Hey nignogs...

Hey nignogs, even dubs decide if I take some Adderall so I can stay up and play games and shit or I don't and head to bed. Roll Cred Forumsoys

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I'll bump with some pics I've keked too until we get an answer

How many mg's are they? If trips take 50mg's

Image is the exact mg


Singles say you take the whole bottle.

"Dubs" "trips" etc are ASSHOLE THREADS

Ain't trips, no win. And you had odd trips

just sniffed 300mg ritalin youtube.com/watch?v=Qa98AhEVAZQ severe tachycardia 240bpm wat do

Hospital bro are you an idiot?


idiot savant

Which still makes you a fucking idiot God damn


lol ask me anything b4 i die

What's it like being a space Jew on DS9?

I got dubs, quite being a fag and take the addy. You'll thank me in 45 minutes then curse me in 4 hours


Hey OP I'm on some dex I took earlier to get work done. Just spent a couple hours fapping.

Im on concerta (effectively ritalin) right now but want to sleep. Anyone know solution?

No solution

Fuck me i have class in the morning

yeah, xanax.

Solution: stop doing stimulants before bed you fucking tweaker.

You're alone you sad sack of cuck. Down them all and don't wake up fag boy. It's a shame you can't fuck your video games because girls are too much for you. Get some friends nigger.

Concerta is a slow release pill that lasts like 10-12 hours.

Then learn how to break the time release, or get a better stim

Also it's prescription for my adhd. i just took them late in the day because i fucked up. But i feel like shit if i dont take them

What do I say to convince a doctor I have adhd

That's funny I usually feel like shit when I'm on anything that has methylphenidate in it. But that's part of the reason I don't really take my medicine anymore, because I don't want to end up feeling like shit when I'm not on it.

tiny chat dot com slash oxys

I just realized this is confusing as fuck. My medicine isn't methylphenidate, it's dex. Smoother and just as good as Adderall.

Main thing is that you focus really hard on shit you really like, but don't pay attention to anything that doesn't catch your interest.

Say you find yourself doing your hobbies for 4 hours straight.

Say you forget what people say to you all the time right after they say it. Because you zoned the fuck out.

Also that you lose track of time. Adhd people have a very hard time keeping track of time.

Also i got diagnosed because im legit adhd.

currently on over 100mg of Vyvanse. I can't really walk. but it's whatever

I find I get really angry on it. Should i get my doc to switch me? I don't feel shitty when I'm on it, just very short temper compared to usual.


I would try Dexedrine (Dextroamphetamine) if I were you. Despite it being the most effective medication for AD(H)D for the largest number of people, Adderall, which is the same molecule, but has more side effects. Mostly do to aggressive marketing. And not to mention using it recreationally is smoother and more euphoric than Addies.

Hey op and fags. Need some moral help. School just started and I'm doing okayish. But every now and than I find myself staying up late to just get an assignment done by taking two 500mg. Than feeling like shit the next day and so on.. I get stress but continue and fall in depression. Than relax but slack at school again.

Okay. I'll talk to my doc about that. I already told her it makes me angry, but she didn't want me to switch it.. She upped my dose to like 60mg, but i went back down because i think that dose was too high.

See if you can get prescription. You could be slacking because of something like add. And then you could take them /during/ school and potentially be more productive and not slack off so much.