Cringe Thread:

Cringe Thread:

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Should I post the comic?
147 fucking pages





does the guy in the back have 2-3 dolls? whats his secret?

He's just too smooth. Dolls can't resist him.

I like to post ugly people too. post em if you have em.

Why does this guy look like a botched character in Skyrim or Oblivion? His face has such weird features that are deeply unsettling for me.

He reminds me of Xavier the Renegade Angel

hahahaha if they actually meant this i wonder how fucking fat the land whale is that made it



So I was trying to find a good T-shirt, and this popped up.

>posting your own videos in a cringe thread for exposure

Don't. Please.








meanwhile, in europe





not cringe. you're just an idiotic pest. crawl back into your mother






Every dolls crazy for a neckbeard man



Theres like 4 things completely wrong about that shirt











Actually the one on the top left is correct. Female genital mutilation is very common under Islamic countries, and is destructive of female reproductive anatomy.





>Hurr durr he's an idiot
Silly leftist.


i'd tap that




and how many SJW fucks do you see mentioning this?

oh noes its islam if i say anything bad its racism



Except feminism doesn't really care about women in islamic countries (hence the "patriarchy oppresses me my religion doesn't" sign). regardless, feminism isn't what women who get mutilated need, rational secular humanist law is


for gods sake NO




I know. Very few feminists talk about the oppression of women under Islam. The 'progressive stack's puts muslims higher than women.






kill me

They're regressive not progressive




Black Lives Matter, but no-one else's does

I'm so glad there was nothing like facebook or youtube when i recorded myself doing stupid shit like that.




'you were never taught not to attack'
No, that's bullshit, and she knows it.






that kids going to die

Well, that escalated quickly

"Don't like my bestiality fantasies? WELL, YOU'RE LITERALLY HITLER"


Would say it once was a girl






>dear ol' pierre
I've never felt sorry for a calculator till now

how do you eat. i guess its good your teeth are dicks so you just starve to death.

Oh boy



Wait, what? What's after birth? What's that brown liquid?
I got one right here

That's right, that's what all you fat MRAutists sound like. makes want to puke when you try to make fun of feminism. I hope you all realize how pathetic you all sound









Its the stuff that comes out WITH the baby when someone gives birth, so yeah it's that brown liquid. Afterbirth may also include blood and actual shit.















well this thread is shit.










despair inducing

Top left is valid tho




this is far too long and not even worth reading.

Lazy so I'm skipping ahead







What a pretentious cunt, how delusional do you need to be to think that writing fuck on a blank canvas is either creative or original?


Lost. My God...

>loves partying
Guess which doesn't belong.



Last page :v

This hurts.

Why the fuck did I read all of this shit


Is straw-manning like this common on Tumblr?? I've never actually used it.


How do even become this insufferable.

Wanna guess how many males get their junk mutilated? You might know it as circumcision.


Follow the "right" people and youll see it like water

I was there




I swear; I would do the full-on ISIS treatment for these fuckers. Lock them in a cage and burn them alive.

dude fuck off it's not that bad.

The top left is a serious issue. Young girls are butchered it is vile.

But mutilating boys is not only good, but super gross if you don't, right?

I'm inspired to vote trump

>get out of me!

wth is this and why am I reading it?

why is there always a pouty little shit wolf?

True but sharing your fight with the other idiots on the picture will probabily do more damage than good.

fucking obliterated

bump wtf guys

This kid and his video is very cringe

he injected thats why.

this is fucking tame compared to

>I am immortal I have inside me cum of kings

I study anthropology and this shit makes me less judgemental of the old school eugenicists. Still know it's wrong. Just can't believe 3.3 million years of culture results in this. I guess we can only go forward.

As a bi guy well drawn nazi porn isn't bad

guys can still enjoy sex if they are cut. with girls they remove the clitoris and that is vile.

This can't be real.

if this is not fake...

Hm. Low-hanging fruit, to pick on a kid. Do you feel empowered, OP?

this isnt a wincest thread though the everlasting fuckle does he have a girlfriend...


i love these posts cause no matter how bad i feel or how fucked up i might feel i'll never be that guy with some really obscure weird fetish and proudly shows it off on deviantart.

>That receding chin.
Good thing he won't get to reproduce.

Glad I'm not the only bi guy who enjoys this.

guys like this make me feel better about my overbite

He does?

Now I've heard this was the daughter that posted the picture not the mom, i could be wrong though




I was hoping to forget about this picture, now cock teeth is forever ingrained in my brain.

So youre saying its still okay to circumsise boys?

I wonder if the shitty dolls get jealous of the expensive ones

My nigga.

I want my penis in that thing


i said burn the furrys not furbys

what a perfect reaction

>Me N my fiend
Summoners are getting uppity these days

Where did you find this picture! I go to college with the girl who plays that... Thing... In the suit...

this is not okay

Is that your mom? She's entirely sexworthy. Send my regards.