Well I found this girl's old phone...

Well I found this girl's old phone. Her fb was still logged into it and I sent her mom a video of her giving her bf a bj...lmao

o fuck yes post the video on her social media

Now I'm watching the convo on the side lines like champ.


post webm

Aww shit

my sides kek

post vids!

Op what was the reason for doing that
For the lulz perhaps?

>"found" this phone
>jr got my phone

Yeah, that makes sense.

Jesus h fuck that's hilarious. Post vid?

Good job user!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I was trying to save it cause it was in her messenger. But ended up forwarding it to her mom lol. I thought I deleted it, but guess she still saw it in time.

Yeah what this guy said.

Nice job op

post her profile op

Truly brilliant work user

Ehh idk how to make webms from phone. I'm at work right now. Tits for bump though.

Connie Riojas?

Post the vid! Don't be a faggot!


Hmm I been trying to ss all her friends so I have a list to send it to. Should I blackmail her for more pics? I have her phone number from her fb. But I don't have throw away phone right now.

This bitch is dumb. Time to see her account lol

yes, do it

bump for time



Fuck it to me to stay sending it out

This thread is gold. Picked the right time to smoke a blunt

How is OP seeing the chat and why is it sideways?

asking the real questions here

Jesus Christ she's dumb for playing the "oh my kid sent it lol" card. Nobody buys that.
>vid unrelated

I have her old phone. And I'm using my phone to take photos. Of convo

Out of curiosity is the girl called Kristie ?

Said he had his GFs old phone that was still logged in. Why is it sideways? Because OP is a dumb Faggot

>not knowing how to delete Facebook from messenger

no, getting greedy gets you caught.


Unless you have a drug dealer phone, don't blackmail anyone since they'll go straight to police

Upload the vid OP i need to fap

anyone looking to start a good raid in the mean time while we wait for OP?

Gg she's done for

Go see the video on her fb enjoy lol

oh shit

Fake and Gay

One of her tits


Samantha Riojas?


link it up you faggot



you're amazing op

those fucking claws
this video makes me uneasy

It was there kek nice OP


nothing appears though . might have to be friend.

set her profile to public, OP.

someone hurry and save it convert to webm i can only be on the edge for so long

Posts don't show up instantly for general public I don't think. But it's on there on her account for now. I'm waiting for comments I hope friends see

it was there i saw it then it disappeared op tells the truth


Click on the little globe and select public

oh shit she deleted her facebook

kek she took it down

Fuck session expired!!! She logged out sob. We're done guys. Damn.

Did she just delete everything?

Fuck she closed her FB, OP tells the truth

Profile is gone??

>> Springboard Acadimics


she deleted her facebook or made it private op make it public

Privacy set too high. Make it public

make her profile public op

OP post the video elsewhere from the phone


thats her mom, imma ask her for her vid

haha gone i managed to watch it before i went away RIP

Now upload the vids and give us the link OP

Same dude


Was it a good bj at least?

Op here. I'm. At work and only on phone. Where can I post the vids from?




Mom's name is Connie Riojas.

>This thread

hard to believe she would lick that uncut cock. In my experience most women refuse to go down down on bacteria laden uncut rancid penis.


Make a twitter or gyazo

Post it on pornhub

cant message the mum she disabled that find another person to message

>cut fag
So sorry to hear your dingus will 404 before 35

connie dot riojas dot 5? ref = content_filter

This is gold


Seconded, name the video Samantha Riojas

You're just trying to justify the fact that you had no say when your parents decided to mutilate your most important organ

Stay mad, mutilated jewboy

post on pornhub or xhamster

Can't find her profile , but I find millions of other samantha riojas's

She deleted her profile

Sorry you been mislead buddy

why did i laugh at this

Op here. Just got a Dropbox set up, getting the video then app on phone so I can upload it.

its already been deleted :( you missed the party

This one

Dang, too slow

Can't message her, but if you click her picture you can see her friends that commented. You can message some of them.

My nigga

HAHAHAHAHAH yeah that's it

Now I'm not saying you should stop or anything cause I wanna see the video but out of curiosity why are you doing this?

OP is the hero we've been waiting for

why dont u just reactivate her account?
go to the browser she uses, go to settings/passwords and get her fb /insta or w.e password and login

Fuck off moral fag


White knight detected

Cause I'm bored at work. Honestly I would have rather creeped on her fb forever and see if I could get more nudes out of her. But I fucked that up so this was second best


She was in the app. I'll check the browser

How am I a moral fag? I'm waiting for the video as well, just need some back story here.

Kill yourself

For a second I thought that was people that reacted to her BJ vid being posted, then realized it was probably another random post that you SS'd for family members and whatnot.



ew god one of those fucking couples' fb profiles

so you got rejected and butthurt that she's blowing someone else

what a faggot

Oh ok, I thought it some kind of revenge or something. Proceed.

