Fuck dysphoria

Fuck dysphoria
Wasnt it supposed to go away once i got on hrt?
That was the whole point of hrt
I dont pass and feel gross af

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good for you degenerate


What the fuck is dysphoria

What the fuck is hrt

Please talk to me I'm alone and high

Dysphoria is a shitty mental illness
That makes you uncomftable with your own sex

Hrt or hormone replacement therapy is the act of taking hormones of the opposite sex to look kinda like them

how long on hrt? it can go away if you put effort into passing and living life.

Abit over a year :/

you've got a job and a social life, worked on your voice and all that stuff?

My voice is crap still,
so i just stay in boymode becuse fuck being a delusional hon
I have a job, no friends tho exept for my bf

>over a year

It only goes downhill from here. Have fun using all your money visiting Thailand for plastic surgery all through your face or looking like a hideous beast


then work on your voice, posture, etc and go girlmode. how the hell do you expect dysphoria to go away if you still present as a boy? hrt can only do so much on its own. also, work on getting some friends.

Ok shure
Ill never leave boymode

>implying anyone whants to be friends with a degenerate tranny like me

>HRT will make you feel better
>No wait, HRT doesn't make you feel better, you also have to be the grill you feel you be
>No wait, you can't just be the grill you feel you be, you also need to get a nip n' tuck
>No, you are also need to have this other drugs to feel better
>You will feel better if you just feel better
Is this the fucking treatment for dysphoria? Because I think we have major problems in treating dysphoria if people just need to slide deeper into delusion to not feel uncomfortable.

have you considered suicide? or perhaps unfagging?

Filter your water. stay away from soy and other estrogen carrying foodstuff.

and eat red meats and other testosterone heavy food.

you can even keep sucking dick till you wean yourself.

No thanks fam

Just give up and be a man.
All this trans shit is 100% a fad.
Do what human beings have done since their inception and make do with what you have.
You'll regret not just being happy with your body once you turn 30.

dysphoria is complicated. it's not only about feeling shitty because of your body but also by how you are perceived by others and yourself. if you start to late and have issues with self-hate hrt on it's own will only do little. that's why therapy is usually done when you start hrt officially.
other drugs are never recommended. idk what you mean with nip n tuck.
>No wait, HRT doesn't make you feel better, you also have to be the grill you feel you be
this is so dumb. you feel like a girl, you wish to be perceived as a girl and have the body of a girl, of course only hrt will not do all the work.

well don't be sad when you have no grandchildren end up being the slut of the home, this is the future you chose

So if I have anorexia and I feel fat, and I wish others would understand that I'm fat, I should just get lipo-addition surgery and take fat pills, right?

its too late. he's stuck between man and woman. he's in the twilight gender zone

Im a year in to hrt, im already sterile
No bio grandkids for me

>let me go ahead and compare two completely unrelated conditions to each other to show that i don't know anything about what i'm talking about


fucking kek

What a comfortable spin to put on this situation.

>completely unrelated
>one is a delusion that your body is fat
>one is a delusion that your body isn't the right sex
>completely unrelated
Fucking pharma industry must be making a killing to even have shills on Cred Forums.

Holly shit you are ugly as fuck no wonderyou still feel like a guy
You look like a fatugly dude grew his hair out

You already look like a qt grill to me.

Doesn't being shamed for your choices hurt you more?

actually cute, i assume this is a very very good angle that you have picked out of many but if you looked like that normally, you'd pass
post nudes

Im 125lbs
Is that fat?

>I dont pass
Unless you naturally look androgynous or started before/early puberty, this is going to happen to anyone. Bone and facial structure is set in stone after this point.

Heres a shitty angle

I started pretty recently myself. You're at a point where changes can still happen.

What dosages and stuff are you on btw? Kinda curious.

one is BDD. the feeling that minor or nonexistant flaws are huge and you feel terrible about them.
one is gender dysphoria. feeling awful about your body being the sex it is and being treated as the sex you were born as. it literally has nothing to do with a delusion.
i'm just waiting for you to compare schizophrenia to gender dysphoria because you probably think all mental illnesses are exactly the same.

Put some make up on.
You look better than most of the girls already.

50 mg cypro
4 mg E
100 mg progesterone

women can be fucked by test too. most women have at least some masculine features but yeah, starting before puberty is preferable.

That was stupid, its like me as a child going though that 'i don't need or want a little parasite' phase, cept actually cutting off my balls so i can be 'extreme'.
Not even ten years into the future i've changed my mind, and you wantonly decided to sterilize yourself just for a hormonal imbalance caused by your dietary habits and whats in the water.
I wish science catches up so you can either get a real womb, or splice a baby with your partners dna.

and remember, your partner veiws you as a fetish item.

you're okay
there are tons of girls who look like you or worse and nobody thinks anything
time to start worrying more about your clothes instead

Schizophrenia might/possible/has some tenuous connection to brain lesions.
GD has connection to issues with parts of brain being gendered incorrectly.
BDD has connection to erroneous mind-body connection.

