Sup Cred Forums?
I'm have a 200 word essay due on Monday and I haven't started yet.....How fucked am I?
Sup Cred Forums?
I'm have a 200 word essay due on Monday and I haven't started yet.....How fucked am I?
Is this a joke? 200 words?
>200 words
you could start 30 sec before its due and still be fine
Two-hundred words? You're crying about two-hundred words?
Kids these days
>Oh no, 7th grade is so hard
i get why he thinks he's fucked cause the essay has to be well written and concise fo a good grade but it's still not that fuckin hard
I literally just wrote a 1k word essay in 15 mins last week and got an A on it
You can handle 200 words
That's quite the pickle you're in user. What's it about?
You can write that in 5 minutes, stop crying.
I can fart 200 words.
Do you play wow on Kronos?
I'm an uneducated fuck and I could turn out 200 words on Oprah Winfrey's nigger asshole in less than 5 minutes.
200 words? Nah bruh ur fukked. The best course of action is to drop out and quit while you're ahead.
Trust me I'm a lawyer
Dont listen to these posters. Tey are trolling and not looking out for your best intrest. Listen to this guy.
even with that tiny tong shes hiding moar pussyness than u OP. 200 bish please!
Man, the fifth grade must be tough, don't worry you'll make it.
Literally less than a page, kys
Op is same fag
New faggots taking the bait.
I once had to do a 3000 word essay on a topic I knew absolutely nothing about (different types of economy) in a single night.
ITT: no fun allowed
I bet you've seen a lot of pixels.
I have a 5 page essay due Monday and I haven't started
Do 100 tonight do 100 tomorrow that's what I always do OP
How would one go about finding pics similar to this? Love panty stuffing etc
what is the topic nigga give me your email ill write that shit for you nigga
umm iv read Cred Forums posts that were longer than 200 words
Man fuckin post more, been looking all day. I'll post what I have.
She is hot af
You're fucked if you're retarded. Odds are against you my friend.
this girl is getting popular around here
Give me the topic and I'll write it for you
apparently not. fucking 2016, I'm gonna kill myself
jesus christ. who is this wiener witch? how am i so out of the loop?
Her pussy is amazing
not at all, 200 words essay is nothing. grow a pair and write for about 10 minutes and you are done.
come at me when you get to 20 to 40 page essays.
guess when youre a nigger things like this can be hard
200 words is nothing. What's the essay about? If it interests me I'll write it (if it's in English). I know the feeling of last minute cram and it sucks.
Don't go to college btw, dunno about your country, but my average essay requirement is 3000 words and that's for Computer Science.
Final project it 15000 words.
Any more pics of her?
She looks angry in all the pictures
Post more pics
i have an 11000 word one due in two weeks i havent started.
Who cares, post more of her
200 words is nothing you fucking faggot ill do it for you
200 word essay on why am I a huge faggot?
Is it about the purpose of umbrellas?
>200 word essay
You gotta be pretty damn slow if thats any trouble.
I have a 38000 word essay due in a couple of days
Any more?
Lol hahah do a google image search on this image.....hahahaha
That's fucking gross
holy shit, that sweet little asshole
a few more, but im busy doing something so it will take a while for me to upload
not at all faggot, i have to right a 2 page essay every wed, in pen, get over it
not even half a page.
By the time I was in the fifth grade, we had to do 2000 word essays
Now I'm able to stretch what a CPU socket does into ten pages
that's because she hates life unless she's getting a cock jammed into her. in other words, the perfect woman. a true 10/10
Does she have a name? I need to make a folder for her.
thanks bros i thought i'd seen it all but i saved 3 new pics of her from this thread which i hadn't seen before. CHEERS BROS
200 words? are you a fucking retard?
i literally didn't even know it was possible to still be this new in
You bit the butter
>> 705300512
There is an alarming increase in summerfags this year. Cred Forums must be trendy to all the hipster faggot edglords nowadays.
case in point
I no reddit.I'm just lurking for pictures of that girl
I'm an old fag. Since 1999 on Cred Forums
Not at all, that's like a single page
Then shut up and lurk faggot
I'm sure Cred Forums will send you some kind of award
Are you fucking joking
but serriously i love LOST and i wish some TV show could fill the void but nothing ever will
Breaking Bad is better.
Game of Thrones is better.
Entourage is better.
I can go on.
what's it on OP? I'm legit a professional writer and will write you something on the subject,. use it
200 hundred fucking words? I bet you've written more than that on Cred Forums tonight.
Sir, yes sir btw Cred Forums started in 2001 homosexuality one
Thank you user
Any more homeboy?
Amen brother.
your subjective view of "better" does not fit in-line with my perspective of what made LOST such an unforgettable and unique show
yes, those shows are good. yes, maybe in some ways those shows are better than LOST (but really entourage? seriously?)
but, can they ever replace the magic that LOST created? no. they cannot.
WOW this faggot knows when this cancer site was founded. Another worthy recipient of an award
yeah, but im busy so bare with me
holy fuuuuuuuuuuuck where do you keep finding these??????????
i now have 15 pics of her saved and i have no idea where they keep coming from
>cancer research site
Newfaggot found
god it's perfect.
Thanks my dude
Well, at least it isn't 50 pages
Dude, does she have a name or something?
Next you'll start writing about moot to show what a fucking edgedlord you are.
>keep green texting to show how edgy you are
>where do you keep finding these
Cred Forums. It's some euro user's gf
welp he has a keeper
Yeah not amerifat
I just wrote a 2000 word essay I have to memorize to write in class without notes.
Fuck off.
Any tits?
Where'd you get them from?
Keep them coming
i have like 15 more pics but i have to go, sorry bros. i might be back on later
OP, I am going to type two hundred words just to show you what it looks like. We used to have to do this in my creative writing class. We would have about ten minutes to write 200 words and most people finished early. It is really not that hard at all. Your post "Sup Cred Forums? I'm have a 200 word essay due on Monday and I haven't started yet.... how fucked am I?" is already like nineteen or twenty words if you count the number two hundred. I saw someone mention you could start 30 seconds before class started and be fine, I don't know about that but you could easily do it in the five or ten minutes you have between classes. Maybe you could do it if you have some kind of break before the class or near the beginning of the day. My high school had a fifteen minute break before first and second period and then five more minutes to get to class. See, this is already almost 200 words and It's not even that long. Like, maybe half a sheet of paper. Unless you write huge like a retard fag child. Sincerely yours, J.
Dude, dont stop!
Um, not? Are you in middle school? Should you be reported? Do you realize 200 words isn't even a full page? Hell it's not even more than intro and MAYBE the start of a second paragraph.
Its saturday night and its 200 words. Youre at a 0.2 on the i am fucked scale
Fuck when I was in middle school I had like 3,000 word essays all the time lmfao
god i'm so in love with this bitch
Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels.
Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them ...together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round.
I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.
Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.
When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3x5 card reading, "Please use this M&M for breeding purposes."
This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this "grant money." I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion.
There can be only one.
I actually read the whole pasta and chuckled a few times. I r8 5/7
That's your essay right there
Why doesn't she show her tits? Are they shit or something?