Trump is proud to pay no federal taxes...

Trump is proud to pay no federal taxes, meaning he is either proud that he can navigate a corrupt system so well or proud that he does not have to contribute to federal funds despite being a millionaire.

after that he admits to being constantly audited.
he admits to ALWAYS being under suspicion of stealing from the federal government.
and he is proud of it.

Other urls found in this thread:


come Correct The Record Trump supporters! come tell me all about how im an SJW, paid shill, faggot, libtard because I disagree with you.

dont take the time to respond with a well thought argument just use the

"$0.10 deposited" meme

how so? please expound upon your point.

well, trump said it three times so it must be true
there's no place like home
there's no place like home
there's no place like home

How does he do it? How is that Rev Al Sharpton does the same thing, but gets away with it too?

Is it possible you're simply lying? I'm not sure how much you're paid, but it's too much.

I love this

Now saying that he's smart if he can avoid paying federal taxes. If he ever does release tax return and he has paid tax returns he will have called himself an indiot

Every big businessman gets audited, and sued regularly, because they're targeted by all the scumbags who want something for nothing- like many democucks.

not sure which one would be the bitch if god willing they would end up cellmates

You know what my biggest fear of a Trump presidency is?

He gets in there and does so much shit.. nobody trusts him, all the important people knows he is an idiot and takes measures to disintegrate the power of the presidential office.. which is directly selected by the people.

It's not what he will do, it's what his presence will turn us into that scares me. The ones in command will realize the american people can no longer be trusted with these important decisions and our rights will slowly begin to deteriorate.

i wouldn't pay taxes either if i could get away with it, what am i fucking stupid?


>federal taxes
>contribute to federal funds

You've got a lot to learn about the Federal Reserve son.

there's still Congress




It makes you a burden on society. How could a society trust you to lead it when you demonstrate that you have no respect for it's laws and standards.


but I am also legit freaked out about a hot head with obvious personality disorders being our commander in chief. Nuclear codes. Ability to send troops anywhere for 90 days. The most powerful military the world has ever seen. That shit scares the shit out of me.

keep sucking it...

> Federal Reserve isn't mentioned in OPs post at all

You need to learn how to read, son

The federal government borrows money from the Fed. Collected tax dollars only pay some of the interest payments on that borrowed money. Tax dollars do not go to the government to use for expenditures.

deadlock already. they barely get shit done.. and ultimately there are a lot of things that the president can do that congress can't... additionally not very much thought is put into congressional election and it's not super telling of 'the will of the people."

Imagine a US where the congress is fighting itself and being completely worthless, and the president is acting like a shitty spoiled brat who knows next to nothing.

intelligence and military, and political operations entities will likely under the table start conducting operations to put shit back on track, the first step would be either silently or otherwise compromising the president's ability to put decisions into actions.. this would be good for Trump, but what if we ever get another decent, responsible leader?

see this son.

stop being a pussy, ur gonna die anyway

That's what I am saying.. the military will NOT follow up with that shit. There will be actions put in place to remove, halt, or slow down those orders.. this ultimately weakens the position.

Hillary Clinton won. Either you can admit she's a better candidate or you can admit you are a troll.

>i wouldn't pay taxes either if i could get away with it, what am i fucking stupid?
sounds a lot like what lifelong welfare recipients would say

Trump supporters never reply in threads where the OP makes a valid criticism.

And regular posts on the thread that do this just get ignored.

Sounds better than a woman in charge of our nuclear codes.


There are a million reasons the IRS will audit you. Claiming income credits for kids, .

Most of you scumbag neets wouldn't know shit about that though.

In fact, the average political retard wouldn't know shit about it because the average political retard is an entitled unemployed 30 year old metaloser who thinks Facebook political memes are actual facts.

Also, you can cancel your taxes with charitable contributions, since donating to charity is deductable. You don't need a company started by a small loan of 1 million dollars to do it either.

It's not beating the taxes if you still payed it out.

True. I like how butthurt shillfags get over Trumps comments and think they are accomplishing something by accusing him of tax evasion.

My fear is that he'll have the support of a Republican house and Senate. He'll be able to push a lot of things down the throat of the party.

Fucking faggot libtard. Go suck Crooked Hillary's cock. I suppose Shillary 'bengazi' Clit-on will kill me for writing this.

their taxes aint worth shit anyway

meanwhile the presidents & the people responsible for this crooked corrupt system all endorse Hillary


Then why not release his taxes? No, there's something even worse in there.

and hillbag donated only 5% of her foundation to charity, bitch belongs in jail

big difference between being a shrewd business planner finding loopholes and lazy welfare libtard taking handouts

Exactly the same thing as Occupy. Same libcucks, same sense of entitlement, same worthless attitude and non existent work ethic.

>Implying this shit ain't rigged since the beginning
>bush v. Gore
>Bernie not getting in despite everyone favoring him


He cheats the system. So does Hillary (not necessarily in taxes, but she does escape jail time for doing things any other person would be screwed for). Basically, America's fucked with either of these candidates.

why not release the emails?

lrn to google son


I dunno. Theres some diehard trump fans out there...what makes you think they wont follow their presidents orders? Not like Trump has to tell the public the truth...he can make up some bullshit excuse to invade pakistan or the phillipines or whatever because they made fun of his hands

Trump is a Hillary shill and anyone who doesn't recognize this is dumb. The debate sealed the deal:
>didn't call her on clinton foundation pay for play scandal
>hardly covered the emails
>not a peep about the video of her collapsing
>nothing about her health at all, especially when her "stamina" came into question
>only reference bill dicking hussies and trollops instead of outright stating it

Don't give me this "pivot" bullshit. He doesn't want to win, either because he's trolling all of us or he's a shill AND trolling all of us.

Vote for him anyway though, I'd rather the troll get in than the vampire.

he doesnt cheat the system, Hillary presided over the system that allows rich people all over to do this... .......................


What line item on his tax return will give you the proof you're looking for? The real info is in the financial statements which are readily available.

