I'm a Muslim ask me anything

I'm a Muslim ask me anything.

Don't forget we don't need to pray 24/7 to be Muslim the same way Christians don't need to go to church 24/7 to be Christian.

I'll answer to trolls within reason.

Try to avoid buzzword questions/statements, we've all heard them before. They do not advance the discussion to anywhere worthwhile.

Other urls found in this thread:


Whats eta of you people taking over the world ?

At this rate absolutely never. The way things are going right now, it is more likely that Islam becomes a fringe religion than one that occupies more space. Nations who has Islam as a majority religion are corrupt, under-educated and lagging behind. A lot needs to change if they expect to continue into the future.

What do you think about fellow muslims Who join ISIS?

Why are you a member of a religious group that is arguably the most violent and most bereft of human rights and who worship an illiterate desert-dwelling pedophilic warlord?

People seek purpose in life. Usually in the easiest way possible. When people see a lack of opportunity in building positive things, they will take the easier ways out to achieve their ego driven glory. This is usually in destructive and evil ways. Also people are attracted to these kind of nationalist movements because they are easy to understand and justify. The success of the recruitment methods used by ISIS are similar to the Nazis. In hindsight, who would join such evil groups? However, history shows us that many people joined. Force, authority, disassociation of acts and glory make people do evil things. The same way as the Stanford Prison Experiment concluded that evil institutions can make otherwise good people evil.

I think any Muslim that joins ISIS is a weak human much like the majority of us. However, I strongly believe being a sheep in society is very dangerous. We are all dutiful of our own actions as free beings. Therefore, any individual drawn into evil institutions are also to blame for their weakness.

If you actually care about the response to this I will tell you why I chose Islam out of all the religions I have studied in detail.

is it true that ay-rabs only consider it gay if you're on bottom, and being on top and getting your cock sucked or fucking some dude's b-hole is considered a normal heterosexual activity on par with jerking off?

Do muslims realize how incompatible capital punishment for apostasy is with all of the non-islamic world? How it is 200% against religious freedom?

see article about it here:

No any sexual action with someone other than your spouse is sodomy and is forbidden.

Capital punishment does not exist for apostasy in the majority of Muslim majority countries. Therefore, yes, the majority of Muslims have realized this long ago.

Pictures of women you're posting, are these the promised 100 virgins ?

did you not read the article? the middle east is literally a bunch of buttfuckers.

Who's the one in the picture?

What country do you live in?

Okay, so the fact that they punish people for leaving the religion at all.

i have come to the conclusion that the islamic afterlife is actually Comic-Con. thats where the 100 virgins are.
>pic related

Do you thank Mr. Skeltal every day?

We're waiting.

Probably not.

I am not denying that homosexuality does not exist. I am saying it is still considered sodomy. Homosexuality exists in every group of humans. Read my responses more carefully.

Which picture?

I currently live in Canada.

They don't in most Muslim countries. Some countries still have the laws in the books but they are not applied. The same way as their are really bizarre laws pertaining to oral sex in the USA. The law is there from long ago, but it is not applied. In Morocco, I have many atheist friends, it's frowned upon, however people look past it. They will never be punished for it. Iran and Saudi Arabia have strict punishments for apostasy that are applied, however, they are a minority in the larger Muslim community. Iran didn't pursue apostates before the government was over-turned and the dictator was put in place.

your best military victory, ever, was flying a plane into a couple buildings. Muslims have been around for 3000 years and thats literally the best you have ever done.

Westerners, on the other hand, an literally pick any building on the earth, enter the coordinates and vaporize it within about 15 minutes. Theres no building on the planet that we couldn't reduce to rubble in a matter of minutes. Any country, any building. and it took you 30 months to plan an attack relying on stealing airplanes because you're such poorfags that you don't have actual laser guided cruise missiles. or nuclear power.
>islam is pathetic

More than 100 in the ones I've been to.

No. I have watched the video a few times though.

In general Abrahamic religions have a very interesting perspective on the struggle with the inner self. It states that humans have inert desires, these being detrimental (evil), in opposition it is our duty to do the hard thing and no succumb to these desires. To fight against these desires and urges to do the right things.

