When should you use a comma in a sentence?

When should you use a comma in a sentence?

Well, the answer depends upon your stated goal.

After and but before a semicolon.

which comma and why you amerifats always mistake coma with period

When should you use a comma, in a sentence?

proper grammar is for faggots without own style

Why are foreign fucks so unproud of their own nationality.

this is fucking comma . this is fucking period ,

if you live in usa youre either european or nigger or chink or this guy on the pic


When using a passive sentence, you would always use a comma. You will find grammar very important for effective communication; however, it will make you a pretentious, obtuse, irritating, fag.

Wherever it, makes you sound, like, William Shatner.

moar kyu

>irritating fag

white race is european only , just conquered whole planet like america and australia , how long usa exists , something like 300 years


The way I look at it you use a comma if you can change the structure of the sentence without changing the meaning:

The other day, when it was raining, I was walking my dog through the park.

When it was raining the other day, I was walking my dog through the park.

I was walking my dog through the park when it was raining the other day.

As you can see the less commas; the faster the sentence reads. So you should use more commas when you want someone to read your sentence slowly, thinking about each part.

>no it was a joke

Whenever you pause, like that.

anus nigger today is being drunk day for me


Whenever there's a natural break in the cadence of the sentence.

That or as a delimiter in a list.

if you live anywhere then you are some number of generations away from the guys who moved there in the first place

americans are just as racially arbitrary as europeans when you go back far enough so it doesn't really matter anyway.

This lol

The use of a common, to the best of my knowlege, is used for separating things; no I don't have a better way of saying that, however it does help separate items in a sentence not truly important, meaning a sentence can work without what is in between the commas, and also for listing item, people, actions, and other things as well.

I always learned in high school that you use it for any of the following: When you have two related statements but wish to make both in one sentence, when you want to utilize a pause or a break in a sentence, or when you are making a list (Such as right now).

However, once I got into college I was taught that these were fundamentally wrong.

Take, for example, this sentence.

In high school I was taught that the proper way to construct the sentence made above this one was how I had written it. This is because it allows pause, which defines emphasis.

On the contrary, the one above this one was taught as a run-on.

Essentially, I was taught in high school that commas were used to separate items. In college, I was taught that they are not needed. But in high school I was taught those type of sentences were "run-ons". In college, I was taught that this was proper syntax.

So to answer... I'm actually not entirely sure when to use a comma. Therefore, I retain the use I learned of in high school; A comma is used to emphasize pauses, so that the reader can differentiate between key elements of communication.
