Where the fuck is the ylyl
>mfw no ylyl
Where the fuck is the ylyl
Dumping harder than elephant with crohn's disease
just turn on the news. cant stop keking
Charlotte's burning to the ground. Watch that motherfucker. Shit's so cash
Fuck u on my coitus
>yur mum
XD Such a funny thread LMAO XD Rawr! Funny me mes!
what a fucking dick
haha look at that crazy finger
Stay away friends
good luck.
U cucks are all right hahaha good thread guys
Edgy cunts
>Last night I Cube Moo'd your sister
there's nothing to get, it's a shitty troll pic
it's like that bond burger one
Yes I'm well aware
is this bait or am i stupid or both?
seeread the thread, dumb shit.
still not getting it
awh yeah man, keep the Knights comin
that's something coming from Hitler's favorite general, bert
I don't get it either.
bringing dril into ylyl is cheating.
>big cums to my penis
>posts youtube links
Who the fuck is drill?
>wint @dril
>"who the fuck is dril"
800 dollars for rent what the fuck where do you live Hollywood?
That's pretty much what a small 2-3 br 2 bath house is a month anywhere in the southeast USA.
I pay 900.... for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage. Nigga.
I pay 950$ for a 1 bedroom no utilities in boston.
Where the fuck do YOU live? Wyoming?
My mom's basement
You got a problem with that, faggot?
Yeah yeah hurrdurr normiebook
Fuck? I pay fucking 850 for a shitty studio in the ghetto. Where do YOU live, faggot?
I haven't posted since "problem?" Was new... Yu cunts get some OC for actually making me kek.
Lol 550 2 bedroom 2 bath in the ghetto here. Can't get shot in my basement so w/e.
more of this
took me a while, and then kek'd
Faggot deserves it for lapping up Hillary's scum
God damnit, now I am going to hell for sure.
This guy fucks.
were they in his SPOT????
Where do you live? I wanna be your neighbor. But seriously I need to move. Just give me the state dude I'm literally dying with this rent.
tbh fam id hit the shit out of that.
I wonder if her pussy has retard strength as well?
For all you imbeciles, the joke is thusly:
Last night I
Rubix Cube = Box
Cow = Milk
Box Milked
Your sister
He box milked your sister. He milked her box, made her cum.
He fucked your sister yo
Gross, dude.
Oh god! Oswalt's going to an hero soon with this shit from Twitter!
I kinda wondered that myself. Nice trips.
What, did you actually sit around thinking of an answer to a troll post? What are you doing?
There are two types of people who go on facebook. Children and pedophiles.
I laughed way too hard
You also had nice trips
Are we talking about Facebook or Cred Forums ?
I only pay about 1900 on candles
i fucking lost at the cheetah going "What"
that picture gets funnier the longer you look at it
Thanks. Your pics aren't funny but thanks.
But my mom is on f
ah fuck
>Snorting fat rails with bills
Only niggers and weekend drug kids do that. Get a thin straw and at least act like you know what you're doing.
It's a tiger you mong.
Just because you are too stupid to
I do hot rails actually.
anyone know story?
Nerve Gas
Heroin of with the kid in the car
Heroin od rather
overdosed with kid in car
fuck my god for the last time it wasn't heroin it was a meth overdose
fucking newfags
nerve gas
Parents passed out after ODing on heroin. The cops thought it would be a good idea to take a bunch of pics before removing the child from the vehicle.
Sad cuz it was definitely an accident, but still good for lulz
it was fucking meth you idiot goddamnit
heroin doesnt do this to you
>Nerve Gas
ouch, yeah, it's actually obvious
I've seen people OD on both. Yes it does.