In day to day life. Immediate pleasures are easy to come by, however they are temporary and often leave you with more emptiness than well-being. Long term achievements and struggles are those you will be proud of, things that will bring you fulfillment. This is amplified in the Q'ran compared to the Torah and Bible, this is the concept of jihad.

Muslims then believe that the most important thing one can do in his life is the liberation of the mind from the body. To free your spirit from these worldly acts, to understand the potential of the human as a thinking being and not just a vessel moving through time.

Many other religions in the East address these issues as well. Jainism is very interesting and I have studied it. It is actually very similar to fundamental Sufi Islam.

They are not reasonable to follow in modern society, or in any society. They are idealized structured philosophies. Beautiful and I wish we could all be this pure, but the world is not so.

I can keep going if you really care.

You must have poor calcium

>In Morocco, I have many atheist friends, it's frowned upon, however people look past it.

Asker here
Holy shit, that actually gives me a lot of hope for musulmans. I'm an atheist in bible belt south and all i get is contempt for it, sounds similar

Why do you validate the contributions of a people by their ability to destroy another.

Moreover, why do you so conveniently decide to bag us vs. them as Westerns vs. Muslims. That seems like a strange line to draw in the sand. Especially considering two Muslim nations have their own nukes (Pakistan and Iran) and most other Muslim nations simply have to call the USA to drop the nukes for them.

How do you define your us vs. thems makes no sense. How you define the contributions of a people by their destructive strength can show some correlation however is very strange.

I drink a considerable amount of milk.

Yeah, like it's not accepted with open arms, but still people get past it. I find it very synonymous with people coming out as gay here where I currently live in Canada. I have a friend who just did. His parents were really disappointed, some people made rude comments. But, in the end nothing really changed for him, everyone ended up looking past it.

In my opinion people who show hatred towards apostates are far worse than they are. If leaving a religion can bring people peace and happiness then it is their prerogative, God will judge them when their time comes. For now, let them live on Earth happily and freely.

Without Mr. Skeltal's blessing you will always have weak calcium

>it is our duty to do the hard thing and no succumb to these desires. To fight against these desires and urges to do the right things.

You mean like fucking a 9 year old girl which is what your prophet did?

The jains have no doctrine of violence or Jihad.

Out of all the religions to choose from, you picked the worst and most cancerous. No country governed in accordance with Islam can compete with non-Islamic countries in any worthwhile pursuit. Islam is a cancer that brings nothing of value to modern civilisation.

You should have become a jain.


If you are not willing to release the hatred you show towards Islam before discussing it we will not achieve anything in this discourse. Throwing around buzzwords and shade just stalls the conversation.

You asked me why I chose Islam and I was very clear. I also addressed why I did not choose Jainism.

For example, Jains with whom I lived cooked with cow poop. Yes, I ate the food... However, how would I do that in Canada? Jains don't eat anything that is grown under the earth or that has a 'soul'. This does not leave much in terms of nutrition. This mean no potatoes, carrots, garlic. Jains do not eat after sunset, only drink water. This is a lot to follow.

Pure Sufi Islam, does not allow any possessions. You must live for the present. You cannot own anything. Only a cloth. Each day you must go spend the whole day doing pure works, small jobs to help people, and receive charities. You are then to feed yourself, find a shelter and give the rest to people who cannot make money on their own.

These are good ideals, but are not reasonable.

A religion should be something that helps you in your life. It has to be adaptable to your life. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism ... All are appropriate.

Islam is a very interesting religion. It's foolish to disregard something you know nothing about. Learn and read about a philosophy before you criticize.

i dangled the bait and you bit it.

if your response had been "i don't consider OBL or Al Qaida to represent me or islam in any way" you might have had a shred of dignity. YOU had the opportunity to draw the line in the sand separating yourself from the violent terrorists that perhaps only make up a fraction of muslims. But time and time again muslims from rank and file muslim canadians like yourself all the way up to respected north american, arab and non-aran imams do not draw the line and reject OBL and his followers.

We're not the ones that draw the separation between westerners and "them." YOU draw it by failing to reject the violent subculture. your persistent silence allows westerners to paint with the broad brush, since time and time again "peaceful muslims" fail to make a distinction between themselves and terrorist states or terrorist groups. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Or, perhaps more accurately, nobody to blame but your scriptures.

