

Other urls found in this thread:








>no fucks given
Jesus christ that guy is hardcore

Haha XD real funny m8.
Fuck you.

is this that hot new dance craze sweeping the nation?

fuck is that?



he is awaited at Valhalla. shiny and chrome


Keep reking

not a circumcision, a butchering


bite my shiny metal ass

Wtf? Lol




>Bite my shiny metal ass.

more infos/story?



You know what's funny? Is that this gook still has the nerve to keep a grip on his cigarette even though his crotch is on fire.

That file name. Fucking kek'd hard.



Why is his pants already wet before he spills his drink?
Is this faked?

holy fuck my sides

he really should have made that into a proper noose


What was that all about?



samefagging this hard


Albanians being Albanians

palistine accidentally bombed palistine while trying to bomb israel.

>structural effects test
>effects test
how about posting something real instead of some silly CGI bullshit




literally just google fox news axe throw. holy shit stop asking to be fed. google is faster, easier, and won't call you a cunt

did he died?

Scored his watch as well


nerve gas


you can tell it's fake because his shoes didn't fly off

This rekt thread is full of newfags.

do you have the rest of the vid?

Retarded text ruins it.

I like your style

best part is that the assassin died and everyone else survived albeit with severe burns

lol what a fucking idiot

2 other women patients died of asphixiation.

He made a full recovery user.

you sure?

either way. good stuff.

No, the assasin and two women in there died, the orderly survived and the target too but he might have perished from his wounds later (without a news article that I can find written about it)

Fucking retard. Say hello to your 3rd degree burns.



Yes it is.
Also, mine.

Still samefagging this hard. Unbelievable

not really suicide grip, more just bad grip

oh, okay i was worried there. seems like a nice lad

the weirdest part of this is the first car speeding at 50 in a residential area, like it's normal to go at that speed.


Kill yourself





Right, cause you actually laughed at the filename.

shame it wasnt a nuke.


Your mom should be shot for letting a little fucking cunt like you use the internet.

Nigs gonna nig

Wait but why? Why did the piss mid penis cutting? Why even cut the dick? I'm so confused

"Dude lets have an axe throwing section, no safety net. And the drummers can play right fucking behind it."

... and regret

Fuck yes moar russian content plz

for what purpose tho

>dude throws axe
>axe hits other dude
>other dude dies of internal bleeding in hospital


>eternal bleeding

Did he actually die?

Sauce or bs

glad to see security cameras are finally becoming better than first gen webcams.

well I always wondered who would win.
turns out cangaroos are no boxers at all

Sheeple used Ram, Critial Hit!

The axe throwing thing was closed at the time and drummers weren't informed some retarded news reporter was going to be throwing axes at them



He's aid people, user.

Death penalty for violent criminals

If I remember correctly that was actually a drugged kangeroo. They dozed him before they fought it.

Normally a Kangeroo would kick your ass.


How many MB are you allowed?
Sure it used to be 4?



what happen?

that was nice


That's some 9gag tier garbage.

Love that the monkey got killed. Fucking chimpanzees.

Pure unadulterated rage, like a downy who can't bite his ear


I only hope it was for hunting purposes







Terrible filename.
What would you know about getting blown, anyway?

why did they do that?

story? Is this just a fucking robbery or what is going on?

Just fucking scare the dude off man


>le archaic meme image

How fucking new and underage are you? Fuck off back to 9gag, retard.


"would it kill you to fix the living room ceiling fan?"

It's better with the squealing.


Wow, proper fireball material. Petrol leak?

This one is so mean but makes me laugh every time I also like to imagine this is an Australian rite of passage

is this a home made mortar?
the shit is it?

Nice meme!
How do I get pussy like you?

As far as I know, these guys kept robbing the tenants of a building so the cops set up this trap for them.


I couldn't post more than 2MB

Goat fuckers being goat fuckers

Hey, at least this is original content.

how can you tell which one is the trap?

