Murrica hate thread

murrica hate thread

>god-tier: be from EU

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Looks like he's low on fries, and that big gulp dosent look standard issue. Gonna have to shape up if we're gonna kill sand niggers today


>europoors butthurt this bad

How hello diabetes type two here

Feel free to beat us any time you want eurofags



65+44 = 109

already did

Not to mention every conflict in the past 100 years we had to bail Europe out of.


ever heard of Vietnam, Iraq... you amerifag

I know you guys have no education but cmon dude.

USA ain't the god damned global superpower for no god damned reason.

You mean when the frogs and Britts pulled out and we went in? Cunts

check my dubs, and this. america is destroying the oceanS

The only things worth a shit that came from Europe were the USA and the Beatles. All else is complete faggotry. By the way, how are those refugees treating y'all?

Did some dude shit in s Walmart or something?

we do


>The only things worth a shit that came from Europe


my god that's a hansom work of art there, that is

The USA has started most of the conflicts since WW 2. The US taxes the shit out of it's citizens yet gives none of the benefits other nations do. The USA is number one ONLY in a few things.

Highest prison population (per capita)

Military spending ( still falling behind)

Everything single other thing the US sorely lacks at.

Quality of life
Financial freedom
Property rights
Personal freedom.

Killing things and putting people in cages is America's best talents. Explain again why you "woo hoo ! Murica"

Tell that to the taliban.


USA would be considered 3rd world country by most


You mean Isis? We already whooped that ass.

Fuck you

3rd world? Kek

>what is the definition of a 3rd world country

Fuck yeah

>Really high murder rate
>No healthcare
>Weapon problems

Really sounds like 1st world

and to the fuckboi The definition of 1st/3rd world derived from cold war to an economic point of view. Autistic americuck.

What show is better. Monkey dust. Or ugly americans.

Cheer fag

3rd world? USA is THE world.

There are two countries in the world: The U.S.A. and Restoftheworld-istan.

By "whooped", do you mean gave weapons and material support? Educate your self


tfw you trigger amerifags because they lack education

more like murica jealousy thread. Man it must suck not to be American, I pitty you euro fags, cucks to your government hahaha

Sure it is user. Sure..not like everything isnt made/owned by china.


when will amerifags realise everyone has been making fun of your autistic asses since forever ?

It sure sounds like pure autism when you convince yourself otherwise

Go to bed faggot

We'll liberate them all eventually.

yeah just say words instead of addressing your cuck problem. Have fun being a slave to your goverment and the sand niggers they're letting in droves into your shit union.


>stuck choosing between Hillary and Trump
How about you liberate yourselves first Amerifriends.


americucks saying eurogods are slave to their government

>Trump vs Hillary


thats only cause those fuckin gooks couldnt speak english. if they could they would've reveled in saying the world nigger all day long. At least 52% of the words used in a day would've been nigger.

Since 1776 when we told you to get fucked and kicked your ass?

Niggers don't know about my Gary Johnson.

Snake you're not supposed to inhale cigars.

You mean when the french were there to save you from being brexit slaves ?

Are you guys really that fucking retarded to not know your own history ? damn I knew about quality of USA education but even then I'm surprised

problem is neither do whites or LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE


Trust me the French were paid back for their assistance in the 20s and 40s cunt.

And in the 60s with Nam.

both WW were already over before USA came in you autistic amerifuck.

WW2 was by far over with Stalin closing in and UK, murifags came in when it was over to reap benefits, its a fact.

Same about WW1, Economic war USA just joined it once the war was secured.

I'm from the US, and this user is absolutely right. Our government armed our enemies.. But to be fair, the majority of my friends and the majority of people I've spoken to all know how fucked up our government is.. Denying that fact is just choosing to live in the dark.. Most of the first world countries have far more freedom than we do..

Oh really? The war was over before we invaded Normandy for you? Fuck off faggot.


kek being that ignorant
same amerifag who told me when I visited: "We helped kick your ass for the brits during WW2"
yeah right.

