What does Cred Forums think about the debates?

What does Cred Forums think about the debates?

Hillary was well-prepared and Trump looked silly.

Hillary was a robotic double.
She starts talking about her grand daughter...

It's all monkey business

>Hillary was well-prepared
it's easy to prepare if the media is on your side and questions are about your program that you feed your poor supporters the last months already, trump was not given such comfy chance

What's new

I agree with this. Right off the get, even for FOX FUCKING NEWS, the whole thing was slanted for her.

Media was on Hillary's side? Big surprise when that orangutan essentially declares war on big media.

The debates are a facade at this point. The election has already been decided.

I really don't like either candidate. But I'll vote for Hillary because she's better than Jill the crazy lady and the tangerine nightmare.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.


*but only when it suits me

Trump was incoherent.

Trump didn't fail catastrophically, but he didn't perform as well as he good. He missed several opportunities to slam Clinton, interrupted her when she could have rambled on, and rambled on himself.

That said I don't think Clinton's performance was stellar, just average.

Overall I think Clinton one the debates, even though I am a Trump supporter by process of elimination.

I'd argue that this is predominant thought in America today.

>all bullshit to keep you looking away from the real problems in the world.

>WW3 is coming

>asteroids intensify like the Australian last night

>niburu/Planet X solar system coming our way: must of us will die

>Cred Forums and other boards in full ownership of alphabet corporations

>need to continue?

>do your research


Voting for shillary now.
At this point I'm done with Trump, in the end hes just 4chans centipede. I'll give you props though, you faggots know his policies better then he does himself.
Eat a massive dick Cred Forums. Hillary is fucking boss.



I need sleep.

Eh, I like Trump because I like his trade, immigration, gun rights, and federalism positions, and that he wants to end the various proxy wars with Russia while not submitting to the "religion of peace" and "we blacks are simply underprivileged, which is why 13% of the population commit half the violent crimes" narratives.

You forgot
Alright, Cred Forums, that's it. Good night.

>that part

Really .. I was like , what the fuck?

You actually like his stances on those things?

>guns for everyone
>renegotiate all trade deals
>cut government in half
>halt immigration for brown people

In saying that I am by all means a hippy liberal by most standards so it seems weird to me


Read more into his policies. You are not wrong to think it's weird. It's just stupid.

Shitty debate. Hillary raped Trump up the ass. He wasn't prepared at all. Did he even practice or study at all?

I like the come at it pragmatically. Trumps presidency would be so peaceful. Nothing would get done. Nothing would make it past Congress. Shill knows how to work the system. She would cheat us into ww3

We can't afford to have nothing get done. America needs to get shit done fast.

I agree with this. America has been long time waiting in hopes to become Russian nation. Napoleon tried, Hitler tried, even Reagan himself tried. Mother Russia prevailed, and Vladimir Putin will bring together our world, so we will one day rule in the stars.

Lol, how's that GDP going?

can u tell me how much u are in debt right now plz

Trump utterly destroyed her.
He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.
He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.
Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.
Trump dominated

Russia has a 2 trillion dollar GDP. My country has a 1 trillion dollar GDP with almost 1/10th your idiot population.

20 trillion dollars was the answer. GDP does not matter when Russia continues its war, Balkan lands will returns to the Mother Land.

My country has 500 billion gross debt. Dumb country didn't even have enough money to do anything but sob when Turkey shot down its planes. How is it gonna get anywhere else back?

Thanks for your .02 Donald. back to twitter with you.

Is this bait? Did you see trumps little badytime? He looked so frail, defending himself everytime she sayd anything.
I'm not a supporter of either, still objectively trump got dumped,


inb4 'you mad blac bois'