Sup Cred Forums, what's worse to have?

Sup Cred Forums, what's worse to have?

ADHD or Aspergers

Assburgers are fucking retards who scream and shit themselves if someone touches them so i guess assburgers

Depends. Aspergers can impair social functions and cause a life of moderate to severe social isolation.
ADHD on the other hand mostly has low to none of said social impairment. Many with ADHD might actually seem quite charismatic and emotional, simmilar to the social gains with those with Bipolar disorder and in the midst of a hypomanic or manic episode.
ADHD can actually cause a very serious problem with doing work, as in a job, you know?
If you're into programming or art, this might cause problems.
On the other hand, any job that involves social interactions might be problematic for someone with aspergers.
In short. More attention, less social interaction for aspergers.
More parties, but less money for ADHD. Unless you're like an organizer, actor or any job that involves shifting patterns and a stimulus filled environment.

Whatever Hillary has tbh.

Oh I would also like to add, that I think Aspergers is worse, since there will probably be a lot of people who lash out at such an individual.
Shaming, mocking or simply not being welcome into any social groups can be part of the aspergers experience.
>See 2nd comment for reference
And since self fufilment such as hobbies and intelectual growth are less important to humans that social acceptence- an asperger's sufferer might live with a much harder life than compared to someone with even severe ADHD.
ADHD is very often a silent ilness suffered in the background of a person's social persona.


I have ADHD. Drink a lot but otherwise I'm good. I can he chaotic anf over think everything but it makes me thorough. Ajd at least I know how to behave in ecery situation

It's possible to have both and having them it's hard to really notice that it's different for others so neither are very bad so it's a tossup in my opinion

I have aspergers and of my personal symptoms yes it is hard to blend in with others but that doesn't upset me and others are just curious as to why i'm alone and not talkative to them

I have mild adhd I think, never been diagnosed though, I just can't concentrate on a task and my mind always wanders. I don't get hyper and shit though and am pretty quiet mostly


Fuck aspies

Glad to hear that. Social interaction is over-rated anyway. Spent most of my life being very social and outgoing, however when you go down to the core of it, it's just instincts. If you have a person who you like being around with, that's awesome. But chasing social acceptance can be a useless endeavour.
It took me many years to finally understand that being alone and chill about things is just as fine.

I have aspergers and add. I think it's a package deal. There's no medication for aspergers, but there are many for adhd, and there's a high chance that someone with adhd could find a medication that at least partially works for them.

lol, autism makes people weird, but it does not make them stupid. You are only thinking of the people who are both autistic and stupid. Since I have autism I don't like to be touched unexpectedly, but since I am of average intelligence I don't react negatively to it because I know people will think I am retarded.

Person with ADHD here, I've been diagnosed in my late teens so I had already kind of built walls to protect myself when I have a need to do shit.

I don't really know, it depends on the way you look at it, since aspergers is a form of autism, I don't really think people with aspergers really contemplate the 'what could've been if I hadn't suffered from this dysfunction' or at least they don't contemplate the question as much as people with ADHD
Needless to say that I've met people with serious cases of ADHD and assburgers, both of them were shitty in their own version.

Same here user it's not welcomed but i wont freak out over it and some people just learn that i don't like it and stop or at least ask

No one would choose Aspergers over ADHD. It has a way bigger effect on your personality and ability to function.

With my aspergers it's not as much of a "what if i didn't suffer" as much as it is "how do others think then" it makes you think of how is it different when it seems like normal processing

you don't have to be hyper to have adhd. hyperactivity and adhd are two different things that sometimes come as a package. the idea that adhd=hyperactivity is a widespread misconception

Have both. Fucking sucks. Going to kill myself.

aspergers definitely. adhd can be treated effectively.