Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>This is not Cred Forums, this is /mai/
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>PLS don't ban me m000dz
>3D is almost always trash
>Only retards use elitism as an insult
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Heh, that's pretty cute of you. Sorry that I'm not very good at paying attention to a lot of people.

>I have been really enjoying listening to music while playing
Do you turn off game sounds or just the music? I feel a little blind without the sounds and keep the music player volume at 30% at max.

Erica claimed


The time between which we baked where close, OP

> this is not Cred Forums, this is /mal/

lul wut, do u retards not even know what board you're on

I am retarded at math. I'm still going to call you Doctor Pepper probably though. Mostly because I won't be able to remember your name

I'm alright as usual.
Picked an album at random from that chart you posted last time, and I guess I got lucky.

Very likely.

Don't have any milk in house. It always goes bad before I drink it all up so I feel like it's a waste of money.

Claiming 3rd World Yuno


Almost mad cuz I thought you claimed Rem

Not a bother. The name can stick. My name is Kelly but that's sorta irrelevant on the internet anyway.

I have to be okay at math for my job, but it took some serious work through Uni to get to the level of maths most of my friends (who actually took maths) took for granted.


Claiming best Kancolle

Probably not. I usually main Griffith but decided to spice it up

lul no
brb killing self

Finished food, instantly tired.

I feel good seeing you and good job with your studies.

Kelly? I'll forget that far sooner than Doctor Pepper
My friends are all pretty good at math, and I need to do a ton of it for my AC circuits course. I'm pretty much dying
According to the Hunger Games we played earlier, that would be Amatsukaze

Claiming Felix

>hunger games
Shit book and movie



Well, it was a game we played in the thread, and was actually a school thing. I've never read the books or the movie, they just seemed stupid


I am going to eat pumpkin spice mini wheats. This will be odd

my waifu, donut steal fucking stupid parthian fags

Sounds... interesting. Has the pumpkin spice shit already started coming out?

Rolling to steal

Aliceu, I wasn't really back, I guess.

Maki, I can wait until after dinner. I'm not some kind of barbarian.

Dr. Pepper can stick

Book came at a time when the rest of the recently released crap was worse than usual, so all the teens grabbed it and said wow, then they made a movie

I'm hungry as fuck and it's 02:30am here so cya if I fall asleep

Are the bote back now?

roll to stela

Yeah, it feels so early though. It is supposed to be fall over here and it is like summer weather still

Ryuko a cute as well.

How are you doing today?
Way too early, like, it's not even the month of October yet

Ah well

Sleepy qt


Roll to steal

Her sister is cuter.

Don't worry, I think Rem seasonal period is over, and that was surprisingly short.
At least she isn't getting claimed by 5 different anons on a daily basis.

Slowdive is quite good, I didn't even realize one of their albums was on the chart. Altho Pygmalion is a little unusual with those ambient vibes.

Naps are good.

I'm feeling alright today actually. It has been a struggle to get out of bed for the past 4 days, but feeling like I could get up tomorrow and be a little productive.

How are you?

Agreed but you gotta get dat money

Shizu, should I sign Syndra's contract? I have no idea what it is

Oh i have it mixed perfect to hear my friends talking and the game sounds.I gotta hear my warwick awwooooooohhhh. Its super nice tho like every round is almost a full album, if they are full rounds.

oh hey hnngg!

For a while, I think!

eminem is no rap god.

and i wanna see what edits you can make with this.

best one will be the one i add to my set off 300 pics i use
(keeping in mind i have almost 4000)

Miho calimed

Stealing cc

Sick, my sister made my whole family sick. I know how you feel, I sat around in bed for 3 hours the past two days
Welcome back bote, I missed you :(

Forgot image...
Forgot image twice

Naps are Satan


dang that is a cute cc

Welcome to the NHK lads

Karen still avoiding late night threads?

Fuck you

>check em

Having a resident incubus is a bitch, my sister brings her illness to my house whenever she visits.

