1. What is your race

1. What is your race

2. What race of women are you most attracted to?

Other urls found in this thread:



1. white

2. Hispanic

1) White
2) White


White people are the superior race so this is unfair


1. white

2. women



1. Black
2. White

1. White

2. Chinks

This as should be proper.

1. white

2. Asian only if chubby otherwise going for white 100%

T. Little dick white boi

1. white
2. white

1. White

2. Women, just not monkeys

I'm white. Most attracted to Asians.



I'm a white male and honestly swear to God a woman of any race could be a 10/10 for me as long as she has a weird face (not ugly, just weird) and a slammin' body with a tight ass and tits no bigger than Ds (preferably c cups). Also she has to be cool and interesting to talk to. Race really doesn't matter to me. I've been with a white girl before but none of my actual gfs have been white.

Pick one if you had to choose that you like best. What race?


What else would it be?

Who's that?


Asians so long as they don't have that wide flat face thing going on.

Arianny Celeste

Hot Hispanic chick that is a ring card girl for the UFC

Half white half Mexican

White, if I'm being honest


Been with every race and in ltr with white, asian, hispanic, and black

Asian are the most loyal and stay skinny / hot. I stay friends with my asian exes because they're mature as fuck, they don't get comfortable and lazy, they tell it like it is, no hiding shit like american woman do. "its fiiiiine" none of that fuckgirl shit

Out of my limited experience (I've only been with white, hispanic, and Asian) I would have to say the white girl was the most emotional and comforting, but at the same time she hurt me the deepest. The Hispanic girl was the most fun and energetic, but also the most emotionally distant and sexual stuff was the peak of our connection. The Asian girl (my longest relationship) was very emotionally comforting and very loyal, but she became boring and unfulfilling to me after some time. I honestly don't think any of this has to do with race though. I don't think it really matters what race they are, girls are girls. Although I really would love to lay a black, Indian, and Arab chick to complete my rainbow haha or I really just want true love.

1. Half white, half nig
2. White

Cool story but pick one. If you HAD to pick.

1. Mexican/Filipino/White
2. White

Haha you're a ballbuster. I guess if I had a gun to my head I would pick a asian/black/white/Indian/Arab/hispanic mutt. Every race rolled into one, bitch.



1. 1st place

2. 1st place

Yeah have fun using clorox to clean the jizz you make from jerking it to hentai. I'll just pursue more multiracial woman if you don't mind.

1) Tri-lorgos Terran

2) gender-fluid cockatrices or latinas

nice dubs though, and i agree with you. complete your rainbow user!


your racism just reveals your insecurities. nobody weeps for you, little pussy.

1. Human
2. Human

White women sure are full of fucking shit. They cant stop acting like a fool either. I have no idea whats wrong with them but it boils down to "bitch, act right or youre leaving."



1. White
2. White

Really don't care much about race, but the question was who I found most attractive. That would be white girls.

White gals only bring pain. I'm going back and o colored chicks



Yeah drink bleach you brainwashed retard

1) White
2) White

X 2.

Oh fuck off with that collectivism "we are one" hippie bullshit.

Libtards detected.

Gay. Gas yourself

1. Hispanic

2. White

East Asian


1. White

2. White or Asian

If you had to pick one?

My race: Supreme White Aryan, 100% European.

Most attractive races in order from best to least: White, Asian, Hispanic, Black, Jew.


Probably Asian tbh

Holy FUCK that redhead is hot.

congrats, fag. you've "won". i can no longer compete with your amazing meme abilities. I guess i'll just turn off my computer and cry myself to sleep. when you are touching yourself to drawn pictures of a girl getting penatrated by an octopuss tentacle I could only hope you think of your victory on this day.

then fuck off back to tumblr


1. White cis male

2. being cucked by any race other then white. It's the tolerant thing to do.

That's the beauty of the white race.

virgin detected

White, Asian, Hispanic, brown, depends what I see more of on the train that day. Today was a brown girl day.

Master race

species is defined by ability to produce viable offspring, not by outside appearance

thats why dogs like huskies can still make with the retarded canine mongrels that are pugs

Trump women vs Bernie women

i think you mean Guy thats been with more women than everyone in this thread combined.

Aryan master race or nothing

It should've said "race" but still. Blacks and Whites aren't the same race. Species yes, race no.

>eat the rich

Then who will give them a job?