Yes it was lol.
There was a very famous "race" to Berlin before Stalin arrived and there are many many documents about the Nazis knowing it was over way before Normandy.

Thats why Hitler was already in a bunker... so much ignorance.

Its not all that bad, nowhere else in the west are the poor as free to choose between wage slavery and starvation.


You can literally move to Bosnia and expect to live longer than you can in the U.S.

>founded by tax avoiders
>bankers make the government pay them because they can't afford to pay taxes and loans they already owe to the government

It comes full circle.

You French?
>He French...

And Patton whooped that ass.

no german

You're absolutely right. There's a phrase you hear constantly when talking politics here in the U.S. And it's "I love my country, I hate my government."

Answer me you pussies.

Looks like someone put shit on canvas.

eufag here

are these fat fucks really about to vote DONALD TRUMP into the white house?

top fucking kek, how retarded are they?

Ever notice the standard icons used to refute criticism of the USA are all decades old? It's because America doesn't do shit these days but start wars and put people in prison.

Here's the deal: the united states is the fucking promise land you fucking faggots. Accept and show your tits or gtfo.

The fact of the matter is that popular vote doesn't really mean much in the U.S... Even if every person in the country voted for candidate A, the electoral college could ignore the populating and put candidate B into office.. The game is rigged, the table is tilted..

How do they determine freedom of the press? What criteria do they use? Really in the US you can say anything you want unless it's a threat of bodily harm or some shit. I realize a lot of our press is beholden to advertising dollars but the government itself doesn't tell news organizations what they can and can't say.

This chart doesn't take a lot of things into consideration. We are dealing with some unique problems. The US is largely a mish mash of tons of different cultures that largely all hate each other. Even the white people don't get along and we haven't for centuries. They are all insulated enough to have formed their own cultures. One of these cultures' ancestors were brought here as slaves and selectively bred like dogs. Even though no one alive today had anything to do with the transatlantic slave trade shit is still pretty raw and always will be. It's basically the Israel vs. Palestine bullshit peace is never going to happen. That is going to bring your numbers down a lot.

Very. Like, on a scale of one to ten, they are a C, because they don't get the concept of a scale and can't count that high anyway.

You have no idea how many dumb faggots in my country don't realize this.

And this kids: is how propaganda works.

my theory:
It's tied to our countries fascination with zombies. We have consumed so much apocalyptic imagery that we now have a subconscious desire to see the world burn.

We also recognize subconsciously that that is exactly what would happen if ol' Donny was elected.

Thus, without realizing it we are all compelled to push Donald into the white house so we can realize our apocalypse.

theres a small chance im wrong

>mfw land of "freedom"

its been a fact since ever that Stalin was the one who beat Hitler.

Only US fags can't open books.


I think that's over-simplifying it a bit, but accept that Stalin was a major contributing factor.

yeah I'm oversimplifying for the purpose to trigger a little bit.

But in reality the US part in WW2 was purely economic and they waited till the war was already secured.

It helped that they came through normandy but its not too far fetched to think Hitler would have lost without it.

> mfw land of "freedom"

This. I keked so hard. Please compare the size and population of the US China and even Russia to Britain or Germany.


Oh fuck its al gore

lol @ eurocuck hurt bottoms. I guess my bottom would be sore too if I grew up in a culture of constantly losing. Must cause bottom soreness to know that your countries once ruled the planet, but are now are completely dominated by your former colony. Your countries have had thousands of years to figure out this whole civilization thing. We come around and 200 years later we are the most powerful nation in history, and the only thing keeping Europe from being at each other's throats is our military presence. Feels good to be superior.

>desire to see the world burn
I see more and more people like this here in yurop too, they don't trust the state anymore and want vigilantism. a very dangerous trend I think.

The only thing that's going to happen if Trump gets elected is four years of total congressional and supreme Court cockblock and him writing a book about how he got to be president. People keep forgetting we aren't voting for a king here in the US we have 3 branches of government and Trump has severely pissed off everyone in those other branches.