I've read them all. the Quran, the Hadith, the sharia. its dazzlingly beautiful poetry and wisdom woven together by shockingly violent misogyny and hatred.

nice pasta niger

whats your opinion on sunnis/wahabi/salafis fucking our image over for us alawites and shi'ites. whats your opinion on bullshit fabricated hadiths made by dumbass sheikhs tryna hypnotize younger ones so that they think its okay to die in the name of god. whats your opinion on president assad?

why does every muslim criminal scum come to sweden?

Can I fuck you?

How does it feel the savage non westernised Muslims are fucking your rep?

what do you world-fuckers think of "possessions" BS youtube.com/watch?v=7szlOjtKGY0

I don't hate Islam. I believe it's an intolerant and despicable ideology.

I judge it by the actions and beliefs of its members aka muslims. No, not all muslims are bad, but research consistently shows muslims have shitty beliefs and any critical analysis of Islamic nations cannot fail to reach any other conclusion than Islam is bad for society and individuals.

Be honest about Islam. Be honest about its problems.


No other human except for myself represents me. I am my own person. Groupings in general are useless. Firstly, we are ALL humans, then I am more closely ethnically to Spanish people than any country with significant terrorist groups. Therefore, we cannot be bagged ethnically. Therefore, conveniently you choose to bag us by religion. Anyone who needs to bag himself in a group to feel success is lacking it in his own life.

That being said, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab and the like are Muslim. However, I do not represent them and they do not represent me. Again, I represent myself. They represent themselves.

I do however, strongly condemn anything they stand for. Refer to: .

With respect to the silence you claim. That is empirically false. . Just because your news cycle refuses to acknowledge and display it, does not mean it does not happen. All the major armies fighting terrorism are Muslim. Each time there is an attack in the world, the Muslim communities around the world rally to show solidarity against terrorism.

Consider what I wrote here before continuing to hate.

nice dubs.

1) Any particular denomination of Islam that tries to impose their interpretation on the others is over stepping their spiritual boundaries.
2) Hadith is made by humans and must be considered much like any other human text. It is filled with inaccuracies.
3) Assad is an evil man. I do think he was a better option for Syria than what is happening today, but still his reaction to the protests is evil. Killing even one human is evil. He should have been more diplomatic and given more to his people. He hoarded the resources and they rightfully rebelled. But, now it is chaos way worse than it should have been.

What is Alan's snackbar?

this is a good thread, cheers for an interesting read OP

alawite guy here. thanks for being honest and not an egotistical self righteous cunt like the sunnis we have down here in sydney.

Every Muslim criminal does not go to sweden.


I do not associate with a group such as "Muslims". I am responsible for my own actions. Refer to: .

Also, I am ashamed for any atrocity committed by any human. But, I am no more ashamed for the actions of other Muslims. I do not associate with them. I am my own person, I can only be truly ashamed of my actions or lack of actions. I wish that people would be able to live harmoniously, and help each other grow and get through life. It's hard enough as it is. Why do we need to make it harder by working against each other?

Muslims believe they exist as well.

What critical analysis of Islamic nations? You mean the one that they are referring to in the video, the one from PEW research. That is not scientific in nature. I can go in detail about the problems with that poll if you care.

I am honest about the problem in Islamic countries. Refer to: . It is important to be critical, but we must address the problems at their real roots, not by putting blame on a scapegoat to make the solutions easy for our mind to comprehend.

Why terrorism exists? Refer to: .

Do you realize that like most Christians and the Bible, most Muslims have never read a Q'ran.


sunni subhuman confirmed.

6 Storie St, Paisley PA1 2AR, United Kingdom

I'll go visit if I go to Glasgow.

Thanks, it's a good way for me to unwind when my work gets heavy.

I am more Sunni than any other denomination. However, I do not have a particular denomination. I have my own interpretation based on my plentiful studies. However I do associate strongly with Maliki interpretations, but also some aspects of Nizari Islam (Shi'a) and even Sufism.

If you're genuinely religious, you are delusional.