It seems that the majority of Cred Forums is white folk
1. Hispanic
2. Hispanic but always wanted to get a petite asian

1. Gook
2. Hispanic



I'd like to rape those chicks for being so insensitive, they'd probably like it too. I'm blue eyed dirty blond white male.

Native American

East Indian or anything from the mediterranean area (Arab, Italian)

me - white

my hnnnnnggggggg - God tier Latinas (Mexican preferred!)

We all know the answer here.

You have shit taste Hispanics are like avocados they're only good for a while then they turn ugly

1. Abo

2. Gypsy dwarf

Spanish Latinas are better.

Eastern European women have a shorter shelf life.

dude you are so weak and brainwashed. it's because of people like you that the world is fucked up. are you still in high school? if so you still have time to change and better yourself. you are just going through a phase, and it's ok you little fag.


Same here m9


In order of preference (girl I'm interested in is 75% white, 25% black, so..... )

Me: White Nordic type.

Her: Feminine, petite. Favourite ex was German grill, said her prayers before "bedtime".

Not that fussed about race but fat and loud nig nogs are a turn off.

Dutch girl for wife and Japanese for mistress?




I'm white and I like my women like I like my coffee..
Dark n sweet

Hahahaha! dude I defiantly believe you. After all, why would anybody lie on the internet? dude seriously just stop. your disgustingly pathetic attempts at making yourself seem authentic have failed.

1. White
2. White

Is it weird/ that I can't pick a favorite? I'll list my favorite aesthetics on women and somebody narrow it down for me.

- dark hair
- blue eyes
- skin tone like type 2 or 3 in pic related
- medium - big ass
- medium tits

>media is all liberal
>college campuses all liberal bias
>dude liberals aren't brainwashed you are!


sluts? that's not a race but I defiantly agree! unless you are looking for real love..,


Me: white
Preference: white

1.Half Indian half white

Shit, I'm in love... oh wait is she a psychopath?

Black or Serbian-ish

I'm not even a liberal, I just believe in humanity. people like you think there are only 2 sides to everything because yo are fucking stupid. seriously you people are the reason life sucks. just fucking go away you faggot trash

>implying stating the truth is brainwashed
>implying colleges don't have a liberal bias
>implying the media (CNN for one) isn't liberal biased.


Out of many polls conducted about 'who won the debate' last night, all but one reported a Trump victory: CNN.

Dubs speaks the truth!

White-German and attracted to the same though I have an inexplicable attraction to redheads and specifically irish girls


White with big ass

>you think there are only 2 sides to everything
>you suck because you don't think like me

Just stop posting kid.

1. north asian
2. Meditarranean and South American latina.

We're on the same side m8.

Colleges and MSM are biased as fuck.

CNN is almost as liberal as MSNBC

Redheads are really feisty and most people who fucked one said they're the best at sex. Definitely need me an Irish babe.

Irish catholic girls are dirty girls.

1. White male of Irish decent
2. (in order of preference) Italian, Persian, Native American, Hispanic, Slavic, German.
3. No black. At all. Ever.

Ah, thought it was sarcasm kek

Redheads are rare. And every time they fuck a non white they become even more rare.

Soon there won't be any left.

Still think race mixing is good?

Probably Argentine, North Mexican, or some Colombians
You're definitely leaning towards Hispanic with those requirements lol

Race not ethnicity potato nigger.

When did I say genetic dilution is smart?

You sure talk like a liberal. Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now!



I like curry

Double dubs defiantly speak the truth. Your argument is invalid. Fuck you, join Sagan if you wanna be such a gay fag. Just get away from everybody and live your sad little negative pussy life. Burn In Hell.

Arab Muslim

White Nordic


dumb cunt. Based on genetics and not appearence, go push your low IQ shit on facebook

Pictured: Me trying to explain to you that these are all different races.

1. Proud Black Man

2. Not choosy but white girls are the most aggressive

There is not a brother out there that doesn't have a story starting when he was 13 or so about leaving a party and having some white girl chase after him because she wants to see what it is like to be with BBC.

Although I agree with your taste in women I must kill you.

Heyy, don't blame Niggers for wanting to upgrade their genetics. Lmao.

Pic related, Asian women are like born to be the white man's sex slave. And they enjoy it.

No more red heads soon, then blondes, then whites all together.

Only browns and Asians left.