>mfw people actually believe that
>mfw people vote for trump
>mfw US is the most cucked nation in history
>Can't even have healthcare or very basic labour laws


The US is just like the EU, some places are shitholes, some aren't, and some are really nice to live in. You can't expect any country or economic zone as large as the EU, US, or China to have consistent quality. Its easier to have a high quality of life when you confine it to a country with only a few million people.


Euros be salty

the first picture is true, I believe most amerifats don't even know where europe is

u mad


>hurr durr mrkns r bad at geography lelelelelele

Well you can exclude GB from that list now.

Ps how does it feel knowing that your ancestors were European Amerifat

That was in no way how it went down when we last elected a fucking moron (Dubya) into office.

how do we even talk to people who believe in ancient laws like the death sentence? savages

much furiouso detectedisimo

and your grandmother would have been raped by invading russians. Ask east germany how things worked out with their russian overlords.

awww no apocalypse?

rats :(

Euros have no idea how dominant muricas navy is.

>mfw user posts a lick about GDP
>mfw user doesn't realise post contradict itself because he's too retarded to not compare US vs One part of Europe
>Mfw he's American so actually not surprised by stupidity

Most likely french, as due to radiation it turned white.



What if your'e FROM the land of the fucktards? Can I still join in?


Americans have to idea how bad their country is due to indoctrination

You just typed a huge paragraph telling everyone about how offended everyone else is

Meanwhile your children are indoctrinated with our shitty culture via MTV and Facebook. You will be erased !

Suck it europoors


Did we stutter, faggot?

feel the Fahrenheit mutherfuckers

Good one

Wanna talk about all the murder recently by muslims in the US?

Orlando shooting ?

>Way more deaths in the US


Yeah they are

Dubya was a Republican party finger puppet.

The Republicans are not going to pass legislation to build a wall around Mexico. There is no fucking way. There will be no one to cut the lawns on there golf courses. There is seriously no fucking way the Republicans are going to "renegotiate" trade with china. They can't use slaves in their factories building there plastic shit from poisonous chemicals because of the 13th amendment so they need China.

Trump will either drop all of his shit and become another puppet or face four years of cockblock.

>we consume like obese greedy sacks of shit
>we do so better than anyone on the planet, in fact

...Woo, America, f-fuck yeah?


>You just typed a huge paragraph telling everyone about how offended everyone else is
>huge paragraph
>5 sentences

I don't understand how you can hate a whole country of people.

I'm from Europe, and live in Europe, and I will openly say that the USA is one of the greatest countries on Earth. Europe is suffering under the dominance of the cuck-state of Germany and the idiot Merkel. The USA has its problems to, but it provides a quality of life that is unmatched. Of course, you have to earn that life, and deal with all the idiots who complain that the system is specifically preventing them from earning that good life.

Yeah LITERALLY NO CIVIL UNREST in the US. This ist the most retarded propaganda maymay ive seen since the last "FACTS CAN'T BE RACIST" "infographic".

Why did auto correct change all of my theirs to theres... fucking fuck.

Left out the final step: apologize to muslims

Lazy youth Us confirmed only downhill from now on gg

You are really too invested in a shitposting thread


The Brits went in with you in Iraq.

Also, in vietnam, America was defeated by a bunch of red gooks in pijamas hiding in dirt holes with wooden sticks.

>user too retarded to realise Eurogods see Amerifags as a zoo
>You guys are literal animals we watch for entertainment
>Your election = our TV show

dont you EU cuck faggots have some muslim cock to suck?

Wow must have been because it was a whole bunch of kids that were forced to go die in a war because of the draft

>We're autistic
Just stop

Which is the better scenario how, exactly? The Republican party are a bunch of obsolete fucktards. In any functioning democracy they would be disbanded, with the majority going to a new Libertarian party and the remainder splintering into various minor affiliations.

