What scares you Cred Forums?

What scares you Cred Forums?

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NOT A DAMN thing



>inb4 posting on a Japanese catoon site

I have a slight arachnophobia but I want to get rid of it. Anyone who knows how?

Eat a spider

Just learn about different types of spiders learn which ones are poisonous that's how i over came mine so far

Where I live aren't any poisonous spiders, their bite would feel like a bee sting if they could penetrate the skin

Worst fear is already happening
Being alone

We know.
And I'm not referring to the black population (I'm not black), but the people of this thread.

Giving my best shot at life, and coming short.


Instinctively.. It would be heights.
Mentally, it would be to become the alcoholic that my father is.

Is this your worst fear ?

I would certainly hope not, if your worst fear is saved on your computer........ It probably isn't your worst fear :/

open water.

That's a good one, I'm this guy.
I feel both vastly open spaces of water is just as bad as heights, which I also feel is normal considering we're just animals who aren't biologically able to fly or breathe water.

Hmm yea I see that maybe he wants to overcome it but that sounds dumb

That my mind will erode in old age, and I will end up on a slow downward spiral of ability and understanding that I will not notice. I will eventually die a pathetic shadow of the man I was once upon a time, and none of my achievements will have stood long enough to be noteworthy at the funeral.

What I am afraid of is that when the time comes, my hands will be too shaky to load a single nine millimeter cartridge into my pistol, I will be too weak to rack the slide, and I will have nobody who loves me enough to help me leave this world a man before I am destroyed completely.

So are you alone in life ?

Live i soo scare to life

The only man I would trust enough to ask this favor of may shortly need it himself. I don't honestly know if I would have what it takes to smuggle his revolver into a nursing home, but I wouldn't be able to deny him without losing all respect for myself. I would feel like I had betrayed the man who was there for me when I needed it the most. I would have robbed him of his last scrap of pride just as much as Parkinsons had.

Let's hope he never asks.

not existing. I can't wrap my mind around the concept. the possibility that when i die, i might cease to exist is utterly fucking terrifying to me

yes, i'm aware of the flaw in reasoning here. If i don't exist, how can it hurt or affect me in any way, etc.?

still fucking keeps me up at night

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Sorry user I hope as well that he does not
But I also hope you may not need it either

got Huntingtons, my 40's will be fun!

Dieing alone and unfulfilled

I've been having a recurring nightmare about a man with no eyes watching me sleep and its actually starting to really bother me. Couple nights a week it's like I wake up in the middle of the night and there's a guy in my room with no eyes, just empty sockets just staring in my direction as I sleep.

That's not good actually

Here's to hoping. For both of us.

I would much rather go out as a quarter mile concrete stain while I'm still in my prime. I don't want to spend the last decade of my life watching death coming the way a cow stares at an oncoming train. That's not living, and I want to live until I stop breathing.

Nah I'm sure its fine.

Legit, you should probably talk to somebody about that. Even if it's just telling a friend about your recurring nightmare, there's probably something brewing in your subconscious that you need to get out.

Stress? Guilt? Anxiety over your mortality? I don't have the degree to figure that out, but I CAN tell you to talk to someone who does.

I know this feeling too. Trust me it's the worst thing in the world. You'll never feel like you're good enough..

Hillary becoming President.


the pure stupidity of todays culture


Uncertainty in life



Agree but really, deep down, it's not being able to reach my goals and losing everything I've worked for due to my own mistakes.



>they're like sheep, you can't kill them!


time is going by way to fast. the last 5 years flew by like dust in the wind and the next 5 will be even quicker and before you know it ill be a miserable old man who will die alone


Not ever improving from mental illness. Although, I've "accepted" a lot.

I'm posting shit that scares the living hell out of me.



actual life. i wish i would have stayed in the void, to have never touch the light because now i will know what it is like. i hate my life but i am uncertain what is to happen after death, i am scared of which doctrine is correct, i am scared if none are. i wish i was never born. i wish i never had conciseness. it is better to not love at all, for then you never miss it

jump into tank filled with live spiders, you will instantly conquer fear.


then you're a pussy


Knee injuries

Dem Killer Nigclowns popping up all over the US

cause then you'd be dead nigga


loxosceles reclusa feels like nothing more than a mosquito bite, if you feel it at all



Is this a pic of that recalled IKEA nursery furniture?

Quick sand


Actually, can relate. Once the knee or hip goes, kind of fucked.


pocket sand

Loud noises

Someone touching me

Walking at night but I'm good if I have my knife just get paranoid.

Waiting in lines gives me really bad axiety.


>no eyes.
>watching you sleep.
He probably just doesn't know where he is, help a blind fellow out, man.

They're Hillary supporters, they must be safe.

Going through 3 ACLs has scarred me for life

The fbi!



Honestly, I have the exact same fear. When I watched the final episode of the Sopranos, I wasn't good for a few days. I mean, it wasn't the show ending or Tony dying, it was the connotation of the ending. The straight to black. The nothingness. It scares the shit out of me, man. I really hope there is something out there after this, I think there is. I hope there is.


Being alive.




To be fair, my dad's completely separated from the family, he was an abusive alcoholic and would beat my brother and sister, but I was the youngest so I was spared, but when I got old enough he finally hit me and that was the final moment when we left.
We still meet now and then, but right now I'm waiting until I'm old enough to see him on my own so I don't have to fucking sleep over every time.
I still think it's weird that I was the final straw, I kinda wanted to leave after the first time I saw him lose it, I didn't think it was fair for my siblings. As of right now I drink now and then but I don't party, nor do I even like getting drunk, but you literally never know what'll happen in the next years. So I guess in a way, our fears are related.

Please dont an hero MacAulay Cuckin

The occult

I don't exactly fear anything per say, but I'm certainly not fond of the idea of no afterlife. In my opinion it goes against science, because consciousness is energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred. With that said it's perfectly plausible for consciousness to have always existed and to continue to exist past the death of a flesh based body.The thing is though, I don't think we'll ever really know for sure. But that all depends on how the future plays out.

>postions of responsibility
>the concept of mortality and the infinite state of death that awaits us all.
>lonliness and loseing touch with the ones i hold close
>my ever frequent demonic night terrors and sleep paralysis
>when the toast pops up too fast and i wasnt paying attention.

The inevitable reality that one day I will have to pass beyond the veil of Death like everyone else. Not knowing if I will be reborn to a good family or face the torments of hell for the things I've done. That is the greatest fear: the unknown. Having a knowledge of what happens to the body as it decays helps a bit, but what lies beyond scared the shit out of me.

As long as use use turn signals and dont wear tapout shirts you should be okay in the afterlife i think.

I completely get what you mean.
To try and comprehend not existing for as long as you already did before birth, and now all of a sudden after billions and billions of years, we live for what.. 100 years tops, and then what?? How many years will go by next? Will there even be a next?



The concerned face of the dude on the right. Yeah, we fucked merica.

"Killer Nigclowns" I've officially heard it all.
This is the funniest thing I've ever seen, why is he wearing a clown wig? wow