>saying it's rigged because bush vs gore
>Obama wins 8 years later who is even more liberal than Gore
>The majority country and government love Obama even as a lame duck.

because this is all nonsense propaganda to wave a red flag over the base and wouldn't stand up to any sort of scrutiny. in fact most of it's been debunked but you're too stupid to realize.

We live in a society where weaseling out of taxes by exploiting our absurdly complicated tax code is an accepted business practice. Businesses exist to make money for their shareholders and their employees not to make money for the state. If you don't like them weaseling out of all their taxes (and you shouldn't) then you should be calling for the government to reform the tax code, not getting upset at the accountants who are doing their job by maximizing their company's profits.

As the man said, don't hate the player, hate the game.

Now, tell me more about all the "Good rich people" who love paying taxes, vote Democrat and coincidentally get massive fucking subsidies for their companies like Mark Cuban and Elon Musk.

Yeah, that's true. I'll take that correction.

The only real, lasting damage Trump will do is damage the credibility of the Republican party for years to come.

he does it by exploiting tax loopholes mostly but he likely also uses some amount of less than legal means like most very, very rich people.

same way mostly as far as getting away with it goes a large amount of what he id doing is legal and thats part of the problem. his tax plans will make the rich richer and make no jobs.

I dint get payed anything but im glad that you assume im a paid liar instead of engaging in discourse.

As if you would pay federal tax if you were smart enough to find a way to get away with not paying it lol

>line item

here's a pleb who's never had to file any real taxes.

it wasnt like she was emperor dude. She has been on the side of trying to eliminate tax breaks for the rich for a very long time now

either way you are a lame ass piece of shit.
only difference is your fucking zip code

This guy lol

>Trump is a Hillary shill
I've been saying this ever since he said he was gonna run.

And once he started his ridiculous shit, I knew it for sure.

>the Megan Kelly thing
>the fucking slogan


and ISIS

can't believe people are laying this blame on anyone but republicans. it's a fucking joke how brainwashed you are.

shes doing a great job lol

eliminating with those wall street talks @ 250K each?

Youre joking, right?

no they really don't. less than %1 of people get audited at all.

her husband was president
she was a senator
she was secretary of state
did she EVER propose fixing this shit?

Not to mention shes been profitting off selling national interests/secrets/access through her foundation

you notice shes NEVER brought up the clinton foundation. And ofc she never takes about her wealth.

when trump says "tough on cyber and cyber warfare" that first cyber is about porn.

remember he signed an anti-porn bill.

democrats and republicans play for the same team asshole.

>we have so many things that we have to do better, and certainly cyber is one of them

Please don't make me picture Trump cybering

she's been on side of the wealthy paying their fair share of taxes forever, yes. blame the republican presidents and congress members over the last 20 years.

the point

that is not at all the argument. try again.

go ask your fucking Obama why apple only pays 10K a year in taxes. What have the liberals done? Theyre more corporate than the republicans now.

You really don't know what a line item is on a tax return is do you?

and hillary is fullblown criminal
>comparing some thief versus batshitcrazy old hag

not about parties you moron.

She has been trying to have a more progressive tax code her entire career just like all Democrats. THat is a staple of the democrats platform for decades - tax the rich more. The republicans want tax breaks for the rich, and think the money will 'trickle down' to everyone else.

We are so absolutely and completely fucked if it is really just these two. Beyond fucked.

there is no argument, the questions was ridiculous. All rich people avoid paying taxes. get with the program there chap.


>She has been on the side of trying to eliminate tax breaks for the rich for a very long time now


That's fucking rich!

You ever notice how when Republicans cut taxes they're doing it for the rich; but when Democrats straight up write a subsidy check from the American tax payer to their rich buddies, they're making jobs or saving the economy?

What Hillary is against are across the board tax cuts and free market competition because that doesn't give her the power and control she wants over the economy. What she wants are high corporate taxes with loopholes that give advantages to her lobbyist friends and big fat government subsidies and programs that let her write checks to her rich friends in order to "make green jobs" or "improve women's participation in the workplace" or whatever the fuck other bullshit excuse they've invented to give tax payer money directly to her rich friends.

why the fuck are trump supporters only figuring this out now? what the fuck.

hows that working out really?
Under the last 8 years of Obama, income inequality is at record highs.

My best guess is he doesn't pay income tax because he kept most of his money inside of his company, and the money he did transfer to himself wasn't taxed because of various loopholes. I'm sure his company pays millions in taxes.

Taxation is theft.


excellent post!

And yet most here will ignore it. I dunno what "evidence" has been provided to discredit this notion, but I haven't seen any. When he started running and that photo of the Trumps and Clintons started making it rounds in full force a few months later, that's when the seed was planted and everything that's happened after indicates to me that he's not a serious candidate, never was, and if his claim that Bill got him to run is just dangling that big "fuck you" out in front for anyone with two brain cells and enough cynicism to pick up.

Leaders in the government who understand how things work.. namely how the problems they still face are difficult and require extremely complex and delicate solutions as apposed to Trumps delusion that everything can be quickly and easily fixed because he doesn't see the big picture in any of his thought processes.

I am talking about Generals, commanders, State department leaders, Judges, CIA.. they know how it works, they know the intricacy, and I bet they already have contingency plans and tactics in case of a grossly negligent and idiotic president.
The problem is enacting those plans will de-legitimize the most powerful form of elected office.

things like charitable donations and specific tax rates dont appear on those forms. i want to see the check to NAMBLA

At least we got rid of the Bush era tax break on the top tax bracket and increased capital gains taxes, both of which have been significant shifts in tax policy shifting more burden to the rich from the middle. Low and behold, finally last year we have real median income growth at a whopping 5%

Trump has stated he will use his company to build the wall, which is a pretty way of telling you he is going to sponge all those billions of tax dollars into his own pockets.

"Grading the Presidential Candidates on Science"

Clinton: 64
Trump: 7
Johnson: 30
Stein: 44

“Did your cousin John give you the Hitler speeches?” I asked Trump.

Trump hesitated. “Who told you that?”

“I don’t remember,” I said.

“Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew.” (“I did give him a book about Hitler,” Marty Davis said. “But it was My New Order, Hitler’s speeches, not Mein Kampf. I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”)

nice to see Hillary campaign contributions at work.

yea but if he wins though? Why would they cut it that close?

although if Trump wins, wouldn't be surprised if George Soros// Hillary shoot him or something.

Can't answer a simple question. I'll ask it in a way even a retard like yourself can understand. What would you be looking for in a tax return that would validate your suspicions of his evil?

burgulars help making security systems better
hacker help making firewalls safer
let a tax evader fix the loopholes for tax evasion

who gives a fuck. both candidates are shit.

these are your choices. trump wants to use his business experience to run the country. clinton wants to use her political lobbying experience to run the country.

and history shows that neither of these have had a positive effect. i.e. trickle down economy vs. trade deficits.

both candidates have shady pasts, and both are proven liars.

talk as much shit about biden as you want, but at least you know what you got from him.

fucker should have ran, but i'm sure the clinton train shut that down.

also: it's rep's fault that trump got the nomination. it's the dmc's fault that clinton got the nomination.

it's the debate committee's fault that we only have two pieces of shit to vote for.

I'd much prefer to vote for Kang than Kodos.

not about parties, again

>celebrating that your candidate intentionally hides his tax returns, just because he could make a clever comeback against his opponent

Trumps tax plan allows for more tax loopholes than ever before though. he intends to drastically lower the amount people making $250,000 or more a year pay. are you ready for more of the rich getting richer?

fact is nothing will make their lives better, including Hillbag

It's Fahrenheit 451 in real life...
Those people actually voted to burn all the books... so they wouldn't have to compete with all those smart-asses.

rich getting richer is not controlled by taxes, sorry... it's controlled by the fact that basic income is not earning as much as investment income, period.

>constantly under audit
>never found of wrong doing



and the thing that pisses me off the most i think, is the blind voters that just pick a party and do no research on the candidates.

Here's the thing: I don't believe they think he'll win. Election rigging, Trump pulling an all out craziest-thing-he-ever-said card, whatever. But even if he does win, he'll only discredit the RNC so much that we'll have at least two more DNC wins after his 4 years are up, and the RNC will possibly, finally, crack up into its little groups that make it up and all the DNC has to do is keep its shit together with legalized weed, a bone or two thrown at the SJWs, and continuing to represent the interests of the banks and Big Pharma. Eventually they'll get in bed with weapons manufacturers and then its game over.

This is scarier than any doomsday proposition derived from either of the two candidates winning.

>What are you going to do, you have to vote for one of us, it's a two party system.
>I think I'll vote for a third party candidate.

Go ahead, throw your vote away!

we know that all the rich people avoid paying taxes whenever they can. the point is that he is proud of not contributing to the government and his tax plan is to make sure that everyone earning $250,000 a year or more can pay less than they ever have before. do you support that? do you really think that if we give the people that have the most money more money things will be better?

I'm not saying he'd end all the US's problems, but imagine if Sanders was up there, versus Kasich, arguably the least retarded of the dipshits the Repubs trotted out this go around.

They're really putting the "season" in this election season, both on the part of the MSM and the candidates. Can't wait till CNN starts running ads: "Own the latest season of The Presidential Election, only $19.99".

well when a (self proclaimed) billionaire pays zero in federal tax... Its not that hes wrong, its that he's a huge asshole.
He's like the guy that cuts off traffic to get off the free way...
You aren't better than the rest of those people, you are just an asshole.

um, focus... the rnc has looked like a kid eating paste since gw saying that "he tried to kill by dad" to palin saying "she can see russia from her house" to romney saying that obama didn't say it was a "terror attack" there is a quote from giuliani saying that we havn't had a terrorist attack under a republican president. ya, he said that. rnc has been digging their own grave for a long time.

so a better plan is to just not collect those taxes so that all rich people benefit not just her friends?

Taxation is theft.
Income tax is illegal.

but i vote democrats for decades!

Trump may break up the Republican Party whether he wins or loses. It's more divided and unpopular with him than I've ever seen it. I think if Trump was a 'false flag' candidate if you will to give Hillary the presidency, he was also sent to destroy the Republican party from within.

>implying he actually pays zero in federal tax

leave the country then.

Trump is a rich kid faggot.

Hillary isn't a good person.

says the supporter of a woman who foundation has claimed only 2 billion of at least 200 billion in donations, and of that only 150 million ever went to charily work, like useless aid meds (per the people who received them) and housing that never got built things like that...

oh i agree, i'd vote for sanders for the only fact that he raised money on his own. at least you know he's not in anyone's pocket.

his tax plans are to make more loopholes than ever before though not fix them. he has it detailed on his sight even.

Oh, most definitely, I'm just saying that a Trump presidency will be a nail in the coffin. All those people who are legitimately voting for Trump not to troll or not because they think he's as great as he says he is, but because they want an outsider who's "not beholden to lobbying interests" to fix thing, imagine how fucking angry they'll be when he gets in and doesn't clean anything up and in fact fucks things up more than they're fucked up already? They won't trust the RNC after that. The Repubs are working overtime to make Trump appear to be something that isn't the walking disaster he is and it's not working. The Dems have been schooling them ever since the RNC fooled everyone into voting for a war criminal for a second term.

but it gets shit done...

>just like all Democrats
its just a show, its always been a show
This rhetoric doesn't work anymore now that we have an anti-establishment Trump who won't engage in the charade

>made 700 million last year
>self-proclaimed billionaire


i guess if you consider hauling millions out of the US economy a good think... sure.
Panama loves it tho, so theres that.

I didnt claim that it was controlled by that but its a factor for sure. thats why I said "more of"

outside of that small bit of nit picking how do you feel about the rest of what was said.

>anti establishment trump

facepalm. you idiots still believe this shit

Yep, pretty much. Investment tends to snowball wealth after a certain point. That's why people always aim investing once they know about money.

well all you need to say is that you want weed legalized, and you're a johnson supporter :p

allow me to introduce you to the concept of banks


Crooked Hillary is the corrupt one Clinton schill GTFO

A funny tidbit I picked up a little while ago was in an interview, Anthony Jeselnik said some of the roastees on Comedy Central roasts had rules; the comics couldn't mention certain things.

