Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>This is not Cred Forums, this is /mai/
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>PLS don't ban me m000dz
>3D is almost always trash
>Only retards use elitism as an insult
>Most importantly, have fun!

OG Drink Flavoring reporting

Claiming Felix


Trap neko cute neko.


>Best fox claimu

still here

Nep, guess who!

I-It's okay, you don't have to remember me I guess. Hmph..

I can see the resemblance. And im so late on her battle skirt. I just noticed

Why not blue?

Lmao having fun?

Sleep paralysis is normal. You just woke up but your muscles are too relaxed to move

Because I love you and want you to get your rest, neppy

*fluffs the foxs tail*

Trap neko worse neko


Sup Shinoa


Late on her battle skirt?

... was I drunk?


Suika claimed!


..probably. You were already drinking, and I said we'd get drunk together someday, and you tried to guilt me into drinking with you..

Anyone want to play risk or warlight

Who are these fucking newfags

Shinobu claimed

Pat the Alice

I don't think someone as small as Suika can handle these

I'm getting gud at smash.
I like doing FALCON PUNCH all day erry day.

lewd get

I would wreck you with kirby


Wow, I sound like Rory. Well, okay, someday! I guess I don't see you around much, so maybe that's why I'd forgotten.

Suika can punch the moon. She can take any mams you throw at her.

Nice feet

So close, cheshy. So close!

Thats a cute smile

Hello old friend

Yes I am

You're always drunk though like
Him here :^)

I've never played as him before. Well not thay I remember of

Another Kirby main. What up

and the feeling of an endless jump scare too?

huh. I strongly doubt anyone here is newer than me, yet I am not listed. strange.

Fuck off faggot

That's okay, I used to just hang around here for Kagami when they posted.

Have a nice night!

I'm just confused by what that means

Your brain is sending a signal to your heart since your heart is slowing down. Brain thinks your heart is failing


Not always! Only when I need it... Fuck

Am I a double new fag because you got me twice? I could have told you I was new retard, I started a month and a half ago

I never sleep so early! It's barely 1 am, mom, and I'm a big Nep already, you know?

You're always drunk, Suika.




You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.

Having a pleasant night, Boss?

How are you Shizuru?

>Thanks, I love a lot of the old manga artwork. Never read it, but I think the art itself is amazing.

I'll fuckin fite you.
Captain Falcon is a lot of fun imo. Kirby can be fun too tho.

I'm glad I'm normal then


An awful one, actually
Got some friends to cheer me up tho

Seriously who the fuck are you guys?
I only know shizuru, Discount Megumeme, and Shinoa
What happened to Tatsumaki? Tatsuta? Hand? Shiki? Tenryuu? Holstaurus? Lewd Megumeme? Kagami?

That's not a nice welcome your dear friend.

I'm not! I haven't drank in like a week! Makoto won't let me.

Grats Nui

Aww, leaving? Well, okay. Goodnight!

You just shh.

Hand left months ago. Also, the Cold War is over.

Please no

Kagami became a normie, I doubt he will ever come here again.


I'm not so sure about that

So have you decided if you are going to sleep yet?


Kagami is super busy and rarely goes online anymore.

That's not true..I think..

Mm I just lurk and rarely post nowadays.. Night!

Claiming Miia.


Still lurks, come by the afternoon.
Literally who
Stuck in the ts3
Left because there wasn't enough people he knew.
>Lewd Megumeme?
No idea.

The truth is out there.
As is your alcohol consumption.

Tatsumaki is in college somewhere in England I believe, Tatsuta disappeared as far as I'm aware. Hand left the thread, but often posts as another avatar. Shiki shows up sometime. Holstaur is gone(?) Lewd Megumeme is rip and Kaga is moving out and busy

Deportation awaits you :^)

>no life
>Juvia claimed

TenTen's cute sister, he was quite nice.

Well, I'm in bed. But not sleeping yet
I was born here, where will the deport me to?

>No Anomaly
That's how I like it.

No Ginko or Stocking either, but no complains, am I right?

Ah, bummer. Well it's nice that they're there for ya. Hope it gets better.

Holy shit how new are you?
Tatsuta is Tenryuu's sister
Lewd Megumeme was one of the 5 megumemes and posted Megu lewds often
Hello Dollar Store Megumeme
Also what happened to the bongo?
Muh feelz


I think stocking was here the other night. Someone with that name was anyway

Stalker, what is you of doing here, has you got rid of the Streliok already?

