Reaction image thread

Reaction image thread

Other urls found in this thread:




Reaction gif.





Why am I the only one posting


Pic related






Captchas.Sorry I'm done with posting.













Moar plox i need to save some for my mobile














That's a horrible way to kill yourself. By the time the tree gets big enough you'd die from starvation/lack of water.


Add the image in this post to your reaction image folder, OP. The image refers to the people on this list:

Also, if you want to know how the people on this list got to be where they are, start reading at page 12 in this book:










Does he fucking have a lisp or not?






















>start reading at page 12

Wew, no! Reading is for women, and gay people.




>Reading is for

Watch these two videos then, this one:

and this one:






is this a good show, Satan?





>Watch these two videos

Wew, no! Watching videos is for 12 year olds, and niggers.









Does anyone have the one with Cirno going "Dat's bitchin'"





Wynona had a big brown beaver, and she stuck him up in the air. She said I sure do love this beaver, and wish I did have a pair.





[nigger triggered]
As opposed to full blown rioting and blocking highways , and calling it peaceful protesting. (Ignoring all proper channels to heard) Then having a mass shooting on police at said protest , going 180 full hypocrite and running to police for help. All over some black drug dealer that had no business carrying a gun, who wouldnt comply and probably had no qualms about shooting police or victimizing his neighborhood.

Hold on... let me find that american history x meme

I think it's safe ti say that that meme is dead.



stfu republikid you're so fucking triggered by a stupid meme, it doesn't say shit about BLM just fat diabetic rednecks who scream ALM but are hypocritical as fuck.



Look fag, I think it's safe to assume that you think segregation is a wonderful idea. Why don't you lead by example, and stay the fuck in Cred Forums where you belong? It only works if we work together to make it work.


Dank may mays











Hulk strongest one there is.










It's "Hedley"!!











Anyone have the image of Pepe shitting in a tub while feels guy cries in the corner?

This is my all time favorite of all time. There was an episode of Arthur when Buster said this. God Damn I love this 1

my favorite