I hope you can find something to get you out of bed too. Maybe buying a laptop was my worst decision ever because it allows me to procrastinate all morning, since I struggle to find the motivation to code on my laptop.

trips or more, that's the rule

twice you say.
your getting sloppy.

fran, how u doing?

that it is.

That's good to know. Dessert comes right after so save room.


thanks for re-affirming the ruels for me you fucking cunt, i was obviously rolling. roll again.



Ehhh, that's up to you. Syndra will probably just poke fun of you. Nothing worse than that.
Hi, Shino. What's up?
Hello Miho
Nah, naps are good.
How're you, Fran?

I'm happy, that means people might stop coming here to claim her. And really? I only noticed you claiming her.

Heart eyes= best eyes

Where's all the hate coming from man

its not locked its open.

I'm good, I had my first two tests in college, and i think I did well on them

Oh, you haven't fallen asleep yet

I opened a Chandra at the prerelease

She lives here though. If you can say that. She comes home to eat the food my parents buy, make a mess then leave.

I have a laptop, but I just don't want to get out of bed. Nothing to do
How are you doing tonight bby?
Yes twice. I thought I was on the text box, turns out I was in the captcha, so I pressed enter and it sent the message
That's all? Maybe I can live with that


I'll have to listen to more of their albums at some point, seems like they've got some good stuff.

He can't let his schedule get messed up again and went to bed a few hours ago.
He was looking for you too.

I don't listen to while playing with friends, can't really explain why but I like to hear their voices as clear as possible.
>every round is almost a full album
Kinda, both game and album lengths can vary a lot, I just queue a second album if there's a chance that it won't be long enough.

>I gotta hear my warwick awwooooooohhhh
Cute. I gotta hear that Sona power chord shredding their ADC, it's quite satisfying.

I meant that's how it used to be with Rem, remember?


Good morning you lot of degenerates.

Fucking nice.
Oh? Want to be my slave instead then?
What's up?

Who is this? Makoto right?

Good morning worst idol >:(

Nothing much. Was going to go to bed soon.

I should but no
>inb4 leaves in 20 minutes

Aww this is adorable

I'll persisted as long as I've been here, and if the show really ended I will still stick with Rem



Good morning, cutie.


You don't even want to know the hell one of my sisters has put my family through. She doesn't live with my parents anymore but still manages to create divides by sending some horrible shit to my dad.

I know what you mean. It's not worth me getting up to do anything social when I can spend my time watching tv and browsing shit.


Is megumin still seasonal?

Guess i missed shiro today.

fuckin dope.
you even got the height right.


how's u doing?

u just opened it.

you did well on them.
trust me, you did.

drifting in and out of sleep.
probably gonna submit in time.

[enter], the key of curses.

Mhmm.. I'm sorry.

So it's dinner, dessert, anal?
You're amazing.

Can slaves have slaves? I don't think it works like that
Well, I don't actually watch TV. I watch anime sometimes, but the rest of it is video games or the occasional assignment from school. Hard to feel motivated to get up when life is that boring
I'd say come cuddle, but I don't want to make you sick
That's okay, you're a nice bote

That was marvelous, the synth was dreamy yet dense while the percussion adds a comforting layer.
Then there's the piano that always gets me when it's well used.

I trust you about that. At least you're showing dedication million times above anyone else who claimed her.


Traded for a polluted Delta, a mystic gate, and a foil ayli, all for my Merieke deck

>Claims it is silly to have conversations on multiple platforms, but will try to keep doing it


Oh, alright, you're in for it tonight. :^)

Doin well?

Gotta stop lookin in mirrors, cutie~

How ya doin, Kurisu?

Work projects, my personal projects, anime, tv, video games, etc. It's hard for me to be motivated either.

I'm going to bed, I'm sure we'll encounter again. Goodnight

Trips confirm.

Good morning Cheeki.

Best idol for a reason ya know.

I mean she's several pretty freaking awesome things into a single tsundere maid, of course I'm gonna stick with her.

