This is me and my sister. Im gay she's a slut. Ask my anything

This is me and my sister. Im gay she's a slut. Ask my anything.

What exactly makes you think anyone will believe you when you don't have a timestamp?

this wat poverty looks like

Is that condom used?

Sage goes in all fields

Why is your furniture from the 60s?

can i fuck you both at the same time

Trust me, my sister is really a slut

>trust me
Yeah nobody cares until it's verified

That's ordinary looking room.

>trust me

She has a condom up her nose, how much verification do you need?


Ill ask her

Why do you look like pewdiepie?


btw: dont forget sage

This is my dick

>trust me

And tits

wow impressive =)

Cmon guys

Spread the push bb

If anyone of you makes a timestamped pic with a condom snorted up the nostril she will take a modest request

Awh mann you should have waited to see if somethin funny happens

100% believing you're gay.
100% believing she's a slut.
0% believing she's your sister.

Both of you post sharpies in poopers

Put a sharpie in your pooper