>16trillion GDP
>19 trillion debt
china could rent you for more than a year

Democracy at its finest

sometimes they are funny to watch, but they have very, very big teeth

This isn't really something to brag at all. For starters, America's population is the highest of any western country, but most importantly, you cunts spend a ridiculous amount of money on sports and athletic facilities. Obviously you perform well at the Olympics. At the end of the day though it means fuck all. Give us a call when you sort your healthcare and education systems out.

True dat

The US lost the Vietnam War at home. There was nothing stopping us from rolling over the 17th parallel and killing every man woman and child between there and China except congress and the threat of thermo nuclear war.

>being american in 2016
>not killing yourself

That was nothing compared to the amount of crime Muslims commit in Europe. Enjoy getting cucked by your Muslin rapists.

kek, one day every single american will be in prison

>typical amerifag
>buh muh facts from Cred Forums told me EU has problems

Nothing is more cucked than the US, get over it. You guys are literally chosing between an old fuck pegging you or a disgusting fuck fucking you.


Kek. I mean, literally, this is kek, the man behind "bloody games".

How is that better? The Republican party are old, impotent, and angry in the closet homos but they are seasoned politicians and are sane for the most part. Trump is just a retard who wants to be famous.

hey eurofags!

Also, check'd

This is exactly what happened
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to point this out.

The US didnt bail anyone out of anything.

WWI started on 1914 and ended on 1918, and the US joined at mid 1917.

WWII started on 1936, after the spanish civil war, and ended on 1945. WWII effectcively lasted for 9 years. The US joined on 1944.

WWI was basically Brits and Russia against Germany.

WWII was basically Russia against Germany, (+italy and brits)

Basically the US only joined to be able to say, "now you all owe me", and steal losing countries resoirces such as intellectual property and research.
Where si you think you got your rocket science and modernd physics from?

The only war the US actually started was Vietnam. And you lost it. You lost against some illiterate baboons with sticks and stones in a jungle.

But i don't blame the US for brelieving they saved the world. They got their education from their movies anyways.

Another fact, Chin, Japan, and Russia had been fighting since before the 1930's. The war lasted a whole lot more that 10 years for them.

If the US had joined the war during that time, you would've either quit, or switch bands like Italy. But by ni means would you have lasted any more than 3-4 years.

Good good. Let the butthurt flow through you.

The US did help keep Hitler out of Britain, the US acted the same way it did in World War I. Enter late and throw their weight in which pushed an already struggling, probably losing Germany over the edge.

Perfection, the Cred Forums is strong in this user.

>Only 19% understand evolution
>0 Mandated vacation days, 0 Mandated maternity leave days, 0 Mandated sick days
Oh no. We work hard.
>Monolingual and considered worst Anglo accent(s) along with Canada
By who, Europe?

>mfw this Americuck is so cucked by propaganda he thinks 0 mandated maternity leave days and 0 mandated vacation days is something to be proud off

The French were in Vietnam and couldn't handle it so we took over faggot. And they definitely signed a treaty of defeat that they reniggered on so we carpet bombed the shit out of those gook bastards just like we will do to eufags when big D trump gets elected.

We finished off Japan and nobody that was in Vietnam wanted to be there.

In the past 24h you mean?

Fuck cares? I'm not American but I'd live there in a heartbeat. It's a great country and people there are happy.

rednecks think evolution says we came from apes. Only 19% of americans are not retarded

Lol the soviet union won the space race

yo euros, when we show up to clean up your mess

>be american
>be proud of not having basic human rights
>Cuck level over 9000

We didn't just finish off those Japfags, we started it and anally fucked them with American made bombs that the own fucking euros came over to help with. Even eurfags don't like that shithole of a continent, that's why they move here permanently. We just visit that shithole.

Fuck you, your fucked politicians banned the Russians

Are these passable photoshop skills in europe?

> implying this fat guy wouldn't completely embarrass you in any confrontation

Reminder the soviets won the space race and america is a paper tiger

Our basic human rights are so important to us, we have them written into our oldest legal document.