Trump's rule was no jokes implying that he made less than he claims to make. That's probably the bombshell in his taxes: the guy is a walking brand name. The "TRUMP" brand is what he sells. Saying he's not this super classy billionaire would damage his brand the way telling everyone Coke Zero has ball hair in it would mess with their brand. That's probably what he's hiding, the ultimate shame for a man who needs to feel like everyone feels like he's the richest, most tremendous guy in the room.

Quality shitpost comrade. +2 points added to your Nimble America score

the media & establishment prove it every day

meh, it's going to happen eventually anyway. The fucking canadians are about to legalize it

The first thing is true, I'll say that

well we just don't know that now do we.
His name was all over shell companies tho, wouldnt doubt it. He definitely wasn't dumb enough to give to (his own) charity tho

he said he was a billionaire right?
that means hes a self-proclaimed billionaire.
even if its confirmed by other people he is still a self-proclaimed billionaire.

see, here's the thing. he knows that's bullshit, he knows the trade deficits are bullshit. i highly doubt that he knows how to fix it.

anyone can point to a flat tire and say how it doesn't work. but that doesn't make them a mechanic.

He hasn't claimed to not pay taxes. He does abuse the system to pay very little. He probably has about the same income tax % federally as someone making 100k a year

Fox news talking point. You obviously have zero clue about the facts. After 8 republican reports there was nothing there! Checkmate cheeto dick.

theft means you took something even though it was against the law. taxation is not against the law. it is the law actually.
taxation literally cannot be theft.

are you stupid? emails were deleted. that is a fact.

>he admits to ALWAYS being under suspicion of stealing from the federal government.

>You being retarded
He said he has been audited by the IRS year after year.
And if he was stealing, he'd be in jail.
The fact that he works within the boundaries of the laws and legally pays no taxes is a testament to this man's savvy.
You can try to villify a business man for taking advantage of tax laws that every other business in America but you only look like an idiot, because anyone with a sense of financial responsibility would also take advantage of a system if it allowed you to not pay any taxes on your earnings.

he claimed it not me.

i like to say machiavellian evil vs. children's temper tantrums.

didnt ask about hillary, didnt comment on hillary. talking about trump and his tax plan.

>abuse the system
By paying the least amount of taxes?
So he should pay more than he has too?
Would that make him a patriot or just an idiot?

How does it make sense that Trump can think he himself is smart for not paying taxes, but when NATO isn't paying "their fair share" he gets pissed and we need to do something about it? Hypocrite

Can we get two cents from a paid Russian Trump shill in here? I'd really like to know what that whole scam is and how it's going for you guys.

basic math, can you do it? If someone is making even 500 million a year how many years before they can claim to be a billionaire? seriously you can't be that stupid.

>said the fucking buttpained HRC/CTR shill
HRC shills, dumb as fuck

wtf. you can't be serious. made 700 million in one year?
He might be worth 700 million. In one year tho? If that is true... i might start looking into this socialism thing, because fuck that.
>made 700 million in one year
Like some 70 year old orange fuck worked 100x harder than me.

self-proclaim implies its not true
otherwise why are you saying it

>And if he was stealing, he'd be in jail.

clinton lied to the federal government, no charges filed. her employees involved in the investigation were given immunity.

i totally agree with everything your're saying, but most of the time rich people don't have to answer or their actions.

He claimed it, when? Inb4 you took what he said about being smart to be admittance of not paying taxes.

Well taxes are theft. Government spending is horribly misused. Every time the end of the budget year comes around, 100s of road construction sites pop up of workers doing meaningless work on the roads so they waste all their money and can get a bigger budget next year.
Only a fool would willing pay their taxes without trying to pay less

I'm sorry, did he break any laws? I would imagine Hillary would have mentioned that if it were the case? Or is he doing what every other multinational company is doing? Uh, I suppose I say libtard?

>Mr. Trump’s income as reported in the PFD statement is in excess of $557 million (which does not include dividends, interest, capital gains, rents and royalties).

But he is "paying his fair share" by following our currant tax code. Hes said himself he thinks all the loopholes should be closed so obviously hes ok paying more, but would be an idiot to pay more than is required by law.

As far as NATO... those fucktards are not paying in the agreed upon amounts or chipping in troops as it was agreed upon.

Has nothing to do with Trump hypocrisy, just with you being an idiot

That sure sounds like the optimism that America's known for. Kys

Donald Trump not paying his taxes makes him more qualified to be president.

How much networth do you think a person needs to have to be making over 557$ million a year?

he said that hes constantly under audit. you get audited when the government thinks that you are paying less than you are due to pay which would be theft.

didn't say he was stealing said that he was always under suspicion of stealing. not the same thing. but good job fighting the imaginary argument no one made.

its not a testament to his savvy its a testament to the people that he pays to do his taxes.

im not trying to vilify him for taking advantage of tax loopholes. Him being proud of not contributing the United States while saying that hes going to make america great and while presenting a tax plan that allows more people to avoid contributing a fair share than ever before and thats despicable.

kek. but true.

she did. multiple times. about how he didn't pay workers, how he was sued for not allowing blacks to rent apartments in his complex...

did you even watch the debate or are you so hardcore about hitting that red button because dems are "gonna take ur guns"

be that as it may, when the democrats are in power, and they have CENTRALIZED POWER, they're more inclined to fuck over trump and support their own people (aka, Niggerbama supporting HRC)
So at this point, if Trump has been audited year after year and he hasn't been charged with a crime, how can anyone assume he is guilty of the implied crime of tax evasion?

Some people from the US are just so fucking stupid, they don't know their own laws vs moral objection over "businesses not paying their fair share".

The fact remains, Trump pays as little tax as possible allowable under the law.
Just as every other person and other business would in America, but retard shills will attack him for it.
The assumption that he is doing shady shit is pure hyperbole

>Doesnt include rents and royalites
Considering the man rents his fucking name and is a real estate mogul, I'm sure this is way higher...
He clearly outplayed us folks. We don't deserve those tax dollars. Lets work harder next year....

