Why does the thought of impregnating a dinduess get me so hard?
Is nature really this flawed? It makes no logical sense that I should be motivated to do such a thing.
Why does the thought of impregnating a dinduess get me so hard?
Is nature really this flawed? It makes no logical sense that I should be motivated to do such a thing.
You're a brainwashed liberal
Cause you know it's against the grain and taboo somewhat still so it turns you on. Sick fuck
Nice trip but I'm right wing and a nationalist.
Black Negress still trying to sell herself to white men smh... Beside a cum dumpster "or lowered expectations" nobody what you black hair hatted swirling Negro Bed Whenchs..
That is one sexy woman.
10/10 would impregnate
I feel like race mixing is promoted and the only people that still think it's "taboo" are the same people that think CNN has a conservative bias.
Maybe sexuality is developed when you're young and I was left leaning the first half of my life.
Trips of truth. OP kill yourself.
Well, you'd have to be a fucking faggot to look at her and think that her skin colour is the straw breaking the camels back.
were the slave masters who raped their slaves brainwashed as well?
Yeah but IQ is genetically inheritable.
Maybe evolution hasn't caught up with the fact that intelligence is more important than large secondary sex traits.
It's a way of breeding them out of existence. Kinda like all that Jewed porn is basically the reverse of what we tried to do with the Abo population in Australia. Don't let them breed with each other black's or mixed race and eventually all the blackness would be bred out of them.
u wot m8?
I knocked up my black fiance and married her four months later in a court house wedding. Our little girl is a toddler now; she's such a sweetie.
It matters man. The average IQ for prison is something like 86 or so.
Don't get me wrong I'd rather have kids with average IQs and a lot of motivation than lazy kids with above average IQs but that doesn't mean it's not important.
CDC says nearly half of nigger women have herpes
>good luck
yeah, but the only reason the majority of the black population is still dumb asf is because their ancestors have been oppressed to shit. these niggas living off traumatized semen, maybe that's why their ass is so fat, to attract the HWHAAT MANS. But I've seen some unimpressive white genetics too, maybe it's just a hole human thing.
these are reverse cuck post. Filthy black woman are so desperate they are taking to /b to try to create pretend demand for themselve.
I'll fuck a nig, but that's it.
I'm huwhite, fam.
>the only reason
I'm not at all convinced by this. Nature and nurture are almost always both at play. The degree may vary but to say it's 100% due to history is just too optimistic for me.
I find it highly unlikely that every subgroup evolved to have equal IQs.
Black women do not come to Cred Forums in any appreciable number. Nor would Cred Forums be the place to influence desirable men of any race.
everything stems from roots, once the flower blooms it'll take time for it to decay.
10/10 would desecrate race with her
fuck she's fine.
black pussy is 10/10
It's called having preferences. Everybody has them.
Yes but there are reasons behind these preferences.
It's not magic.
Nah dude, you can't rape something if you own it. If I purchase and fuck a sex doll is it rape since there was no consent?
their hair smells awful, dont do it op
if someone doesn't want you to fuck them; it's rape. not a difficult concept.
only girl ever to do scat with me was black
niggers are disgusting fuck off shill.
I know you are a liar because the "alt-right" is a homosexual cult and would never want to impregnate anything besides "impregnating" young boys with aids.
They're mostly on a physical level. Or it's because it's something you can't have so you go after it. Think about how we label other races different than us as 'exotic' and we go after them because they have physical features we don't have. Also because of how taboo race mixing is considered and all that.
is it da joos
>Not knowing who Neil DeGrasse Tyson is
>Implying low IQ is limited to blacks
>Implying you're any more intelligent
googles stink like poor and hair product
>Yeah but IQ is genetically inheritable
Yeah and? You do realise that's like saying "I don't want to have kids because of the chance they may have down syndrome"? Genetic fuckups happen and you can't avoid it unfortunately, but it's not exclusive to one race. Racemixing actually reduces the likelihood of it happening as well.
Sadly when I'm extremely horny I jack off to ebony. The second I cum though the attraction disappears
>muh black science man
No one is saying there aren't intelligent blacks(he's obviously smart even if he's an insufferable cunt that acts like he's an authority on everything) but your average black is less intelligent than your average *insert any other racial group here*
Everything eventually returns to the mean. Height, intelligence etc so even if you made a baby with an intelligent black the kid would likely end up somewhere in between the white and black average.
