Okay Cred Forums here's my situation. I work at a job that does drug testing...

Okay Cred Forums here's my situation. I work at a job that does drug testing, but only if you're involved in an incident, no randoms. I smoke bud and concentrates. I know I would fail a test if I ever had to go, which means I'd lose my job. I bought a "flush kit" or "masking kit" whatever you want to call it in case I ever needed to go for one. I got the best one I could find. My question is.. do you think I can rely and that to help me pass? Has anyone ever used similar products or know how well they work? Any other advice you guys can share with me? Also, general stoner thread.

Bumping with dank memes.


Some basic tips. Always drink a shit ton of water if you think it's coming up. Also never give them the veryear start or end of the piss stream always do the middle. Lastly piss as many times as you can before the test. Oh and never the first piss of the day. That's a huge nono

what kind of job would fire you for having smoked weed in the last 2 months, when it wouldn't fire you for showing up hung-over as fuck because you polished off a 2-6 the night before?

I would have maybe an hour or 2 notice before having to take the test. I would only have to go if I damage some equipment or have a bad fuck up of some kind. I work in the patch in AB.

lol that's why everyone in the patch is either a crack-head or alcoholic.

I'm a fracker. It's fucking retarded I know. People come to work loaded, hung over and jacked up on coke all the time. I feel like these tests are pretty much only used to catch stoners..

Bumping for more advice/ experiences

good dubs.

keep up the good work brother. oil will go back up soon and alberta will be great again.

Unless your job requires clearance of some sort, you cannot legally be fired for failing a drug test.
Only if they can prove that your work performance has been directly affected by your usage, or that you were using at work can they fire you. Even then claim to be an addict and they have to sponsor you for some sort of rehab and allow you back when you complete it.
This is assuming that you are canadian of course.

They are. Most other drugs are completely washed out of your system in 2 weeks max, unless you are a chronic user.

Thanks bro I hope you're right
I've heard about the rehab thing as well but people at my company have been sent for the rehab and then fired as soon as it was done. Yes I'm a canadafag.

Also depends on what type of test they use too some tests look 4 masking agents and kreotin levels so flushing with lots of water might not help

Yeah well it mostly comes down to can you afford to fight them in court if they do.

I work a 15 on 6 off cycle. I smoke all 6 days offdp and sometimes while I'm on shift if I have the opportunity. Also I'm 6'3 220lbs (not obese but definitely not jacked) so I've heard the more fat in your body the longer the thc is stored.

I wouldn't go to court. I'd just find another job. Theoretically.

Bumpity bump bump.

No one else has an opinion or advice?

That is true. Might want to lay off the smoking at work though. Just do coke like normal people do.
Well that's what usually happens, and if thats the plan why even be worried about it?

You're an EMT, EMR or paramedic?

No, that shit is all just a scam preying on desperate people.

If you're wise you'll give that shit up, if you value your job.

If not, go with the drugs if you value them more.


Don't use synthetics anymore. Plus there's a big fentanyl problem here atm.

Imy a 5 year hand with my company and I've got it pretty good. A bit of seniority and a good position within the company. I don't want to have to start over somewhere else.

I know I know. It's just some nice to go home after a 12 hour shift and spark a doob.

Stims keep you on the ball. Dope hinders on so many levels. Just quit smoking weed and you'll have no problem. I honestly question the character of anyone who smokes the shit after high school and wouldn't hire anyone by virtue of that alone

Yeah man. No reason we should let the yanks keep their monopoly

Didn't know this, Tbh I was worried this may have posed a problem at some point

Thats kinda dumb. Pot is no worse than alcohol. Used moderately to relax after a hard day, or just to loosen up, a joint is hardly different than a nice glass or two of whisky. It's only when you cross that line into stoner territory that it gets pathetic.

Stoners will always try to push it, why should an employer take the risk? Odds are, they would be nothing more than a liability

I had a piss test for my ADHD and I smoked 4 days before so I was scared shitless but my tip is, have a good metabolism, don't eat much after smoking, drink and sweat a lot. This is what I did to pass it, although I'm not a hardcore smoker.

OP. Make sure you purchased synthehtic urine. This is actual clean urine that was turned into a powder form. I use these all the time.

Never let them take away your freedom.

Did you even read the question you fucking retard?

Another retard.

Another retard. Weed stays in your system for 3 - 4 weeks if you're a chronic user.

Fuck you faggot. Don't infringe on muh freedoms.

This is retarded. You're just assuming bullshit because its better to be safe than sorry. It doesn't affect you the same as it does alcohol. But then again not like you would know shit about anything.

you need test this kit, make this, Cred Forumsro; put weed in the launch of other worker in your company, them comes in the mail and send one harassing a girl in the company, put the product on your partner's coffee and wait for the result.

If this guy lose his job, you need other alternative.