One of these things is not like the other.

Who would have thought that growing tits and cutting off you dick does not fix your actual mental problems which is mainly refusing to accept that you're gay.

You're not a woman trapped in a man's body. You're just a little fag. Accept this and your life will get a million times better.

Just accept who you are and go full homo, you freaking special snowflake weirdo. You know that you just want your ass to be filled with cocks, so it's not like it matters if you "pass" or not.

>believing in fictional illness
>not realizing that the mental illness is your wish to butcher your body and fuck up your health with hormones and other shit
>complaining about feeling uncomfortable

Oh boy, you have no idea what you will look like in 10-15 years, do you?

>I wish science catches up so you can either get a real womb
i wish the same, user, i wish the same ;-;
none of them are like other, neither in symptoms nor in cause.

That's pretty solid. You don't look bad btw. Honestly with the right clothes you could pull it off imo.

They started me on 3mg E a day weirdly enough, seemed a tad high for a starting dose but fuck it, I'm fine with it.

>drinking this much of the kool-aid
Never mind. I'll go back to the real world now.

Trannies age better than most people tho
No male aging becuse of low t
No menopause becuse of xy chromosones

i hate on you now, but when we master genetic engineering within this generation i'll wish you the best, cause you'd actually be able to change 100%

but till then your stupid, never forget

you pass, pretty cute
it's probably your meds fucking with you

>but when we master genetic engineering within this generation

>mfw we just learned that so-called junk DNA might contain important markers for our genome in the past couple of years
Have fun making a new generation of trogs so that we can completely replace the working class with dull, deformed literal slaves.

>trannies age better

You've never seen what a 50 years old tranny look like, do you?

>but till then your stupid
y-you're stupid too, user.

Thats becuse they transtion in their lat 40s
If you transition early you age better than the normies

Here's the thing. I believe that we are in an era in which everybody is so scared to be non-PC (mostly because the SJW hordes will make sure of destroying your reputation and career if you dare express a non-conforming view) that we have lost the capacity of stopping for a moment and thinking "hey, what if...?"

More relevant to this case "hey, what if this person who feels uncomfortable with their own gender, this fucking /teenager/ who knows nothing about life and is highly impressionable, what if we seek to give them counselling and perhaps medication and some time to see if it's something that can be treated?" No, now it's like the moment a kid says "gee, sometimes I wonder what would be like to be the opposite gender" people encourage them to immediately go into a highly traumatic body and mind transformation process and lecture them about "not giving in" and "fuck anybody who dares suggesting otherwise".

If a man believes that he's a dog or a credenza, he'll be interned and treated. However, if he believes he's a woman, he's suddenly a fucking hero that deserves all the support and encouragement in the world. Why?

they are on hrt for a year max after 50 years of test ravaging in their body....

i'm just saying m8 that we have crisir(those chinese fucks) doing clinical trail on genetic engineering

we could be cloning people en mass if it were not for ethics board and other pussies, cause as you know we can clone animals, and if we can clone animals we can clone humans.

>that we have lost the capacity of stopping for a moment and thinking "hey, what if...?"
oh, let me do that too:
hey, what if user actually knew anything about how kids are diagnosed with GD and that hrt does indeed consist of medication?

I don't understand why people want to be the complete opposite gender.

There are bad parts to being both.

Men are generally gross with hairy bodies and go bald.

Women turn into sacks of mush.

Being a girly-boy "trap" middleground would be the best possible thing, having a sleek semi-muscular body while being cute. Who wouldn't love to be like that?

Any decent psychiatrist will ask the necessary questions to determine whether or not full blown HRT is required and will exhaust the alternatives before reaching that stage.

but have you considered that its all a lie and that Cred Forums is right? (diff user btw)

People have been saying we treat GD wrong since we started pumping people with hormones and snipping/slicing their junk in the '70s. Big pharma and deluded activists have ruined the science behind treating GD, by making any other alternatives termed "oppression". The focus is no longer on treating the delusional mind, but on making the healthy body match the delusional mind.

>moneygrubbers who push this on children and stupid people

choose one, only one

Cred Forums is never right.

Maybe instead of actually having dysphoria you were just a horny idiot that wanted to know what it was like ad the oposite sex

medication meant to completely and traumatically alter your chemical and hormonal composition! I am talking of medication that normalises and irons small behavioural and emotional kinks.

Look, I'm not saying that GD doesn't exist at all. There are several ways in which we can get a bit messed up in gestation and if a person can be born without arms or with an extra hand, I fully can believe that a woman can be born with male bits or a man with a female hormonal makeup, etc. However, by logic, such cases must be extremely rare and not something like the near-epidemic we're seeing, which reeks of socially engineered rather than truly genetic.


i really wish it wasn't, really, really do.
But the more i look into it the more my happiness dies. but so does the ignorance

don't thread yourself. Sad!

