Why don't people grow out of metal Cred Forums? People grow out of every other teen subculture (emo...

Why don't people grow out of metal Cred Forums? People grow out of every other teen subculture (emo, goth etc) by their early 20s - why not so with metal? Why do these people insist on being such cringeworthy betas into their late 20s?


I bet you listen to deep house and read vice you fucking faggot

cringeworthy manchild detected

Because metal is the best form of music and all the sub genres
I do find the black metal acts cringey as shit but metal music isnt.
>How do people listen to such shitty music is beyond me.

I get that people enjoy the music, but why do they insist on dressing like edgy, parent hating teenagers into mid-adulthood?

It's better than the shitty music they play in high street clubs

Coonloving Cuckfag Detected

awww, is that trenchcoat a little rustled?

I sort of agree, OP. I like metal but I don't dress like a 17yo. Like what you like, just don't tell the world about it


Not every metal head "dresses up", the fuck logic is that

you don't dress in your favorite band's stage makeup and outfit? fucking normie

This. OP needs better b8

Why even like any kind of rock music? Shits gay AF, most autistic fuckers of this time listin do that shit. And im sure most of you cannot denie i'm wrong faggots.

All i've listened to the last 10 years is Metal, and all I wear is either jeans or cargo shorts depending on the season, a band t-shirt and a ball cap. Is that cringey?

What a dumbass comment.

>dark blue, straight legged jeans
>tattered black band t-shirt
>retarded metal necklace (usually a pentagram)
>autistic shoes (converse etc)

It's like the aspergers uniform

>Biased opinion

Do you want to get killed?

>cargo shorts
>band t-shirt

I know this is bait

kys autist

Here's your (you)

Sounds more like a poser than any sort of metal head I've ever seen

Poser? Do people actually aspire to be part of the metal culture? What the fuck

BURZUM is for the supreme aryan race. The rest will never understand

I still like some metal, and listening to its fine. But when adults are still acting all metal and shit its so cringe.

'It's called BURZUM mom, and it's art'

OP here. This. Listening to metal as an adult isn't cringe; dressing and acting like a teenager is

Why would it be bait?

Huh? If you were to remove the logo from the band shirt so it was just a plain t-shirt i'd be dressed like how alot of people dress.

Then what if a teenager dresses-up like a faglord? Is that cringe also?

Well yeah, but if it's a teenager, it's more forgiveable because they're young and stupid. The point is that an adult should know better. Can you imagine meeting a 25yo emo?

>late 20s
Metal for life, bitch.

The music itself is fine, what's fucked is dressing up like some edgelord and pretend you're special for listening to one specific type of product rather than a different type.

so much delicious butthurt in this thread. Manchildren BTFO

Socially inept manchild detected

reminder if you listen to vapor or any kind of techno you're a fucking autist that needs to be gassed

Opinion discarded

Don't get that long, greasy hair in a twist.

Nice blogpost there.

Because having fun gets outlawed when you turn 20


'Women are such shallow whores'

If that's supposed to be cringy, what what is rap/hiphop?

I actually saw a man in his late 20s(27) with the fringe over the eye tweaked hair with red tips looked like a fucking failure walking dressed like a 16 yr old... Imo those are the kids who never grew up or got on with their life they are stuck in high school because they never experienced a normal childhood.

>tfw 42, married, kids and still a punk

So your argument is 'it's no more cringeworthy than adult wiggers'

I love how manchilds call other's manchilds.
Being on Cred Forums pretending to be dank and getting rid of your anxiety by feasting on other's their problems or breaking down their idioligy is something a manchild would do.

I only wear band shirts when going to concerts, i dress like a fuqboi otherwise and most people can't tell I listen to metal.
It's lifestyle, like being a nigger or a biker.

I don't care how people live/dress or breathe air i breathe.
Live soothes the bugs out, everything takes time.
Like all the little scummies on here that rather waste their time than doing their homesork so they can tell Anongrandchildren they were on a forum sich once was famous for being used by anonimoez.
And cause they hate on reddit and feel like they're more original.
Get over yourselfs fucking pleb autistic narscists.