>falling for bait this hard

That was the question posed to you.

the answer: Billions

>otherwise why are you saying it
becuase its true. if bill gates said "I am a billionaire" he would be a self-proclaimed billionaire. the end.
what do you not understand? the implication may be there because thats how most people use the term "self-proclaimed" but "self-proclaimed" means a proclamation about ones self. its not a lie about ones self its a proclamation.

so you think an anarchy with a bunch of entitled gun freaks will go smoothly all on its own?

why doesn't any ameridumbs know what taxes are?

never said he broke any laws?

Heres a little hint retard, you can get sued for something that your not guilty of. Also the only reason he was on the suit as he had just taken over that part of his fathers company... Next time you see the guy in charge also be the one managing and *supposedly* not allowing black in (as if niggers dont constantly lie) let me know, I bet he also was at fault for the shoe shiner set up outside his building using the wrong color polish?

thats semantic bullshitting & autism

>implying income tax is the only type of tax.

but the tax plan he has laid out opens more loopholes and drastically reduces taxes for those earning $250,000 or more a year. go read them they are public information. his tax plan is to incentivise the rich through giving them more money to play with.

Hey! Its my OC!

no he wants to end loopholes that people like him take advantage of
while lowering taxes across the board

learn to read:
>Taxation is theft.

Which is good, but idiots like your previous poster fail to understand his plan because they don't want to understand it.

Taxation is theft. What's the issue?

Even if he paid more than he owed, the IRS would have simply refunded the difference, which they do for everyone.

He's proud of beating the jews at their own game - a noble achievement, I'd say.

hence >reading comprehension fail

im sorry you dont understand the simple concept that if you make a proclamation about yourself that means that it is self-proclaimed. Im sorry you dont understand these very simple things.

So, without guns, we can do away with taxes?

Taxation is NOT theft, it is a law, which is fundamentally an agreement by members of the populace through their elected representatives.

You edgy faggots can't understand basic economic realities, and instead cling to your emotional, victim-complex argument. It's pathetic.

go read his tax plan then.
If you knew what you were talking about you might not look so stupid.

Does anyone actually believe that the IRS would let something like that go? That's a lot of money

You would only say its SELF-PROCLAIMED if you were implying that its UNTRUE
otherwise its a meaningless phrase

ITT: a bunch of butthurt libs who haven't accepted that Trump will be elected in six weeks.

the game is made for them to win he just paid someone to figure out for him to win too.

It doesn't take an orangutan to understand his tax plan. It's worded just right so the rich get the biggest benefits. If you can't figure this out, then you're as delusional as he is.

no thats why hes under audit and wont release his tax returns which would document things like charitable donations.

no. taxes is what makes it a country, and not just a set of small degenerate tribes. without taxes, there would be no government, with no government there would be no police or borders or rules or laws.

so if a gang of mad max murderous gangs want to rape and murder you and your family, you'd have to fight them off on your own, as nothing else would stop them. you'd basically live in modern day somalia.

Road Warrior was a good movie, though.

I see it as a plus tbh. If he knows how to do it, he might know how to make it so others can't do it, which would be worth more than his money alone.

>so a better plan is to just not collect those taxes so that all rich people benefit not just her friends?

Its better than allowing the state to tax some rich people and redistribute their wealth to other rich people with better lobbyists.

But if you want my opinion of what to do, I'd go with trickle up economics. Completely eliminate all federal taxes on anyone working class. Rich people make money selling goods and services to the consumers anyway so more money in the hands of the consumer means more money to buy shit, meaning the rich will still have more money to expand their companies and with greater demand from American consumers, they'll have reason too as well.

But that's just me. You'll never see either of the two parties embrace an idea as radical as letting the working class keep their fucking money.

PS: I'm also a fan of Milton Friedman's Negative Income Tax.

SELF-PROCLIAMED does not mean lie

it means a proclimation that you made about your slef.

so again its not meaningless to say self-proclaimed

it means that Trump himself made the proclamation "I am a billionaire"

which he did.

how do you not get this?

After that horrific multiple casualty train wreck of a debate he did, you really would have to been plugging your ears anything was said that would hurt your feelings about your false god, Drumpf. I love how utterly biased Trump supporters have gotten, despite all the evidence against him. It's like you can't see past the brick wall you keep banging your heads into, screaming "WHY CAN'T MY PARTY GET SOMEONE INTELLIGENT FOR ONCE?"

Face it, unless he can pull his own orange head out his ass without ripping his toupee off long enough in the next debate, he's utterly done for.

yet seemingly no one can read it. its really amazing.

That's a pretty neat idea and as a working class guy I'd be all for trying it except for one thing. I think the rich people would just leave the country and go somewhere more "business friendly".

Excuse me: "false god"?

You're conflating issues. But whatever. And yes, I did see the debate. And both of your examples are still not "illegal".
The mold you seem to have cast me in doesn't seem to hold, but you're hitting all of your liberal stereotypes. Try to have a conversation with less butthurt.

Looted the white house
Tried to cover up Bill's discretions
The Clinton body count
Clinton foundation scandals

Didn't pay more taxes than had too.

the problem with that is that its too much to ask for and that people would just shout about inflation

Self-proclaimed because no one else believes him to be a true billionaire. Bill gates would never have to be a self-proclaimed billionaire because he's an actual billionaire.

well that's cute, but no one is going to vote for that thing you guys wheeled on the debate floor last night.

>see guys! i'm very healthy!
>bet you didn't see this coming!

bitch better get in line if she want's stand up against trump. last night trump was testing her and she couldn't even get that right. she had a lot of prepared lines and it was not believable.

Hey, you're not being fair!
Trump also said some mean things!

I borrowed this retard's book from the library and want my tax dollars and time back. Fuck Trump. Not a Hillary fan either, but I'd vote for a fucking avocado before that shitbird.

Jill stein.