We'll bail you out again soon though. On our rascal scooters that you bitches drive as vehicles.

murrica fuckyeah, I don't care if my fucking piece of shit neighbor dies of sickness, not my business. so free.

best post in this /thread

wow a guy was on a dad small dead planet and stick a flag into the ground. amazing. how many dollars did that cost? how much schools could you build or hospitals?

This. The people have autism and spam the " a few farmers with aks" meme don't realize any of this.

If the Japanese hadn't woken you up at Pearl Harbour, you'd still be making Ford engines and Zyklon B for the Nazis.

America hasnt done anything that isnt evil in its entire history. Its really remarkable

you mean like every single not common law country in the world?

Great job USA. You copied stuff Europeans had for centuries.

So you think you're safe in the US of A waging wars with proxies like ISIS?


We should've just stayed out of it so we wouldn't be dealing with you eurfags. Hitler would've been a much better alternative.

The French hardly did anything there.
My point is, the US fought most of that war, and lost it.

>Finished off

Lol, that's like the typical nigger who gets in the fight after the white dude's already on the floor after being ganged by the whole crew of nigs, and kicks his head.

Friendly reminder that the US han been pushing Japan for around 6 years to coarce them into declaring war against you. And you were so pathetic as to deliberately set up the attack at Pearl Harbor, a shipyard full of decomissioned battle stations that were going straight to the garbage a few years later.

You basically spit at Japan's back while they were too busy fighting the war, and finally pissed them off once war was over. So you let them dispose of ur garbage for you, and nuke them while looking like heroes again.

>We started it.

Japan had been had the war since 1930
You joined at 1944


That was technology you stole from the Nazis

World War one, our additional troops turned the balance of the War.
World War II, our manufacturing base, called the "Arsenal of Freedom" where we sent war materials to most of the Allied nations including Russia and Great Britain insured that the world didn't fall under the heels of a bunch of Goose Stepping Anti-Semites bent on world domination and extermination.
We kept the balance in the Cold War. Had we withdrawn from Europe after 1945, it's likely it would have been absorbed by the Soviets.
We turned the tide, (Thank George W. Bush btw) of HIV/AIDS in Africa in the last decade.

Except the genocide of the American indians and meddling in 50 or more countries around the world just because they would'nt agree to you colonialists demands.

Exactly. We come from the kingdom of autists (europe), so it makes sense that we have that shit in our blood

Red - countries that crashed a satellite because they couldn't communicate what measurement system they're using

The space race was about getting to the moon, nothing else. America won that race. End of story. The only reason both countries were even able to get to space is because of the Nazi scientists they stole after WWII was over. So both countries can thank the Nazis for their space accomplishments.

US: 320 million, 104 medals
UK&Germany: 144 million, 109 medals

We were ahead of the Germans in the race to make nuclear weapons. We stole the uranium to make them from the Nazis not the technology.

Even worse we sent our inbreds and retards to create your country.

>Mfw USA literally have for ancestors the outcasts Europe didn't want anymore

Bitch there was no war before 1941 y'all bitches just opened up the gates and let the Nazis in. The only even slightest attempt at making a stand was the Siegfried line, and that reeeeeeally worked for ya.

You've just been unmasked, a Nazi amerifag.
What makes you think I'm a Euopean?

And we still beat your asses in the revolutionary war. Fucking redcoats walking in lines.

Seems to me like you sent the wrong inbreds and retards

Vote trump you pussy ass fag

If from Europe,

Go get an education shit cunt

There was once a time America and Europe cooperated... now the eu is slowly colapsing becouse of some poor ass syrians running for their lifes and USA is also more an enemy than an allie if it´s about refugee´s.. (you faggots killed your nativ population you all are refugees) Back before the eu was a thing there was only war and i know and hope who would win if that´s comming back becouse no one wan´ts to be rulled by those french motherfuckers

If you're not American then you might as well be faggot.



You mean how the french saved your ass just to piss off the brits because you were powerless cucks?

Nice revisionist history ameritard.

>not knowing your own country history in 2016
>Not having killed yourself when you are American



>Posting on Cred Forums
Hey, uh, you know this site was made by an American right? You do? Oh. That's right. You're just a butthurt faggot. Carry on.

