Taking request on bubbles

Taking request on bubbles

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2/2 preferred. Lurking please update


Keep the armpit.

Please and thank you

Please and Thanks


If u can



My GOD please do the girl in red




Do them! Please

Can somebody fill me in what is the point in this?? They are still just as clothed as before, this idea is lost on me apparently

Do the second one please



I don't get it either like what's the point? It's actually more covered than before I understand xray not this shit

op, you need to use High contrast colors, other wise it just looks unapealing.

How is it appealing in the first place?

This one please



Please, and thank you.




It doesn't work if you make it obvious where the clothes are. It needs to be more random, also circles only.
You just essentially drew your own bra on her.



Her plz

please user


can someone hack her insta?


The one on the right please

Get your predator looking ass outta here

too young

Got more though ? (IG?)

Please man



PEASE user!!! any help would be amazing. thank you


Not OP but you guys should learn how to do it yourself it really isn't hard. Could be better but I'm lazy



What do you use to make the effect?

OP pls

close, you can see the straps around the neck


Photoshop (if you cant torrent it fuck outta here) and literally just fucking cover with either gradient or bucket and erase with circles at like 50% opacity to make shit line up

do dis one
many faps will b had

not OP, but bored

it tricks your mind into thinking they look nude

Ah I see, thank you user

You're a god, thanks user. Can you possibly do one more? One on the right






Top fucking kek


If you can xoxo

