Snoop doggs of b, i have a question: last night i smoked weed; i don't do it usually/have smoked only 0...

snoop doggs of b, i have a question: last night i smoked weed; i don't do it usually/have smoked only 0.0000000001% percent powerful/patent weed; had never experienced potent weed high.

last night weed was ok/powerful; but when i went to sleep it was one big hell of troublesome; i couldn't feel restful; had shitloads of hallucinations which kept me from achieving joy. it was literally nightmare.

> tl dr: do you have problems with sleeping calm when high on weed because it gives you lots of hallucinations?

is it ok?

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So do you think I should start arbing?

keep smoking

I usually find it better to sleep while on weed. Don't usually hallucinate, yours must be laced

I've been hallucinating ever since I smoked weed mistakenly when I was a kid; I got second hand smoke from being around my dads friend.

Ever since dark hallucinations would happen to me: I would hear voices but the voices would wear my friends and family. They would be abusive and mean and taunt me and make me out to be something I wasn't. This affected my development significantly. This has continued throughout my life: the hallucinations deny that they are voices and pretend to be the people they look like but I can tell when they take over.

Why the fuck do they know about arbing? Do you know how to shut your mouth at all or do you just tell everyone everything?

You just have low tolerance, either smoke it in the daytime or smoke everyday until your tolerance increases

Oh fuck you she literally fucking said it.

what's arbing?

Most likely bait but that's fucking schizophrenia bro

Nice thread

Ur already dead for being a degenerate nigger

I don't hear voices inside my mind. I can only think my thoughts - I've had people tell me that I'm not spiritually enlightened because I can't hear the spirits speak to me in my mind.

The dark thing about it is you go to the doctor and you talk about how abusive the hallucinations are and they can't offer you any help or solutions.


what does it have to have with the thread?

You're supposed to get high, have some fun, then sleep as you're starting to come down ya dingus

i don't get what you mean. what arbing has to do with this tread?

I dont personally understand hos you can get bad hallucinations from weed. I drink alcohol every friday to the point im totally wasted (2 bottles of white wine and 18 beers, sometimes even more) and then i take a good hit from gravity bong and go to sleep whilst listening good music (infecte mushroom for example) and all i see is good things and weird sensation.

i have delirious hallucinations like i was tripping on diphenhydramine or trihexiphenidyl,

Panic attacks
Psychotic reactions
Impaired thought processes especially in judgment, coordination and perception

Dont do drugs boys

When im sober, no matter how much i smoke weed i just feel relaxed that's all. At some point (like after 1-2grams) i cant get anymore high. My friend on the otherhand, smokes like 0.2grams and is totally out and flipping. Im not sure but ive been told that your state of mind can affect this effect.

they're talking about either being abused by possession or other drugs, some people know that they can't actually say what they're up to or otherwise replies just don't come. When they misidentify what they're up to the replies come in. It's bizarre until you get raped, and then it's just shitty.

weed affects everyone differently. now i feel extremely enjoyed; i am both heavy and cool. gravitation has been changed. almost levitation change. buzz, pain relieve, hot head.