So much dank c2, great appreciates

It wasn't hard. I used to do it back in March

I'm not so great but not worse than usual. I'm about to head to bed now though, how are you?

Post more heart eyes pls

Good good.

If a man had to get one tattoo what should it be?


>Sarcastic response that isn't as clever as i think it is

It's a well day when everyone is doing just fine.
I've lost the ability to think.


You called me degenerate! You started all of this
Good night delicious beverage scientist

hey bb. got any spare arms for a hug?

Ayy senpai

Ayyy Breeki. Check out the drift marks from that asshole.

Tad tired, but about to have dinner (breakfast?) and get myself ready for the day.
Have a good sleep m8!

Lost the ability to think? How does that even?

It's too late! Your fate is sealed!

It's a Kitten!

Well im off to bed. Goodnight everyone.

Thank you for believing!

>Incoherent insults

Plenty, two pairs enough?

sleep well, miho

I wish I could make it on earlier. When was he on?

Goodnight mimi

How many couses do you want to go?
I'm fine with a three-course normally, but I might be able to arrange a few extra ones.
You still have 2 unused courses then anyways, putting us to a five-course-dinner minimum.

Doing the practical thing is not always the correct one.
Also nice trade.


That is really relaxing, I love it.



It's a senpai!

How are you doing?

It's past 10 pm.
This is the point where i shouldn't be allowed to post

Goodnight miho

>calls you elitist


Well, the only two red decks I play don't really need her, and I want better lands for Merieke.

And i think she might be a bit over hyped



claimed mine

It wasn't really sarcasm; I just mean to acknowledge it since I, too, am a planeswalker.

I just took a nap, so I can't refute this.

Hi Makoto!

>Suika claimu
And Hello Everyone Else!

how caring of you.

anything interesting on your end?

ik, i do it myself.
i just wanted someone else to do it this time.
i have been doing a lot more than i usually do recently.

something that is relevant to the person.
anything that isn't human or common.
and if you have colour it adds an expansive amount of variables.
also sugar will stop you from passing out so they should drink coffee or energy drinks before they start.

i'm not believing.
i'm telling you that you have passed.
there is no way you haven't.
you are fran.

just started csgo, gonna need many more soon


Sounds like you're having fun with the edits

Hey Fran

How are you doing?

>Reminder that ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Unless I'm doing it

But why are you a boat?

That is really nice of you

And if i got in to college, I'm sure I can pass it


I'm good, how are you?

Good vibes, I think that would be great to listen while driving at night on a busy city.

That explains how come you disappear once in a while.

If I come across one then sure.

That's a pretty lengthy mark going on. Jesus, drifts are for fun, not endangerment.

It all depends on you, and if there is enough to keep going. These are some pretty hefty courses you know, not for the faint of heart.

I thought sugar giving you energy was a myth. I mean i could eat a lot of bread and milk for sugars and nothing would happen.

>hypocritical comment about something bad about you

How you doing?
It was always sealed
Good night Miho
Playing some Black Ops, it's okay

Doing pretty good

Going to be doing the Overdrill with some people on Payday I met earlier today


Decent enough. Work kept me an extra hour or so this morning, so I got to bed kinda late. How about you?

>10 PM


They are also for beating baka gaijins on the toegay!


>Claim that an insult is not an argument, quickly followed by an insult

Sounds fun

Pls No

Get in the stream loser

Aw damn

ye, but it has been getting in the way of work and general life.
need my priority's to be straight.

yea you are.
looking forward to you removing the bullets from local gang members.

i have experienced it first hand on multiple occasions.
i think that's more reliable than words.

1,2 or 3?
1 and 2 are ok
3 is shit

It's OK Yuuko, good people know when to stop posting.

How are you this morning, Makoto?

I'm graying at age 21
Halp, i'm old

I'm enjoying my convos so it's good.
That's all i live for.

How about you? What do you live for?