If you're also a Muslim, you're especially retarded.

So explain to me how your religion is following the Creator God(one true god)
the Creator God made Adam and Eve. Was pleased with Abel's offering and not Cain's. Called Abram out of Ur. Made Covenants with him promising him to be the father of many nations. (Which he clearly is) Promised him a son in his old age (with his old wife sarai) not with Hagar. Sarah laughed at God's promise. They didn't believe and she had Abraham sleep with her Hagar, a MAIDSERVANT and an EGYPTIAN. Hagar birthed Ishmael, Abrahams first born son. Who was not to be born, but God ALLOWS free choice so it happened this way. God brings them Isaac in their old age to bring forth the nation of ISRAEL. Thought the 12 tribest which came from the descendants of Jacob. This has been meticulously recorded and was written down by Moses as requested by God. That very line bringing Jesus (Immanuel). The Savior of Mankind. You mean to tell me that a group of people who were POLYTHEISTS specifically pagan all of a sudden it the one true religion when it has its true beginning in 610 by a forty year old prophet? When Judaism has PHYSICAL evidence of its existence before A.D. (dead Sea scrolls).

how many times u took part in massrape, stoning or honorable killing?

I want to thank you for your responses and this thread, OP. It is very interesting.

>Every Muslim criminal does not go to sweden.

Yeah. Some go to Germany, France, the UK and other countries which aren't Islamic hellholes.

There's a reason westerners don't emigrate to muslim countries and it's the same reason muslims emigrate to western countries. The reason is this: Islam is shit.

How so?

I am a serious practitioner of Islam in its fundamental form. The fundamental form is not what the word has been perverted to mean. It is the root of what Islam is. Islam is the jihad of an individual against his inner self. And much more. Moreover, it is the adherence of an individual to the five pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments as told in the Q'ran. These are useful guidelines, some that we can benefit from.

Muslims believe in all of the teachings of the Hebrews (Jews). The Q'ran states the same things that are in the dead sea scrolls. Islam was birthed from the oral traditions of the Hebrews and the Christian Bible. Jesus is as important of a prophet in the Q'ran as Mohammed in the Q'ran. He is the spirit of God. Birthed through the breath of Gabriel the angel.

So if you believe in Gabriel and the the OT why do you not believe that Gabriel came to Daniel whilst in Medo-Persia and told him of the exact time the Messiah would be born? Why would Gabriel change his tune when Mohomad was around and do you not know the adversary was an angel of light?

0 times.

Thanks, I appreciate that some people read through the responses.

Westerners DO immigrate to Islamic countries. There are so many French, Russian and American people in Morocco. Some go for work, some open up great businesses, some go for retirement, some go to do really vile things (cheap drugs, prostitutes).

You obviously have never traveled. If you had then you would have known how many Westerns their are across the globe. However, racist as it is, they are called ex-patriots rather than immigrants. Curious isn't it.

I actually have a hilarious story from Hong Kong about this if you are interested.

which building are u planning to bomb?

Also, I know he's viewed as a prophet. I know about the 7 pillars of Islam. I understand everything you have to say. Once again. Just because the Jews rejected Christ (which was prophesied in the OT) doesn't make him any less the Christ. And just because MOST Jews to this day don't want to accept Him as the Messiah and God doesn't make then right. I understand Islam got there stuff from the Hebrews (Isreal) and Christians. Seeing as Islam came so much after.... remember Joseph Smith had visions too. Of angels as well. Why isn't he right, why aren't you LDS??

>I am a serious practitioner of Islam in its fundamental form.

You're a fundamentalist and therefore not amenable to argument or reason.

Your statements and opinions can be safely disregarded as your line of thinking and thought processes are no different from a fundamentalist Christian creationist.

You are intellectually deficient, as one must be in order to be a true believer in any religious doctrine and/or ideology.

For this reason you are a danger to civilised society and should be called out, mocked and shamed for your backwards and dangerous beliefs.

Fuck you and fuck Islam. Religion gets no free pass.

This thread is an example for how Cred Forums should look like.

