Why would anyone let their daughters dress like this?

Why would anyone let their daughters dress like this?

Because I'll teach her to carry a knife too? She can make her own decisions and not every man is a rapist?

Pedo Alert

For you to post it, ungrateful prehistoric fag

fucking freedom fag

pathological ideological faggot detected.


i'd fuck them all so bad

The girl on the left's ass is literally hanging out

snob detected

Type of people to walk through the ghetto with a "i hate niggers" sign

what's about it?

oh hey I remember them

Because they're Thai. They're actually on their way to work

Nice tripdubs

Only a pedo would sexualize them

yeah, and?

i can't agree more

far left all day and night

To watch their asses hang out as they leave the house.

its not bad if your the same age

Its not bad for anyone

if my daughter ever wore shit like that id drag her ass back in the house and rape the slut out of her.

It's not hurting anyone