Doesn't do what? Kill you in a car? Because it sure as shit can. What are you talking about?
this fucking shit is racist you insensitive fucks, how would you like if a bunch of people were mocking white people what you think everyone is white you reads this stuff you selfish fucks this stuff hurts im black and i reckon you guys are just weak ass pussys with no muscle no job and no girls sitting around behind a computer acting real tough and master race and shit but in real life i would feed you fucks your own hair on a plate you fuckers
I pay $2350 for a 1br in San Diego
this was in my home state, and I can confirm it was heroine
and heroine does do this, when you die
These people are dead in the picture, they even put if on the news. I'm not sure how that was OK, but the cops wanted people to understand that we have a real heroine problem here.
no it doesnt fuck with it just makes you happy meth makes you go up and then come down like this until your heart stops learn you drugs you dickhead
you cant die from heroin you can just go on the nod its meth come downs that will stop your heart you obviously have never done drugs in your life just listening to propaganda useless sheep
Sorry famalamandingo.
Just one insensitive fuck here :)
chill nig nog
Raped bro. I pay 1500 for a two bedroom house with a yard...
Post arm in proper lighting or fuck off
a heroine is a female hero in a book idiot
heroin doesn't do this it just makes you sleepy for a while its meth come downs that stop your heart you have never done either drug in your life you ignorant cockroach the cops might be spreading lies saying its heroin but its certainly meth
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. That or this is mid-tier bait.
This but apartment in Escondido
450 for a trailer in whitetrashland, louisiana
Was it about that whole fentanyl epidemic? That fent shit has me back on popping fucking pills. It sucks.
if you take too much heroin, you die
these people did that, and died
how do you not know that heroin can kill you?
ever seen pulp fiction?
fuck you cracka i dont have to prove shit to you im proud of my heritage and i know who i am i dont have to prove shit to some kkk nazi whiteboy acting tough on his computer because he is too scared to do anything outside you know i would beat your ass and thats a fact
North Park.
But he's not Mullato. How can this be?
says the guy who has never done either drug and just believes what people tell him i have personal experience man you cant die off heroin just get sleepy meth will fucking stop your heart though, go out and do both and find out you fucking idiot
you clearly have never done heroin then
it puts you on the nod but you dont die
unless you are coming down from meth or coke and your heart stops you fucking immature wannabe
ever done the drug, fuckwit?
I've done meth (not intravenously). I've seen people od on meth. I've never done H, but I've seen people od on it. You could not be more incorrect, munchkin.
This is just untrue. I beat up black people all the time. In the daylight too.
Last night, I:
Crab Chair
Crab Stool
Last night I pooped on your sister and gave her crabs.
Why are people so dense?
you are a fucking liar ive done both, and meth will kill you when you come down and your heart stops but heroin will just put you to sleep
you could not be pretending harder, maggot
That finish
It's a Jay and Silent Bob thing, but I don't get it. What's funny?
Love this un.
I'll happily load you a 90 shot then.
ok cool guy, I believe that you have done heroin, but I don't believe that you've done as much as you physically could consumer. If you did, you would die.
Do you really think you couldn't die from heroin if you tried? is that what you're saying?
Do you also think that it's impossible to die from drinking too much alcohol in one sitting?
Do you really expect someone to have personal experience with dying from a heroin overdose?
Fuck him, shoot me up.
You cunts are pretty allright lmao good thread
Women are generally known for not shutting the fuck up, ergo "I'll take the silent one"
Your doing the same thing they are dumb ass nig
It's like an all female cast of Columbine.
Kek. For you user, I'd leave the bubbles out
You having a giggle, cunt? Contribute something.
>inb4 nigger twitter memes
I feel like this is from a meme I don't know about.
>mfw I've overdosed from a shot of heroin and meth
and ill take it like a man not like you, a little bitch, maybe you would die from it because you are a little bitch who listens to the media but i would just go on the nod and then be fine, now let me load you up with 5 grams of meth and see how you go on the come down you fucking waste of space you know nothing about my world
you arent listening ignoramus you cant die from heroin only from mixing it with meth and coming down so your heart stops you illiterate fuckstick you can die from alcohol because it affects your liver dont be an infantile you fucking tool i have done enough heroin to kill anyone on earth and im still here to argue that you fucking baby media consuming non using idiot
O shit, that hadn't occurred to me haha
This shit makes me cringe so unbelievably hard.
Umm no. Different user here. I assure you, heroin OD will kill you. How do I know? I'm the only one of my friends left.
>you cant die from heroin
this is objectively false
I don't have a sister
Makes me laugh.
