Me and some friends are thinking of making a game what programming language would be best?

Me and some friends are thinking of making a game what programming language would be best?

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use Java, don't be a fag, python at the very least...

If you're not learning programming in general, java is a good bet.

Either COBOL or Pascal.


Can you tell me more about the type of game you are going to be making?

Don't listen to these faggots. Learn C/C++. Most real engines use a derivative of that, and even if they don't, C/C++ teaches you everything you need to know to learn another language. If you can learn it, you can learn anything else.

if you have no previous experience and you want to make a game straight away use unity3d people are gonna shout at me for this but its good advice trust me

Supreme race programmers use java and c/c++ like true fucking gods

python is also good (2.7 over 3)

dont waste your time on bullshit just use python.

Dear god, not



Yeah python is a nice language too. Just use 2.7. No one uses 3.

10 print "DESU ";
20 goto 10

Worked for Kerbal Space Program. Those mexicans had no clue WTF they were dong. Then they just created a mod distribution platform for the game and stole all the cool mods and made them part of the game.

Shady as fuck but it worked. Crowd source the development of the game and take all the money for yourself. Shady fucking beaners.

O took some classes on programing
Its an RTS kind of game (real time strategy)
I want to take my time making it so its not trash

Since a lot of you are knowledgeable on programming does it matter what compiler I use for C?

we have a winner

Html seguro que no

Brainfuck or better Brainfuck2D
or Whitespace

Fuck, why don't you just tell him to learn lolcode.

If it's your first ever game, just use a pre-built engine like gamemaker. But learn it's language (gml) the drag and drop code isn't worth investing time into.

It's fast to prototype games into and it's free for Windows output. After you've built some basic games in it, then move to unity or whatever

Depends on your plans, are you just writing for Windows, or also a Linux release of the game, etc.

Python was my first language too, though. Not a bad place to start if you're just interested in learning code. But gamemaker will let you start building actual games faster.

They're gonna be shit at first, but just make a fuck ton and get a lot of practice.

Just windows

We were thinking of using c++ but I don't know of its the best language to use


If you are asking that here then you are not ready to program a fucking game.

Oh shit they really are Mexican I thought you were just saying some racist shit

I would recommend gamemaker if you are just starting to program
Easy to use but allows a lot of possibilities


>When you don't know what edgy means

Btw, if you try Gamemaker, look up Shaun Spalding on YouTube for tutorials. He's pretty much the main guy for them.

There's also Construct 2, but I've never used it. Can't tell you if it's any good




you cunt you hacked my commodore 64


They'll probably say you should to use Flash next.

has anyone ever made any half-decent games with this?



A lot of people get them selling on Steam even
like Hyper Light Drifter or Undertale

Shockwave is for real niggas

the default programming software that comes with every windows version is system32. but it's shit, so you might as well delete it.

Machine code is the best programming language its just a bit difficult

why dont my fucking includes work? the compiler keeps adding the ../../ to the path instead of going up the directorys to grab the headers!

#include "../../lib/includes.h"
#include "../fieldset.h"

(this is in my header)

Best language is russian, fuck all you dweebs.

C++ and java. Java has a lot of libraries :D


Oh you got me because I will delete my system32 because I am 100% brain dead

Depends on what kind of game and what you are targeting.

If you want to target iOS and Android, Javascript might be best.



Use MS2 ir fortran (low level)

which compiler are you using?


No its going to be made for pc

If youre thinking of using java, and dont know where to start I reccommend first

- try making a 2d board with system.out.print where you can firat make something mive on a board. A 2d int array would be usefull. You will also need to learn about key listeners

- once you do that learn about javas swing framework. Make a gui. I also reccommend learning model view controller organization.

- then try to tiw in the model from the first step to you gui. After that make other elemnts like monsters, unpassable objects.

- if from scratch i dont reccomment trying to implement physics engine, even something as simple as mario requires vector calculous.

Good luck user

If you have little to no game experience stick with something simple like Unity, you can use either C# or Js.

If you're looking at anything 3D then use unreal, you can either code with c++ or blueprints.

There's no point in creating your own engine as a beginner, most of the fucking degenerates on this thread have never even made a game, don't listen to their shit advice.

Srry 4 typos this phone has tiny keyboard and 2 laz to fix

gcc of course, no special flags: gcc test.h -o test.o -Wall

This. I've been playing around with Unity for a little over a month and a half and I've got something together.

