Were evolution real, we would see all sorts of different forms of humans as they progress in evolution...

Were evolution real, we would see all sorts of different forms of humans as they progress in evolution. Animals in zoos would be changing into new animals.

Obviously this isn't happening.



>what are races
>they are changing into new animals,




Whoa now, Mr. Bigot. Race is a social construct. Welcome to 2016, glad to have you on the right side of history.


I feel like everyone is done responding to the atheism bait.

1/10 for making me reply though.

Right, except
Native Americans
Pacific Islanders
but other than that, yeah, there are no different "types" of humans.

Also nice copypasta faggot


Explain to me why Dorudon whales had feet bones

races are a genetic construct you daft cunt.


new evolution hear

If religion is so bad, why do they donate significantly more time and money to charitable causes than the non-religious?

Really makes you think.

IT 2016!

Ugh, can you like, not? Your science is incredibly problematic.

back to tumbler you libtarded subhuman trash

everyone knows fossils were planted there by the devil to test your faith user.

>Guys, I bought Pokemon christian edition but my charmander isn't evolving, he's at level 20 by now, what did I miss?

Don't you have school tomorrow?

and as for black males in zoo / prison, evolution doesn't happen that fast as you think




wait, so yer tellin me that we wuz cells and sheit?


You're really still doing pro-religion bait?
That's pathetic.
If you want to anger people, do it in person.




yeah lol




>Were evolution real, we would see all sorts of different forms of humans as they progress in evolution. Animals in zoos would be changing into new animals.

This is what I love about the mentally ill and the feeble-minded. They don't know anything about science but they pretend they do. They desperately try to rationalize their crazy beliefs, fubar the science and hope we won't call them out on their incredibly weak bullshit.

for the win





That is the dumbest pic I have scene 1/10

Read a science book


noun: scene; plural noun: scenes

the place where an incident in real life or fiction occurs or occurred.

a sequence of continuous action in a play, movie, opera, or book.

the word you wanted to use was SEEN you retard.




>we would see all sorts of different forms of humans as they progress in evolution.

r u 4 real

evolution is true
(pic related)






I completely agree. like how does evolution account for organs disappearing? its too perfect. like not only does a perfect mutation occur, but also another mutation has to occur where organs disappear.

evolution depends on too much faith in the essentially impossible.

evolutionists get mad and call you stupid, but seriously, think about it. like 10 parts are gradually disappearing while 10 parts are gradually emerging. and at the same time this would be lost most of the time in meiosis, when the new sex cells occur, because then the train is being REHASHED with the genetic material so even if there is a dominant trait depending on other traits, it is then being mixed up in meiosis so the sex cell won't even be the same phenotype.

literally evolution is just stupid. like actually stupid. but the evolutionists pretend they know just because it is "official" and taught in schools. but they just show how they never even understand the science they teach, because the REAL science of genetics contradicts the THEORY of evolution.




I I just cant
My head hurts at how stupid you are.

Please please please kill yourself.
Don't ever breed.




Evolution can't be true because chickens can't turn into dogs. Evolution is stupid.

On a serious note, can anyone else show me any evidence of genetic mutation that has mutated in a positive way ??

Breed a canus domesticus for me. See if it's identical to every other canis domesticus out there.




Do you even doggo?

Protip selective breeding isnt evolution

Your just picking the genes you want to stay, nothing mutates or evolves

Your dog argument is invalid


Quit trying to enforce you're ideals fuckwit, let people believe in what they want regardless if it's "right or wrong"


Sounds like a very hypocritical standpoint your coming from





Obviously you are an idiot, hence evolution. If God was real he would have given you a working brain









Your a fucking moron

Kek :^)











If evolution wasn't real backward ass people like you would still be apes




There are different forms of humans








>implying that we are the apex of evolution; an inevitable final destination.

I had not taken that into consideration. I understand now. Thank you for enlightening me.



Thanks you :^)

Modern whales, too.


Abandon this cancerous shit


Learn the rule and timespan of evolution, idiot. Evolution is led by the need of a change. For example, if what they eat is getting harder, their teeth are getting bigger and stronger. Why do they need to change in a zoo? Their environment is not changing enough for that.
And the second thing is that is takes 2 or 3 generations to see a minimal change. More than you rown life faggot.
Just go to Galapagos : they have seen evolution of some species of birds in 50 years, so evolution is real.
You just should learn to try to read scientific books in place of the undocumented Bible. And then you will see that evolution is also true for you, because you will appear as less idiot as you are now

Well humans are identical clones so there is absolutely no different forms of humans. Thus evolution clearly is false.



>all sort of different forms of humans
Yeah, there's idiots like you.









Dude Are you kidding, go to detroit than the to holly wood hills and you would see a different species. Its crazy but its true some people are more evolved than others. Well in some respects and some people are more evolved to others in other respects. You dig dog?



Aaaah it feels good to see that OP is unable to answer me. Chessmate this time! (But he will probably come back tomorrow with some other idiotic question about God, Bible or anything else that he does not understand)


That is some futuristsic looking chick.




Right as opposed to intelligent design

>balls outside body
>ribcage doesn't cover stomach
>need to breathe
>need to consume water to survive
>dome creatures need to consume others to survive











nobody can prove there is a god or not, so creationisme is still a valable option


is this still 2007?



Same reason they're way more likely to be willing to murder anyone who disagrees with them?