How do I get higher than a motherfucker?

How do I get higher than a motherfucker?

weed and acid is the way to go, otherwise weed and wine, or just straight up vaporizing some weed in a lightbulb

Find a motherfucker and stand on top of him.

Roll a joint. Take two hits, and only let your dad take one.

>weed and wine


yah weed and wine fucks you up and good antioxidants

But doesn't acid make you trip out and shit?
He doesn't smoke

Make pot brownies. Take two bites, and only let you dad take one.

yes and its fucking scary ass shit but the weed makes it bearable and fun and makes you hungry, just watch late night clips the laughter keeps you from killing yourself, then go on 2 hour run trust me you wont want to stop running

I've drank liquor and smoked weed dozens of times how would it be different with wine, am I being baited here?

my god the fuck happened here

no difference just better for your health and wine with cheese is the shit,cheetos count, also you drink one glass and its like 3 beers 16 percent motherfucker

Buddy I'm trying to get higher than a motherfucker not get arrested

>how would it be different
Only one way to find out ya dingus

yo wtf i went to school with this chick.

what you wont get arrested just dont be an idiot, also wine is cheap as fuck 5 dollar bottles

Stand on one.

how fucking old is everyone on this thread, thiers millions of ways to get fucked up,

I get it.
I ain't laughing, but I get it.

Listen to Creed.

mushrooms are an unbelievable experience, never been more happy and excited in my life. Plus everything is funny as hell. Most enjoyable 5 hours I've ever experienced

go huff your dad's gas tank

Stop lying faggot, otherwise post pics
If I'm tripping balls why the hell would I go on a run, that's like guaranteeing an arrest
We're talking about getting higher than a motherfucker, huge difference

"The Knockout"
A Gravity bong filled will beer.
You drink the beer and the low pressure fills the bottle with smoke.

Look it up.

rich piana

I dont know where to get shrooms
What's the difference?

dont got pics but thats torrey pines high school.