mentality of feeling somewhat helpless is a dark spell the likes of these cretins cast upon us by glorifying the supposed high life that only the "wealthy" ($$$ wise) are allowed to experience. Trying to create an influence on our own desire and defying our natural vibration of being a creature of free will? Without any walls blocking our view.

Not really fear mentality. Not sure where that came from. More like sheer boredom.

realistically you can't do anything against the rich pieces of shit that run the world or their millions of employed slaves. Most of the militaries in the world work for them under the guise of whatever false flag or terrorist 'threat' they staged in that region of the world. It is what it is. Best to ignore it the best I can and live my life doing whatever my meager income allows.

But do you ever stop and think that, that kind if stuff may go on and be communcated back to us tbrough only electronic connection, that is may not even be real and be a total creation in our minds based on the information that we are fed? Im going to ask are you into in anyway the debate of the shape of "the planet we call home"? I have a feeling you are partial to such a subject on any level.

I stopped caring about the world around me a long time ago. I could give a shit if this is a computer sim, flat earth, some kind of projection, alien farming planet, or other crazy shit people have come up with.

Either way, it's run by the sadists at the top. That will never change.

Also judging how you are describing your efforts with little confidence tells me you are slightly fear based. Its only a description veering towards a negative vibe. Not in a "youre a scaredy shit" kind of way. Peace

Youve read "the gods of eden" then?

Fear has nothing to do with it. I am bored of putting so much effort into so little return.

Never heard of it.

No worries. I do hope you the best on your journey to wherever you go in your life and mind and body. At least you are aware of what is going on

Give me a check of eleven figures and I'll give you a soul.

God loves you wee bairn

truth or false
yes or no

the world operates much differently than that even on face value it says it is why there is corruption, lust, vanity, etc.

we are our own worst enemy at times, thankfully more often than not we operate on principle/morality/etc...even if at times we've descended into madness