>based on genetics
>not based on appearance

Point out where I said "race is solely based on appearance only"

1. white
2. middle eastern, hispanic, or black


We'll mingle with the Asians, they're practically white anyways (the East Asians like Japs and Koreans) + they hate Nig nogs.

Trips speak the truth.

>Natives in NA

with a meme picture. kys teenage cumrag

Caucasion Male

>All the beautiful women from all corners of the world.

Even black women,

To me race, colour or accent don't really matter as long as they have a nice figure, clean (hygeine) and pretty looking.

But the type i'm most attracted to would be a combination of;

Caucasion (Slightly pale)
Green/Blue eyes
Irish or English
5ft 6" or under
Medium to Slim build
Well spoken
Doesn't Drink or go clubbing/pubbing
Strong headed

The No.1 is Honesty and Trust though

Proud White Man

I live in Chicago, lot's of blacks. And that happened to me, only with black girls.

They want that BWC.

dude you have probably never even fucked an asian chick. just stop, you really don't know what you are talking about. just walk away.

>no argument

That's what I thought. Now go back to your tumblr rants about the oppressive white male's societal structure and watching your cuck porn.


Yellow and Brown

> white

> black

I've fucked tons. Angry little small dicked Asian cuckboi spotted.

Each to their own I guess.

You are inexperienced with the internet as well as socializing. You can feel bad about that

Saved for my nubile folder.

your argument was another meme. Throw us the links to the studies which make your picture (if it is accurate or even exists). Next do it for jackals to prove your point. Since you throw around lazy stereotypes with a scientific veneer you probably won't manage this task. kys is probably easier


Poly bitches

1. white

2. Hispanic

ohhh dude I sincerely doubt you've even fucked one oriental gal or any gal. stop making assumptions based on race, you would be happy with anything you could get. by the way I'm not even asian I'm white.

white and i like em american as apple pie

but I am experienced in sex and girl interaction. you can feel bad about THAT. JUST WORK UP YOUR COURAGE WITH CHICKS, AND YOU WONT BE SUCH A DOUSCHEBAG! (spelled wrong, fuck you)

More and more mindless bullshit. Why can't you do the research yourself? Or are you just too lazy? Oh, that's right. You're probably a millenial, your generation expects to be spoonfed everything.

>thats a meme picture hurr

How about you do some actual arguing here instead of spewing orders and idiotic ad hominem attacks.


>inb4 another (you) filled with more 'kys' and bullshit

Bernie's message was about serious polices, not the superficiality of Trump... but that's horse shit too.

Most Trump supporters are fat, male, ugly rednecks with little education.

1. White
2. East asian

Most overrated girl on planet earth imo

>I'm white

You don't deserve to call yourself white, squalor.

I don't need to convince some idiot on the internet about how many chinks I've banged, how many Asian 'men' I've turned into cucks... I have facts on my side.

Note how Asian women respond better to White males than Asian males.

Lol, online polls are utterly unscientific.

But Trump supporters are a) poorly educated and b) support a candidate who claims global warming was a conspiracy created by the Chinese.

So there's no real talking to you.

1. White

2. Asians Especially jungle asians like Thai, Filipino, etc.

Nice generalization hypocritical faggot.

How does it feel your fellow liberals fucked your communist over and stole the nomination from him?

My post had nothing to do with policies, just the fact that Conservative women are hotter than Libtard women.

Did I strike a nerve on a supporter of Bernie the weak boy Sanders?

once again, I'm white American. and once again, you are a virgin fantasizer who has yet to understand the meaning of love and what sex has to do with that. keep jerking off to hentai and pretending it's real sex. maybe some day you will understand how to be a happy functioning human. I honestly hope the bestfor you, Cred Forumsro

1) Lol, I know you guys hate facts, but it's the truth. That's what all demographic research indicates.

Trump rallies are clearly sausagefests, and the demographic groups he does best with are poorly educated white males from redneck regions of the country.

Embrace the pathos.

2) The nomination wasn't stolen from him. I dislike DWS and others, but Hillary won by millions. Got to accept that. And I agree with Bernie that flawed as she is, Hillary is a million times better than Trump.