Actually smallpox killed our Native population. There was no way we could've beaten all the Native Americans.

The French supported the south financially during the Civil War though so it all evened out.

Hey, uh, you know this site literally copied a japanese website and didn't invent shit ?

Oh right, ameritard. You didn't know.

They picked the right side.


By sending supplies. Thats it. Try harder next time. Maybe have some tea? I am better than you. Get over it.

except he sold it to an asian. what now freedumb

and smallpox just popped into existence or what?
your grand parants were european and the only reason germany isn´t ruling the world like it´s suposed to do is that hitler was an tactical dumbass who was more interested in gasing jew´s than keeping the econemy going


Actually didn't see one (and I live in a country that's on their route!) How is that cancer you fuckers call presidential campaign treating you? Also, would like to have some of the money we borrowed you back.



> aditional troops

Even the equipment h were using was british
Just kek

In WWII you joined when it was already over. Just chug it in already

>Didn't have weaponry to match Brits
>"Thats it"

You guys had no chance of winning thats you cuck begged the french to come help you.

Cuck since day1.

Very weak bait

Had the US not joined the war effort but forced American industry to stop aiding Germany, the Allied forces would have won anyway.

>Ranks the NHS at number one in nearly everything


you realize the image you posted is literally poking fun at how autistic america is, right? please tell me you are being ironic.
let me dismantle your shit though

>lol @ eurocuck hurt bottoms. I guess my bottom would be sore too if I grew up in a culture of constantly losing

what has america literally ever won? you lost to FUCKING VIETNAM. Only time america ever won anything is when you nuked japan and everyone thinks you are d'bags for that.

>Must cause bottom soreness to know that your countries once ruled the planet, but are now are completely dominated by your former colony

are you talking about britain? it reads like you are talking about britain. none of britain's former colonies are ruling over them. jamacia, hong kong, india, south africa.. nope.

>Your countries have had thousands of years to figure out this whole civilization thing. We come around and 200 years later we are the most powerful nation in history

americans actually believe this. you have the most nukes. you ever seen a downy go hulk-mode? fuck that shit mate. literally noone likes you america. influence>fear. just remember the kid at the front of the classroom, you know the one that collected that white, foamy gunk around the corner of his mouth and drew pictures all lesson and the teacher ignored them, but they would bite you if you tried to interact with them? that's america

>Feels good to be superior.

USA wins AGAIN boom.

NHS for the win

Americans don't borrow, we take. Faggot.


All the scientist involved in the manhattan project had been either german, or used german theoretical physics.

Oh i'm sorry, Einstein and Schrödinger are american last names

>Being a bigger cuck then eurofags
The wall is coming and you're going back

Television license.
No guns.
People left your country to come to america.
Drive on the wrong side of the road.

Ehhhh. Slavery was economically really bad for the US. If it had continued this place would be a 3rd world shithole. We should have gone with the North's original plan of freeing the slaves then putting all those niggers back on boats and sailing them to Liberia.

>and smallpox just popped into existence or what?
>European education



whell irony requires intelegence and im sorry for you can i help you find your behindertenwerkstad

It's kind of like that in Japan, too. The NHK guys come around demanding fees. I just pretended to not understand and they went away.

>most powerful nation
>mfw this is what murricucks actually believe

You've made me have a change of heart. I love you faggot.

>We're autistic

Low tier bait
Try harder next time


My apologies. I will strive for perfection from here on out.


Aren'y you ashamed of your elections, the worst in history

ill bite
how are you enjoying your migrants?

Yay, I live in Austria

I love these Ameriahate threads.
Bunch of candy ass, left wing, eurofags pissing and moaning about shit that has nothing to do with their country...
Oh wait... The US Dollar is the world reserve currency. Oh well, guess you guys shouldn't have tied ALL global trade to the dollar... Why did you do that?
Oh I remember! It's because over the past 150 years the US has been responsible for every major technological innovation and major advancement in human activity on this planet, and it generated SO much wealth that you fuckers have been riding our coat tails ever since.