" Vapid shallow bitches! I swear all women are whores who only like the fit rich guy!" No Timmy it's that you look like you just blew Satan and are 14 when you are 32..

Spell correctly nigger

The music is fine acting like a 14 year old reject isn't.

Shit you described me :/


Degenerate as fuck. I'm 39, get your shit together and shave that head it's embarrassing to see men my age act like they are still 16.

'What contemptible swine!'

Metal is the musical equivalent of the Garbage Pail Kids

Your poor children. Do they shudder when you come to collect them from school?

Sort your clothes out and you'll be fine

1) Who the fuck caaares.
2) You are wrong. Most metalppl i know dress less and less as obvious metalheads.
3) I might have long hair but I got like.... 2 bandshirts and zero black pants, so yeah. As a style I've moved beyond it, but still listen to it. Fuck, im listening to some norwegian metal right now.

You type like a fat metal head reject

you must not have liked david bowie very much

Metalhead guys are hot, masculine, and more appealing than all these faggy metro and vanilla dudes.


What's funny is all the balding men who come up to me and say they wish they could have a Mohawk

Why do even care? Okay, it's fair enough that you don't like a particular thing but you don't have to put anyone down because of it.
You're posting on Cred Forums about "cringeworthy betas".. congratulations friend, you're the real cringeworthy beta.

Post tits grandma

That's what you said.

Emos turn into hipsters as adults.

Yeah.. you made it right? You the man, man. You like sucking cocks? Remind me of that damned trap that looked like a metal trapfaggot sucking balls deep.

I love baiting grammar ocd children.
Let's pretend you're smart for 2 minutes.

I listen to enchanting tunes of Richard Strauss and Vivaldi, you pleb.

You look at traps fag?

so many asshurt losers in this thread

There are plenty of emo and goth bands with lasting power.
You shouldn't lump My Chemical Romans and Type O Negative,
together with the likes of Sunny Day Real Estate and Joy Division.
Although some My Chemical Romans and Type O Negative are decent.

>posting in Cred Forums
>totally not degenerate

Ofcourse! Atleast I Aint the trap unlike you long haired faglord. Show your boipussy, post em

we like the way it sounds


Hipsters hate gender roles too, so naturally the women look a little masculine and the men a bit feminine.

girls don't like the way it looks

What, are you too much of a big tough cool kid to say butthurt like everyone else?
It's nice to see someoneso comfortable with their sexuality.

who cares what they like lol. Only gaylord would submit to woman and behave the way she likes.

>I play LoL and after a few losses I spend my time on 4chin.

Only the most supremely insecure and immature individuals let public perception dictate what they like and what they don't, in short grow up and listen to what ever the fuck you want.



Yeah, fuck society's rules. People who are secure in themselves wear and enjoy whatever they want

I'm not actually a huge fan of LoL. I've tried it but it just wasn't for me.


Same I dress like any other guy

>i'm autistic and take the sarcasm serieusly.

define the way it looks as long as you don't walk around the mall and corpse paint and edgy T-shirts or mom bought for your hot topic you're probably fine

implying all metal fans dress like artists kill yourself

After reading this thread..... I think I might be gay.

I am glad you have decided to come out on this thread and let everyone know that you're autistic. We are here to help you, user.

>i'm autistic and take the sarcasm serieusly.

agreed retards in this thread don't seem to be able to tell the difference though

But being a virgin who sits in his mom's basement and browses Cred Forums all day is so much better. Yeah... Of course...

But you're balding... your hairline is receding into the sunset, just like your life.

Because metal just has the longest history over emo or goth. Metal started in the 60's. Goth became a thing after Joy Division lost their lead singer, but Goth has always been hack music. Goth sounded like Joy Division until The Misfits then they hacked punk. Sisters of Mercy when they started sounding like heavy metal L.A. sunset stripper bands like Bang Tango. Then Goth hacked industrial music and progressive metal with bands like Marilyn Manson and Type O Negative. Nobody really respects goth because it's more of a trend and hacking other sytles of music.

