What's stopping me Cred Forums

what's stopping me Cred Forums

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

just do and stream it, faggot.

You got triple doubles, you gotta do it.

1. you're a faggot
2. thats not you
3. that's a fake gun
4. hur durr the game

The fact that it's a BB gun. Lulz

so you think I'm fucking around?


You wouldn't be posting here you faggot, I plan to take my own life eventually but when I do it'll not be seeking attention like you, you little fuccboi

>Dat file name doe

LoL do it, fgt

First prove to us that's a real gun.


as i said above, stream it or gtfo.
nobody cares if you die, but for the lulz we want to see how a faggot blows his brain out.

that's a fucking bb gun you massive faggot

That's a bb gun holmes

call me a faggot one more time

Fuck off faggot.


LoL oh noez, he's going to shoot a BB into his baby dick! We have a bad ass over here!

now do it and stream it for fucks sake.
you're a worthless piece of shit, so just fucking do it. nobody will miss you, mkay?

These are someone else's pics fag, if you're kill yourself stream it

I'm edging you faggots to orgasm

You are the faggiest faggot, on this faggot of a fucking planet, faggot.

Came here to say this. Fake and gay


I bet the magazine and chamber are empty


Boy, its been a while since I've seen this.


apparently something is stopping you because you keep posting this day after day. just figure out what that thing is, grab on tight to it, and live your life in full defiance of death.


I swear to fucking God Cred Forums

is that... a picture of mlk in the back?

hahaaaaaaaaaaahaha do it

"no, don't do it. You have so much to live for."

If you're killing yourself show us your face faggot.

>newfags dont know this is copy pasta
> :^)

What's to stop you? I don't know maybe you deserve to be happy. Why quit? out of all this chaos you're here that must count for something. Endure life's bullshit and let it shape/define you. Ignore everyone else disassociate and distance yourself from the rest of the world. You owe them nothing so why should you be denied?.


Don't. Those .177s still like a bitch.

The fact that thats a fucking bb gun


Might not wanna wear a gay ass mask when you die

Your faggotery!

Rad pellet gun.. Rad picture of MLK.. Cuck.

Got me you bastard -_-

Moms spaghetti?

Top fucking kek, you just photoshopped the mask!


so you think I'm fucking around?

>be me
>no sex in the longest time
>girl coming to see me from afar
>days before seeing her, I accidentally text her a very sexually explicit video that was meant for my group of friends at work
>She won't respond to my texts
>looks like I'll be using my hand on my only day off that I requested to bang her lol :v I feel miserable but it ain't too bad so you shouldn't feel either on whatever is going on with your life

Yeah, in photoshop you fucking faggot.
Get the livestream up and become the hero you really want to be!

If you are going to do it one do it two who cares and tbree your wearing a mask you all clearly not autisitic at all OP

call me a faggot one more time

OP is a faggot, rain is wet, anything new on the way?


boring thread is boring.

sage in all fields


Nobody want a pellet in the brain

nothing, do it faggot

I'm edging you faggots to orgasm

Oh shit trips. DO ET FAGGOT.

What a waste of good spaghetti