>but I am experienced in sex and girl interaction. you can feel bad about THAT. JUST WORK UP YOUR COURAGE WITH CHICKS, AND YOU WONT BE SUCH A DOUSCHEBAG! (spelled wrong, fuck you)
I cant even

Anyways faggot, i have blonde hair and.blue eyes and im going to make the worlds most beautiful babies... you know, those girls that every man in the world wishes he cpuld have - amd dont kid yourself, that is your very first choice. And my boys will be stallions like their dad. And there will be many of these sexy things running around. And you can keep your nigger/chink childrens mudblood genes away from them

>no links to specific studies to back up his inane racebait bullshit

what a surprise faggot

Hillary's demographics are single moms, niggers, sand niggers, and Mexicans.

None of which are intelligent demographics and her rallies are pathetic with only a few hundred people.

Drown in your own piss.

this thread is full of shit, even for Cred Forums.

So blacks then?

It was ok until some triggered Bernie fag came in and made it about politics.

>Lol, online polls are utterly unscientific.
Unless they show a Democratic win, right?
>Trump supporters are a) poorly educated
Oh that meme "hurr durr when trump said he loved the poorly educated he was talking about u dumbass harharhar"
Is that why the city of Detroit, Democratic run for decades now, is one huge ghetto of 'thug life' dindus? And many other cities as well - Baltimore, Compton, just to name a few.
>and b) support a candidate who claims global warming was a conspiracy created by the Chinese.
That was actually a joke btw. Much like the Democratic Party.
Man made climate change IS a hoax. Not invented by the Chinese obviously.

>Did I strike a nerve on a supporter of Bernie the weak boy Sanders?

CRINGE. You actually think that sounds witty, don't you?

Female Trump supporters are grossly outnumbered by all the dudes. The women who do support Trump are the kind who don't mind a candidate who admits he'd like to fuck his own daughter... which says a lot about what their qualities.

Now you're just making shit up.

All future posts from you are ignored, you are obviously baiting.

>It's wikipedia so that means it's obviously fake. My college professor told me!!

Even when presented with links, you still say it isn't there. Delusional retard. Why are you people even allowed to reproduce?



Hillary's demographics does well with single women, married women of all races.

The more educated a man or woman is, the more likely they are to support Hillary.

Drown in November tears. ;)

hahahha my colored children will be trained to rape and ravage your blonde haired blue eyed aryan fuck slave daughters. the weird ass German freaks lost both world wars so they must not be so superior, faggot. Remember that.

I win

that war was Germans vs other whites.

they didn't lose to colored people.

sure you do, pal...


Yeah I guess you're right,good thing I'm WHITE!!! hahaha fuck you racist fag I love colored chicks and have had less problems with them than white chicks!

>"who don't mind a candidate who admits he'd like to fuck his own daughter"
False. He said, quote "If Ivanka WEREN'T my daughter perhaps I'd be dating her" And that doesn't mean he just LOVES incest. He's saying his daughter is a very good looking woman. And she is. Nothing wrong with that.

>"CRINGE. You actually think that sounds witty, don't you?"
You saying "cringe" in all caps is a cringe itself. You actually think doing that helps your argument, don't you?
Yes, Bernie is a weak little pussy shit. His rally gets shut down by 2 racist black women. He'd be sweating just being in the same room as Putin and Xi Jinping.

Uneducated white rednecks, huh? That's what the MSM wants you to think. There are plenty of black Trump supporters who are no longer slaves to the Democratic plantation.

Face it, you've already lost.

Holy shit!!!$ 9gagfag detected!!!! that explains everything. I knew i was throwing away your opinions/ideas for a reason!!!!

You must be jealous youre not part of the master race

1. Hispanic, with small traces of Sicilian from my great Grandfather side.

2. The artistic, the strange, the wallflowers, the outsiders, the loners, the strange, the different, the interesting...of any race or nationality.

Trump tier arguments, let me tell people lies and deflect them calling me out. fuckboi

>Unless they show a Democratic win, right?

That's not how science works, pal. I realize that's how Trump supporters think, but you're projecting. Online polls are deeply unreliable, whether they favor Democrats or Republicans.

>Is that why the city of Detroit, Democratic run for decades now, is one huge ghetto of 'thug life' dindus? And many other cities as well - Baltimore, Compton, just to name a few.

Imagine this election led to secession (I know you guys are getting Confederate boners right now)... if the states which voted Democrat formed one union, and the Republican states formed another, which ones would be most prosperous?

The Democrat states, of course.

>That was actually a joke btw. Much like the Democratic Party.