Emo is still in its infancy. I think you'll eventually see 45 year old scene girls and emo boys when Paramore or Fall Out Boy become headliners at shitty casinos. I doubt they'll dress the part like you go to any Metallica concert, half the dudes their are bald, kek.


Sounds like a false dichotomy to me, friend

Don't dress it but love metal. Chicks who are into metal are the best fucks.

>Being 20ish
>love metal so much know fucking history of it
>virgin and autostic with assburgers
>being proud on muh metal music

most underage people dont even listen to real metal (inb4 elitist-fag)

metal is a music where you normaly have to take your time to get into and to appriciate to more "extreme" stuff.
its normal to see, that young-metalheads listen to shit like sabaton, alestorm etc. whilst the more mature listen to black metal (for example)

'It's not like that banal chart tosh. The incoherent throat screaming makes it extra sophisticated'


I still listen to emo and dress kind of emo and im 25 (tight black pants, beanie, band tees, black converse)

it aint sophisicated, its just sounds cool

dunnoh, nwobhm/thrashmetal listening underage is common in central europe

Metal rules.

>seriously though. it does.

Protip: Everyone obsessed and complaining about why certain people likes what they dislike it's a total faggot with no life at all.

nothing wrong with nwobhm or thrash.
but power/party metal is the stuff i am talking about.

it was the same with me, this was the music that got me into metal.

metallica sucks

>"leave me alone mom, I'll never be a conformist like you want me to be!!!"

>"jonathan, you're in your mid 40s. Please stop"


metallica rules

Not even a Korn fan, but the guys still making millions while we're browsing Cred Forums and fapping to awful stuff.

i grew out of metal. i listen to jazz music, drink burbon and smoke cigars now. i'm an adult.

no they dont.

listen to kreator, slayer, suicidal angels, death angel, havok, tankard etc.

these are great thrashers, but not metallica

people who like metal have always known its stupid.

its brings forth certain emotions

basically if you cant realize metal isn't serious your a retard.

also the "music" is technically good

Nah, they don't

not even a korn fan but...

Those bands also suck.

so you think thrash sucks in gerenal?

8/10 bait
Nice job user


Thrash is just meh.
Slayer is ok, Coroner is nice too. Appart from those, I don´t think there is a single thrash band I've willingly listened to in the past few years.

thrash and black metal is the shit

In black there is some awesome stuff. Especially with some new bands that are bringing a new fresh air to the scene.
In thrash there isn´t that much good stuff.

if u grow out of metal u r a false
now get out

when i see ppl like the one in the gif i wish metal would be wiped from earth

I used to be in a touring band and even I outgrew this never evolving shit.
Metal hit its limits in the early 2000's after nu metal met progressive Metal. Meshugga, slipknot, and veil of maya were the last OGs of any original metal. Everything now is just a piece from another song spliced into another part from another song.

A normie can never understand. Metal is a religion. It's a perfect society within a shitty society.

Do you listen because you like it, or because you like to feel superior? I'm not saying you're in either group, it's a legit question. Be sincere.

Prob,neoclassical,power and traditional heavy metal is best

my favorite BM bands: marduk, tsjuder, dark funeral, watain, hail spirit noir, gorgoroth so i basically prefere the "true" stuff (except for hsn)

and what makes thrash so great, imo, is that its so "back to the roots" without any gimmicky stuff but still is heavy and extreme... also they have some of the guitarwork (i hate this pretencious "technical death core" shit...)

>can remember the name of two composers
>"you pleb"
>longs for a top hat
>is a faggot

I think you're just triggered by people not liking what you like. Metal is cool as a kid, but after about age 25, if you're still in that scene (hitting on "straight edge" 17 year olds) you're just doing it for the nostalgia and the possible underage puss puss.

Someone's pink polo got a little rustled here. Durr hurrr people like something I don't, durr hurr I'm going to cry on 4chinz.

Stay mad newfag.

When I see ppl like the one in the post I wish Cred Forums would be wiped from earth.