Fuck yeah nigga
Nearly did. Lick by balls
wtf is going on with her hand?
>contribute me arse ye fokin cunny bawwbag
you are just a pussy bitch who cant handle his drugs and brainwashed your self into believing they died from heroin they probably shot speedballs with meth and the comedown stopped their heart stop believing everything you read ive been doing junk for 25 years i know what the fuck im talking about and you cant od on pure heroin its barely even harmful to you you fucking shitkicking idiot
you are objectively a fucking idiot who has never done it go on tell me you ahve you fucking liar piece of shit you dont have any idea what you are talking about jsut repeating shit from the media fucking idiot sheep governemtn cocksucker
Do own some fields in Afghanistan or something? 5g of shards in the arm would stop a fucking mountain gorillas heart.
>blessed harambe pbuh
Too obvious mr. elitist tweaker
already said I've never done it, but I know people that have died from it
I didn't get that from the media
>you cant od on pure heroin
LMFAO give it a try.
Livestream it faggot
Ur a slow one innit?
thank you my point exactly but all these clean ass fucks in this thread that have never touched a needle think they know what the fuck they are talking about
fucking amatuer hour in here
i pay 2350 for a 2 bdrm :(
1/10. You need to go back to troll school.
Watch someone die from an OD and you'll realize it's not funny.
is a faggot being baited
keep calling itb ait you have never tried the drugs in question and you know it so you can only shit talk from the sidelines of life you waste of space fuckwit
i have never done it, stopped listening there son you have no life experience and no regards to what you are talking about you know nothing yt you share you opinion like a fucking hero kill yourself please if you can even figure out how you fucking useless excuse for a human being
Congrats you two lovebirds!!
Time to hate each other after a few years, get a divorce, then die alone.
>I accidentally added divroce to my dictionary.
Shut your bitch mouth. You suck at trolling
ive already done enough to kill someone you fucking ignorant bitch you on the other hand have never touched the drug so shut the fuck up talking about shit you have no concept of besides propoganda you fucking imbecile
ive seen plenty of people stop there haearts on come downs or mixing heroin and meth but you cant od on heroin alone you ignorant fuck just do your research ACTUALLY do the drugs and stop talking out of your ass about drugs you have never tried you child baby
thats all your can say because you know im right youve never done the drugs you are just repeating like a parrot shit yo uahve heard before you actually have no knowledge on the subect you are like a kid who cant keep his mouth shit ahve an opinoin on something you know nothing about hahaha kill yoruself you stupid wannabe knowitall faggot ass nigga waste of life fuckwit imbecile idiot you know nothing and you dont even know that
Stop hitting yourself
Yeah? How'd you take it? How much?
You're full of shit.
toppest of topkeks
hes paying half the rent then and has to start hormone therapy wear cute dresses and live in my closet n-no homo..
Actually I'm one of the anons you've been shittalking. Here it is:
Too much crank = heart rate reaching unsustainable levels. Tachycardia.
Too much heroin = autonomic functions begin shutting down (your unconscious body forgets to breathe.
I once saved a guy from heroin od simply by tying him off again because the body of the needle was still in and the plunger had somehow fallen out. I'm lucky the motherfucker didn't have hiv.
buttsore faggots who have never done a drug before in their life talking shit about it behind a vcomputer screen go out in the world get a real addiction then come back to me you have no concept of what you are talking about you fucking useless fucks you are the type of people who sit here all day giving advice about shit you know hnothing about no wonder the wordl is going to shit you uselss cunts
is it any good?
I watched someone OD and die on heroin. It was some faggot high school kid trying to act tough so we shot him up with some shitty cut that we were gonna throw out anyway. The cunt didn't last even half an hour and in that time he was mumbling about how he's a hard mf and how he's the man in his house since his big bro got locked up for 30 years and is still rotting in there for 22 more. Long story short, we stashed him in a gas station bathroom and nabbed his longboard which we sold for more dope. It was fucking hilarious. Lol
you cant die from shooting yourself in the chest with a handgun only from mixing it with shooting yourself in the chest with a shotgun and coming down so your heart stops you illiterate fuckstick you can die from alcohol because it affects your liver dont be an infantile you fucking tool i have done enough shooting yourself in the chest with a handgun to kill anyone on earth and im still here to argue that you fucking baby media consuming non shooting yourself in the chest with a handgun idiot
So many newfags.