Yeah, that's why Trump's been repeating the anti-scientific bullshit about global warming for years now. Lemme guess... birtherism, another joke?

>The more educated a man or woman is, the more likely they are to support Hillary.

Yep, wanting war with Russia - a nuclear armed nation - and Iran - a nation wanting to develop nuclear arms - is VERY educated.

Jump off a bridge and die please.


OP here,

Go to a different thread with your bullshit.

This is a thread about which race of women you like the best you fucking faggot.

Mullatto, some black, latina, some white

White, Asian, or Indian

Germans are garbage weirdo trash unattractive and utterly repulsive. I'm white blonde haired blue eyed Irish and I'd rather fuck the darkest of black girl than stick my cock inside some aryan German bratwurst sucking tramp. There is no master race fag, there's just cool
People and wastes of life. You are a waste of life, change now or go to satan.

pick one please

>self hating
>calls others weird



Keep making a fool of yourself, you're actually doing us a favor by showing the true stupidity of Democrats.

And 'fuckboi'? Is that not just an ironic term used by white girls who try to act like they're not sluts? How's that even relevant?

>False. He said, quote "If Ivanka WEREN'T my daughter perhaps I'd be dating her" And that doesn't mean he just LOVES incest. He's saying his daughter is a very good looking woman. And she is. Nothing wrong with that.

You disturbed, sick fuck. It's fine to say your child is beautiful. It's a whole different level of incestual creepiness to imply you want to date your daughter. What do you think happens to people you date?

I realize you're used to the sausagefests, but people who date usually end up fucking.

>There are plenty of black Trump supporters who are no longer slaves to the Democratic plantation.

Trump is losing "bigly" among black voters.

FFS, 20% of Trump supporters think the Emancipation Proclamation was a mistake! 1 in 5 Trump supporters oppose the abolition of slavery... and you're talking about the plantation?

Genetically engineered i guess, fucking dip shit.

> not self hating
I'm defiantly weird as well but not in an uncomfortable way like you are. Just be honest with yourself and you will overcome your crippling insecurities.

Youre done guy. Nothing you say matters to me anymore. Amd then you type up a big post


dubs speaks truth once again!

Cred Forumsro-tier


Hillary is pro-diplomacy, dipshit.

Hillary supported negotiations with Iran that shut down their nuclear program and opened the country up to inspections... Trump says he would have blown Iranians out of the water for taunting us. Which sounds more likely to lead to peace?

As for Russia, do you think people haven't noticed that Trump talks tough about every nation on earth, but is Putin's fucking gimp lapdog? The guy is practically french-kissing Putin's butthole at every opportunity, even as Putin erodes American interests. By your own terminology, Trump is a fucking cuck.

Humanity has had very little affect regarding 'global warming'. Did you even watch the video you retard?

>Imagine this election led to secession (I know you guys are getting Confederate boners right now)... if the states which voted Democrat formed one union, and the Republican states formed another, which ones would be most prosperous?

Which one would have more violent crime and ghettos? Which one would have more huge cities? (which is ironic if you believe in the global warming hoax btw, democrats want to protect the environment but then build huge pollution centers...)

you are a virgin. nothing you say on this post will change that. learn to be less of a fag and maybe things will improve in your life. or just choose to be ignorant and wait your whole life for the nazi werewolf ss whore who will never come.


dude it's spelled "and"

1. White (Italian)
2. White

>pro diplomacy
Sure seems that way from the video of her saying she would obliterate Iran. The evidence is all right there, but I know you leftists like to ignore all facts.

>As for Russia, do you think people haven't noticed that Trump talks tough about every nation on earth, but is Putin's fucking gimp lapdog? The guy is practically french-kissing Putin's butthole at every opportunity

Would rather be allies with Russia than enemies. I'll ask what you asked: which sounds more likely to lead to peace?

>By your own terminology, Trump is a fucking cuck

Point out where I said cuck.


dubs speaks the truth once again, and once and for all!

Asian/Hispanic/persian/white/black in that order.

No, I didn't watch your conspiracy theory video. What makes you think that your video can rebut the consensus of climatologists all over the world?

The science is in and you people are still burying your fucking heads in the ground, like ostriches.

>Which one would have more violent crime and ghettos?

REPUBLICAN STATES, dumbass. Do some research and look up states by violent crime rate. Broadly speaking, the more Republican a state, the more likely it is to be afflicted by violent crime.

> Which one would have more huge cities?