Its the likes on her profile pic

Can't reactivate without the password.

ya check the settings>passwords and reactivate her fb lol or instagram or twitter etc.

Op here back!

Upload the bj vid to dropbox and share the link

Her profile popped up again.

Fuck up, cunt

Op needs to be king of Cred Forums
Deserves the highest honor of pic related

kekers. upload it again

this thread is gold

now public that vid

Would it fucking kill you to post shit that isn't sideways?

turn profile public and repost vid.

Post the video again hurry


add every friend request so i can see it

Worked for me

Today op was not a faggot


tfw i don't have facebook anymore and new ones i make get automatically disabled

Change password so she can't deactivate it again

she is pretty cute, I feel bad for her.

Make the video public.

Kek we have friends in common, what a small world

How long on the dropbox links OP?

Where is the Dropbox op? A lot of us don't use facebook

Don't. She shouldn't have lost her phone.

Dooo eeehhht

Post the vid! Make it public

Log her out of other devices. She won't get notifications

had the same problem you have to use your real name

edit bio to say "i love sucking cocks more than anything else in the whole world! hi mom!"

Sent from my Android phone


Guys, what if we fuck with this Jon guy? Send him the vid, maybe blackmail him or something.

Can't, need the pass to change it


Make the video public


Jon Morin?

Recover password to email. (Click "forgot password"). Should be logged in on her phone I'd imagine. HURRY

How much of an autist post is this? Of course it will show up, if it's set public.


im on her profile where be the vids

This the dub dubs speak truth

Post again?

Everything was set to private as default.

wheres the vid op

>own expensive cell phone
>has intimate videos and images
>has access to personal accounts and info
>doesn't put a password on it

Fucking women, I swear.

You need to click the video and then edit privacy.

That phones like 50$

Op man what the fuck are you doing? Post the damn video

No, you do not. Make up a fake name. I have 3 Facebook pages I created just to fuck with people.

at least accept friend requests op

Working on it

Then it will never 'show up after a while'.

On her profile, accept al the friend requests

>own expensive cell phone
how much of a poor fag are you?

OP, do this first so it doesn't get shut down
Dubs dubs doesn't lie

where do you work you got this kind of time

Should've accept request and send vid to peeps in messenger

Why haven't you changed her profile picture or cover photo yet?




change her cover photo to a screenshot of the video

Found the upper middle class kid with no perception of money


I wouldn't know, I'm not a phonefag.
I just assumed.

Don't forget to edit the privacy options for all us to see the vid OP, .

for the love of god OP please


For sure send it to new friends though messenger

I feel like most of her friends are hookers and strippers.


Has nobody else noticed the time on the phone in OP's pics?

Just sent request send vid intails CB


OP time is running out

op has job guys quit bothering him

Sent from my Android phone

Op here. This WiFi is shit it's getting stuck

Yep. Simple and clean

>what are timezones

Im just sitting here reloading her profile every few seconds

>the time on the phone
>OP's a flaming homo

I don't even feel bad because you are a retard to record this. When will sluts learn

OP is OP

I'm getting sick of refreshing to "lol he is crazy xD"

who in this fucking day and age doesn't have a smartphone?

are you greek?

Why? It's 2016, how dumb do you have to fucking be to believe in this day and age that "I'll never show these videos/pics to anyone" spiel time and time again. FFS just look at "pictures you shouldn't share thread". These girls have to be dumb AF to fall for this shit over and over again.


yeah but shes from texas. its like 10:30pm

9 fucking hours? Where is OP then? Fucking Hawaii? This bitch is from Lubbock.

you didnt even bother to fucking check and you think your argument has any validity, why the fuck do people like you exist

check the fucking minutes you fucking retarded cunt

Me too

refound her profile cant click on it

My man

just hit the bong myself, nice dubs btw

then click the auto updaye box retard


Then message the vid to one of the Cred Forumsros here. I want to fap to it, but need it in a dropbox or mless.

Lol he is crazy

make root the phone and look for hidden files


Op here. Fuck I think the video is corrupted now... Wtf I can't find it and where its at says can't play in gallery. I'll post one of her tits.

from the profile pic, it seems to be her facebook/com/samantha.riojas.927

You accepted now send vid to CB homie I got you after lol

same dude

Be less autistic please!

Do I have to have a Facebook to view the video? Deleted mine a long time ago.

Facebook has an auto update? It's her timeline not the thread

I do, but I get a new one for free whenever my contract is done.
I'm on of those people who use their phone as a phone.

If I want to play games, I wait until I'm home and I go on my computer.