I think all religions are analogous. They contain a set of principles that help people live more fruitful lives for themselves and their communities. The underlining principles of all religions are the same as Islam, they are simply brushed with a different colored paint. That does not make them different. For example, we pray, Buddhists meditate, both achieve regularity and peace of mind.

Why I chose Islam was covered, refer to: .

"Muslims believe in all of the teachings of the Hebrews (Jews). Then how do you not understand the Santuary message? The Jews hauled that tabernacle around for no reason? They had the temple built by Solomon and then the subsequent rebuilding for what? To point towards the sacrifice of Jesus. But I guess it was just for the shekels right? Just was just the MOST OP prophet to ever live right? Matter of fact he was just perfect. The only human to ever be perfect just because you know, Mohammed right?

You're completely avoiding the points I'm trying to make. If there IS ONE God and He has His ways that are not like ours then NO Buddhism is NOT Christianity. You ARE NOT a muslim. You don't follow Allah.

In what way am I intellectually deficient. The fact that I am a published scientist makes your statement untrue. Which could have been shown to be untrue without using myself as an example. Religion and intelligence is not mutually exclusive. There are different ways to adhere to religion. Simply because your uneducated close ones showed you their intellectually devoid interpretations of spirituality, you should not assume that is how all others assume their faith.

I would argue that the biggest danger to society is hatred and anger. You seem to be angry and hate filled. Hatred and anger is what causes all evils, be it war, genocide, stealing and all the like.

Your view of religious people, is no different than the view of religious people onto apostates. Both of which are beyond reason. Why hate each other? Refer to: nice trips of truth.


Why do Muslims protest Israel constantly for bringing freedom and democracy and first world prosperity to an otherwise ass backwards hell on earth region? They protest war in Gaza and want sanctions on Israel but don't give a fuck about all the other evil terrible people who kill mudslimes at a rate over 9000 that of Israel.

You guys have poor English. I cannot understand what you are trying to convey.

> Just was just the MOST OP prophet to ever live right? Matter of fact he was just perfect.

What are you talking about here? In the Q'ran, all the prophets are only special because they spoke God's messages. However, they are no more special than that. That is why idolatry of the prophets is forbidden. We must remember their divine messages, God's message, and not their human figures.

> If there IS ONE God and He has His ways that are not like ours then NO Buddhism is NOT Christianity.

What? Muslims believe that the Christian God is the same as the Muslim God. If you believe in God, you believe in God. Moreover, I think you are understanding God in a very Westernized fashion. Muslims believe that God is not a man in the sky. He is as was told onto Moses, and which is written in the Torah, the Bible and the Q'ran. God is as he is, he is everything that is, has been and is not. Some Christians have misinterpreted this. However, it is all encompassing and should be all encompassing. A Jewish philosopher said that once you start to define God you have already placed too many boundaries onto the entirety of that which God is.

You clearly stated you follow idealogies. That isn't spirituality. It's devoid of faith. Life is an analogy then. It's all in your head and this conversation you're having with me you're actually having with yourself. Which is ironic because though I type that sarcastically it's actually true. You've already stated multiple time you don't want to reason with me. Just by bringing up principles and analogy being religion and you're right. That's the difference between religion and spirituality

How can I understand God in a westernized fashion when I'm looking at Him from a biblical perspective?.. No, Allah is not Jehovah, or Yahweh. I'm sorry to burst your bubble

The current state of the countries is a product of a declined society due to internal struggles and colonization. For example, Morocco where I am from, is deeply corrupt and filled with problem. The King sold out to the French colonial forces and they started hoarding all the resources. The French are now formally out of Morocco, yet still financially present. However, the King still has control over all the resources. He owns every single resource. It's ridiculous. Now consider that Morocco is one of the least damaged countries by decline and then colonialism. Therefore, amplify the problems of Morocco and you get what you see in other countries. It also does not help that there are geo-political interests in having control of the Middle-east therefore they are at high risk of war.

If you want to have a good discussion, at leats try. Israel did not bring: freedom, democracy or prosperity.

Do you know the history of Israel? We need to agree on this before we can discuss anything else. Do you agree with the following.

In the early 1900s the Ottoman empire had control over the entire region that encompasses Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and Palestine today. During this time, Muslims and Sephardic Jews lived in this land together, both oppressed by the Turks who hated the Arabs (Muslim or Jewish).