Jesus fucking Christ, you hicks are morons. What would you prefer? That human beings cease conglomeration in urban areas? It's the result of normal economic activity.

And what you inbred losers don't seem to grasp is that it's better for the environment AND the economy if we switch to low-carbon energy sources.

yeah just ignore the other reply to your retardation. you look real strong right now, brah.

No problem, not looking to win any arguments here since you are keen on defending an absolutely retarded idea that genetics back up racism. Will just let you waste your time and fill up with self pity as you try to prove unfounded bullshit.

Not the same guy, fucking dipshit.

Republican states have more crime because they have more blacks.

>since you are keen on defending an absolutely retarded idea that genetics back up racism.

Funny because I didn't say that, I said race DOES exist, and humans are separated into races. Quit making up strawmans.

Go back to listening to your college professor's Collectivist idiocy.

This. Don't know why but love me some Latinas.

Why are you talking about this shit in a thread like this?

Cali, NY, Illinois, Maryland, All have high crime.

All races are different.

Blue and red states have their issues.

You are just a biased nut job that needs to GTFO my thread.

Can't stand spics but they're women are better looking than white women.

Who needs a job when you can live off of everyone else?

>Sure seems that way from the video of her saying she would obliterate Iran. The evidence is all right there, but I know you leftists like to ignore all facts.

Which is why you had to grab a tiny snippet of an interview from neary a decade ago, when conditions were completely different. The world has vastly changed since then when it comes to Iran. Ahmedinejad is gone and a relative moderate is now in charge.

Did it ever occur to you that she was presenting a hawkish attitude for a real purpose? i.e. to secure the access needed for nuclear inspections that we now have?

> Would rather be allies with Russia than enemies. I'll ask what you asked: which sounds more likely to lead to peace?

At the cost of allowing Russia to walk all over the US, and EXISTING American allies? Trump wants us to bend over and take it from Putin.

>Point out where I said cuck.

LMAO, are we really doing this? Okay, user, I grant you that you personally may not have said cuck in this thread. But you know very well that Trump supporters as a group can't stop saying cuck cuck cuck with every other breath.

Trump supporters can't seem to see the world except in terms of their obsessive sexual anxieties. I'm just trying to communicate with you on a level you might understand.

OP here,

If I give you 5 dollars, will you leave?

Results of growing up in South Central Texas

There are plenty of black people in Democrat states, but guess what... they don't commit as much crime. Perhaps it's because they don't face as much hatred and discrimination in Democrat states... whereas in Republican states, they're confronted by living in a hostile society. It's such a hostile society, large segments of the Redneck South still believe the Emancipation Proclamation was an error.

You are a fucking retard.

Chicago has the worst crime in the entire country.

It's not a conspiracy theory video, judging by the fact that you think this, and you're ignoring the arguments in the video, you're the one burying your head in sand. (Ostriches don't do that, it's a myth)

>the more Republican a state, the more likely it is to be afflicted by violent crime.

And the more black a state, the more likely it will have a higher rate of violent crime. The southern states happen to be more black. What have you got to say to the Republican midwest that is more white, but less violent crime, hmm?

>Jesus fucking Christ, you hicks are morons. What would you prefer? That human beings cease conglomeration in urban areas? It's the result of normal economic activity.

I like how you leave out the rest of the sentence to fit your argument. It was, by the way: Huge cities create more pollution. Democrats just love huge cities. Therefore, it is hypocritical for them to act like they care about 'man made global warming'.

>inbred losers

There's the 'white male inbred redneck' meme again, you leftists just love stereotypes don't you?

A little known fact, the middle east - not 'dur horrible white republicunt south' - has a higher rate of incest.

Also everyone loves to pull the "They get ugly as they get older" card with Mexicans. Just look at the Mom, my girlfriend has alot of Spanish blood in her family and her Mom is the definition of a MILF, she's definately a keeper, and that serviant Hispanic thing is hot too.

thefreedictionary com/race
most biologists do not agree race is a useful term because of valid reasons. closet black envy motherfucker

Everyone give your female tier lists:

>curry nigger
>sand nigger

then mind your own fucking business, dipshit. you are insecure and pathetic. change yourself or live in sorrow forever.

LOL, check your facts. They have lower violent crime rates than states like Alaska, Tennessee, Louisiana, Arkansas, etc.