More than you, Cuck.

And you're calling /me/ mad.

Go back to le reddit.

Take your nigger pop culture back to vine


First rekt thread?

Fuckin' Aussies man.

Stop acting like a dumbass, newfag

They were using laughing gas. Guess no one ever told them not to light a fire in that shit.


Sounds suspicious... "I smell gas? I know what, where's my lighter?"

More like they were fucking around with aerosols.

Baller . Broken hip

Redditard detected.

Fuck you bitch ass cracka

looked like carburetor trouble.

That quickdraw. Fucking sexy.

I just read the article. They made a dumb excuse that they smelled gas and one of the group decided to light it.




4chin should at least allow vp9 webms if we're gonna limit it to 2mb

I'm not mad. Just disappointed at the quality of human that visits this site nowadays

Damn dude.

Welp thanks. i now hate my favorite ride

was honestly expecting the fan to break.

others said it's like a "test of becoming a real man" kind of shit. not circumcision.

Every rekt thread is

I- i- I think- dude you got- dude you- DUDE! You got him! Run

TO VALHALLA!!!!!!!!!!!

Surprise buttsex!

Was he okay

it wasnt op. just some lad who happened to live there.

Fuggin saved.

that's a quality fan!


Saaaaauuce?? How many died, what happend?

One of them later.

yeah, ISIS/sandniggers use them.
they literally put a huge mortar-ish thing on trucks, and launch these... things.


That one guy gets shot a half dozen times then they still stomp the shit out of him.


Isn't that a wallaby? They are much smaller than 'roos

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Cred Forums wasn't some quality goldmine full of LE EPIK MEMES, ever. You just saw the odd few good threads in screen caps on the shitty meme websites you go to.

"Quality of human". Get the fuck outta here you underage queer.

Call me a nigga to my face bet I whup yo ass bitch nigga

dat jackinthebox

Kill yourself


i actually know the guy who got hit by the axe. jeff prosperie. he judges marching band and drum corps

that was fucking crazy...

What face, you caveman looking motherfucker!


what a dumb filename, it hit him in the front

Then tell me, was he hit in the arm or the drum?

no major injuries. not even kidding

it was china. what do you expect

lol filename

Indeed, israel needs to be wiped out as well

Thats Racist

juked grandma right out of her depends.

End yourself


Are you retarded?

nice catch user

wtf? I thought ching chongs were smart.

Thanks for making debate night just a little better for me. Your hatred gives me a boner

I blame the jooos.


They probably scratched any deaths and major injuries off the charts to save face. They're corrupt as fuck.



>i actually know the guy who got hit by the axe
wow. aren't you fucking special. man, you're really fucking cool. i wish i could be like you.

Talk about a flaming faggot.

>kebab shot rocket
>rocket is like fuck you cunt
>not today
>rocket plummits to mosque
>Allah Akbar

poor fucking dude, how they fried the cunt.

It feels like I'm talking to a bot with stock answers here. What is this retard even on about?

tl;dr: allah exists and he hates sand-niggers

damn calm down



I think it's the Rather be by clean bandit in the background that really sells it.

Haha I didn't even notice that


Shut the fuck up.

Hey go fucking kill yourself in your shitty bathroom. Fucking sour cunt.

I bet everyone you know in real life only just about tolerates you. Asshole.


this newfag is full of rekt threads


The fact that you're still replying to him makes you the retard. Ignore the fag and move on with your life.


>when you catch up with that nigga putting the wink faces on baes pic.


Fuck you.


he's right. you're a faggot.



>"What happened to the woman?"
"I gave her a light, she took the short way down"


I like how he just keeps making it worse


>cool guys

this is not a músic thread you konw?

I feel so bad for this. mom died protecting her child, while she had to witness it. She looks so confused afterwards.
REEEEEEEEE for the sheep

He pissed because the pain and shock made him void his bladder. Looks like it's probably a punishment or possibly a ritual of some sort but that's less likely

Fuck you too then, dickhead.