Sure, I'll acknowledge that we have had our problems over the last few decades, but we're still here, and when we get our shit straightened back out, all you euro fucks will be banging on our door again wanting your fucking hand out. So be carefull of the enemies you make today. You might need them tomorrow.

That's right before Andrew Jackson kicked yalls ass for a second time

The point of the image compeltely flew over your head

I wouldn't be to proud of living in that shithole faggot.

trump keeps losing like hes use to doing esp when it comes to money. He most recent loss was to Clinton in the debate. Only 27% went to trump the rest went to Clinton. Looks like Clinton's are moving back into the white house and becoming a dynasty and theres nothing YOU can do about it ;) trump basically killed himself now all theres left to do is bury him ;)



Hey eurobitchez, our athletes are better than yours! Fuck your faking injuries cuckball.


29 + 11...
does not equal 46
you still lose
but i see what you did there, the 'everyone gets a trophy' method by counting totals.
typical for a socialist commie who enjoys his migrants.

>be american
>don't realise you are worlds laughing stock
>don't realise people talk about you because they make fun of you
>literally autistic.

Einstein left Germany in 1896. He wasn't a Nazi. There were many many people in the Manhattan project and it was and joint effort between allied nations. None of which were "stolen nazis".

It was discovered after the war that the Nazis weren't even on the right track to building nuclear weapons.

Another butthurt murican.
Wanna whine out another 5 paragraphs? I'm sure they'll be dripping with real intellectual thought like your first bumbling herpa derpa diddly derp was

Suck our merican cocks eurofaps

>clinton shills actually believe that

Get em.

>don't realise you are the worlds laughing stock
I don't really care t b h. Let them laugh. The more they think it's terrible over here the less likely more people will move here.

>Believing mainstream polls
>Believes Hillary will make it into the whitehouse before her illness gets to her first
>Hillary supporters actually believe this
nice winky face

America is literaly falling apart, how can somebody not see that? Yeah sure i am not saying Europe doesnt have problems on its on, but America is a new whole level. You are going to have worst president in history no matter who wins, your debt that is ALREADY colossal will be even bigger, and niggers will be worse pain in the ass every day, hell look at them apes demanding their own country already, this thread is pointless it should be obvious who is in bigger shit. Oh yeah and before someone starts about rapefugees, i have yet to see a single one with my own eyes

>on a small dead planet
>dead planet
Apparently we still had enough left over to build more schools than you Eurofags.

Once we exterminate all our niggers, nothing on this list will be a problem.

We can handle 300mil+ pop while you fagz have to break up into worthless little cuntries to handle your shit. Fuck you Europe!

Total euromedals > total murican medals.
So, if you want to call out the entire eurofag-population then you would get your ass handed to you.

a) who the fuck is that?
b) Jesus H Christ that painting is god-awful.

This has to be horse shit. Number 1 in rapes per capita? Really? Canada is #3? Canada? Come on now. There is plenty to make fun of the USA with without making shit up.

That's because our history developed different cultural identities

and what great things america does with this GDP.

You're not a real continent, you'll always be Asia's bitch.

Pick up a history book. Read it. Check the stats for production and army size. Realize that the USSR would have singelhandedly won against Germany given enough time.
So. No. Hitlwer was out either way.


This whole USA/EU argument aside (you guys are really so much alike no one else can tell you apart. Deal with it.) How is Europe a continent? It's part of asia.

whe lost to wars to you but still whe are superior by the factor of 8. Eat numbers you stupid faggots.

Because we have the money and means to do so you europoor faggot. Dont be made cause we actually have working systems and your shithole cant do much but scrap together an abomination called bubble and squeek

Kek! sure. How are those state finances working? Good thing China got you hooked up to all those loans right? I mean, being so solidly in the hands of a dictatorship must be real nice.

A Narcissistic nation, doing what Narcissists do.

Ehm...Flag proportions are wrong