>actually benefits the middle class the most because it helps the rich to expand their businesses

It's a very simple idea that actually works when there isn't a way for the rich to take advantage of the system.

but if bill gates said "I am a billionaire"
he would be, say it with me, self-proclaimed billionaire.

its just a fact. you cant argue that.

>That's a pretty neat idea and as a working class guy I'd be all for trying it except for one thing. I think the rich people would just leave the country and go somewhere more "business friendly".

Yeah, you have to be really careful with how you tax the rich because they'll weasel out of it if they can.

I actually don't think you should raise taxes on the rich if you can avoid it lest they move elsewhere. Rather I think you should just cut taxes for the poor and middle class while leaving them where they are for the rich and balance things out by cutting government spending.

Beyond that if you want to make things more business friendly then get rid of a lot of the regulatory red tape and BS. There are good regulations of course like the ones that keep lead out of our water and what not; but the vast majority of regulations exist to give corporations with good lobbyists advantages against their competitors and to put hurdles up that prevent new companies from entering the market, thus limiting competition and making pseudo monopolies which is no bueno.




people who can get away with paying less in taxes should. Evading taxes makes you a hero.

Taxation is theft and less money to the government will starve the beast.

Not a fan of Trump but mad respect for not paying taxes.


Bill gates would never say that or have to say that because it is just a fact that everyone already accepts. The fact that Trumps wealth and worth is in question makes his proclamation relevant, but at the same time doesn't make it true because he can't prove it. Which is why his status stays at self-proclaimed and nothing more.

giving the rich more money helps the middle class? how does it make sense to say "if the people who have the most money right now had even more money they would spend it making the world a better place" because that's trumps tax plan.

Because rich people like having money having low taxes pulls in rich people. Conversely, high taxes drive away rich people.
Rich people tend to be rich because they own businesses and businesses employ middle class people.
More rich people=more jobs.

>giving the rich more money helps the middle class? how does it make sense to say "if the people who have the most money right now had even more money they would spend it making the world a better place" because that's trumps tax plan.

Its also Hillary's plan frankly.

She doesn't want to cut taxes or give more money to the working class she once to raise taxes so that the government has even more money and power than it already does.

Also see....

I'm a small business owner, get back to me when you finally understand how tax breaks work, idiot.

>she once to raise taxes

Wants to raise the fuck did I even do that. I gotta stop smoking bath salts.

but we've already cut the taxes on the rich so far that we now need to raise them again. look at what they paid in the 50's, 60's, and 70's.

No they don't. And certainly not for fifteen fucken years.

>stealing from the federal government.

as if hillary's pay to play access to the state department is any better

thing is, the rules trump plays by are the same rules anyone else can play by

not many people can get the saudis to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to 'charity' for a meeting

I'm wondering how you think their plans are the same.
Trump wants tax breaks for the rich to try to draw in more business, Hillary wants to tax the rich and try to distribute their wealth. they're opposite plans.

He has a lot of enemies especially political ones

I also own a small business. Ive now been in business just over 2 years. I own a mid sized table top gaming store in Orlando.

>but we've already cut the taxes on the rich so far that we now need to raise them again. look at what they paid in the 50's, 60's, and 70's.

Why do we need to raise taxes on them?

For more government spending? We've already got too damn much of that. If it was to pay down the national debt, then I'd consider it; but no way Hilldog is going to do that once she has their money in her hands.

I don't think that government drives the economy, demand does. If we make business more profitable for the rich by cutting the BS regulations (not all of them, I don't want lead in my water) and let the working class keep more of their money so that consumer demand goes up and the economy will drive itself.

We've already got too damn much government, the only reason to raise taxes is that we can have even more.

Then stop acting like an illiterate welfare recipient who can't understand the benefits of such a plan. You can't possibly be that dumb.

That's because your fucken cancerous. If welfare whores don't pay taxes then they're fucken cancer but if rich people don't pay taxes they're smart? Fuck no they're cancer. This country and everyone in it supplied his success and he gives back dick. Dick that cucks like you love sucking on.

the reason to raise taxes is so that we can spend money on the things that have been neglected in america like our infrastructure. we need to lower the deficit though not the debt, at least not right away.

>Trump wants tax breaks for the rich to try to draw in more business, Hillary wants to tax the rich and try to distribute their wealth. they're opposite plans.

She doesn't want to distribute their wealth to you. She's going to keep that money for the government.

She's not going to write you a check, she's going to raise taxes, keep the money and then create government programs that you can go and beg for a handout and thus make you dependent on the state and coincidentally the Democratic party.

If she was going to tax the rich and introduce a negative income tax like Milton Friedman proposed then I might support it; but she's not. She's just going to use the money to increase spending by a corrupt and incompetent government.

>we need to lower the deficit though not the debt, at least not right away.

Interest payment on our debt is already 8% of the total budget.

That's more than we spend on infrastructure and education combined.

>the reason to raise taxes is so that we can spend money on the things that have been neglected in America like our infrastructure

Or you could cut spending on bullshit and renegotiate the blank checks we've been writing to the medical industry and the military industrial complex which make up the majority of our spending.

He actually didn't say this though. Would have been a good Comeback but he spaghettied the all but the first ten minutes of the debate.

Trump also mentioned how government likes to redistribute the money, for example 50 dollar rolls of toilet paper etc.. which is exactly how the government spends your tax money.

You thibk is success is because of everyone else? Loser fucking socialist. The idea is to pay as little taxes as possible because fuck the government taking all your hard earned cash. The rich already pay the majority of the taxes you ungrateful little twat.

Fun Fact: During the debates last night Trump was the one that mentioned improving infrastructure and he seemed very upset about the state of American airports specifically.
Hillary never mentioned infrastructure. To imply that's why she wants more tax money is facetious. She seems far more interested in the pay gap (which is really an earnings gap) than roads.

Businesses my size will not be able hire on additional employees based on the small tax cuts we will receive outlined in the trump tax plan.

The largest businesses making the most money who stand to gain by far the most out of his tax plan already have the capital and/or credit to grow. Businesses that large dont need more money to grow they need more demand and cutting their taxes wont do that.