You got a mental illness retard

Idiot SJW

Excuse me if I'm sceptical. Not long ago, "decent psychiatrists" were pumping kids full of ritalin until it exploded how unnecessary it was in most of the cases. Whether well-intended but over-zealous or mere pawns of pharmaceutics producers, the already shaky "science" of psychiatry has lost much of its clout.

Yes i even said that abit further down

I mean, Gender Dysphoria is in the DSM V for a reason. So kinda, yeah. But if medication is applied to people feeling depressed and such, why wouldn't we want to use it to make people unhappy with their bodies feel a bit better? Being a mental illness doesn't make something bad.

yes, but not the one you were told you have


So who else thinks op is now ignoring the rest of the thread thats saying that he got jew'd and thats why he no longer replies to the actual question parts of the questions

>However, by logic, such cases must be extremely rare
lol are you dumb? things happen as often as they do. if your logic doesn't work with reality then it's not logical. it's rare btw, the internet just blows it up.
it's not traumatical for the body.
>I am talking of medication that normalises and irons small behavioural and emotional kinks.
doesn't exist for GD. it would literally need to alter brain structure.

Op here, can comfirm

Not OP, but informed consent was an option for me when I was 17, soooo tbh a lot of people don't have to deal with psychiatrists at all, for better or for worse

The thing is that most people at certain point or other are displeased with their body. This is particularly true for teenagers, when the things they had idealised are contrasted with reality. But most people just endure and move on and learn to accept themselves. Others, buckle and seem to radically transform themselves with plastic surgery or gender change. But it is possible to just grow up and learn that you may not be perfect but are unique and fine and that having the unattainable body of your dreams is actually not a priority in life.

Check'd, you cheeky fucker

There are a lot of scummy doctors or insane people that will keep asking different doctors until they find one that says "yes"

Now let's hear some voice, because that's the real kicker. Give us a vocaroo.

I feel you.. stay strong
dysphoria sucks

>it's not traumatical for the body.
As if once in that path, the knife wouldn't become almost an inevitability, especially if they are reinforcing the idea that "yeah you're in the wrong body".
>doesn't exist for GD. it would literally need to alter brain structure.
Fair enough. Give me a fully studied source with a big data sample that demonstrates that all GD cases are truly brain structural.

Its crap
Im still waiting for that voice therapy

However you feel about your body doesn't change because your body has changed. Doesn't matter if you're GID or other.

For example, I've been fucking obese most of my adult life. I've lost about 100 pounds, it feels great but I still feel like a fat loser most of the time.

yeah well I guess you could pass as long as you just don't say anything. have you thought o pretending to be one of those deaf-mutes?

I can only speak of my personal experience, but I had a psychiatrist get me through my depressed and anxious mid-late teenage years without any medication as it was possible to manage it with regular therapy. There was never any attempt to force medication upon me. So there are definitely good ones out there who don't simply resort to pushing pills for a paycheck, the only question is how rare they are.

well, you dont sound great

here is a study
here is a site with lots of sources

>As if once in that path, the knife wouldn't become almost an inevitability, especially if they are reinforcing the idea that "yeah you're in the wrong body".
so now you switched to talking about the mind? i don't see your point because nothing besides transitioning has ever managed to improve the quality of life and decrease the suicide rate...

greed is powerful, just look at how many people you know personally that would sell you off for a big enough raise.

you're right. it happens often that GD (GID doesn't exist anymore) patients develop BDD too.

>Decrease suicide rates
surely you jest right?

I dunno. I have different opinions on this sort of thing. I feel like if medication or a procedure has a chance of making someone feel happier or improving their quality of life, then that's the route we should take.

And I go as far to apply that logic even when there isn't a flaw, pic related. A lot of people would call me insane for implanting a parylene-coated magnet in my finger, but it makes me happy and I have no regrets so why should I care?

idk what that means. but yes, it decrease it.

Jest means joke you uneducated plep, then how come people that transition are more likely to suicide after a few years?

Becuse pre hrt you atleast have abit of hope that youll be better post hrt
If you get proven wrong you now have no hope at all

Awh, people still aren't treating you like a special snowflake? Did the fad of being a transfag lose its luster?

they're not though.

I decided that it's retarded. I'd be a lesbian female virgin as opposed to a straight male virgin so fuck that. I also like having a decent sized dick.

come on your hrt couldn't have made you forget all that you learned about them, regardless of what the message is now, the past is still the same. look at older studies, before they were funded by liberal groups.

btw op, have you already started doing actions without thinking and then justifying it later? i've noticed this trait on all natural born females i know, what about you op?