Redditard faggot detected.

There was a thing a few years ago. People would find these live stream street cams, post them here and tell people to watch as certain times. They would knock over card racks, drop a bunch of paint on the floor, blend in with the crowd so you didn't know which one they were, or even shoot up a movie theatre. Shit was cool. People also liked mudkips then.




Googles gonna google

story ?

I'm a bit in pain now.

Not really. I'm just a regular Cred Forumstard who wants you to kill yourself.

Maybe God is trying to tell them something.
Like "Hey stop shouting my name every time you do something stupid-and/or-evil"

Poor dude.



Idiot. Was it worth it to lose your life for a couple dollars?

That's what a newfag redditor would say.

>lookame I'm so cool I go to Cred Forums

This post really seems like you're speaking from experience.

oh god my feelings are sooo fucking hurt man. i'm just fucking devastated by your coolness and your withering insults. how will i go on with my life?

I said just a little off the top

I want to cum in that figures mouth.

dont know why i laughed so hard

>all these kids arguing ITT
im outta here

It worked - made me laugh.

Nigga I'm a gook
Gook loose with a screw


Bruh I would bitch slap ya daddy n make him watch me fuck the shit out yo momma. Give that ho this 10 inch black momba

>so he uses sarcasm

How new are you, fess up

Ppl are fuckin shit...yes, you're a fucking piece of shit, and you know it.


For you.


most likely a rapist or a pedophile.

You sound upset.

Nice attempt at quads

my elementary classmate just suicided today and this makes me very sad. Like what is she thinking during her last moments .. seeing her alive the day before and in a casket today. Fujking tragedy

Dubs of truth.

>Steps forward after releasing it


Nice gif with 3 pixels in it, retard

When a highly autistic memester can't let go of a losing battle.

i've been here all summer

That lady is my hero. Google lives don't even matter.



You sound like a reddit newfag.


It's a nigger custom, dude, A lot of those half-ass African animals think it's like a "coming of age" thing to cut off your junk. They do the same thing to girls, too, except they take the whole clitoris along with the labia for girls.

And of course, all without proper medicine, and just some greasy fly infested witch doctor shit.

No one gives a shit

Dark Soul as it

Calm your quads


Hey, summerfag.

You are aware that this GIF has been around for over 8 years here on b?

what's with the weird pathing those things follow?

Reddit detected.


I've been here since spring, so suck it fag.

There's no place I'd rather be...

stupid bitch got closer after releasing it, what a dumbass.

Doesn't change the fact that it's low quality as shit and you're a retard for posting it


dodging nerve gas

You can't be this stupid dough

yeah pour more fuel on it. that'll put it out.


you know what else is low quality as shit?

your fucking life.

Shit, that guy is gonna be pissed when he sees what happened to his lolli doll.

Ohhh snappy.

Why is that gift so special to you? Autist. Im just saying it's low quality then you flip out and have an autistic fit lmao

>2MB file size limit


nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope


Why is she topless at her funeral?

The stupidest thing is if he had just kept going he would have made it

It's just trying to track. Those things travel like hundreds of miles per hour but for just a few seconds, so slight deviations due to whatever reason, wind or rocket fuel, make it look like it zigzags when it's auto-correcting its course.

>level 3 Krav Maga

the igniter getting burnt alive along with the first guy being burnt, everytime.

vp9 webms have better compression. We should allow those

>Why is that gift so special to you?
because it keeps on giving? i don't fucking know.

It looks like an after-hours special event. I doubt this was taken with the family present.

Well if you take your leg and stick it in the air.

Welp, since it's from somewhere in Russia from some fucked up teenagers who killed a lot of people in the most gruesome ways. It was filmed with the fucking flipphones people used back then.

You useless retard, how about you think some stuff trough sometime. Sure it's shit quality, but with a fucking reason.

story behind this?