Building an entire engine from scratch is a LOT of work. Much more satisfying to figure out how to work within an existing one.

You'll still need to learn how to do some basic (and possibly not-so-basic) programming to accomplish anything.

C++ and DirectX or OpenGL it is then...

I would highly suggest utilising the LWJGL 3 API with Java for a fast cross-platform engine. C/C++ is much faster and would be the best choice, however unless you have a good understanding of that, it would be difficult to get started or even maintain. Whatever you choose, I hope your game turns out well. Btw ignore these faggots wanting you to use python, Java or C/C++ are much better.

x86 Assembly ! The best way


Yes, the mainstream compilers are tested and streamlined. There are no such guarantees for meme compilers.

In any case use llvm, it's the gentleman's choice.


Using an unity isnt building an engine. What a joke

I think he meant use unity, as to avoid building an engine from scratch

You have to use java virtual machine to transpile the C code to JavaScript for it to run on any X64 platform. Dotnet does this using what they call an international langauge that's why they have stuff like Delphi.

C doesn't teach OOP. New fag lrn 2 code


You haven't given us any details of the functions that need to be in the game. I can't recommend you a programming language just on the basis that you want to make a game. It's a game is an abstract definition.

c++ does you faggot

What kind of game?
I suggest starting with game maker to learn how to make quality game mechanics, then go to cryengine or unity to make marketable games.

Make your game in Unity with c#


Thanks for havin my back brah


Ur making a game in C?


run-stop+restore brah

This guy. Dont listen to those s ript kiddies or ASM zealots

Im working on yet another rpg with gamemaker.

Ohh I thought you were being stupid by mistake, now I can see you're just a fucking moron not able to clearly differentiate two different languages clearly for an obvious noob OP.

We have a phrase for people like you... Its CUNT

Oh god no. The Ai maybe (python is better), but hell no on everything else.

Post link. This thread is now for helping user develop his game. OP you're clearly too simple to break codes. Give up now and go play with duplo or crayons.

I recommend buying a license to a pre-built engine before making your game. Pick the engine you want to use, and then learn the language you need to work with it, not the other way around.

>>> just a bit difficult


autism deteced, the normal path is: basic -> C -> c++

after that you know all you need. and OP should go this way too

faggots everywhere today right?

I fucking hate vectors.

Visual Basics 3. it builts the best punters

I use:


Thinking of trying C++

compile with the -l flag. Lrn2linker.

Agreed, tried building an engine in c++, then went to unity, now im in gamemaker and finally able to focus more on making good games than a scalable alogrithm for open gl gfx.

If you know nothing about programming just use an game engine like Unreal or Unity, learn some C++ or C# depending on what you choose and start from that.

Fortran would be the best choice.

Also, I've made few engines myself. It's not easy as it looks. Infact, it's really labour intensive and requires mapping out all the requirements before even planning possible solutions for them. Unless you've got IQ of 200 you aren't going to jump overnight into game production just by asking for some languages to learn. You will also need knowledge of algorithms, mathematics, object oriented programming, frameworks, libraries, hands on experience... And that's not all. You'll also need quite a massive set of artistic skills, because a game isn't just a mathematical modeling software with rules in it. It's also a media presentation. You need art, storyline, music, effects, engine specific objects, etc. Even the most artsy fartsy indie games require a lot of work and commitment.

Based on this, I am telling you right now that you aren't going to make a game. The fact that you're asking us for a language without giving us requirements or goals means you have no idea of how large project you're about to undertake. That alone gives you 0% chance of success.

also underage

Im on mobile now, but i reccomend rm2kdev for gml tutorials, and definatly check out brackeys and extra credits on youtube.

This guy. Even though his neck beard hides most of the keys on the keyboard, he still manages to make sense.

Haskell or Clojure.

This, but just use engines like unity, or unreal. Nobody starts out by building their own engine from scratch. That's way too much for a novice trying to get into the scene. You're going to be using APIs for most of your work anyway and most of the boilerplate is done already. No point in reinventing the wheel, when the one we have is as good as it gets without being prohibitively expensive/complex.

LEARN OOP. It will help you keep things organized for changes later. Put objects into their own files so you can reuse them. I'd say start with C# and XNA, or use C++ with an engine. C# will get you going very quickly and there are lots of tutorials (a metric fuckton), but C++ gives you more control/power.