Oh! I'm saying i am layer on the battle skirt lol. For some reason I always saw it as a dress

This doesn't sound good

You'll always be my little nep

Like you'll belive that you'll live from that fall? Holy shit dude the chain isn't holding onto anything. If it was, her finger wouldn't even support that impact. It'll break her finger! I'm legitimately concerned about that pic

It's gorgeous for sure dude. And by the filename, youre leaving?

I think I played as samus and fox too

>adorable pic
Yes you are. We all have it


New anons. Old Tatsuzu, idk. Tatsuya, idk. Hand left in June. Ten ten is Rarley around. Holstaur left without a goodbye. Has contacts of some anons, lewd megumeme must be doing millitary stuff. Same with kagami but I have him on discord. May i ask who is this?


A-Are you the Emi that always posts? I may have had a good conversation with you when I was user once..

Yeah, that's every night for me
until about 3 a.m.

First I must ask:
Is English your native language?

True, very true.
I guess the musicjerk died out.

Multiple times, but I still need to scrounge over the X-18 tens of times.

Fastest waifu on no legs????

Ohh, okay, yeah, I think it could work as a really short dress too. Don't you know that tactical battle dresses are thing?

>Holy shit how new are you?
A lot.

Megumin posters are seasonal thrash anyway.
Still no idea whoever Tatsuta is.

Welp, if he posted, I pretty much missed it.

Spaniard Emi is kill.
>Thanks, me.

And it's all your fault.


Stocking was here a few days ago

Yeah, we had a blast. Made me forget about things
And what about you? Doing fine?
>Also, if it's the 25th for you as well, then it's Britfag's birthday

>le obligatory REEEEEE
The bongo still visits the thread from time to time
He's on Telegram


You did miss Stocking.

I mislinked it seems.

You killed Spaniard Emi?

I'll keep lurking until they're back..hmph.

>Seasonal thrash
Sounds like my genre fam
Sign me up for a megumin

I mean I'm on often i guess and I usually talk to people. It's more of a matter of time frame. I've been here for about 2 months I think




I don't usually visit /mai/, so I'm not familiar with anyone here.

Stocking is still around sometimes.

What kind of guns do you like to use while playing? I often go with high caliber sniper rifles and maybe a sawed off shotgun in case I need to go into tight spaces.

QoTT: How long have you been on /waifu/

>before threads were 24/7

I generally try to sleep at 1. If I try hard enough I'll fall asleep

like 5 days.

Hey! what's up?

Lurked occasional for about three months, posted a month and a half

your all losers and should cry for that

everyone r8 my waifu i need reassurance that i made a choice

sometime in june or july(xXProLurkerSkilzXx) before that i would just skim these sometime last year

who cares

Now you're lying, none of my fault.
I'm as innocent as the newcomers come.

I always used to carry an AK-variant and an VSS/SVD if possible, but the shotguns got me in the end with their capability of wrecking monsters so easily.

Late 2015

It's not lol

I know it from ancient times. I've seen leather skirts and all. Not sure about medival times but in star wars, the clone troopers call it a kama

There there

Are you smacking me with that, young lady?

I was there before it became 24/7. I remember popular anons like, OG emi, tats, hand, Galko, kagami. Hell back then, emi, Virgil and some others told me I got popular REALLY fast

Playing halo

She's good

good I can go to bed peacefully


End of April
I posted only once in February though


Thank ya..


what is funny about that? everyone has to be new at one point or another, yes?

>I was there before it became 24/7
Good b8.

Today I learned what a they're called! What are you up to?

Where are your twins, S-mug?
I remember when he posted way more. I remember when Kyouko was just a baby. Remember the Yuno Wars?
Anyone that arrives during summer or after summer 2016 is new af

Ever seen The Amazing Spider man game? Where the web just plasters itself onto anything no matter how high you are? Think of it like that, the chain connects to any surface. Besides, I'd catch her anyways.

That's good to hear. Doing fine, just sick.
>Will be at the end of the hour. Tell him Happy B-Day and to keep up the excellent taste for me, if you can please.

Ayy Emi. Not much, just chilling, trying to drown out being sick. How about you?