He sort of did.
"i'll release my tax returns when she releases her 33 thousand e-mails" I'm paraphrasing of course but that's what happened. The crowd ate it up and it was the first time any noise was made by them that night.

If you wanted to complain about medical spending you shouldn't have passed obamacare, dumbshit.

>Businesses that large dont need more money to grow they need more demand and cutting their taxes wont do that.

Nope. Obviously it's lost on you.

He's cutting everyone's taxes. You'd know that if you could read.

So they audit him every year but find tax paid.

I try my best to not pay income tax but only Hillary can commit federal crimes and get away with them.

Nigger please, I'm saying we need to pay off our national debt and cut spending.

Do I sound like a fucking Democrat?

God you're dumb.
Yes they can grow now, they could grow more if they had more money. Growth creates jobs and employed people need to spend their money which increases demand, including for your shitty nerd store so even if you don't immediately prosper you will have more business in the long run.

You would have to be a complete and total retard to think that Trump won that debate.

I know that when you retarded fucks watched it you were zoning in on the things you wanted to hear. Trump gets a question about race relations, spouts off some incoherent barely intelligible phrase about supporting police officers, and you jump on here screaming "OMG DID YOU SEE THAT NIGGERS AND HILLARY BTFO!"

But that's not what happened. Those polls are all wildly influenced by (1) people's pre-conceived notions of the candidates and (2) dipshits like you who spend hours of your pathetic lives voting 800 times for the orange faced faggot.

Let's look at the debate in a vacuum. Forget what you knew about the candidates going into the debate. Now take a minute to judge it objectively and it's pretty fucking clear that Hillary destroyed him almost as badly as he destroyed himself.

He was unprepared, he has no concrete plans, any time a statistic was brought up (for example, about his tax plan being a steaming pile of shit) he literally just ignored it and repeated himself with no counter evidence whatsoever.

Trump couldn't form a proper sentence for the majority of the debate, he lost his temper at the slightest goading from Clinton, he completely bombed on the issues that will influence independent voters (like taxes, race relations, and character). And he basically admitted that he doesn't pay federal taxes.

Hillary speak fluently, was composed enough that Donald wasn't able to talk over her, had thoughtful and detailed answers for most of the questions, and got in several deep attacks at the idea that Trump is a person capable of being a rational leader.

Clinton won it. I have no idea how anyone watching the same program I did could see otherwise. Get your heads out of your asses and start seeing reality for what it is. If you want to put up a fight you need to do it by seeing that there was a problem with his performance last night and it needs to be addressed.

how does he intend to improve those things and also lower the amount that the government takes in? increase debt and deficit?

A small business usually isn't too capable of taking advantage of loopholes in tax code and so will often pay between 30-35%. The corporations that make huge profits though, effectively pay between 0-5%. The plan is to eliminate loopholes while changing the tax rate, so those corporations will pay what they should, without making it even harder for a small business to start up.

There's an incorrect perception of small business owners that they make a great amount of money, but a significant portion of those owners will make enough to live comfortably, but not extravagently. A tax increase like Hillary is proposing would mean they have to make extra money somehow, somewhere. That means lowering wages, reducing hours, reducing employee counts, going for cheaper (and often lower quality) products, and finally raising prices. If those don't work out, the business closes, and all those people once employed, including the owner, are no longer employed. When a business closes like that, though, it normally leaves the owner(s) well over a hundred thousand in debt, sometimes over a million in debt.

The best solution is: Tax cuts+Loophole removal+mild profit sharing.

he said deleted emails.

emails she does not have and could not have

he may as well have asked her for her pink unicorn.

I don't get why everyone says this. Sure, if you vote independent your vote will not make a "difference". What difference would it make voting for either of the other two choices?

If you really think about it, voting independent will make more of a difference than voting rep/democrat. Once people see the % of votes for independent candidates rising then that will increase the likelihood of those people voting independent themselves.

Idk. Really I just cannot vote for trump or hillary. what the fuck happened to this country?

He also stated he's not a fan of how the government spends it's money. Odds are he'll cut excess spending and redistribute it to infrastructure.

I'm voting for Trump because he's the physical embodiment of what our nation's leaders were built on. He was a business man who has his name shown in many places in this country on his buildings.

Our first President was George Washington because at that time in history, we needed a general. At this time in history, we need a business man.

Another part of me likes Trump because he doesn't give in to all of this liberal bullshit. He speaks the truth, and though it's sometimes painful to hear, we need a lot more spine in this country.

Also Hillary is a criminal and should be in jail. I can't see past that kind of corruption. Watch some of the videos of her hearing. Everyone in the room is visibly baffled by what they are listening to. I don't trust her at all.

Trump isn't perfect, though, but in this case, I think he is the lesser of the two evils. Hillary is filled with empty promises and phlegm. If Trump says he'll do something, I trust that he will at least try. Hillary just says what she thinks everyone wants to hear. Trump is controversial because he speaks his mind, and says things how he sees them. Hillary want's to be America's mother, but we're already grown up.

Federal taxes is literally theft
The only taxes anyone should have to pay is state tax since that is hat is required to keep up infrastructure in each state
The federal government has no right to tax citizens itself

Trump's plans are to end trade deals where we cannot, by the deal, charge import/export tax with the other country, while that country can make money off the import/export through taxes or other means. He also intends to lower the tax rate on the wealthiest while simultaneously significantly reducing the number of usable loopholes. Corporations usually pay, maybe, up to 5% tax while many small businesses pay the tax rate at (haven't looked recently, so I'm not sure the exact rate), 30%. Hillary plans on reducing loopholes while raising taxes.

Under the two plans, Hillary would have corporations pay as much as 70% in taxes with almost no loopholes, far up from 0-5%, which would kill small business and drive corporations away. Trump would have corporations pay 15% up from anywhere between 0-5%, while it would simultaneously reduce the taxes paid by small businesses.

TL;DR: Hillary's promise screws over and drives away businesses but sounds nice to the people who hate the rich. Trump's plan makes the rich pay what they always should have, and the small businesses less.

