So THIS is how liberty dies

So THIS is how liberty dies.

Thunderous applause from the masses.

The undereducated, unemployed, white, racist, ignorant, bigoted masses.

The Republican.... is dead.

Other urls found in this thread:

Calm down Padme

You type like a faggot
stupid thread btw

lel u got the reference

and *republic*, not *republican*, damnable spellcheck

Holy shit guy! I was feeling the same way.

You shut your fag mouth and vote for Hillary, you wretched literal cuckold buttfag

Stop kebab

Stop keybobs

kek, no thanks faggot

Stop pls

pls kebab stop

Clinton sucks! Trump 2016.

>op pic related

You forgot to put Clinton in the pic too, idiot.

Trump will give the US to Russia and Israel.

Don't you stupid cucks GET IT?



Clinton will give the world complete access to the U.S. while moving all the money abroad.

TRUMP 2016!

*hissssssssssss* yesssssssss *hissssssssssss*

Vote Trump! *hissssssssssssssss*


Trump's new campaign stickers. IN HEBREW!

That dude looks pretty high.


the Professional Airsoft Association has endorsed Donald Trump for President, 2016.

top kek.

Republicans: "We hate America! We love Putin and Russia!"

Why do republicans hate America so much - and love Russia?

Who ever knew... that THEY would be the real Red Threat?

Look I can post pictures too!

Don't be a dumbass; Trump 2016.

Reagan actually killed the concept of the conservative Republican. He was a big-government Republican, big on unchecked spending and expanding government power.

Republicans haven't been conservative since then.

Trump might actually be the first real Republican most people have ever seen become president.

Pick on you fucking faggot.


please be fake, oh god pfffthahahaha

Flush Trump like a smelly poo dump!

Vote Hillary 2016!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!

As a non American.. The rest of the world has no fracking clue what you guys are thinking with trump. The common thought is you guys are living out the idiocracy movie.

Mocking what you know nothing about.


Thanks for Correcting The Record. Do they pay you more than minimum wage?

As an American, you're a faggot. You have no say, so please shut up while a country that matters is talking. TRUMP 2016.


Well Trump's a retard. So are the people who support him. Sadly most Americans are retardeds.

Fret not, friend. Hillary's still got a 60% chance of winning. She's ahead national, and in the electoral polls.


>doesn't understand the religious right
>doesn't understand their importance to Republican candidates

The good news is that the Religious Right is dying, just not fast enough.

She doesn't even know how to dress for fucks sake.

>So THIS is how liberty dies.
>The Republican.... is dead.

Clearly a Libtard Jew hack journo. fuck off you stupid kike.


That's because your entire news media is like our MSNBC -- agenda filled bullshit.

You should look for a full Trump speech on YouTube and watch it from start to finish. Not sound bites. Not your local news' editorial version. The whole, real speech. I think you'll change your mind.

And don't bullshit me and say you've already done that because it's clear you have not.

Ha typical trump supporter. Clueless and runs around calling everyone faggot to hide their own insecurities.

Shillary will fall down 25 minutes into the debate and piss and shit herself on live tv

Yep. But don't feel too bad, apparently only 9% of the U.S. Population likes Trump. Also.... Trump is more than likely just a pawn.

No. You are the religious right. YOU are the Jews. YOU are Israel. You ARE Russia.

It's too bad... that you're not America.


You mean like how Mein Drumpf is your father? Eww!

hey Israel.

See: and

>the rest of the world
Nah the rest of the world prefers trump faggot

Hillary's the warmonger, not Trump.

8 years of war under Obama
4 more years under Hillary

Do you know this guy's life story? You're the pawn, you're the mark, not the other way around. He's playing Nationalists for morons, because so many of them are.

Killary is waaaay more likely to start a major war retard

That would mean I'd have FUCKED Ivana, right in her brown butthole, and pink pussy.

Donald's still tearing dat ass up.


Who the fuck is this Drumpf guy?



Trump: "I actually agree with invading Iraq." 2002
Trump: "Hillary did the right thing in Lybia, I admire her." 2014

or jewish

Yeah, ok Israeli Jew.


>tearing dat ass up.
With what tool?


>or muslim

real republicans are a tiny minority and they need to indoctrinate the "undereducated, unemployed, white, racist, ignorant, bigoted masses." to be a power in a democratic system.
fukkin idiot

Searched both of those quotes, as you have them printed.

0 results.

lol. try harder, CTR shill.

Is today just Tumblr trash thread day?

Hail, victory!

lol right!

there's a real political group called "Cuckolds For Trump 2016"

it turns out the alt-right fascists were the real cucks all along

I thinking Trump is a pretty cool guy.
t. Russian


Wrong candidate, that was Bernie.

not only can I envision a Trump presidency but I am actually counting on it.
>flammis acribus addictis



Make American great again faggots

becoming friends with one of the most powerful nations in the world is a bad thing?
They have a history of communism
Shouldn't you libtards love this? you love the idea of communism and "free stuffs"
Wouldn't you be all for this if hillary was friends with putin?
How in any way is this a bad thing?
Like actually spell out for me how being on good terms with Russia is a bad thing.
Doesn't that abide by your whole acceptance and free love spiel?
What if putin did everything he has ever done but was black. Would you be okay with Trump beings friends with him then?
or are you just looking for excuses to be a faggot?

lmfao thats putins doing not us...

With all due respect. You're an uneducated buffoon from a red state. You don't matter.

Be gone. Move back to Russia.

And Democrats are nothing without the highschool dropout inner city black vote.

That's really why they're going to lose this year, in fact: black people are not going to saddle up and go out to vote just so they can vote for "dat ol' white bitch". Their lives are worse after 8 years of Obama.

They won't go vote Trump.
They just won't vote.

And without them, Democrats don't have enough votes to win much of anything, because literally 95% - 98% of blacks vote Democrat. Free shit! But this year they're kind of sick of old white women telling them it's all going to be better now.

As if hillary has any actual supporters that aren't paid for


Why do you hate America SO MUCH - that you think it's not great? Because we're not RUSSIA?

imagine if dylan roofs father showed up at a trump rally. the outcry would be all over the news the orlando night club shooters father has been invited to several hillary clinton rallys no one said shit about it

>from a red state.
I live in California so...
>You don't matter.
All Lives Matter.
>Be gone. Move back to Russia.
wut? you should really lurk moar and post less kid

You're quite the tard:

Oh I used to be a Democrat.

I became a Republican after spending time fact checking things Democrats said. They were full of shit too many times.

It's fine to fact check Fox News but make sure you fact check MSNBC and your own Facebook shills that have you brainwashed.

Trump: "Blacks are worse off than they've ever, ever, ever been, even under slavery."

I mean really trumpcucks? Come ON


Liberals now spinning why do you hate america?

If you don't support Trump over Hillary, you're most likely very uninformed or brainwashed.

Please debate me as to why Trump shouldn't be president. I want real arguments, not the bullshit "HES RACIST. HES SEXIST. HE WANTS TO BUILD A WALL!"

Real arguments. Please. Someone with some fucking brain matter. I still haven't seen a legit argument as to why Trump shouldn't be president.



Source so I can quote this?

with all due respect, you became a republican because you're a retard.

i'm an Independent. because i'm not retarded enough to be a blind, partisan fool.

go to college. please god, go to college.

why would you quote me user? I don't hate the state I live in. goddamn Cred Forums is retarded always

neither candidate deserves to win, this election has the least desirable nominees on both sides in modern american history.

Hoping hillary dies from whatever brainfuckery she has that they're hiding.


type in the text on google you wretched pederast

CTR has to strawman because they have no real arguments.

Which is another reason why Democrats are losing this year: the American public is tired of your style of arguing. It worked in 2008 and mostly worked in 2012 but you can't keep doing the same dumbshit plan for over a decade.

Even Democrats eventually wise up.

Reroll candidates when?

I can't use google. It's blocked over here at CTR.

As a non-American, your opinion means jack shit. Let all your cuckfriends know too then just shut the fuck up. -Every American Citizen, Republic or Democrat


No, it's just not voting for a sociopath day.

> Not even the same poster but fuck you anyway.

you hate CALI and America.

this is like the end scene of Revenge of the Sith, you and I floating over lava, light-sabers in hand.

You're Anakin... And I'm Obi-Wan. Remember what happens?

what actually would the protocol be if clinton died while campaigning? does a new nominee get picked? would it default to trump? does her running mate take over?

let's not pretend it couldn't happen. she's an old lady with siezures, a history of brain clots and I'm sure other things happening


I dont follow popular opinion, but i would like to know who you, or anyone, wants to win the election.
I feel like neither candidate should be allowed to run the country.
We need a president who will crack down on illegal immigration while also strengthening the infrastructure in other ways.

Lachrymosa, dies illa.

you're assuming he went to high school....

oh yeah I forgot.
there is a high percentage of inbreeding in that part of the world too.

Don't blame liberals and democrats! WE'RE ON YOUR SIDE!

but you aren't quoting it properly..
you were the chosen one...
you were supposed to bring balance to the Republic.. not destroy it

you failed. sorry

This is what fear and desperation looks like.

Airsoft fags will never know the weight of countless worlds on their shoulders.


Most republicans only have up to an 8th grade education. How sad is that... And how harmful for our country - and the world.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Drumpf.

oh that sequence is ending just now... hold me user

I did go to college. CompSci major, currently making $125k/year.

I vote Republican because I can see where their ideals can lead us to much better places than Democrat ideals.

But people like you who go to college and spend 8 years majoring in Ancient Chinese Women's Studies and Applied Dancing come out with $200,000 in debt and think supporting Hillary is your only hope now.

I feel bad for you.
Not that bad, but a little bit.

I'll meet u irl for larp roleplaying the last fight scene, word-for-word....


Once again, nobody can give a valid argument as to why Trump shouldn't be president.

Airsofters are more heroic than real soldiers because they can come home at the end of the day and regale their families with their tales of heroism instead of dying like cowards :^)

Provide your taxes. Prove it.

You can't.

You know who else won't provide their taxes? Trump.

Why? Because of his pro-Russian and pro-China fiscal status.

Not even a republican OR a racist would vote for trump if they saw his true political leanings (COMMUNIST).

We've been through more in our lives than either of you. We're heroes in our own right. You can't say the same.

This has to be satire

What's that, you have to choose between a clownish demagogue and someone who has to pay people to support her?

Welcome to transnational politics.

Lol, why would Trump be communist? Do you even know what communism is?

It died long ago to those who would pervert society by masquerading their racism and sexism as social justice. This is not the death of liberty, this is justice!

So....saying insults if any makes you a sociopath...? Huh...

I have no idea how anyone can vote for this man. He has the thinnest skin, spends half his time suing people and being butthurt and literally working the system like a douche bag. They have been conned by a reality TV version of a used car salesman.

Please do not confuse "argument" with "propaganda that might convince me".

Holy shit op is a fag

Trump is a billionaire.

>he's a communist, code red

Actually it's interesting. If you look up demographics, Democrats have most of the high school dropouts and the very poor.

They also have the ivory tower college graduates -- the kind of people who wracked up huge debt on bullshit studies that have no career path.

Actual working men and women tend to vote Republican.

How about Duck-Duck-Go?

CTR is really falling apart in this thread. Not a single noteworthy response yet. Do they really pay you by the post without regard for content?

because he is no more qualified than the people on /b

I stopped a Reaper invasion. I defeated Alduin. I risked my life stopping the Didact.
You will never know the pain I've endured.

He is a sociopath because he lacks empathy and is horribly insecure with himself. He desperately wants others to like him, creates events that never took place and refuses to apologize when presented with evidence to the counter. This is not liberal or conservative, Trump is a sociopath and I fear for the country our deistic founders created.

Uh no, I practice Asatru. Like I said, you don't understand the Religious Right, or their significance in US politics at all.

tomorrow gunna b gud

I think you just described Hillary 'The Crook' Clinton. Projection, much?

don't see anything wrong with this photo

Seattle mall shooter, Arcan Cetin described as a 20 year old, originally from Adana Turkey....

>Trump 2016

How many Trump-advisors are being investigated for working with RUSSIAN SPIES?

I can think of 2 off the top of my head.

You can't prove Trump's a billionaire. Only his taxes can.

The highest domestic violence rates: red states
The largest bloc of people on welfare in America: whites in red states

btw - democrats are richer than republicans. we're on the coasts. we're the millionaires, the billionaires. you're the laborers. the felons. the slime.

When the networks run their Presidential Smack-Down, they need to use Verdi's setting as the theme music.

how many people are actually racist/sexist/bigoted/etc... really?

Media on suicide watch


that's the thing though, you had 79 million more dollars worth of security and still fucked up.
Also republicans are generally pretty happy with military funding and cutting it would be a bad thing to us. This would be considered military funding you just used the word security in hopes that nobody would draw those two lines together...

Yet has he done any of the same atrocities as Clinton...? No, he actually hasn't done anything other than lie a little about mundane things and derail Hillary who needs you are honestly stupid if you support her...honestly I don't support either, I'm just tossing my random dart at Trump over Hillary when I choose to throw myself into these discussions, my vote would be just to have the world blown up by nukes everywhere....start it over from scratch basically

Democrats are losing because Hillary is their nominee. If they hadn't fucked Bernie over we'd be looking at an absolute landslide.

even democrats, this election will be the one with the most hated candidates

Democrats are the poor, urban hoodrats who dropped out of high school and got some crooked doctor to put them on disability. If they're not on disability, they're a single mom on welfare.

Those are the true Democrats and if they don't come out to vote in November, you corrupt ivory tower types don't have enough votes to win.

That's why every election there's a "rock the vote" -- always aimed at inner city black people. Democrats know they fail without that.

And lately you've been targeting the poorer hispanic communities too.

Democrats try to buy up all the votes they can, and it's still not going to be enough. You already lost the Senate. And the House. Time to lose the presidency now. Obama doomed you.

No, Hillary is a basically a moderate republican. She is boring, a centrist and is just fine and contracting the military. I would have voted for Jeb but he's can't debate his way out of a paper bag and Kasich was drowned out by. Now I vote for western civilization, country and the markets not collapsing.

You say that as if the opinions of the so-called electorate in the United Snakes actually mean anything. You cry, you scream, you beat your breasts and what do have to show for it every four years? Just more self-delusion and more jingoism.

this user has a point, anyone have a clue?


"You're poor!"
"No, you're poor!"

The only reason I want Trump to become president is for him to start a nuclear war which will wipe out most of us.

Both candidates are shit, Obama needs another term, that guy was at least decent.

This is true. Hillary fucked Bernie and the Democratic party.

They're running the one candidate who is less popular and more divisive than Trump. Nobody can overlook Hillary's corruption at this point.

I do wonder if Bernie was ever for real or just part of the game. Fire up the younger crowd, then back Clinton, who would never be able to fire up those people on her own.

I think it backfired though. I think a lot of Bernie supporters simply won't vote this year. They hate Hillary too much.

It would go to the person with the second most primary votes, so Sanders.

Hillary, for lack of a better word, is the devil. How many scandals has she been a part of? How many lies has she spread to the American public? She doesn't care about us. She doesn't even care about women. She just wants to make America her bitch.

but even shillary is as bad as him

Just searched that, those aren't real quotes.
Looks like your contract with CTR is over.

If trump wins... we will most certainly be wiped out. you may get your wish.

Democrats get 95% of the black vote and you're trying to paint Republicans as the felons?

Most of my friends are Bernie people. About half of them are voting for Hillary in the general because they're scared of Trump and the other half are either voting for Jill Stein or writing in Bernie. Or not voting.

It's funny you say he has zero experience.

In the time of the founders, the idea was that politics was a civic duty that rich businessmen would commit to for short periods of time out of service to their country.

It was not supposed to be a lifelong career that paid handsomely and provided huge benefits on the side.

Trump not being a career politician is one of the main reasons I like him.

The Lizard Queen is now worth more than your Fearless Leader. About ten times more.

Looking forward to it
We're just animals still learning to crawl

It's 2016 dumb fuck. Get with it

sounds more like a liberal

Everyone one here is arguing over which candidate is worse yet we all can agree the both have flaws and we all are trying to vote for the lesser of two evils when we.dont even have to vote for either of them there are so many candidates so why is it year after year we keep electing from the same to parties that fail to live up tot there promises year after year

The undereducated, unemployed, white, racist, ignorant, bigoted Republicans are not dead. But the Democrats are not any better.

Obama is too much of a corporate cocksucker for my liking but as far as corporate cocksuckers go he's been a good one. Pretty sure he will be sorely missed next year.

That's because CTR is almost exclusively off-shore. Note the Indian and Israeli syntax in their posts. Also note they go quiet when you point out their origins.

>ha ha ha funny picture show donald dick small! ha ha ha!
>I have no arguments so i will attack your appearance.jpg

Let me give you a piece of advice.

Wall Street likes Hillary. Thus, if trump wins -- you can expect your net worth to be halved (if you're like most intelligent Americans, and keep their monies in the markets).

Wall Street's for Hillary - that means I'm for Hillary. And anyone with money in the markets should vote with their checkbooks, and vote for Hillary.

It's that simple.

i dont know why people give trump shit because he respects one of the most powerful nations in the world whom is considered a rival to this country

You sound like hillary

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Next year will be 2017 and last year was 2015...

well trump has received many compliments from Russia, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and even ISIS.

I'm sure he'll be a stellar leader.

Lol, that's exactly why I'm voting for Trump, fuck Wall Street and fuck you faggot!

Trump 2016!

>has he done any of the same atrocities as Clinton...?
Not yet, but only you can give him that chance, you blessed Muritard.

Hillary's a criminal.

But Wall Street likes her.

Thus, so do I.

you don't get that, do you.

With the exception of ISIS, he's done business with these people. They already respected him.

that doesnt really make sense. how will stocks get immediately slashed if trump wins?
also, youre an idiot if you have all of your monies in stocks.

And, at the end of the day, if whatever shithole you live in ever mattered enough to piss us off we'd just wipe out your entire country before lunch. Probably best you stick to the sidelines where you belong, junior.

Only an utter imbecile would want to crash the stock market.

Or someone working for the Russians.... (TRUMP).

Pretty much what Political Compass thinks, too. And it has like methodology, dood.

name 1 "atrocity" Clinton has committed.

Because he respects a man who has been associated with the killing of journalists and the aiding of an opponent of the US? (Assad regime)

so they seem to respect him. maybe now the US can play nice with the world and stop being shit on by all the various nigger race immigrants.

>there's no replies to this poster that wants a debate but there's replies to all the other trump supporting posts that dont have good arguments
Liberals never change.

I don't think you understand how investors, or the markets react to politics.

When you're an adult, and have your wealth tied up in the markets, it will be crystal clear.

I'm going to vote for Hillary because she will have me murdered if I don't.

Well, let me think...

Trump will be ISIS's bitch. Putin's bitch. MAO's prodigal bitch. And Kim's bitch.

We want our enemies to FEAR our leader. To HATE our leader.


Implying the markets just magically halve in value when a president gets elected. Clearly your intelligence was halved before you typed out that lie, shill.

That's not what would happen at all.


you couldn't list 1. those are contrived.

and now you're blocked - literally, I won't ever be able to see any of your posts again (get a Cred Forums Pass you pleb)


Throughout this entire post, I never saw one source?


"If they don't agree with me they're not worth listening to." -every democrat ever

Or they could be buddies and unify the world.

I'm a hardcore Democrat, Bernie supporter, and all I can say is Trump is a million time better than Hillary. He's still a terrible choice though. I will vote for him in the election to offset the weak democrats that blindly vote with their party.

And what makes you think that? It's 2016. Wars between first world countries don't start over offensive words anymore.

watch how the markets react to the debates you wretched pederast

and learn about how the economy works you whirling filthy molester


Well actually you're probably right. That's what should happen according to the rules but they'd probably find a way around it.

First world? Russia? ISIS? China? North KOREA? First World??

China's *close* to becoming a developed or "first world" country. lol Russia's rekt. So is NK. And ISIS isn't a COUNTRY.

>believes the biased polls

But it happens at the will of the majority. So it's democrattic.

Couldn't have said it better myself

Does anyone have the new Pepe of Hillary drooling and having a seizure at the podium?

You... you haven't read the rules have you?

quiet, buttfag. Hillary's ahead nationally, and in every battleground state.

Nate Silver Forecast as of today: Hillary 60% chance of winning, Donald 40%.

I'm counting on it.

>or just part of the game
I'm almost as old as Bernie and he fooled me. But he took all his grass-roots money and gave it to the lesbian caricature of "bloody Dicky Roper".

Fuck you, Bernie. Fuck you all to hell.

Russia is just really corrupt which makes most of it like a second world country. China is pretty similar, but mix in over crowding. North Korea is like 1 guy. And ISIS is just the current leading gang in a region that is literally always at war, like for thousands of years

I'd slap you then shoot you IRL.

Sanders, because he has the 2nd most primary votes.

I imagine a troglodyte like you would assume it would be Kaine. You're WRONG.

Are there any other Gary Johnson supporters out there?

so you're suicidal, I get that. but what about our kids. what about humanity? what about the rest of us who want to LIVE?

Is sanders the guy who wants to bankrupt the country in a desperate and unrealistic attempt to force a boom?

Clinton already helped give Uranium One to the Russians and lined her pockets in the deal. What makes you think she'll stop there as President? When she can order State and Commerce to approve any deal she wants?

What's Aleppo?

Cred Forums is full of childish faggots so yes I'm sure there are.


The children can be our meatshields from the nuclear fallout.

You have the choice between two houses. The first house (Republican) is big, has too much character, is painted in loud colors that give you a headache if you focus on them too much, but is in a nice area of town and is somehow the most popular despite its appeal being how horribly-designed it is. The second house (Democrat) is dumpy, hasn't been renovated since it was constructed, is clearly on its last leg, and is in a shitty part of town and only appeals to the low-income populace. In between these two houses is real estate with fluctuating appeal, popularity, and overall worth. The first house is pricey, might require some sacrifice; the second is cheap, but comes with risks you don't want. The other houses are in the middle and while they're good options short-term, you can't quite sell yourself on them.

Which house do you pick?

Sanders.... was who we needed. Who we deserved. He'd have balanced the budget. Reduced debt by trillions. Given us real healthcare. Given us jobs. Brought peace.

yep, thats him

>the founders
They had to get mentioned at some point.
"Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and that his justice cannot sleep forever." –Thomas Jefferson
>Trump not being a career politician
Doonesbury disagrees with you, from 1999.

that's a trump lie. debunked by politifact and snopes.

he'll surround himself with people who know how things work. You folks think the president has way more power than he actually does. He can't just do as he pleases

Cred Forums is full of people to whom time has such little value that they visit this site to converse pointless and poorly thought through agendas and ideas to similar people to whom time has not value.

True in all particulars.

Should have thought of that before you fucking idiots bred like flies. Out of control population explosions will be put in check by war, famine, or disease.

Scope of Trump's lies "unprecedented" in US History

True, but we don't suck dick in our free time ;)

All those countries(with the exception of Isis(also it's telling that you're considering them when listing countries)) want to play ball with the rest of the world to the extent that they have voices in the world stage. Now granted NK is batshit insane, but they're still a worldwide recognized country. We won't nuke them and if they tried us it would fail before it left the ground(we would fail it). Russia and China? Yeah. They're not gonna do shit over words. And we need to cooperate with the only forces in the world that could offer us some modicum of symmetrical warfare. Not bow to them. Not let them run the discussion. We need to put America first and do everything we can to not become europes bitch like Obama and Clinton want us to become. The EU is a failed experiment. We need to stop worrying whether or not our freedoms are limited enough to play Merkels globalization game and start worrying about whether or not we're powerful enough to run the world again. Obama has taken steps to bring us down to Europes level. Hillary will continue this weakening. We need to pick back up.

I don't think you get it. A nuclear exchange between 2 superpowers would eliminate humanity, and most life on earth.

I'd care if america wasn't preoccupied with what gender someone is and who they are attracted to and what pronouns im using and a whole host of other pointless shit that makes me want to stick a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger. America was once great, and is now a shithole of retarded millenial scumbags. Trump may not be a good person for the job, but he is the person the US deserves.

ISIS wants to "play ball" with the rest of the world??

Oh how delusional you wretched republicans are! Oh how delusional indeed! ISIS! HA!

Quick question

So Trump wants to lower takes for people with jobs right
Does this mean people without jobs will still have to pay taxes? I'm poor and about to lose my house and if I get taxed as well then I'll have to vote for killary just to save my ass

lol that's the worst attempt at an analogy characterizing the 2 shit parties I've ever heard.

You should write for fox or cnn, they'll love it.

>shoot me
But aren't liberals afraid of guns?
Actually it would go back to the DNC and they would choose someone. They didn't care that sanders had the most votes when they nominated Clinton did they? What in gods name makes you think it would just default to him if she dies?

oh shit he's gonna block you too!

Nobody's mentioned Clinton's health. That scares me more than anything.

Why has "cuck" or cuckold become an insult? It implies that anyone here could land a girl to begin with, which is absolutely preposterous.

>Politifact and snopes

Obama owns those. Try again

>if whatever shithole you live in ever mattered enough
I live right on the beach and I pay the equivalent of 160 of your US cuckdollars for a three-bedroom, two-bath condo. Things are clean and peaceful here and yet the Anal Sphincter of the World refers to other places as shitholes. Keep telling yourselves that you are free. Heeheehee.

Lmao Isis would declare it was their fault if a Muslim guy stepped a someone shoe

fucking commies


*MANY* of us have not only "landed girls", but many of us are gods of vagaina.

Your unfortunate virgin life experiences =/= OUR awesome polyamorous life experiences.

What she has done to Syria will keep her immortal soul out of Heaven.

You can't read all good, can you son?

There are no liberals in the United Snakes. You are taught to hate one another so that your corporate masters might continue milking you for all you're worth. And you let them do it!

Oh please. Try harder and you'll pop a blood vessel.

You don't know what the Electorate is do you? Hint: It's not voters themselves. Electors mean everything. Voters mean nothing.

In other news, Trump just met with Netanyahu of course, and Netanyahu says that "he and Israel adore trump, and are excited to see him in the white house".

United Snakes is probably the lamest insult I've ever heard


>When "I want" becomes "we need".

You have no idea what I need, or this country needs, predictable faggot. All you know is your own dumbass opinion based on the information you've been given. And the information you've been given is incomplete and heavily skewed to sell you an ideology.

Grow the fuck up and realize you have zero concept of what this country needs, and neither does anyone else, which is precisely why a republic doesn't need your fucking input, but the input if people more qualified than the dumbshit public.

>the undereducated, unemployed, white, racist, ignorant, bigoted masses.

or perhaps it may be the pseudoeducated, overemployed, white (got me there), racist, ignorant, bigoted mass of social justice warriors.

pic related.