After WW1 when the ottoman empire was dissolved by the UK and France, the land was split up evenly. The UK took control of Kuwait, Jordan, most of Syria and all of what was then Palestine. At this time through the Balfour Declaration the zionist movement in the UK convinced the government to give the land for the creation of Israel.

This is a good start. Do we agree?

from what one of my friends told me, morroco is pretty based (especially since you guys started applying driving laws, kek)

anyway, thoughts on Jinns and spirits like that?
any tips to get a muslim girl to date (sex included) a non-muslim?

No let's go back to God giving the land to the Jews as an eternal inheritance and them being the indigenous people of that land regardless of the jihad that conquered the land under war monger pedophile Mohammad (may he rot in hell forever)

tl; dr
>am i a good enough cut of meat to make your husband?

I did not post the second thing you referred to. I am the poster that posts next to a picture.

What is your point?

Islam is a religion much like any other. Refer to the first post you replied to. I stand by it.

Religion is spiritual in nature.

Most Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars, including the past and current pope claim that God is the same across Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Q'ran explicitly states that they are the same. They even quote the Torah directly about what God is as was spoken onto Moses.

Eastern Christians not included. Western Christians, especially those from Anglo-Saxon or Romanized nations see God as a man in the sky. This does not come close to the extent which God is.

Muslims and Jews believe what I wrote in .

Consider the following:

Set theory is useful to understand this.

First we must understand that the set, is everything that is, has been and is not. In essence the set is infinity.

S = {-inf, inf} in R^inf.

Now we can talk about subsets of what God is. However we must understand that God is much more than this subset. He is the set, S. The subset, s, is only a part of the whole.

For example, if we talk about God's generosity.

s = {generosity}

By definition, generosity is in the set, S, we have defined which the infinite set is. Everything that you can ever think of is within that set.

Both Christianity and Islam are shitty rip offs of Judaism

you're not understanding my question... i want to make muslims everywhere my sex slaves. i am American and have a penis.

> Jainism same as sufi Islam

>Giving explanation of separation of body and mind

You are talking about Bhakti religions - Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism and wrongly attributing it to philosophy of Islam

Driving laws have been in place for a very long time. However, due to the very low wages for police officers, they rather take backshish money, 5$ per person they stop, than to give formal tickets. This has been changed with an anti-corruption movement.

The djinn are like many of the parts in the Q'ran, they are a story. Maybe they are physical, maybe they are metaphysical. Literally. The djinn are a 4th dimensional being that were displaced by God when he gave their place to the humans. The djinn were moved to a different location. These creatures exist much like we do, with good djinn, bad djinn, all kinds of djinn. Some of them who care, have a strong dislike for humans and want to cause us problems as revenge for their displacements. Others are good to humans and help us but these are apparently rarer.

Treat a Muslim girl the same way as you would any other girl. Most would have no problem with it.

Ok. In that case, firstly realize that they are not the indigenous people of that land. They moved onto the land of Israel from Egypt. Therefore, they too are natives. In the Torah it states that their were ungodly people already living on the lands of Israel when they move in. They tried many times to kill the Jewish people.

Moreover, God gave the land onto all of his chosen people. In consequence, Abraham being one of the chosen people gave birth to all Muslims as well. Therefore, the land is equally belonging to Muslims.

HOLY FUCK I AM HORNY! I do impressions!

Do you live in a non-muslim country? If so why do muslims resist assimilation if they obviously moved from a muslim society?

This thread got alot of cringe in it.
Not OP but the fedora wielding atheist's that flood this board.

Nice thread OP and great responses.

They're essentially all the same.

I understand your question now.

Go read about Islam if you are unwilling to hear it from me.


I currently live in Canada.

Assimilation is very difficult. Most immigrants come to a country for their children. They want better lives for them. Therefore, they sacrifice the life they could have in their own country in order to provide this. Most people are not able enough to learn languages easily. I speak 4 languages almost 5. Most people also are set in their ways, they do not know any different. I am very mold-able. I have lived in Morocco and then China and Taiwan before coming here. I am easily integrated into friend's groups. But, I am not like most people. What is curious is that Westerners who go to other countries also mostly do not assimilate.