> Last night I James Bond Hamburgered your sister.
top kek
Does anyone have the full size?
Fuck you bitch you're buying me drugs and I'm gonna cum on all your shit while you're at work
Fucking lost.
I've overdosed on both drugs and have my fair share of experience. Your comments don't deserve much of a reply because it's obvious you're full of shit and just got out of the lurking phase so you're testing the waters. It's all good. Keep trying, but not so hard. You'll get it one day kid
>TFW Kevin James is making all these posts
this guy kinda gets it except you only die from heroin if you have meth or coke with it and shut down from the come down nobody just forgets to breath dummy learn your fucking ddrugs people goddamnit
this faggot has never done drugs just shit talking from behind a screen real tough faggot you have no idea how hard life can be
Sounds like the guy would have been a piece of shit anyway. That being said, I hope the same happens to you.
Keep doing God's work, user.
you have no idea what an od is you are just talking shit beind a screen you havent lived my life ok i know my facts and i guarantee i could hit up more than you could afford to pay for okay you useless stain on society fucking cocksucker of the man goddamn sheep of the people faggot believeing everything you read and hear and parroting it like you knowi t as fact useless ucnt kill yoruslef
Can you get some quality not facebook shit tier content?
Last night I three dimensional form bovine animal'd your sister?
butthurt faggot knows he hasnt done any drugs so he knows hes wrong and cant admit it hahahaha keep trying faggot you cant talk about what you ahvent lived to suck my nutsack and go back to repeating shit you read online like you know a thing about life sad sad little boy
Thank you and goodnight
Keep going, you've got to wear yourself out at some point. Don't type too loud though or you'll wake mom up
Does anyone have the stabilized gif/webem of this? Where the guys faces don't move.
Fucking. Saved.
This is such strange bait. Everyone knows you can die of a heroin overdose.
taking drugs is hard?
pretty sure it's harder not to take drugs
you're the pussy that can't handle living life without escaping to H town
Like this?
Good YLYL thread. Loving the bantz.
There is more like it and it is gold.
Look up the music video "Pieces of Gold" by... Aiku I think?
The funny thing is that it's actually true. God damn fent is running my addiction.
It's not bait. He clearly just wants attention. Shh.
This is bait, right?
Or maybe this? (this one actually made me kek)
Yeah fuck him up Ana!
Is that not the very literal point of bait?
What game?
lose every time
fuck off
Bond burger my sister?
I love that one. Also checked.
World of Tanks
Secretly pounded
Fucking ME
this just goes to show how easy YLYL threads are to troll, ive never fucking touched heroin or meth in my life, there were only a few who called me on my bait and even less of you faggots who ignored it, you just got trolled like the bitches you are, as if you can't overdose on heroin what are you fucks retarded? of course you can its the deadliest of all drugs hahahahahahahahahah
you know the best part?
didnt even have to use my banana pic this time
fucking faggots
what the actual fuck is up with that finger
Usually it's too get people riled up, but it doesn't even make enough sense in this case. It's just looking for ANY responses, not soecifically angry ones. This is more like a pathetic cry for help.
Dumbas nigga
Heroin has taken over high schools all over except the northeast. Also meth
Lost. Top keks to you.
wow, what a sad "human being"
Image limit hit
New thread
me in the chair
>wasting your time pissing in an ocean of piss
holy shit... unless that caption is just a case of two people doing the same thing independently, that's a meme I made like 6 or 7 years ago and put on fucking fukung.net
god damn, that's weird.
l m f a o
"You will be assimilated."
that's actually kind of scary. most?
*slow clap*
People are gonna rage and call you all kinds of names, but your proved your point.
These threads are incredibly easy to bait/troll.
Have a look at all these butthurt anons who took the bait hook, line, and sinker.
Bravo, fakejunkieanon.
That's hella hot.
Holy shit this is banana pic guy.
white drake, yellow american. diversity
Don't wake mom up