Why would anyone want this retard in office?

Why would anyone want this retard in office?

Use facts and sources to convince me to vote Trump.


I'll wait.

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck everyone anarchy is the answer. But, if you have to vote, trump is a better businessman and has a better chance of getting us out of this clusterfuck of an economy. Also, Hillary is unhealthy and full of deceptions and lies.

he's not hillary


There are 3 kinds of people who post this shit.

1) Berntards who are so pissed their guy lost, they back Hillary without looking at Trump stated policy plans.

2) Foreigners who seem obsessed with another nation's elections.

3) CorrectTheRecord paid HillShills. Yes, it's a real thing, yes, thousands scour Cred Forums, Reddit, News site comment sections, etc etc etc.



holy shit, the minutes and seconds are dubs as well


well, the case for trump over hillary is fairly easy...we can start with why hillary should not be considered

for one, hillary is a warhawk...meaning she supports needless wars that only result in deaths of american soldiers and/or foreign soldiers/civilians, only to end up fucking everything up. Think iraq, libya, syria...hillary is typical american warhawk, but she's been high up (sec of state) and has made some incredibly destructive decisions. Trump does not want needless wars because he does not care for special interests.

Hillary is also a serial liar when it comes to important things like national security, and military mistakes like in benghazi. She has been recorded lying about her e-mails after destroying them (which she should be in prison for) she has been recorded lying about the deaths in benghazi...just look up the extent of the lies from hillary clinton.

Hillary clinton literally SOLD state department positions to the highest bidders, so take that as you will (she should be in prison for being involved in that)

She was retarded enough to conduct government business on private servers (which got hacked...who knows what sensitive information IS or COULD HAVE BEEN intercepted because of her ridiculous oversight...how could you possibly want that in charge of the fucking country)

I needn't list all of her fucking scandals, google/duckduckgo can figure that all out for you...just be warned, its extensive.

Hillary also really wants war with russia..not only has she said she would be willing to use military force if it was discovered that they hacked the DNC emails (Which revealed that she was involved in rigging the democratic primaries...wow) and she russia-bates everything.

Not only that, but according to all our military strategists, if we were to carry out Clintons foreign policy plan for syria, it would require being at war with russia.

Why the fuck would you vote for this irresponsible, chronic lying war-monger (pt 1)

pt 2

Aside from her involvement in foreign policy which has destabilized the middle east, her involvement in arming and funding ISIS, her involvement in a great number of scandals, she also has THE CLINTON FOUNDATION and its trail of Fucking over poor regions (Haiti, after the earth quake) to make special arrangements for the interests of rich people who have donated to the clinton foundation. She literally helps to exploit poor underdeveloped regions in order to do favors for people who have donated to the clinton foundation (Her "Charitable" organization which only donates..what..10%? if that? and she keeps the rest)

For info about the clinton foundation, her trail of money and corruption is all over the place, but you can watch/read CLINTON CASH for a clearer and more detailed lay-out of some of her corrupt exploits with that shit.

SO..other than chronic lying, irresponsible handling of critical national security measures, dangerous foreign policy (for us and others) proven collusion and corruption within her party and outside, and the corrupt trail of clinton foundation corruption, why vote for trump?

Because trump is sincerely running for Americans, his whole campaign revolves around national security, american jobs, repairing american cities, helping the American people. This is different from establishment candidates who have a track record of helping the elite and the establishment.

Trump will not let floods of illegal immigrants come in, as Europe has (which has been destroying europes economy and safety)

Trump actually has a very nicely laid out tax plan that lowers taxes for all and organizes into 3 simple tax brackets..Trumps economic policy is friendly towards entrepreneurship and the free market within our country, yet against exporting jobs, against Global-statism.

Trump understands the answer isn't pouring more into the same government agencies that dont work and have made everything worse.

Hillary is establishment shit

is this thread still alive or can i click off of it?

it's alive

k thnx

Its not a case about wanting Trump in office. Its a case of just not wanting Hillary.

that's pretty true


same retards who keep creating same thread every day.


Can you provide evidence of these so-called HillShills without citing some faggot site like breitbart or infowars?

Pro tip: You're a faggot.

OP asked for facts.

Da emails!!!! Lol

then op should go on yt and search "Hillary Clinton Lying for 12 Straight Minutes". Should be enough proof

You mean this video?

V for vendetta is left wing not alt right you stupid fuck
the rest are just memes

>who knows what sensitive information IS or COULD HAVE BEEN intercepted
The FBI knows. They list it in their report. They found that none of it was actually classified at the time. There's a reason they chose not to prosecute. But I'm sure you trumpfucks will still continue to parrot this nonsense until the end of time.


You see why I'm an anarchist? Mainly because of shit like this. Corrupt politicians, police brutality, etc. If we govern ourselves, none of these problems would exist. Not to mention the end of GMOSs chemtrails, and other harmful things that affect us and the Earth.