Of course Democrat states aren't perfect, but that's why Democrat states are always aiming to improve the conditions, particularly for the poorest in society, because we know that there is an extremely tight correlation between poverty and crime. Alleviate poverty, and crime rates plummet.

a) It's not your fucking thread, user. b) I only started posting political stuff because some Trump dumbfuck started shitposting. If you've gotta whine and cry about it, go tell that user. You won't get any sympathy from me.


>There are plenty of black people in Democrat states, but guess what... they don't commit as much crime. Perhaps it's because they don't face as much hatred and discrimination in Democrat states

No, they just shoot each other.

>whereas in Republican states, they're confronted by living in a hostile society.

Or maybe because black culture in America is violent and irresponsible?

I agree with the Trump guy.

Liberal women are all ugly looking bull dykes with dyed hair and hairy arm pits.

More conservative women are better looking usually.

Just my observation living in a college town.

I actually do not fuck my mother. Judging by your horrible grammar I'd have to assume you're black, which means your brain, small as it may be, has been filled with disgusting values that is black culture in America. So that'd be your thing.

And are those the same biologists promoting race mixing and being paid off with cash from Marxism promoting politicians?


Actually, it's the internet. I can say and do whatever the fuck I please. So no, I won't mind my own business you little faggot.


1. white
2. white

1.White argentine jew master race
2. White arian/asian

1 black
2 mixed




1. Latino/Irish
2. White/Latino

1. White

2. Thought i only like white women but i have been dating an East Indian girl for a few months and i have fallen i love... Funny how things work out

1. Black

2. Asian

>It's not a conspiracy theory video, judging by the fact that you think this...

Of course it's a fucking conspiracy theory video. The science is already established by ACTUAL scientists who've spent years dedicated to studying climate, not the kooks who think their self-important blogs and vlogs matter.

>And the more black a state, the more likely it will have a higher rate of violent crime. The southern states happen to be more black. What have you got to say to the Republican midwest that is more white, but less violent crime, hmm?

Wrong. The tighest correlation with violent crime is not race, but poverty. But please keep attacking black people and ramp up the white identity politics - I'm sure that's a winning strategy for winning other races over to the Republican party, right?

(By the way, the Midwest has higher violent crime rates than New England.)

> Huge cities create more pollution. Democrats just love huge cities. Therefore, it is hypocritical for them to act like they care about 'man made global warming'.

Democrats don't necessarily 'love' huge cities. You are so feeble-minded. Huge cities are a matter of fact, not necessarily a desirable choice.

Huge cities only produce so much carbon because a) by definition they are dense in population, and every human has a carbon footprint,
b) they are centers of industry and prosperity that provide for the entire nation.

What Democrats would like to do is change industry so that it pollutes less.

>A little known fact, the middle east - not 'dur horrible white republicunt south' - has a higher rate of incest.

We were talking about US states, lol. Do you think it's not obvious what you're trying to do by deflecting to the Middle East? What's next? You're going to bring up the economy of Indonesia because you can't handle comparing DEMOCRAT AND REPUBLICAN STATES?

All I'm saying is that people from the South seem to have no problem with Trump saying perverted things about his own daughter.



Chicago has more crime than all of New England. Then add in Milwaukee and Minneapolis,

Pro Tip: Its niggers

1. White
2. Whiter

There's only one answer, faggot: Aryan
Anything else is animal fetishes or dendrophilia


1) White
2) Asian

why don't whites and hispanics just trade women?

As God intended.



1. Black(Jamaican)
what are chances on success Cred Forumsros.

You hot and charming?

1. White
2. White

I like porcelain pale skin. Skin looking like they never go outside A++++++++++++

Pale asians also mmmmmm

1. hispanic
2. I used to love hispanic girls but i stopped dating my own kind cause theyre fucking crazy. so really i just love white girls these days

1. white

2. S.E Asian, or Wog

I wouldn't say so but a lot of women and [spoiler]men[spoiler] disagree
I'd like to think so

1. White
2. Not White

Give it a shot then.
That's all you really need, and you can ditch most of the looks in a pinch.

1. White
2. Black men




thanks user. i needed that.

1. hispanic
2. white

1. mixed white/ african

2. White only

gotta purify this blood. don't want ugly kids

Who's that? Moar?

Fucking reverse image search

here: Fine Art Teens - Talia B



1. White (scandinavian)

2. Tie between latin american and african american