The fact is, most people cannot assimilate easily. Some do but that is not the majority.

stop talking to the subhuman ape kill it and its archaic clan of violence and hate stupid sand niggers

Sufi Islam is not even considered as pure Islam. It has strong influence of Bhakti religions. Example being Sufi saints like baba Farid.

Equating philosophy of Jainism and Islam is ridiculous

This post is such a fallacy in and of itself. You say your a Muslim, you're not. Simply calling ones self something doesn't make it so. Muslims follow the Quran. Christians follow the bible. Real Muslims actually believe, and follow what the holy book says. Just like real Christians believe and follow what it says in their holy book. TONS of people call themselves Christians, but they don't go to church, they are ok with gay marriage, they have premarital sex etc.. If you are truly a christian, just like if you are truly a Muslim, then you would follow your book to a fucking T. If it were a true christian, just like if you're a true Muslim you would know for a fact that there would be repercussions in the after life for not following your book. If a christian ACTUALLY believes they will be spending eternity in the heavenly gates and all they have to do to get there is not sin, they wouldn't fucking sin. Just like if you thought you would get to wherever you go by being a strict muslim, you would do that. You are no different than a tranny who thinks that even though you were born with a dick you can pretend to the world that you have a vagina. You "identify" as Muslim, but you are far, far, far from Muslim.

Why do you worship a pedophile OP?

Suck that muslim dick some more you fucking cuck.

Why do you need religion. You can do all the good things that each religion speaks of without having to be apart of it

No questions, just popping by to call your religion a joke and an excuse to act like an enraged monkey.

Thanks for the feedback.

It is pure Islam. Sufi Islam is accepted as a major school of thought within Islam. You cannot discount something simply because it does not fit your mold.

I did not equate them. I said that in both cases Jainism as a whole and Sufi Islam are too righteous to be practical and applicable in modern life. This is true. Most Jains have abandoned their practices in India. Its impossible to live in modern times as a Jain.

I ACTUALLY believe everything I have written in this thread. Read the thread before spouting. I am a serious practitioner of Islam in its fundamental form. The fundamental form is not what the word has been perverted to mean. It is the root of what Islam is. Islam is the jihad of an individual against his inner self. And much more. Moreover, it is the adherence of an individual to the five pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments as told in the Q'ran. These are useful guidelines, some that we can benefit from. Before judging what kind of image I am portraying understand that these are my opinions and interpretations. Secondly, understand that my opinions and stances are well researched academically and through religious schools of thought throughout the world in many mosques, in many continents and countries. Lastly, I have studied philosophy and religion (many different ones) congruently with my field of work throughout my life. I have experience. I invite you to read my responses and get to know me before judging me.

I know what I am talking about. Try to read before judging.

That is true. However, in your short life do you think you are capable of learning all the ways to appease the mind that have been thought up across thousands of years.

You don't think that religions hold even the slightest bit of benefit that has been learned through the thousands of years in which it has been practiced?


You seem on the same path as me; I am protestant by birth and a seeker by nature. I view religion much like you... but after passing my atheist phase I found God not in any one religion but in all of them. Even the atheists! (Have u noticed how noone harbours the anger towards God such as ateos? In many ways they are truer believers than most Jesus or Mohammadfags...)

Why would u concider yrself a "moslem" when u in all probability is more of a Deist?

Hmm ok, retard. So posting naked pictures of women on Cred Forums... hmm yea seems pretty 100% in line with the muslim faith. You sound exactly like I described. Some dumb tumblr thundercunt who thinks because she is a sophomore philosophy major she knows everything about the world and whats in it. You, mam, are a fucking retard.

I'm almost certain you're a Muslim who watches porn, so...what kind of porn?

I agree with what you are stating. However, it's not all about God. The belief in the wholeness of God is one thing in religion. However, there's many other tools that religion provides that are very useful and bring wellness. I can go on about this if you care.

All humans sin. It is inevitable. We are humans, imperfect in nature. However, I make sure that if I do sin they are relatively harmless.

I do not watch pornography. I used to watch it, it became a nuisance to my life.