Use open source libraries bro

They did hire on a lot of the mod makers when they added such features.

This is just proof that people can bitch about anything. This behavior is exactly how most early access games have developed.

Minecraft did this with pretty much every feature update, Ark has done it to a minor extent, not to mention Valve and Blizzard do this all the time.

Funny part is most the time mod developers are glad for it.

What kind of rts? Kinda like age of empires or civilization?

No, more likely a shit indie game that won't live to the expectations of you faggots.


So aim it at the fuckin casual market. But better yet don't sell ur first few games. Use those games to learn how to design and manufacture games better.

>Another thread 3/4 don't know what they are talking about
>think just becaused they crambled a GUI and some hello world programs together they can program

For games I would suggest to start with
(1) Java and some proper Framework
(2) C# and Unity

But your best best would be get down programming fundamentals. Python/Javascript and then Java would be a good start. If you want some C deri. I would suggest to start with Ansi C (C programming Language - K&R)and then switch to C++ (Learning C++ - Stroust.) or C#.

After that get some design patterns down and read about software architecture. On your way work along some small project like small games.
Basically, there are enough frameworks out there to make makes or whatever shit you are trying to accomplish.

Yeah, I hope you get what I'm trying to say. Quite a lot typos there.

But most important: Nowdays you don't need to write yourself a own game engine.

Same, ive only made simple games mvc helps a lot if working with people and readability

I can program GUI's and I understand the basics of the languages I know, but it's kinda like taking 2 years in french...

You're not going to be able to go to france and just talk with people, you're going to look like a dumbass saying "Omlette Du Fromage" (which isn't exactly how you would say that in france)


GCC is the standard, but only shines in a Linux environment.

If you are using Windows then you can use Eclipse which comes with its own compilers. But it was written in Java for Java developers, so it's a slow behemoth like all Java apps.

Or worst case use Dev Studio by Microsoft. Unlike all other Microsoft products Dev Studio is really nice. The only problem is that well, then Microsoft owns you.

Yeah. That's because you didn't practised enough.

Programming is like a skill like anything else.
You just get better and fluent by doing it. The more you do it, the better you become.

There's a difference between knowing what you're doing and thinking you know what you are doing.

Maybe for the start pick some website out of here ( and practise in whatever language for a few hours on some algo. problems. If you truly know your language (...) you most likely should be able solve the most.

And OOP isn't the ultimate in everything. Sometimes you just don't need the extra complexities and overhead.


If you are not computer engineers then forget C/C++ now. They are hands down the fastest but you can really hang yourself by not managing memory properly.

HTML5 and CSS3 backed by javascript libraries like jQuery are really nice. There are already some nice graphics libraries that use the canvas (e.g. D3).

brainfuck, so nobody reverse engineers and steals your game or
assembler for faster code

just use some engine like unity or unreal and java/c#/c++ as 1 lang

blender for models :=)

java is shit compared to C#
c++ and python are both good, though python is probably not the way to go for a game that needs to be high performance

I never really had the patience for programming, and the jobs that I had doing it was "You are only ever going to be a UI programmer, enjoy."

and UI programmers basically only write "buttonPress" methods, if that, so no amount of doing my job was going to make me more fluent.


and python /perl or another script lang for blender import -export ;=)


Meh, I'm never planning on really playing with programming more than I have to. The idea of sitting in a chair and working isn't really my thing.

No need to excuse yourself here.
I just wanted to point out that if you want to get better and make some solid shit you need to put in the time. Of coure you are capable or way more than doing just UI stuff. But like I said, just if you want to make that switch.

then you'll never see any progress or "Game"

A game in C? Which graphical library are you going to use?

try construct 2 or gamemaker then

>c++ and python are both good, though python is probably not the way to go for a game that needs to be high performance

Python back-end is C++, it's surprisingly fast.

The one thing I hate about Python is that the compiler uses spaces to define scope. Whoever thought that was a good idea can go fuck themselves with a hot poker.

I'm not OP, i was simply agreeing with a point.

>then you'll never see any progress or "Game"
I agree with this too. Whoever made you think you and your non-engineer buddies can just bang out a game in your spare time without a ton of hard work was lying to you.

There's a lot more to software development than just making a fun game too. You need to worry about configuration management, project management, testing, quality assurance... And if you get through all that you still need to market and support your game.

Just give up now.


whitespace to save printer ink