S-should I go to Cred Forums, what should I expect. I've heard many stories

s-should I go to Cred Forums, what should I expect. I've heard many stories

Other urls found in this thread:


expect a ton of faggots

fat bigots having a racial/religious pissing contest into eachother's assholes

Expect a lot of white power tryhards belching out "cuck" every other word and people trolling them for how easily upset they get. Good times.

Trump Hillary / Donald Clinton

Trump shill threads
Anti-Trump threads people accuse of being shill threads
Dozens of posts about brown people in Europe
Meme magic

>anyone who doesn't have the same opinion as me is a bigot

I've gone there a few times, It's like Cred Forums and Cred Forums had an abortion that was curiously entertaining to watch

Cred Forums = zero fun. Seriously. They're assholes.

>this user is a bernie cuck supporter

Hi, Cred Forums here

Why you faggots are so triggered

>Boo hoo they showed that I habe no idea of what I'm talking about,fucking assholes

Sworn to fun. Cred Forums has zero fun to be had.

expect to open your eyes

As you can see, we have plenty of fun

Expect the same sifting through shit that you have on Cred Forums with shills, spam, bad trolls and just general shit.

Where are you getting "triggered" from that post? Dude seems to think all the idiots there are entertaining.

30% fakes electoral maps declaring trump the winner already
25% Hillary wearing an earpiece in this specific split second of this video
25% Posts advertising trump videos or rally schedule
20% outrageous claims with brebhart as a source

Micky is all about community

Pol is really a miserable place to be. I've been addicted to it for years. Just stay away. Your whole outlook on life will be ruined. It's only really interesting when there's been a major shooting or bombing. They're mostly extremely stupid as well.

Fuck Cred Forums, bunch of googles. Cred Forums is where we get shit done, son. Everyone crying about muh normies getting pepe, we memed him into the presidential election and made him a 'hate symbol'. Come get redpilled mate. Shadilay.


Tow the line or get bombarded with accusation of being a shill.

Troll difficulty: easy







Biggest win so far. Was cring when i first read that. Legendary win.

So you got immediately denounced and ignored and somehow that made you a successful troll? Guess we have lowered the bar for trolling at this point to include even the most retarded of mouthbreathers


Go for the debates
Stay for the Bantz







>if you disagree with me you're from reddit
>if you disagree with me you're from Cred Forums

you're both part of the problem


You have no power here kike, your pathetic attempts to hide the truth are wasted here.


Here's what the kikes don't want the goyim to know.


your on Cred Forums aren't you? You'll be fine.


Expect to have your views changed, honestly its a joke at first and then you start having more conservative views. Don't worry you wint turn into a nazi but you'll joke about them more



you've proven that reddit was property of a jewish
but the content itself is produced by various people. I've seen some racist shit that Cred Forums wouldn't denied on some subreddit
meanwhile Cred Forums is the property of a japanese and I'm not going to praise japan just out of nowhere just because the owner is japanese

I think I give it a try. I'll be back in a few

It has basically become Cred Forums, just alot more trump threads. Cred Forums sucks.


It's 99% shitposting, the other 1% is actually good content.

Just click the link, and find out, you fucking faggot.
I think what he's referring to is the majority user being of alt-right, anti-semetic, racist teenagers.
Having the differing opinions one thing, but trying to defend your position to kill all Muslims is not a valuable opinion, sorry to burst your bubble.


Like Cred Forums but with less Hillary shilling because they have poster IDs.

Just don't get triggered by the satirical "tha j00s" posts like most of the faggots in this thread.



Cred Forums is the last hope for our precious 4thChannel.

Thanks, I reported you for bigotry/racism. Enjoy your ban.

Cred Forums is shit so is Cred Forums
But Cred Forums gets shit done while Cred Forums circle jerks.
None is good, nor bad but if you want to join the Cred Forums army you already know the answer.
It's nothing you haven't experienced before on Cred Forums but it's true! Cred Forums is more organised. So if you want to troll a act as part of a team, join. If not carry on posting porn on Cred Forums.





Reddit is heavily censored and only has ONE agenda. Sure, they let a few people off the leash so everyone doesn't catch on, but don't kid yourself goyim.



You do realize Japs hate jews a niggers more than most, don't you?

nice one cuck

>You do realize Japs hate jews a niggers more than most, don't you?

There are only 3 type of people in this world. Jews/Niggers, those that hate Jews/Niggers (which includes a suprising amount of people from the previous category), and cucks.

Jews are the greatest enemy the white man has ever faced.



Really? I'd end up with a bunch of kikes shooting up my office if I drew a picture of Moses?

Yeah, but do the Jews execute your ass when they get pissed about an antisemitic cartoon?

You do know the adl has classified pepe as a 'hate symbol'?


No, they'll just rob you from the cradle to the grave with usury.

Have a baby at the hospital, owe a Jew.

Want to go to college, owe a Jew.

Want to buy a house, owe a Jew.

Want to die and be buried, owe a Jew.

Cred Forums is what happens when any ron paul fans turn super racist after someone pays to fill an image board full of right wing bullshit. Pic related. They're all just tools of rich white kids.

Next they'll be saying a cartoon frog is the cause of Hillary's health issues..

And again, how many people are going to end up shot because of that?


Cred Forums has the best memes tbh fam

Its not about direct action, its aboit political and financial control. For example cultural marxism from the frankfurt school, resppnsible for a lot of our current issues. Pic related

I have the feeling there are only autistic basement fags on Cred Forums that have never talked to a female ever in their pathetic life and are now tring to find someone/ something to blame for their extrem beta-ness

still fun to fuck with them though

Whats on pol? Sometimes manlets projecting fears and power fantasies. