Greating, Cred Forums, it has been a very long time since I was here but I am finally able to return

Greating, Cred Forums, it has been a very long time since I was here but I am finally able to return.
I sincerely hope to find those that recognize me from my old threads where I recieved help in understanding many things and received the knickname Atalanta, but I will gladly converse with new people.
For anyone new, the simplest explanation is that I am an alien. In my past threads I was conducting a social experiment, but have since than learned much more of your culture. Now I am here purely recreationally.
I am willing to answer what I can in exchange for answers to questions of my own.

How did you get to be so boring?

Eat a dick space coon. Go crash on the moon.

lol wut?

say my name

This is you, Yes?

Please tell me what your thoughts on our "pop culture"?

i was here all 3 threads and and was almost certain i would never speak with you again.

I have always been like this. I'm actually having a great deal of fun in the internet, but even the more calm humans I've interacted with have been excitable and intense compared to average, so I assume my kind seems subdued or boring in contrast.

What type of alien, what do you look like? What type of civilization do you have?

What do you think of trump wanting to get your kind out of america?

I know you are asking for something might I recommend slitting your wrist and asking for approval before thinking you are entitled to anything. Please reconsider before doing this again,

what happens when we I die?

Your moon is by far too inhospitable to sustain us
I do not know your name
Yes, I remember recreating that picture for you, I am so pleased to have found you again. I too had great doubt of ever finding the same people here.
Your pop culture is to put it bluntly, vast. Much of it is still confusing, but it seems to be flighty and largely trivial, but many seem to take great joy in arbitrary allegiances made within them. I understand this appeals to your species' primal tribal instincts and gives you satisfaction based in said competition, imagined or not.
I do not mean to speak ill of it, but I myself see little entertainment in much of it. Specifically they interest in the lives of strangers, it seems like an invasion of privacy. My kind live in close physical proximity to one another, but our personal lives are rarely under the scrutiny of others.

Then go to Jupiter to get stupider space nigger

We're full spaceniggers, you can crash on the moon if you want.

But on a serious question
How does humanity fair against the rest of the universe are we really the worse out there?

why earth?

I saw your post in a ylyl. But uhh.. Pics of planet or gtfo.

Very interesting observation. I appreciate you coming here again to speak with us. Fake or not, I believe this would be an enlightening conversation if this website was not filled with rude individuals who just like to troll and say hateful things. That kind of goes back to what i said about us humans being hateful creatures and just want to bring others down. I wish we were not like this, but i believe eventually we may change our ways.

Do you remember me asking about beauty? I still have the picture to share with everyone else in the thread.

I wish to know your thoughts on evolution and its conflict with our worlds many religions. what are your thought?

For my best attempt at a visual of my kind, see this post.
I'm afraid I could no more simply describe my civilization as you could yours. Obviously we have developed interstellar flight, and have many physical and societal differences. I will need you to be more specific.
The specific head of America's government matters little to us, but I've seen great contempt in both candidates so far.
Slitting a wrist seems to be a method of suicide for your kind, correct? I still have function, and I don't believe such damage to a limb would cause and greater damage than the subsequent lameness of that limb. I apologize for the perceived entitlement.
Your kind has many different organizations with theories on an "afterlife" but I can attest to none. Eventually me kind cease functioning; they're duty in awarded to another, and their relations morn the loss of the individual. This is all I know.

Do you have music? Like instruments? Or groups / individuals that create the music for the masses to consume? Thanks in advance.

Which Sci fi video game would you say closest describes how the rest of the universe and other forms of life interact with each other?

Ment to say resembles not describes

I remember you fromvthe last thread. If I remember correctly, you were granted limited communication with the internet via the government's allowence. What changed since you're here "recreationally"?

Why Cred Forums as your preferred method of communication?

Ah, I am familiar with these responses, I did not recognize at first. You can both go fuck yourselves, for being gay faggot nigger neckbeards that are forever alone.
No, you are not the worst. You possess great ability to nurture and create. Your kind can think of impossible things in ways hard for me to understand at times. But all of your wars have strengthened your aggression, but we are aware of races far more dangerous.
Resources, after a devastating mechanical failure of our ship.
I have no such pictures, though I know for certain sharing such things are forbidden by my overseers.
I do remember that. I am honored you held my opinion so highly.
As for your question, I think they are one in the same. Homo sapiens have always been tribal creatures, this is not simply a state of physical proximity, but a mental state. I understand these religions as extensions of the same communal needs that form other sects within your society like sports teams, clubs, political factions. You align yourself with similar thoughts and beliefs to strengthen yourselves. The problem arises when a particular faith declares that it and only it can be correct. It is well known in my culture that Truth can be found from any angle, it is not subjective or exclusionary. I don't know what causes this xenophobia, but it causes much grief in your world.

AYY long time no see Ata, I knew I recognized that snake doughnut picture. Hope everything has been going well

Go back to mars you fucking earthaboo. This planet ain't big enough for all of us.

Approximate distance from your home world to earth?

Shut up homo

By the way, you should definitely get some new pictures to post. i noticed you post the same ones every thread, however, the doughnut snake picture is very identifiable and i would recommend posting the doughnut-snake again for future threads of yours.

okay question time, does your species have a form of marriage, and are they life-long partners? how do you guys handle break ups and missing your ex's?

Yes, we have music, but it does not resemble much of what I've experienced from your culture. I have fear that our sensory organs are too different to ever truly share the experiences, but the mathematics of some seem to translate well. I have received great pleasure in a few pieces of your music, and been told by some of my human friends that while occasionally unpleasant or off-putting, that the "sheet music" of it is technically masterful.
I have not played any videogames in such a fantasy setting. I so rarely play such games at all, I'm sorry I cannot help.
It was not any nation's government, but rather the authority of my overseers and the leading members of our friends organization. I have performed my duties since than without any faults, and in lieu of other rewards, I requested to spend my leisure time here, barring any security breach.
I find it fascinating and on occasion amusing. It also possesses a disclaimer stating that all posts are works of fiction, so I can speak freely under such guise.

I apologize for asking so many questions
But we've asked quest of your species in general
But would it be to intrusive to ask about you personally?
If so
Are you male or female?
Do you have a mate? What's their name?
What made you choose them to be your mate?
Do you have offspring with your mate?
What is it that you enjoyed the most about earth?
Do you have hobbies?
Do you have a favorite "song"?
Could you describe it?
What is your favorite form of entertainment?

Thank you again for awnsering

so how do you type? it looks hard given your anatomy.

Very well, duty and leisure all without complications. I have done little sculpting, though. I hypothesize alien terrain and unfamiliar architecture are subconsciously stifling, but this is not an active concern.
I cannot answer this question, though not by forbidden. When our vessel was forced to settle on your planet we had become very lost. I was only retrieved from dormancy after the emergency, only informed we were not at our destination. It is far enough that our great machines were needed to traverse the distance, that I can say truthfully. If our exact position in the "Milky Way" was ever determined by the Overseers, I was not privy to it.
We have no such social constructs, though the concept is understood by us, other species of our home mate similarly. We simply donate genetic material to those in need, the resulting new one being taught and finding a function within society. I have not held any young myself, but donated two times.
And now that I can return freely I will attempt to save more files.

Go to bed josh

When will your species make "public"
Do you have to wait until we reach a certain technological age like the vulcans in star trek?

how many years more advanced are you than us?

tits or gtfo

Can you pick me up? i won't tell anyone come on man

I have been told I am an expert in the "hunt and peck method", but I am quite slow compared to my human friends. Also, the "captcha" has changed to selcting pictures, and it is often difficult for me to distinguish certain images.
It is no problem at all to answer such a list, so long as you do not mind the time it will take me to complete the answers.
We do not form mating pairs like your kind, and I thus have not mate or criteria. I have donated genetic material for reproduction twice but held no children myself, as I mentioned in the last post. I suppose I should specify we are not gendered, or if I understand properly, are "hermaphroditic".
Earth has a pleasant star and amusingly fickle weather. I experience great pleasure in many of your minerals, as the Bismuth that forms here is quite beautiful.
I have a favorite song, but it is from my home, and I don't know how to articulate it's title. I am still unclear about much of your kinds musical terms, but if I understand correctly it has a changing meter, but when drawn out forms a symmetrical parabola. One of my friends laughed and called it a palindrome, but I do not know if that is accurate.
I enjoy board games and have recently found enjoyment in the construction of toy models. I find all the small parts being assembled to be great fun. I am currently trying to acquire materials to make a miniature landscape to position them on, but I do not possess a very prestigious duty and acquire tithes slowly.

These matters are not mine to decide. The overseers are in constant consultation with our friends, but I do not know if any public announcements are to be made. The effort put forth into maintaining our cover leads me to assume they will not break it so easily. I am also unsure what progress has been made in restoring our vessel's function, or even if Earth will now be our new home.
Our races rose to out current iterations so very differently I cannot possibly comment on our disparity.

does your kind experiment with drugs like ours do?

Are there any species within the galaxy that resemble us physically? Also, from your observations, do you believe that we will destroy ourselves before we achieve intergalactic travel, or do we have a good chance of succeeding.

Thank you for awnsering

That last part about you not having a prestigious duty and getting low pay amused me even though we are both so different we both share that in common of all things
In a strange sense its kind of funny but comforting to share such a meta detail with something so vastly different
You're welcome here anytime brother

is your race how we humans say... THICC

What was your original destination?

No, we very rarely imbibe drugs that alter perception the way many humans do, but I understand we use more medicines. Our rations contain all required fluids and ingredients for metabolism, but also many extra chemicals that aid in radiation absorption, dexterity/reflexes, and many other boosts to minor functions.
I believe we have in fact encountered a "bipedal" sentient race, and have seen various lifeforms similar to mammals.
I take no pleasure in saying I cannot say ether your race will destroy itself. More alarming is the possibility that your kind will only achieve such advancements through said violence. I hope your capacity for understanding and cooperation overcome your other influences.


could you please pick me up?
also, how far advanced are you guys in terms of technology, or how many years will it take for us to make the same technological advancements you have?

What is the biggest threat to the Galaxy right now?
Is it at peace or at war?
Is there some sort of Artifical species?

We were aimed at a star system thought to have many planets to explore, the exact bearings were privy to navigation teams and other waking crew. Though I imagine none would have been as vibrant and hectic as yours.
Our friends have called us "stocky", and on at least one occasion "thick", but I do not believe it was a sexual remark.
I am delighted to recognize such a similarity between us.

How do I get a job? I've lost 4, only one of them I quit.

Are there things you know about Earth that we don't? You don't have to drop specifics, it's just more of a yes or no question.

Are you american?

>if yes
Are you voting in the election? If yes, who?

>if no
Why are you gay?

Is your species or any other as divided as us
Meaning is their just one central ruling government or is it just a bunch of countries banding together like our United nations?

whats a piece of advice you would like to give the human race as a whole?

also do you have any questions of your own?

I answered a similar question here.
I didn't aim my last response to you, my apologies.
>Our friends have called us "stocky", and on at least one occasion "thick", but I do not believe it was a sexual remark.
See this picture for my attempt to draw our appearance.
This is an interesting question, if confusing. The galaxy is in no real threat, though war is common. Your safety is generally assumed, as it would be difficult to travel such a distance to inflict violence on strangers. Even a resource rich world like yours would cost more to get to than it would be to possess. There are dangerous species out there, that is certain, but it is doubtful a number of them great enough to pose a true threat would ever accidentally arrive as we did.
We have encountered a few species that were artificial, but in a sense all sentient species are partially artificial, correct?
We are all modified throughout our lives by our forerunners. It is not natural to be taught things beyond your perception, and out technology aids us further.
I assumed you meant a race without biological components, which was still affirmative.

Also, the following was a test I took in a previous thread. I've come to understand Autism is a mental disorder of your kind, and I was never told if this test confirmed the presence or absence of it in myself.

Hahaha the test is a joke
Everyone's autistic here


so does anyone have the screencaps of the old threads? I only caught a glimpse of the third one so I wouldn't mind catching up a bit

checking those double dubs

I am not sure how you acquire your professions. We are allotted duties based on proficiency and need, so it was never a concern of mine.
I don't believe I know of any great secrets unknown to anyone else, except the existence and location of the organization responsible for our protection, and all obvious tangent facts.
I cannot specify the location of our affairs.
We have encountered many divided worlds, but none divided along lines so trivial. Usually warring factions are familial or tribal, or as vast as between contesting species.
By that same line of thought, I have never seen a race so capable of banding together with others as your kind. You might squabble over trivialities, but you can bond over them as well. Any path to such an end is by extension worthy to get one there, correct?
I am a rather low ranking member of my kind, but my advice would be to find calm. There may be something perceived as worth a due sacrifice to achieve, but anything gained through strife in tarnished. Calm yourselves and maybe than you'll find peace.
I have many questions, but I almost forgot to ask in all the excitement of the thread, and to be honest the strain of translating. I had mentioned this before but still desire more reference to it.
What is experiencing sleep like for you? What is it like to transition into it, and/or out of it? And what are your personal dream-states like?

Is there any way you could put in a request to your superiors to take some of us with you? I want to see the galaxy, and it makes me sad that I probably won't even leave the planet in my lifetime.

If you aliens are real, fly over NYC tomorrow in a ufo.

- are you a physical entity?
- what do you look like?
- do you have genitals?
- would you fuck me?
- what would our babies look like?

You sound like a communist

sleep is very interesting. some of us have very vivid dreams, some do not remember them at all. If you have internet access then you could just google sleep phases, and that should give you a good idea of how we dream and sleep

If you could describe your government would it be a democracy, communism, a republic, etc..

Is that so? I was unaware this site was specifically for those with said shortcoming. Amusing I would fit the criteria.
I don't believe I know what probe you're talking about. Any satellites in orbit of your planet would serve no greater function expending extra energy to heat themselves.
Unfortunately I do not, but others might against narrow odds.
Thank you for the acknowledgement, I had not even noticed those doubles. I hope you get your own soon.


How far away is your planet in light years

Never have I ever seen a more autistic thread than this...

What's the current socio-political state of your planet?

Also do you support our God-emperor Trump?

If you're so concerned about hiding your location why are you posting on Cred Forums? You are not so anonymous as you think; mods on this website can easily get your ip address and from there they can find out your relative location.

why do post images with your replies Ata? where do you get them from and why do you pick these particular ones?

if you have no internet, how do you access this site? my apologies if you have answered this already but I would like an in-depth response, if you can give that away.

Fuck off spacenigger we're full. You can crash on the moon if you want.

here is a picture that may help explain sleep.

fuck forgot the pic

Do you watch anime? If so what genres?

>Trying to be as good as "fuck off space niggers we're full"
>Failing this hard

>fly over in an un identified flying object

Unfortunately I can not. Do not despair, though, it is beyond your control. Do not burden yourself with worries of things you cannot change.
We have no vessels capable of flight at the moment, but if we did and you knew of it, it would know longer be unidentified, correct?
Yes, We don't have external sexual organs. We create sexual exchange packets in our gullet when the need arises which is in turn imbibed by the recipient. It can be handled by limbs and passed directly, but it is commonplace to wrap one's sexual packet and present it in a standard crafted vessel.
I would gladly donate genetic material, but I don't believe any fertilization would be possible.
There are similarities to Communism, based on casual research. It seems to fit well enough, but the overseers are a great many in number, and are appointed by council based on proficiency, both in applicable skill and decision making.
I have reviewed various articles on it, but it gives me little idea of the personal experience. I have no baring for such an event and find it fascinating.

OP is an autist with no life who was too freakin edgy to have a fursona so he's pretending to be an alien with no sexual desires to make us think he isn't some pedo perv who drinks so much Mountain Dew his skin is turning green.

It's not the most Autistic. I mean yeah it's pretty fucking autistic, but theres been worse

What's you're favorite earth food?




Are there any humanoid life forms that you know of?

Fuckin' commie


Video games and anime are basically all I like about current human civilization.

Answered in this post.My apologies if I have offended you. I was told all occupants of the forum were autistic, though I assume I only fit the description by technicality.
Our home has seen many generations of peace. Though it is, by relation to yours, a very dangerous and barren home. Cooperation and proper allocation of resources was and is vital to our survival and development.
I have no interest in such politics.
It is entertaining for me, and I have been assured of my connection's safety.
I understand that posting images helps keep a thread active, correct? By reposting it on the front page of the forum I am more likely to find new posters. Some pictures were saved beforehand so I could post originally. I saved others that I liked as I found them on this very site.
I am using the computer of one of my human friends, their facility has many utilities including access to the internet.
Also, congratulations on your doubles.
Is this the work of one poster repeating himself so often, or have many posters all thought to say the same thing?
I've seen such images. I am still curious what it feels like to experience it. My kind have a dormant stage, but it is nothing like your sleep. Does it carry a great emotional weight? To experience uncontrolled fantasy?I do not watch much television, you have my apologies.

falling asleep feels like my consciousness is losing grip with my body. Waking up in like my consciousness is being shoved back into my body. one is much more pleasant than the other. and i can't explain why we like sleeping more than being awake, but many of us do. it's a life sustaining function and must happen sooner or later.

well who's problem is that?

why do you pick certain pictures and not others? many of the ones you're posting are referential pop culture, do you know that or do you just think they're pretty? or are all the images completely random and you just take random images from this site?

though nobody knows why, if a human goes too long without sleep, they either pass out and go in a semi comatose state for several days, or die.

Do yourself a favor and stay far away from us Earthlings. Despite our initial near-theatrical charm, our existence will prove to be subject to one of the following outcomes:

1) We go extinct due to our abuse of the Earth within the next 150 years

2)We develop a medium for sustainable interstellar travel, land on the nearest hospitable planet, and take another enormous metaphorical shit all over it to start the cycle again.

which one is more pleasant to you? i find waking up to be way more pleasant than falling asleep, but only when there's not a alarm or anything like that

honestly I prefer the sensation of waking.

dreaming can be exciting, scary or any emotion in between. it just depends on what our subconscious is focused on at the time we go to sleep. if we are worried for a loved one, we may dream about them getting hurt or dying. If we dislike somebody we may dream about fighting them. both of which have happened to me personally.

i much prefer to fall asleep, because when i am waking up, i simply want to sleep again. i like dreaming a lot because they are often much more interesting than my actual life, in my opinion.

sometimes dreams carry emotional weight, though not always. mostly they are jumbles of experiences and imagination.


We do not consume the way your kind does. Our bodies require certain chemicals to aid in metabolic breakdown of fuels. In ancient times we scavenged for liquids and minerals constantly, but in modern eras we appoint the duty of crafting a brew that consolidates our needs. We quickly struggled to learn to produce a similar brew on Earth. It is not quite as effective, but contains all required nutrients, it's only shortcoming that I must imbibe more frequently, approximately every 40 hours if I calculated that correctly.
I cannot post a self image, but I attempted to draw my basic shape here The term "humanoid" is objectively biased, but yes we have encountered something of that general build. I did not personally discover any, but our exploration records show a space faring race with bilateral symmetry, to lower transport limbs, to dexterous upper limbs, and a sensory array consisting the uppermost portion. There designation is difficult to remember, but I don not imagine you would have much use for our name for them.

the strangest experience is dying in a dream. You feel as if you are floating, spinning through the nothingness until you reach you body and wake up. It is strange, and can be frightening, but it is very strange.

yes you can you fucking fraud

can you say the chemical composition of the drink?

an image on this site of you would be assumed to be photo manipulation, so it would be safe to post under the "works of fiction" clause you brought up

Is Einstein's theory of relativity wrong? If so, how?

Bonus question: Is it possible to travel faster than light speed? If it is how does it work?

Many were chosen randomly, but even within that context they must have held some appeal. Some were chosen because they were pretty, though I do not perceive color they way humans do.
This is all very fascinating, thank you for articulating this.
Unfortunately we have no choice in our inhabiting of your planet. We are thankful we so quickly found kind and understanding humans, but hope to avid attention and conflict as long as possible. Our scientists work every day, presumably in attempts to understand and incorporate Earth sciences and repair our vessel.

hello mr.spaceguy

Are you one of those aliens that gets intoxicated off of Lysol?


Do you guys abduct humans? (Sorry if this was already answered.)

Do you you know if another alien race is inhabiting earth as you are? Or religion based creatures being possible such as demons?

A great deal of advanced work goes into crafting it, and as it is not my duty I do not understand the specifics. It contains certain elements vital, namely 6, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, and 33, but this is not a comprehensive list, nor a method to produce it.
Similarly, I am not a scientist or a great mechanic, and am unfamiliar with many advanced theories. I understand that matter can not accelerate beyond the speed of photons, but our great engines do not only cause acceleration of mass, but manipulate "spacetime", if I'm understanding correctly.

do you anything about armedia and how well traveled are your species

this is a very good image

To my knowledge, no, but my kind are relatively hidden, and by no means experts on the powers of your planets.
Not at all, if anything we were abducted after our appearance. The organization that harbors us does not keep us prisoner, we owe them our very existence, but because they took great care in helping collect us and out wreckage.

I must leave for a few moments to assist in a small labor, I will return as soon as possible.

There is a misunderstood power. Not human but inhabits humans on another level. Is your race familiar with religion and witchcraft and would you deem it scientifically possible?

Hello. I'm sorry I can't talk for longer.

You should look into Canonic structure in earth music, it is kind of like musical recursivity, a basic example such as Bach's 'musical offering'. Or read Godel, Escher, Bach, by Hofstaedter, if Earth reading isnt to time consuming for you.

prove me wrong, you haven't. trump wouldv'e destroyed bruce lee and made china pay for the wall across the pacific

its okay Ata. i hope to talk to you again. Goodnight my friend.

-Does your race have a kind of spirituality?
-Are there rituals or traditions you have?
-What's your input on the existence of the soul, the afterlife, higher powers etc
-What's one thing about you that would make most humans uncomfortable? Aside from appearance
-Aside from this place, what else about earth grabs your attention?
-Have you learned anything from our species? What's something we could learn from you?
-How are you liking Internet memes? How do you have a sense of humor?
-Do you effectively understand human sarcasm?
For that matter
-How are you translating and how would you describe your 'language'

Thanks for the input OP. I love bait like this

I am not familiar with that, you have my apologies. However, we as a species are well traveled, with many teams like mine sent on indefinite exploration missions.
Thank you. My friend finds it very amusing, but I am unfamiliar with the characters or story.
I understand "witchcraft" as something fictional. Religion is simply shared faith, being something by it's nature very personal but otherwise not affecting the world. By definition, is not witchcraft something not scientifically possible, but relying on "magic"?
Their are powerful energies at work in the universe, some understood and some not yet, but I believe all things have a causality explainable in matter and energy. They are all that is.

what sort of information are you instructed to not give out and you are being instructed by humans to withhold set information correct?

Thoughts on Cats? What is the best song of the show?

And why is it Magical Mister Mistofelees?

is the thread ded?

no he's coming back after the "small labor". probably fapping

also if you are still there to reply are they monitoring you currently?

I will add these to my list of studies. You have my thanks.
We have no religion or spirituality. We celebrate life and the individual, but what makes one unique is the combination of choices and interests and skills that constitutes them, and the connections with others they make. We have no concept of a "soul" that pertains to an individual, or otherwise believe in an immortal energy. We live our lives and eventually cease, but through our lives helped others progress. So long as another continues forward, your input in their lives will carry on, and theirs to another and so forth.
Our human friends are very understanding, but possess many taboos that we have trouble accommodating on occasion. We have been told that remaining stationary in the company of others can be rude, and many of our observations, if vocalized, have been described as "rude."
Some of our friends also responded with fascination when first witnessing some of us mating or releasing a young, only to act with revolt upon being informed about the nature of what was happening.
Earth has many. many games that I enjoy. Your species host the most entertainment I have ever encountered.
I have learned many things from you, such as this language, and many nuances of social interaction. My favorite thing so far are the stories from your many of your ancient mythos. I enjoy stories of Greek heroes and their Gods.
Many of the memes escape my understanding, but I believe I have a sense of humor. Comedy is not something my kind is familiar with the way it appears in your culture, but I am amused by many things.
I often enjoy amusement at birds. They approach and behave so inquisitively like they want attention, only to swiftly retreat when I respond. I find it silly that something would behave so counter intuitive.
I was told in a previous thread that is irony, though I often misinterpretation sarcasm.
I was tutored for quite some time before I was affluent in English.

Post one picture of any thing that can qualify you as a "alien" Unless your some mental ill cuck?

My apologies, my last comment was too long.
My native language has auditory components, but is mostly conducted through touch. Because of this all origin and direction of speech is understood, meaning pronouns and names were difficult for me to understand. I had to adopt a nickname here, as there is know way for me to express the touch of digits that represents myself in my language.

¿Hablas español?

What is your favorite human movie?

Definitely the most intriguing thread I have seen. Love it.

No faggot go choke on a dick

I am not allowed to express my current location, or detailed accounts of local geography or architecture, nor am I allowed to describe the personal details of the humans we work beside.
The room I am in is not directly monitored, though others and humans have been coming through on occasion.
I have seem images and videos of cats, but I assume you are referring to a piece of media I am unfamiliar with.
I am forbidden to do so. Specifically, I am not permitted to take such a picture.

okay one last question are you underground?

For Fucks sake I work in a state hospital and deal with you people every fucking day! Do us all a favor and go back to you're space ship and take you're fucking meds before someone tackles u pulls down your pants and gives you the shot. U fat fucking alien cuck.

I have only seen a few movies, I find them a bit boring, though I occasionally listen to podcasts while I am performing leisure activities.
I would say the one I enjoyed the most was Avenger Age of Ultron. I like the way new gods were made.
No, I am only versed in this particular human language.

Does space send you into a "Awe" state like humans?

How accurate is the human depiction of aliens?
I'm not asking for details, just answer "Very accurate." or "Not at all."

Ata can you describe something from your home in great detail? a memory, or a place or a being. Just tell us about something thats important to you, maybe something you miss

Some of the facility is, some of it is above ground level. I prefer to stay in the tunnels, but occasionally venture out, within the safety area.
I am new to the language, but I believe both instances of "you're" should be "your", correct?

Do you have multiple languages amongst your species and, if so, is there a common language? If so reading about Indonesia with its 300 native languages may interest you.

What about sexual compatibility? You're obviously sentient, is there any way a human could 'get off' with one of your kind while you benefit somehow? Do you have orifices that don't have snapping beaks? Would it be an easier task with a male or female?

user you cant fuck the alien

Hello advanced life form. I'm a Leader of the Coalition of Peace it's an honor to meet you. Come to my house, contact any member of the Coalition of Peace and they'll tell you where our embassy is. I have a sigil of the Operational Forces of the Coalition of Peace on my armor. Over.

Is possible to create an AI who define himself as a individual or a life entity?

I didn't get to where I am today by not trying to fuck aliens.

I am understanding that you mean "space" to be the cosmos, the void between planets. It is simple, I do not believe it gives us awe.
To answer your next question, I need to know what the human depiction of aliens actually is. Are there not many different depictions throughout your fictions?
This is an interesting question, thank you.
I remember a great stretch of time I spent in the caves of my home. It was before I was called to duty, so I could spend my time however I pleased, and was not particularly interested in leaving the caves. During this time I was taught to sculpt by an elder. I would retrieve fresh stocks of clay in exchange for lessons, and we would spend great lengths of time trading shapes back and forth. I am grateful for the teachings and the time spent together. I was taught to feel things out when they can't be counted, and that things that can be counted can often be changed. It is helpful advice.

The Jews control the world?

The time travel is possible?

does trading and sculpting shapes have a particular meaning on your world?

are you familiar with other alien cultures, do you have ties with other races that also have ties with those who are harboring you


And yes, i apologize, i have attached a image of what i consider to be a "Stereotypical alien"

I have one other question... Do you believe in the possibility we live in a simulation? Do you think this could all be some kind of game?

And i guess this brings me to another question...

Do you believe in a higher power? As in, a god, or many gods?

Just the one language, but it has a lesser vocal component and a greater tactile component. I'm afraid I have my limbs full with these two languages, but thank you.
There is no sexual compatibility between our species. We have an orifice used for imbibing and our own sexual exchange, and it has no dangerous growths, but it would serve little sexual function you ether gender, and in all likelihood be exceptionally uncomfortable to the recipient.
I am unable to travel, but feel free to contact my human friends. I assume any likeminded forces would be able to achieve contact.
We have data entrees on artificial races, but very little on their creation. On in particular had undergone so many rejuvenations that it had no memory of it's creation.

is god everything, including collective consciousness?

Try any earth drugs? Alcohol, Crack, coke, meth, weed, heroine, acid? Do your people have recreational drugs?

I do not understand, you have my apologies.
I believe your question is flawed. I understand there is a term called "spacetime", it is closest to my understanding. All matter and energy can move across spatial dimensions, but all is also moving trough temporal dimensions. We are constantly traveling through time, it is simply no possible to alter the rate of that movement.
Our art is usually tactile and/or functional, so it is means a great deal to sculpt together, to show and share new forms, that we each recognize and created together that not even the touch of our language has a translation of. It is something we shared that no others did, so it was unique to our connection.

Go to bed, stop pretending to be an alien you stupid fucking faggot.

How advanced is your species?

Are you able to converse in other languages than English?

None that we know of, ours is the first out life our human friends had ever found.
I have never seen records of a species quite like that, though they look to be derivative of your owls, correct? I don't believe life is a simulation, though all we know and think is a chemical/electric chain reaction, all trying to interpret the actual world. However, I believe little would be gained by any power by manipulating billions of life forms.
My kind believe in no gods the way of the religions of your ancient people, but we are aware of being that possess significant power of creation and destruction.
No, nothing like that has ever been taken by us, it is generally regarded as poison. I mentioned this earlier, but we take no recreational substances, but our brew contains many medicines that aid in many functions.

That is very fascinating, thank you for answering my question.

If i can think of any others, i may ask.

tell us about your parents?

We have traveled to many star systems, but specific knowledge of our great machines are reserved for those in charge of their operation and maintenance. As a collective we are vast, but as an individual I am little more knowledged than any other.
Unfortunately no, I am only able to communicate in my native language and English. To that end, I still struggle greatly with making the physical noises involved, my human communication is primary written.

Do you find the human body attractive? I see you are posting a comic that is by human definition, pornography.

I never knew them personally. It is not a practice of my kind to personally raise they young you produce. Those who show aptitude for caring for infants are given the duty of raising and caring for them, before being passed to tutors in lesser functions, than called to duty and taught more advanced or specific skills.

how familiar is your race with deceit and lying is it common?

Not particularly, as I find beauty in geometric forms. I had run out of usable files to post, as none of the "webms" were being accepted for some reason, and asked my human friend whose computer I'm using if he had any others I could post to continue the thread. He showed me who to access these from another folder, though I did not inquire about their nature. Is it unpleasant? I understand "appropriate" isn't a necessary question here.

What do you mean by beings of creation and destruction?

what would you say the intelligence gap is honestly between our species?

We have a basis for deceit, but is is very uncommon. There is little gain to be had in our culture through the stating of falsehood, and our language is primarily tactile, and it is all but impossible to "lie" via touch.

does the history of your predecessors contain any wars against other aliens or among your own if so can you tell us about the most influential or important one? i apologize if this has already been asked

When does mating season start on your planet?

thank you deceit is very common among humans and is seen to be very beneficial in some instances i would keep in mind the cultural difference

are your people as stupid as my people, and believe shit on the internet as true as well?

No, not unpleasant, i was simply curious.

So, i assume that means you find buildings to be aesthetically pleasing?

There are life forms that exist that we poorly understand, that seem at our current measures to dispute known laws of science. Matter and energy often act unpredictably around them, and their will, if any, are not known. They are considered anomalies, but believed to able to be understood with sufficient study.
It is negligible. I would assume most humans at the facility are objectively more intelligent than I am, and certainly more trained and skilled.

Is there an inferior class in your civilization? Like the niggers or the sandniggers here on earth?

do you have any contact with those life forms if not what do you know about them

Thanks for honoring us with your interactions.

Sleep is hard for me to achieve, I find my mind to be busy which makes it hard to drop out of consciousness.

I seem to be a bit rare in that I am an extremely frequent lucid dreamer. This means I am aware I am sleeping and dreaming while in the dream. Lucid dreams happen to me weekly, to daily.

I have experimented extensively with my dream state, and what I can do to influence them and what happens or what I can see.

I am going to say something that will likely surprise my fellow humans about some of my conclusions about my dreams. I am positive there is a foreign intelligence involved. It seems willing to amuse me at times, and other times it seems as if I am annoying it by interfering.

I wonder if this "other" person that seems to have the full control of my dreams is my subconscious mind. It seems to have goals and objectives different from that of my conscious mind. But when I show it respect as I have come to learn and follow some of its rules, it seems more willing to let me alter the dream world.

Most people who become lucid tend to wake up shortly after realizing they are asleep. I have had the good fortune to spend hours and hours in the dream world. I also voluntarily forfeit consciousness sometimes because the dream will be more interesting to me if I don't interfere with it.

If you have more questions or there is something you want me to explain further, I will happily answer.

Does your spoken language resemble any language you know of on earth?

can you give us the title of the group that is harboring you?

It has not been asked before, do not worry yourself. There has been no great war of my kind, not internally, and there are no other native sentient races of our home. But a great many generations knew constant struggle against other lifeforms, predators are severe where I come from and it took much time for generations of overseers to finish devising and executing our current protections.
There is no specific season in which we mate. It is discussed between candidates and overseers or council during times of abundant resources. It is not forbidden to mate without consultation, but often unwise. Producing young without the resources for them to properly grow produces burdens on the whole.
I do not consider us stupid, but comparatively appear very literal. It took time to realize to interpret things otherwise.
Many of them, yes. I would love to hold the shapes in that picture as well. I stated in a previous thread that the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced is Bismuth. I believe another user saved it and reposted it here.
Unfortunately, I have to leave now. I need to assist in small chores before performing my duties.
I greatly enjoyed this, and hope to find some of you when I return. Farewell.

Can you take me away from this awful place?

I can probably help you confirm thats your subconscious as someone else with frequent though not as frequent as your own lucid dreams, your subconcious cannot be controlled unless you have full control of your own impulses, which is why when you try less or as you say "follow it", you become a little more in touch with it, therfore having a tad bit more control by using a bit less of your active impulse it becomes closer to subconscious, long story short your brain is basically crazy and works against itself while being unaware of its own existence almost like its two seperate entities as is everyone elses.

One could also infer that he is above ground partialy by his amusement and enjoyment of birds

finaly... Annon, what is your experience with precognitive dreams?