>calls post bait and then refers to you as a faggot

Could be the atmosphere no?
Like if it's at a party kids are going to be excited.

But, when you wake up... aren't you grabbing your phone? Don't you want to catch 'em all?

(will join stream in 15-20 minutes, gonna finish downloading league before I kill my bandwidth)

Ah. How soon?
Hush you, just smile and sign this contract!
Nice. I'd have kept that Chandra. That thing is crazy good.
And why would you need to?
You know what's better than naps?
Lewd naps.

I'm the fucking Weatherlight.


Get that irl stuff done first. After that, do your edits and show it off in here. Btw, what brings you to the "night" threads?


Bit tired, but all good otherwise. How is the Booki?

You must stay up till $:20 AM drinking Dew and eating Doritos. It is the only way to stop the aging.


Buddy of mine told me my tastes are too hipster. I told him his tastes were too 3DPD.

I'm doing that shit, just making the equipment some other dude will use to remove bullets from some fucker

>Fake offense, as I am gay
>Call you a faggot
>Claim it's ok sense I'm gay

Sounds good

Time will tell how much I regret it, but I did make money so that's fine

I thought that Shizuru finally let in to his love of loli sex boats and turned heretic

Pretty good

Should be, haven't done it yet

But waiting half an hour for a drill that doesn't break and moving 50 or so gold bags for another 10-20 sounds pretty fun

I guess i should stop.

It's too late for me. Remember me fondly and tell my story. Lt the younger generation learn from my mistakes.

>claims i can call people gay because i know a gut who is gay

Farewell thread.

That's pretty nice.


Fucking hell forgot my picture

It happens

need sleep.
after this post i'm done,
sorry guys.


or it may be due to the combination of pain and energy.

sleep problems.
ill take your advice.

make sure you don't ever look them in the eyes.
they take it offensively.
idk why.

I'm done already.. Maybe a dozen will suffice

have her back no one loves me


>be treated as though it does not exist
It's simply not possible to follow these rules.

EifiE whole discography is available for free on his bandcamp, thanks a lot for the share!
Flume is quite aesthetic, Skin album cover was better than the music it had.



Some kind of MMO I'm guessing?


Oh, night!

I'm so sorry about everything

Thank you T-T

Alright dude. Please do take it easy, okay? Goodnight

We"eb" friends now? At least you are, no one else fookin is

If you ever get the chance to use the gutter technique, you have to use it.

Sorry to disappoint, user.

Maybe Shizuru did.. but heretic? Nah.

I'm oldskool.
Neowalkers r gays.

Cute music and video.

Meh I'm not bothered by it

I dislike them too, but if I were to play to win I would have to accept their existence and use them.

She's teething. Right? That's cute!

Yeah, he is too much of an elitist to do that.

Yea, most neowalkers are shit

>EifiE whole discography is available for free on his bandcamp, thanks a lot for the share!
Yeah, and most of it is good too. I don't think everything he's ever made is on there though, some stuff is only on his soundcloud.
>Flume is quite aesthetic, Skin album cover was better than the music it had.
I like most of Flume's work, but Skin was disappointing. Only had two songs on it that I actually liked.
That's some pretty unique music, don't think I've ever quite heard anything like that. It's nice.

I don't think it works unless you're carrying tofu.

Anyone else drinking?


Love the pop-culture references in it.

1 of course, I would never buy the other 2
I live because my mother would kill me if I didn't
That sounds even more dubious than Syndra's

but of course.

>go on fb
>tagged in post
>fb copypasta thingy
>ex you would take back:


Just four player coop game where you rob people and shit, and eventually (thanks to DLC), international terrorists

Sounds like a friend of mine.
Just get over them already they're lile lol old news now.
Alara block?

That she is.

I'm glad we agree. :^)

Maybe, but aren't i nice and innocent? But i guess it's fine if you want to sign Syndra's. Then we're fellow slaves.

There is nothing dubious about mine.

I really want beef stroganoff now...


I knew you would be! Whatcha drinking?!
