How should I kill myaelf Cred Forums? Trips gets the final say

How should I kill myaelf Cred Forums? Trips gets the final say.

Toaster in bathtub

I don't have a bathtub, sadly

I won't get trips but I recommend this. I tried it and only lasted 2 hours

Do a 1 man 1 jar with razor blades in the jar

Shotgun to head

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Ill give it a try.

I doubt that'll kill me

The image raises a fair point. And I do have a shotgun. Feel free to reroll


dont od it mang

Give my 5 good reasons

extremely hot
extremely cold
with no exit

Are you implying hell exists?

Try drinking bleach

Don't do it user

Give me 5 good reasons

Delete this .png from your HDD, you fucking NIGGER.

Quadruple homacide then turn yourself in. Piss off the biggest nig in there

Confess publicly that you are a pedo then let nature run its course

Favorite one so far

Old age after a fulfilling life

Swim into shark infested waters wearing a suit made of dead fish

dont do it life always repeats itself and you will live the same miserable life you live right now if you kill yourself, try changing your future into a good one or you will never escape hell

I wish that was in the cards my friend. I really do.

Dress as a girl
Cut your dick off
Go out and free bleed in town while blaming men for your oppression
Bleed out

Is this a belief of some some sort?

you shouldn't do it


Of course good sir. The guy who told me about it was fucking insane but shit if I didn't feel better afterwards

Go down with a bang, shoot up a school. Do something heroic. Get it on cam as well

yup lol well with this mindset i dont wanna kill myself as much anymore

Give me 5 good reasons

sliced wrists in a bathtub.

I meant if it had a name. And I'm glad this worked for you

Don't have a bathtub

Im glad, man

yes, that's right


Doubt it

spend your life trying to solve problems you see. Build it into a business and use your wealth to help others.

If only it was that easy

You don't kill yourself. Get out, do something diffrent than staring at the screen

Im drawing as I wait for responses

Well if you're good at drawing, get better at it and become an artist. Don't kill yourself because it's selfish.

I mean I am waiting for a tattoo internship, but I doubt it'd work out.

Kill yourself to death

What did your elf do to you to want to hurt him

Thats the idea

What do you mean?