I don't think it matters too much since technology is going to make eugenics the norm eventually. I'm just curious about biology and race because you're not allowed to talk about it in an honest way irl. I also don't hate black people even though they piss me off regularly.
>I'm not denying that intelligent black people exist
>but let me explain why they can't exist
You're a fucking retard. Chromosome disorders is nothing like inheritable IQ, and outbreeding depression exists.
pastebin /tGMEhbhf
You're not very intelligent nor are you arguing in good faith.
They can exist but if all whites in the US mixed with blacks the IQ average of the population would drop.(there aren't enough blacks to do that but if we brought in more)
>They can exist but if all whites in the US mixed with blacks the IQ average of the population would drop.
not necessarily
you're treating it as if its watercolors, but it a bit more complex than that.
>Is nature really this flawed? It makes no logical sense that I should be motivated to do such a thing.
your brain is hardwired for this shit. also fun to treat them like a breeding animal. problem is you end up with half dindu kids, but your rat-brain ( which controls your sex drive ) doesn't see that far in the future.
I'm a little drunk.
What I said was actually dumb. It wouldn't drop, it'd remain very similar but you'd eliminate the higher IQs and the lower IQs. The mixed people would be dragged to about 93.
this happened to me with asians. fell in love with hot asian girl. banged. made babby. baby is adorable, but still half asian male. I gave up all my child's white privileged and only got minor upgrades:
+ no white guilt
+ might survive race riots
+ Bonus STEM points
+ Half breed cuteness
-no white privilege
-penis size
-UC School system affirmative action
-under 6 ft tall base height roll
wtf man.
fuckin hell... want more... A LOT MORE!!
>uses Cred Forums language
pick exactly one
this at college? shit is hot.
We get it, you're for voting Hilary.
uh oh, cuckbot from pol is here.
>Cred Forums
>not liberal
Cred Forums is controlled opposition that worships gays.
"If you're not into cuckoldry you're a cuck"
What a time to be alive.
>promotes miscegenation
>not a cuck
Let me redpill you on something young man.
People like you will call a white man that is ok with black men with white women a cuck but you'll also call white men with black women cucks. You never call black men with white women cucks, you call them "Bulls"
You are mind cucked. Under your narrative it is only possible for white men to be cucks and for black men to be Bulls. You have been demoralized to the fullest extent.
I call niggers with white women niggers. They are only "bulls" if she has a husband.
oh look an edgy 12 year old
My statement remains true.
In your mind only white men can be cucks and only black males can be Bulls.
Do you realize how subverted you are? A black man conquering a woman of another tribe earns him an alpha title while a white man conquering the women of another tribe earns him a beta title in your mind. Your warped.
No retard stop playing psychologist. there are a shitton of white bulls, especially in asia where white is the cucks fetish.
kill yourself you race mixing degenerate.
wow you really made me think. now #imwithher
Anyone else have a slavery fetish where u wanna fuck black bitches and have them kneel on the ground and call you master and say shit like " white cock is superior" and weird shit like that
Pretty much I hate niggers and wanna degrade them and make them think they're less than dirt. Then ass fuck her
There is nothing alpha about being a slave to sexual desires. Fucking niggers and gooks is nothing to be proud of, and niggers fucking others can't even be called "alpha" because they are moving up the racial latter because they are fucking pathetic betas who hate themselves and want to genocide the black in them.
Iits rare to see a legit hot one.. and if you have a baby with her your kid will be a nigger and not look like you... its not worth it
Because her kid(s) will be fucking adorable bruv.
Amazing tits. Would chug her chocolate milk.
Yeah keep calling black men "Bulls" while calling white men "cucks" for pretty much anything they do that you don't like. That won't end badly. Faggot.
You have learned to love a morbid de basing lifestyle. I would not be surprised if ghetones get you equally as hard and perhaps secretly want your daughter to have slutty, twerking friends!
I'm probably not the user you think I am retard, was my first post
Sauce motherfucker! I need chocolate!
Nice body shape, but that chin is too strong.
yoo that guy's so lucky! how'd he get to meet up with ASAP Rocky like that??
There is a statistic out there that shows white males who marry black women are 44% LESS likely to divorce.
Seems like sisters know how to keep a white man happy.