I thought it was a fucking meme not too long ago, the liberal funded argument, but it isn't. It's actually fucking scary.

Hide severe mental illness by faking a physical handicap.


(perhaps OP should just off themselves)

Good argument. But it seems it's not working for OP? Which is what started my musing. What if with all the modern pressure to not talk against non-normative gender identity, we are opening the doors for people who don't really /need/ it to get into a fairly traumatic process that may end greatly damaging them?

As I said above, I'm not saying that GD is always bollocks, rather I'm advocating being more discerning and sober and less knee-jerky. It should be entirely reasonable to have extensive counselling sessions with someone who suspects they've got GD trying to find acceptance with their bodies instead directly seeking GD treatment. But no, that nowadays is seen as some sort of abusive and identity-violating crime.

>look at studies when trans people were treated even worse by society than today
>look at studies where the quality of the treatment and surgeries were extremely bad
that makes sense in your head?

don't compare super powers to dysphoria, thats like saying laser eye surgey is comparable to changing the function of one of your organs

funding bro, did you even read the post?

Are you trans?
Why did you put a magnet in your finger ?

>posted three days in a row.

Newfags,newfags everywhere. Accept your consequences. Go be with people like you.

Not that guy, but finger magnets are fucking cool, you can detetct magnetic fields and shit.

i did but i tend to ignore Cred Forums-tier conspiracy theories. seriously using "liberal groups" as a counterargument is pretty much braindead.

I guess. There will always be a slew of illegitimate cases and even just cases where people regret it.

But this specific disorder is tricky because you genuinely get worse results as you age with this sort of thing, which is why you see a higher rate of that. Yes, some impressionable kids will begin to act irrationally, but I don't think that should stop us from permitting this stuff as there are certainly still cases where it really helps people.

get help you mentally ill piece of dogshit

not every is as much of a loser as you, yknow? some of us actually DO leave the house and cant be on this site 24/7. man, you must have less than no life.

don't you have issues with getting through customs at the airport with that?

This. Dysphoria is based on you not being able to change other people's views of you and being highly paranoid at the same time. It's a nervous disorder wherein you're meant to become more of an introvert. Not do the exact opposite and shove yourself to the wolves.

It isn't complicated at all. Autismos just don't want to hear it and some of them have a bunch of money.

Nah, too small. MRIs even are just mildly uncomfortable.

You either declare it or just not wear a hijab. Not wearing a hijab is 100% success rate.

its a made up mental illness

tumblr fags got tricked into thinking they were girls on the inside when in fact they're just lonely beta males who like girls

Holy shit OP relax. Your hair is really cute, your eyes are big and round, your nose isn't masculine and your face is round. You could use some blush to make your cheeks look more rosy and some sweet scented body lotion. These really make you feel cute. Advice from grill with testosterone imbalance, I kinda know how you feel.

>some of us can't relax all day

Cry more.


Hmm how old are you, it's hard to tell from the images, and then did you start your HRT?

I recently met a woman online I got pretty close with, only for her to admit to me she had/has severe GD, was 'born a male' and only started doing HRT/vaginoplasty this year at 18.

Goddamn last time I try to date somebody online, what a fucking ride.

i've give you the same rebuttal i've had to give all liberal member in my social group, have you looked into it yourself? or did you dismiss it without looking into it? cause if you didn't, thats just ignorance in the guise of understanding.

i really wanna be disproved, so please look it up and find me wrong
Please do really, this is hell i'm in

Only one solution then
Kill yourself

FINALLY. Fuck this gaggle of mobile high schoolers.

Im 21 i started just before i turned 20

maybe you're just gay

you misunderstand, saying killyourself is too easy, won't work, you need to them to understand why they should kill themselves, then they'll actually do it.

what the hell am i supposed to look up? i looked a lot of stuff up for GD. i read quite some studies about it and i haven't found even one study so far that disproves it or transitioning as a treatment. you're not even giving me any studies or anything, the hell are you even talking about?

Don't yall mean body dysmorphia?

Noooo youuu!

He wants you to go to infowars.com, the best source for sound scientific theories

okay then. don't just read the studies thats pleb tier, look up the people that presented the study, and who actually gave them the money to say it(wiki helps for leads) then if you want bonus good boy points look up the people that work for the lab/study and the method they used. then you've truly researched

no im straight now show your boy pucci or im leaving

Really, thanks for that answer - did you ever have issues with showing pictures of yourself when you had just started transitioning or meeting up with new people?

This friend of mine lives really close to me, and although we talk often of meeting up for a casual coffee and chat she always freaks out when it comes to committing to a date/time. Also won't show pictures either despite me sharing mine long ago, not sure if it's the low self-esteem (Has not done any voice therapy yet) that she's a shitty person or if I'm just wasting my time here.