I'm bored. Here a picture of my balls and asshole

I'm bored. Here a picture of my balls and asshole.

post feet too

You don't want to see those. They're a horrifying mess right now

I do. I want to see your soles and asshole in the same shot.

I don't think I'm that flexible

Then I just want to see your soles or hard cock.

post cock

Well, I can do the feet. Cock will take a few minutes to rev up so here's one from the other day

And the feet

would sniff/10

I don't think they would have any particular smell. They're just slightly sorry because I walked down the driveway earlier to get my FedEx package

>Slightly dirty
Fuck you auto correct

Post more ass


more asshole plz

spread again, please

Why is it no matter what direction I hold my camera it posts every direction but(t heh) the way it should?

I require ass on soles.

What's with the ass rash?

It's not. Just looks like it because the way I was sitting my shorts kept getting up my ass.

Wow, it does look pretty bad doesn't it? I don't spend much (or any) time looking at my asshole so I don't notice these things

I still want those balls in my mouth.

how old are you?

This. I want to suck them dry.

I'm pretty set in my straightness, so that wouldn't happen (assuming you're a guy) but thanks.


>ain't nothing gay about getting your dick sucked.

Im straight but want to eat a asshole and have mine fucked. My ass in the photo kik prototype6x6

More dick please!

More of a psychological thing for me. While I'm no homophobe (classic line) doing anything involving another guy just isn't my thing


Go wash and scrub your feet

I will in about an hour when I get my shower

You've got a pretty nice cock!

you can think gay sex is disgusting and not be a homophobe...no need to preface

y u want more you fucking degenerate?!11?!/1/?!!1?!

Captcha "Second poster is a fucking faggot".



Quality post sir.

So I've been told. Thanks

I don't find it disgusting, it's just not my thing.