Might have something to do with your fetish, OP.
can we all agree that white bitches are probably the absolute worst in society? they know they're treated better than any other race in the entire world and they take advantage of that shit like crazy.
wish I knew
same guy here: when a black bitch has a problem with you, SHE'S GONNA LET YOU KNOW, but if she's white.. that problem is going to stay in her head until she hates you n tries to get you arrested for abuse after beating the shit out of herself.
Well, it would improve their bloodline.
Nothing wrong with having a dindu on teh side while fucking and impregnating a proper nordic wife.
Muh shoop
21 year old white guy who impregnated my black gf. No regrets. OP, find yourself a black mama
>Why does the thought of impregnating a dinduess get me so hard?
Adrenaline from the taboo of it.
Consider the revolting "Watching Mom go Black" porn series where boys watch their moms get gangbanged by niggers.
How did that become a porn series.
Adrenaline from the taboo of incest, interracial, and threats of force.
There is a hypothesis that cucks get a testosterone rush from watching their women get fucked because that is the bodies way to reduce the risk that another perosn got their women pregnant.
48% of Black women have herpes, so do NOT actually fuck one.
Fucking cuckold
Vote for Hilary. This can be true...
>finding physically attractive women attractive
I know right, that makes him a total cuck too!
For you
i can smell her hair from here
We need to keep this retard containment thread alive!
Thank you user. For the not post. This is back at you.
Cheers m8
It's just your irrational thoughts about breeding animals. Just ignore those thoughts.
My perfect, sexy, black gf, yes im white
My wife's hair smells Cantu leave in conditioner.
Can't speak for the whole race, but my woman works hard, she's an attentive mother, an affectionate lover, keeps house meticulously, and isn't effected by this mindset that I see so often in white girls. You know the one, you've seen it on facebook, this mindset that they're already amazing princesses deserving of respect and esteem without having done anything to earn either.
My wife is even better. When she has a problem, we don't talk for an hour or so until whatever petty bullshit we were dealing with isn't a problem anymore. If that doesn't squash it, no relationship problem has survived angry fucking.
Fuck no, you got some bottom shelf shit there
Both of yous CUCK.
Chick at my work said I should start being open to sleeping with black girls. I'm ethnically British and Austrian with a kraut face. If you have any attractive things what so ever there down 2 fuck.
>my wife my wife my wife
nobody gives a shit about your consumer regret self validation post
have your wife tie a double noose and hang yourselves double-google
you contribute nothing to society
U would never think she would never be down to date a white guy :)
She have aids?
How concerned is a Cred Forumstard about contributing to society?
You get fucked by paying the taxes that go toward their welfare, food stamps, and the police to keep them from destroying wherever they're inhabiting. You just want to do some of the fucking for once.
U faggot! Ur saying you wouldn't hit that?
I would let her destroy me.
Grilled chicken
Just occupied
Waste wather
You're a garbage fuck head who can't get white girls to remotely talk to you.
So instead, you play up the idea that niggers are somehow more exotic and fun to fuck, when really, they have the deepest, sensationless pussies in the field.
Go ahead... enjoy your HPV.
She's definitely going to leave you.
Just because she's black doesn't make her desperate.
You guys fight and need a "system" and a fallback of fucking to smooth over shit.
Dude... you better talk things out on a real level, or your giving half your shit up in less than 5 years
Nigger pussies are no different than white pussies. You mouth breather. And I'm not even the guy you're mad at.
Cause Genetic diversity dumbass. Your instinct knows.
You're trolling. I just got it now.
The same, Are they? Then why can't you get white pussy?
Too difficult?
I doubt you get any pussy tbh, considering this is a saturday night.
Me? Im laying next to my 5'8" 130 wife who's asleep because I fucked her into a coma.
You're my entertainment.
I've had every flavor of pussy there is. Except indian pussy, Red dot indian, not feather headdress indian. Pussy is pussy. If you'd ever fucked anyone other than your 4'8 230 lbs sister, you'd know that.
Without this fµcked up behaviour based on a visual stimulation we wouldn`t be here.
your wife sounds way too big, my cutoff is like 5'5
>being this obviously without any education
>gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
I really hope, for humanitys sake, you don't really believe what you just wrote.
That thing on pic looks like a tranny.
Why would he be a liberal if he's currently complaining about black people?
Imma need a source on the 48% thing
You misunderstand. The bullshit "problems" people get hung up on aren't usually problems. Don't sweat the small stuff. I believe it's TOO MUCH discussion and communication that fucks people up.
I am not concerned about her leaving.