Jerry Seinfeld

Jerry Seinfeld

J Seinfeld

This comment goes. Lol, no idea what this means. But fuck it, right? No? Ok. More cigs plz.




What"s the deal with all this stuff we see every day, huh?





tfw seinfeld has more money than trump


woah, whats that?!

can someone shoop on it in ink "End My Life"? from that meme pic if anyone has it?




didnt like this thread sorry guys. maybe next time. when the guy was on the chair, he's just kind of sitting there, pretty boring honestly. maybe he can be more actionfull next time or something.



Nah man, don't sweat it. We'll get 'em next time. See you on the flip-flop, Cred Forumsro


Made me laugh





God Bless



Replying so my mom doesn't die in her sleep

Only relevant post itt


you fucking cuck

^good comment i keked



jery love lilb




fucking nigger







youre good

ok : - )




hey guys this thread is cuck nigger donald trump pepe


