Be me

>be me
>be 25 living with parents and sister working shitwage job
>been playing Bioshock Infinite over and over since it came out
>Immediately take a liking to Elizabeth
>Fall in love during second playthrough on harder difficulty
> reason why I keep playing tbh
>be lonely one day so I buy a mannequin and dress it up as Elizabeth
>holding this angel feelsgoodman.png
>get creative one day
>Buy a fleshlight and drill hole for vagoo
>been going on for a few months, hide her in my closet for obvious reasons
>come home from work one day and she's gone

>nobody says anything about it for days
>live in constant fear they'realljudging.png
>don't know what do
>eventually younger sister approaches me
>says she was looking for her shoes and found my doll
>asks why it looks like her, but says it in a timid way
>don't know what to say, can't tell her it's my video game wife
>"uhh, well you're just so pretty and..."
>she blushes, says she's thought about it too, and moves in
>mfw I have to wincest w/ sister because too scared to admit the truth

OP here, will continue if it generates enough interest

you liked her cuz she looked like your sis in the first place

monitoring this thread

Lurking hard

How old is lil sis?

God damn my man. That gif is amazing. Are there more of these???? I need them for, scientific purposes


Nigga, please, stop

Keep going op this is juicy

Keep going sounds interesting, I guess.

Sis is 20
>try to find any way not to do this, but sis is pushing hard
>in bra and panties at this point
>literally begging me, start to notice how much she really does look like my love
>parents left earlier that day for the weekend
>no chance of getting caught, but still trying to find a way out of this
>spilling as much spaghetti as I can
>she grabs my dick under my pants and it's over
>wincest and cuddle all night
>have surreal feeling and don't know how to cope
>figure I'll pass out and I can fogure it out tomorrow

Pic kinda related


Pics of sis req'd

Kill yourself OP

Story is trash

Bump...I GUESS!

I'm intrigued

i hope you made her cosplay as your waifu

Ironic enough just found this chick


>sis is gone in the morning
>not in the house anywhere
>okay whatever, try to ignore it
>go to the liquor store to get some drinks for Saturday night, planning on spending night alone and playing Bioshock Infinite
>at my favorite part of the game where you wake up on the beach with Elizabeth, pretty excited
>be playing for a little bit, kinda tipsy
>sis comes home with friend, goes into her room and locks the door
>this is a pretty common occurance, but start to get paranoid for some reason

Sorry for typos, had to share this story but too much of a puss to do it sober

Pics unrealted at this point

I have over 600 pictures of clowns in my fap folder. They have to be cute though, else it doesn't do anything for me.

I also have this really strange fetish where I basically want to donate my body to someone who will take one piece of it at a time and create artwork out of it. Like, chop of my leg and take out the bones and make it into a lamp or something. Little by little, I lose another part of me, but become another piece of art - And as I finally die, I am in a room surrounded by art made out of me, and the final words I hear is the artist who cut me up thanking me wholeheartedly for my donation. Fuck, the mere thought of that makes me want to cum.

male or female?

This is the weirdest fetish I've read this month. How tf did you get that fetish user?

yeah i second this

OP keep going

600 clown pics I cnlan understand, but donating your body parts for art? Dam

Nice trips

>sis is 20

Just finished bioshock infinite last week, great game. I'm gonna get the first one to get the full story. I might do a speedrun or just play it in general and get all the vigors and all the Easter eggs

Also did you liked burial at sea?
Heard mixed opinions in it, I have it, yet to touch it

hey OP do you know about the flash game BIOCOCK made by zone

Comeon op. Any day now! Hurry up with this story i wanna read this before it 404 or i go to sleep.

>knock on door, sis friend opens up and I ask them if they want booze, trying to be cool older brother
>they accept, pour them drinks and hang out in kitchen
> talking to sis' friend, sis not saying anything directly to me
>night goes on, didn't play Bioshock but whatever had a good time
>sis friend leaves, as soon as she leave it's fucking on
>drunk so okay with it now, start doing kinkier shit
>blackout, sunday comes and weekend ends without anything else happening
> parents come home late at night, watch the late show and go to bed

dude ur taking way too long to post a very small amount of story

>get off work early on monday
>come home and sis is in my bed
>suddenly not ok with it again, tell her I can't keep doing this
>says she'll tell our parents who will most likely kick me out because they already don't like me, for financial reasons and being a general failure
>get in bed with her
>feelsgoodman.png but also feelsbadman.jpeg
>hear door close, oh no mom's home
>try telling sis but she won't stop, about to oface
>mom opens the door
>gets on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur

knew it
u taking forever made me suspicious af
ur a piece of shit you know that

Fake and gay. Go die in a gutter somewhere OP.

Please die

Kill yourself


As usual, OPs a faggot. 4/10 i got a hard on.

OP, we all know you're a faggot but at least finish your story quickly.


Weirdest sense of dejá vú for some odd reason.