YLYL: qt edition

YLYL: qt edition

(non sexual)

Other urls found in this thread:




thats all i got for now but maybe some anons will help me build my folder



Here she is


There are even videos


is she wearing a whig?

how am i supposed to laugh at any of this?

god she's so yellow

its a you love you lose

its probably just the lighting

I guess qt means quiet time.

i dont believe in love, here's a banana

genuinely made me kek

We don't love them hoes.

I win boys

I was thinking the same thing, did YLYL change meaning like in 12 hours or something?


no no, you don't "love" women, you fuck with them before they fuck with you

You love you lose?

You win.

Every time I think the autists are out numbered something like this comes along and kills my Cred Forumsoner.

>T. someone who hasnt fallen in love

i just like looking at aesthetic faces, its like living art. i couldnt careless about their life or personality

OK you trolled me. There's no way someone can be that autistic.

Jeez none of this is funny. What's wrong with you people?

whats autistic about it?

I'm divorced, bitches only mean trouble

you can still love someone and hate them a few months later, hell it happens most of the time

Dropping some chemo is this cancerous you laugh you lose bread.

I don't know why but this always makes me laugh

xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD







thanks for going along with the thread user


It's clear day. A boring day at job. The suns golden-but-kinda-gray-to-you lines pierce the dirty windows next to your shitty work office computer. Fuck, you say. Fuck; I wish I was home smoking my MUDDAFUQQA SHIT A$$ GREEN SH!T. Sadly you ain't, and to keep enjoying that fuqqagooda mudda sticks you gotta work, so you work even if you don't want too. Suddenly: *PABONK!* The joker smashes your computer with a wooden bat with tons of dry blood on it. He turns to you slowly; an eerie but controlled smile as he always had.

He points the bat to your face and says




Licks lips in an extremely twisted way

You laugh... YOU LOSE

mHmhNHmgnhMHnH--n-hn-hnhgmhnGm,ggnmgm,hnn.n.-n. I only has . .. one question . . .WHEAHh - -- i s -- - HARVAEY - - -DHAENT?? hMTMHTH? any1 knows where he iz??? hrhm? hmrhmrh?








the entire situation is autistic. you came to the cesspool of the interwebs to share completely ordinary pictures of strangers that you think you love and steal the tag of a longtime cancer thread. Take that shot back to r.e.d.d.i.t and give me back my webms of people shitting on eachother or cutting their own dicks off because THAT is what Cred Forums is about. Not your fucking normal as crushes.

are there any more of this girl?




Like her?

>completely ordinary pictures
not everyone is this good looking user

>that you think you love
i was just using a title most people will recognize quickly

> tag of a longtime cancer thread

>give me back my webms of people shitting on eachother or cutting their own dicks off because THAT is what Cred Forums is about
lol i though Cred Forums was a board for random stuff. i hear they got a gore board on infinitechan though

Fuck off