The shill is strong with this one

I pay my taxes because I'm not an ungrateful little twat. I'm not gonna sit here and bitch like trump did about our shit infrastructure and turns out he's not paying shit for the roads and bridges in our country. Saying there needs to be fucken be law and order and now police force when he doesn't pay for them. He's the ungrateful twat that wants everything handed to him just like his father gave him but doesn't want to pay.
You want to make America fucken great start by paying your taxes you rich cuck.

and if you could read youd know that by "everyone" he means the poor and middle a little bit and everyone making more than $250,000 by more than ever before.

you can go look at it right now if you want.

I think he was pointing out that while he's dodging taxes as one would expect a businessman to do, she's breaking the law and covering it up by deleting evidence. Kind of a lesser of two evils deal.

then why wont he show us his tax returns which will let us see his charitable donation to NAMBLA

isnt that the promise of trickle down economics? did we not try that for years and generally agree it was not at all effective?

literally only something shills on reddit have been saying
did you really just basically flash your ctr badge

The problem is, rich people are greedy (who would have thought). Our best bet is to get a tax dodger like Trump in there at least in an advisory capacity if not potus to find as many means of not paying taxes as possible.
I know for a fact the opposite plan of raising taxes won't do any good because that'll just encourage more people to dodge.


Yeah because I trust corporate ass holes to actually create more jobs with their tax break instead of making their slaves work the legal bare minimum. Like they don't have money to do that now.
Clearly they care about America so much so that they'd move if taxes got too high.

When you whine about the "military industrial complex" like it's some nefarious conspiracy that sucks up ALL AVAILABLE MONEY EVERYWHERE, yes. You don't even notice the budget showing it's already been cut to 16%, a low not seen since the end of WWII. It's been cut to the point that our equipment and ships are falling apart. The islamists are loving that shit.

What's his audit got to do with anything? He can release his tax returns anytime he wants, but he refuses.

under hillary's plan my taxes as small business owner increase by an entirely marginal amount. they would not more than double as you claim. I highly recommend you actually go read their tax plans yourself.

"Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes.

Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands."

Judge Learned Hand (1872-1961)
US Court of Appeals, in the case of Gregory v. Helvering (1935).

So what is Trump doing wrong? I'll bet every one of you fuckers who actually works for a living takes the Standard Deduction (at a minimum) on your taxes. By the "Trump is a tax cheat" reasoning, you're all cheating on your taxes. Student Load interest deduction - tax cheat. Deduct medical expenses....yep, you're the worst kind of tax cheat, right?

And if he gets audited every year he's not cheating on his taxes because an audit confirms you pay every penny you owe. Are any of you surprised he has a lot of deductions? He built an empire that employs tens of thousands of people. What has Hillary done? Oh yeah, she created a Foundation that only gives 10% of what it raises to charity.

I'm no fan of Trump, but his tax situation is a moot point. If companies that push liberal causes like Apple, Facebook, and GE don't have to pay taxes then criticizing Trump for doing the same is pure hypocrisy. But that remains to be seen, for all we know he'll release his returns right before the election showing he pays millions in taxes. I dunno, we'll just have to wait and see. I'm curious to see what he pays myself.

It's funny how you're mad at him for taking advantage of laws we have in place. It's actually very smart to use them, but it is scummy. He's willing to tarnish his name for what he believes in. Presidential candidate better than clitman

You think that's what the national budget looks like? Pull your head out of your ass.

Of course they would. The social contract relies on self interest. Patriotism is scarcely a motivation and it shouldn't be. Trump's big appeal is he wants to bring those jobs back to us by fixing international trade which is currently fucked.
And yes, to expand more jobs must be created. common sense isn't your strong suit is it?


>Don't trust corporate ass holes
>Trust corrupt government

whew lad

She didn't delete anything. The FBI already uncovered thousands of "deleted" emails that weren't really deleted, she just didn't turn them in.

Its the proposed budget; but the real thing is similar.

What exactly do you doubt? That social security, medicare and medicaid account for the majority of the budget?

we need to just downsize our military though. we currently dont even use the majority of our armed forces. our equipment isnt being serviced that we can train more retards to stand around in Texas waiting.

I've gotten to to a point where I pretty much produce my own food, I feed energy into the grid, I get free telecom services for having a tower on my property, and I only use money for what I can't make myself or barter for. I get tax credits for energy efficiency and producing green energy, I itemise everything I can, I donate to charity, I put money into retirement, etc. And tax season is a nightmare, mainly for my tax guys, but once you regiment your behaviour and really get into the flow of things, it isn't too bad. I minimised my expenses to the point where I could minimise my income, and then went the extra mile so that uncle Sam patted me on the head and decided to use very little of my money to bomb an Iraqi wedding.


He cant show his cards to the competitian. Why would he give anyone an advantage if he dosn't have to. DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO PLAY CHESS?

It isn't about what I doubt, it's a matter of fact: that budget is not correct.

Try facts, user.

>fuck the government taking all your hard earned cash.
Implying that the rich man's cash was hard earned.
You really love sucking a rich man's dick? How much do they pay you to slobber on their cocks, little boy?

Who fucking would pay taxes if they could legally avoid it?

Democraps are retarded.

Clearly your not rich but are not above selling your body.

Paying taxes is un-American. Taxes are for slaves. The founding Fathers took on the greatest military power of the time over 2% taxes... sales tax accross the country averages 6% and there are thousands of other taxes. We are slaves or whores at best unless we crush the IRS and the.djoose who run it.

Hey dipshit, the IRS regularly audits people of his financial stature regardless of any signs of wrong doing.. When you're dealing with this much money, any minor mistake can have huge tax liability implications, so they focus more on the rich rather than your avg taxpayer.

Signed, a CPA

if that's true, Al Sharpton is not running for president

So you only suck the dicks of poor people?

because the agreed upon rules of the game are that you are supposed to show you tax returns.

that's what LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE has done for 40 years.

hes the only one denying the gentlemen's agreement to show their taxes is Trumpo.

why would he hide it though if he didn't have something to hide?