Lol he is crazy

Phonefag =/= person who owns a phone

you actually think those threads are real

Send KC the video man...

just upload to dropbox fgt

Talking about on Facebook newfag

holy shit OP, stop posting sideways pics

my neck hurts


stop being a faggot OP

Upload something you faggot

Holy shit OP hurry up.

Is OP still here...

read her information lol

OP here. Still at work and some people are around me right now.

I'll make another thread if I'm not too busy later. Sorry boys.

op messed up what could have been a Cred Forums classic moment

Sent from my Android phone

it doesn't only make calls and has games you know

send the vid

>my niggas

top meme my friend.

stil waiting for a win



Stfu androidfag just fucking die you are annoying af kys

i actually checked the real one too..

thought u was makin a dropbox, when is another thred guna be up anyways

top kek mate

Here's her bf "Jon"

Why the fuck has op not done anything?

I need to see this single mother latina action

fucking kekd at the TOP NEWS

Charge your phone.


Fuck being a creep OP. You're a god among men now! Thank you for bringing some OC to this shithole!


Missed potential op.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Never in the history of Cred Forums has someone with such a goldmine of potential failed so miserably to deliver. You are the fag got from which all other lesser faggots flow. To cite the old sacred platitude,

Kill yourself

>You're naive enough to think those shitty quality pics aren't amateur pics sent to someone

Though doubtful even 80% of them were even from Cred Forumstards.

Pic related, someone was dumb enough to let them take a picture of dick in their mouth.

Take a bathroom break pussy

Please, go back to 9Gag




why did you let us down op?

Sent from my Android phone

i know one of you fucks downloaded it, now upload it

That's not op... I'm op. Fuck off faggot. These vids won't fucking upload on the damn browser

nothing better than a fronto blunt

This fucking jotaro picture killed me
>my sides

Not being a whiteknight but U better hope she isn't underaged.
Even if you're underaged you can still be charged with spreading minors nudes. And you'll still go on a sex offenders list until you're 50.
She better hope she can't track your phone, I'd suggest you throw it in a river tomorrow or soon.


Go back to facebook nigger
Bruh was dat shiitt savage enough with a side of no chill?


>Asking for downloads from user's when OP never uploaded anything and is also a faggot

she has a kid you fucking retard. you are a white knight. Drink bleach fag

OP is not a faggot.

ma nigga

give us her password, OP

You are great. I wish there was some way we could repay you.

My hero

Can you transfer it to your PC?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

fuck off

>She linked her cel number to facebook
how dumb is she?

Dropbox link or message it to another user

Oh shit

Get better service nigger

This fucking josuke picture killed me
>my sides

Upload to her Google Drive and share the link. If it's an Android it should be signed in.

he did upload to facebook, read the fucking thread


Nothing like posting a video of a girl sucking dick on her own feed for all the people to know that she does, in fact suck dick.


Our hero still fights for us

stfu faggot holy shit.

>sent from my iphone using tapatalk

Wow she's in groups op

Ever heard of the show 16 and pregnant??? Who the retard now

>OP uploaded the video to her facebook, but it was taken down faggot. Ample time for anons to download

She has a kid already. so Fuck off You CTR white Knight.

This is the Cred Forums I know and love.

You are a wonderful person



You do realize that pretty much all women suck dick, right?

still you

Also checkem


We're going to need a new thread

fucking virgin

Zero responses that anyone even saw it on her facebook, much less downloaded it. Also, 9 fucking hours.

Still waiting for it to show up user

it was rhetorical.

She was still logged in nigger. He didn't say he had the password. Of course OP could always change it.

Op deleted a post off her fb

not from my experience

Sent from my Android phone

>look at her face
>clearly over 25

If you hold volume down and power at the same time you can do a screen cap... If you wanna screen cap a video you need a screen recording app. You can get those on the play store. Once that's done there may be a good app to convert mp4s to webm's on Android.. If not, use a data transfer cable to copy that to you PC or back it all up in photos or Dropbox or whatever and you can get them from the cloud.

Dude go to the ficking toilet to upload it

Her kid looks older than 4, and she is "self employed". I seriously doubt she's underage.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk




I reported you to the cyber police u stupid OP why don't u just go back to the youtoobes GOSH

Op sent me a video kik vagina.slayer for it others will have to wait for dropbox

i actually did see the titty jiggle one. it was magical.

they all suck dick.

just not yours.

OP why have you not made it a public post?


Hey OP has she spoken again in chat?

wash your hands after op if you do this

Sent from my Android phone

You too user, You too



Now share with the rest of us

New thread?


op accepts friend request my initials are G,F send vid to me ill upload

share that shit!

o no

?did she deleted the fist pic of her son? the one where he is a mad lad?

Op here it's being shared on fb.

Okay I have the vids now to creating drop box now

anyone see the video? still empty fb to me