Hey Cred Forums, I have warts on my foot (pic related, not me ) how do I get it off me?

hey Cred Forums, I have warts on my foot (pic related, not me ) how do I get it off me?
>inb4 show feet, cut it off etc.

Looks more like cellulitis

If the bottom of my feet looked like that, I'd sandpaper them raw and get some Dr. Scholls and antibiotic cream for the healing period.

which is?

Duct tape for 12 - 16 hours a day.

Do this for two weeks.

It will permanently get rid of them. I has a giant one on my knee, several on my fingers, and other random ones all over me. (around a dozen in all) I haven't had a wart in 15 years. The duct tape worked better than anything bought at the store... The one on my knee even survived the liquid nitrogen treatment by a doctor.

>Op can't inb4

No it doesn't.... Lol.. Cellulitis looks infected with pus and shit. Like MRSR..

has = had

Op here, I actually already bought Salicylic acid bandages, will they work?

You could cut your foot repeatedly with a razor and rub in cayenne pepper. This stimulates the immune system to attack the problem and has the added benefit of making OP cry like a little bitch.

Also I just put one on which is why I don't want to remove it to take a pic

They didn't get rid of the problem completely for me. I think I actually used some salicylic acid under my duct tape for my knee since it was the largest one.

bath your feet with potassium permanganate, use talc before you put your shoes on and use neutral soap to wash them. Will be gone within a week

>potassium permanganate
As an Op on a budget where would i aquire this substance for cheap?

These are not warts.

Op here, these are not my feet

Those are plantar warts. You'll need to have them frozen off.

looks like pitted keratolysis, due to a bacteria. Easy to heal in 3-4 weeks of daily treatment with antibacterial cream and antitranspirant

Op here, thanks user, I will keep this method in mind if my Salicylic acid treatments fail

OP, if this is some small craters and it smells, look for this : . treatment is pretty cheap also

provide pic if you want a better diagnose.
Clean exif if you want

In a drugstore or hardware store it's not sold anymore but some have spare


> (OP)

I had something similar on the bottom of each foot when I was in TRADOC.

What the doc did was shave the warts down as far they could (typically til they just started to draw blood) once a week to expose the root. Then I would apply salicylic acid a few times a day for the next week.

This went on for 6 or so weeks til the root was dead. No recurrence since then.

It's not warts that's athleates foot just go to the walk they'll give you a cream change your socks more often

this /thread

After getting the ones all over my hand frozen off several times by a doctor, and trying all different kinds of over the counter stuff, I finally killed them all by accident with industrial parts cleaner. None of them ever returned.

I ha done giant wart on the bottom of my foot for at least 5 years, tried special bandades, creams anything but nothing really worked. eventually it came off. just keep trying anything the doctor tells you

for real, is this true?

You have any pictures or anything? I get occasional planter's warts on my feet, but used to get several a year on my arms and knees.

well, it may have just come off because your body learned to fight it off. Warts are a virus, and if you leave them alone, usually in two to five years, they just fall off and don't come back.

No, it was like 1997. Long before every device on the planet came with a camera stuck in it.

But yeah, totally true. I worked as a tow truck driver for a tiny shop out in the country at the time. I had these things on my hands for over a year at that point. I wore driving gloves most of the time to hide them or covered them with small bandaids. One day I was working in the shop since there were no tow calls and ended up having to wash some greasy parts off in wash tub with whatever heavy duty cleaner they used. The things fell off within a week. Just suddenly gone. That was the only thing out of the ordinary I could think of that I'd been exposed to.

Only way to kill it is with fire. Burn your foot black -BLM

i say quit with the footjobs

I used to cut them off with a sharp knife, slice, pick and peel. Yummy, foot skin jerky, mmmm.

If you have an aloe plant in the garden (any should do) cut a medium size piece of leaf, about as long as your hand. poke it in the cut to make the juices flow and rub it all around your foot, between your toes. if the juice stops flowing cut an inch off and poke it in the cut again. Cover both feet, even up to the ankles. Don't walk around for about 15 mins, for it to dry. It'll feel a bit sticky, but oh well. go to bed with it on. Next day wear shoes with socks, especially the pair you wear often, the one that stinks the most, wear them for the whole day. When you take them off they'll probably stink bad and the aloe might have colored your feet a reddy color. it's safe. just bath shower as normal. I did this the other week, by accident leaving it on the next day. My feet are almost normal. I reckon one or two more times, and I might not have to leave it on a whole day, and it'll be gone. My shoes and feet stopped smelling for a week afterwards.

scroll down for pics

If you can find aloe, it's free. also works for scratches, insect bites, burns, pretty much most skin ailments. lots of uses for it.