Good night

I'm gonna hit the sack too. Good night waifu

I remember the fucking Cred Forums thread OG Mio made nigga

ITT: Newfags who think they know what /waifu/ is all about

7 months.

So you can claim anyone who isn't posted?

give it a rest, nobody cares about your elitism

it's all about getting e sex, obviously


Syndra made threads 24/7 on January

Don't bait this hard

>I remember the fucking Cred Forums thread OG Mio made nigga
You're spooking me there, Graf.

one is probably sleeping not sure i have anymore twins past that

Kyouko was never a baby. But I was the first person to greet him.

What is this?

Moooom, chill, you're embarrassing me in front of my friends!
A week? I dunno, yeah I would say a week.
Nothing much, just killing time, what about you?
Ah, I'm a it rusted on my stalker culture, I only really liked the hunting shotgun and the sawed off one, even though they weren't as nice and spectacular as the others, they still were extremely decent when it came to kill anything standing on the end of the barrel, also they were dirt cheap to fix and upgrade.
Isn't it about the ebin memes XD?

Best type moon claimed


combat evolved?

im alright i guess, got work tomorrow :c how about you?

just playing some wow and smoking. waiting for anything?

What about that edgy as fuck Kirino guy? Did he finally an hero?

Yes, of course~

I'm almost new af then

Sick? Having a cough there?
>I will tomorrow, cheers man


Night midnight

I won't ask on what's it about

I came to thread around late Feb, early March. How long would you say I was around?

Learn something new every day. Halo. You?

What are the chains made of?


I'm a new fag

YES the yuno wars. Edgy yuno vs you know. Remember when dio interfered with the twother? Or when Dio would make perfect breads?

>dude TG lmao

The Chaser 13's quite useful when fully upgraded and Eliminator's just OP as hell with the magazine capacity it has.

Why are there no husbandos?



If I remember right, "kama" is what the Samoans call it. They wear those in battle (even was part of their uniform in WWII).

This is because Kyouko is a robot.


What do you mean?

>This is because Kyouko is a robot.

with a heart of gold.

What are you? Gay?



I tend to stay quiet unless Hanako shows up.

Anyone or anything.


Kuro no Raida is my husbando

Why overload of waifu

thanks, halo? what are you a pleb, not getting an og xbox and halo 2 then porting only halo 2 instead of making a emulator like the cool kids smh

yours is a retard/10

why are you on so l8

theres still a kirino here, gets on later

Oh no. Don't you 'mooooom' me, young lady

Chief collection

I wonder who could this be. Surely it's not OG atago

Is it really or one of the older anons fucking with us how remembers?

I believe so. Kama was also a Japanese scythe thing

>Dio sama...

Oh hell yeah, I love Halo. Which one? I'm working on the soccer field still, can't get the logic for scoring to work.

I'm not cool though

This is a husbando

This is the best husbando


Not really, it's just that I tend to go to sleep more late.
But the shotguns were for stray mutants, for anything else, sniper rifle. The accuracy of those are just lovely.
I don't like sleeping. What's your excuse?
But whyyy?

a very late claim

Lol no Kuro is 10x better than that seasonal trash

Ew, at least there's money involved. Not a whole lot, easy night, a simple time.

Cough, vomit, mucus, overwhelming sense of wanting to die. The bread and butter :^)
>Much appreciated. Thank you.

Hopes, dreams, reinforced steel.

>Mi Liu

>Play Destiny daily
>Play Expansions upon release
>Deal with tons of bullshit
>RNG still fucks with me

I just need to set my mind on something else for tonight
How it goes for ya man?

Fine, no more bullying the Betty

Looks like an average night drinking :^)))

Shit happens.

Unless you're going inside one of those caves filled with snorks, now there you'd be fucked with scoped weaponry.

now let's not be hasty here.

good luck, raids hard especially if you're under 360


not just the cool kids, everyone except for plebs does it you ninny

i don't have a job or school and its 9:30

stop playing destiny because you know it sucks

You know these threads are against the rules right. Can someone flag this?

Did someone call me?


Unsure if you're the actual Hanako. Mild hesitation.

Lurked since March, actually started posting in July.

Also good evening all!

I have the sauce

Cheif collection
Nope. That goes to spike and Dio

Cause you're being naughty

Wew. I thought breasts were filled with hopes and dreams

>forgetting vigil

Alright man. Hope you're taking it easy. Pretty well. Playing halo here

I'm a pleb too