Do we live in a simulation? Whats ur opinion?

Do we live in a simulation? Whats ur opinion?

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lay of the red pills

probably not, but what would be the difference any ways? as far as things outside our universe are concerned, it doesnt matter if were real or not, and vice verse

this profile is a scammer

If we do we need to find cheat codes.

a perfect simulation of anything is the actual thing itself

This question does not mean anything. Being constrained to this Universe we cannot meaningfully refer to anything outside.

With our current technology we can't know for sure but it's definitely plausible. Our universe was somehow created, speed is somehow limited, and anything dealing with quantum physics are a few of the arguments you could make for a simulated universe.

This is edgelord nonsense.

A video game character cannot cheat in a video game, for they are just a vessel

maybe, but how does we explain irrational numbers?

How is asking if the universe is a simulation edgy?

It would be super neat but i don't think reality is a simulation.

Stephen Hawkings said something along the lines that when a black hole takes in matter it takes in everything. The data of the entire mass or whatever we are in it sucked in. On the other side the pressure turns what was into almost a spinning CD or record of information and the Doctor said that this could be happening. He also said he was completely wrong about one thing and took it back to change it. Sauce would be nice.

Elon musk on reality and base reality 3 mins watch it

Even asking that proves the point.

That's because you are not the main player. I am.

Elon musk red pilled me


It really doesn't. Get off the internet, it made you retarded.

dubs check

If the Doctor is Doctor Who, then you just became a bigger autist than me.

No, it does.
As an edgelord you wouldn't understand how your edginess looks... It's like trying to explain to a whiteknight that whiteknighting is pointless.

I leave though, and let you keep blowing people's minds with your highschool level deep ideas.

>i give up
is like, way more concise, ya know

What kinda bullshit is that, if you are playing vr you know you are playing vr. I know im in a simulation does that mean im in a simulation?

>if you are playing vr you know you are playing vr

really. i mean, youve never woken up after a dream and realised THEN it was a dream. think about this for a second. believing things that are clearly incorrect is a daily nightly occurence for not just you at your younger ages, but the vast majority of the world. its only when you wake up your realize how absurd the situation is, isnt it? which could be RIGHT NOW. it seems logical and perfectly sound, then you wake up suddenly and realise you just wasted your fucking day shittalking with people on some stupid imageboard

I have had several dreams in where i knew i was dreaming tho lel

and you said several, not ALL, which means, youve had some which you did NOT. its called lucid dreaming by the way

You were plugged in like a computerstick


Irrational numbers only go as far as we or our tools are willing to count.

No, it would be irrational for any species that had the tech to do so to bother doing so.

Doesn't make a difference. What we see as reality is only its projection onto our senses and discussing reality beyond that is pointless.

Til people don't do irrational things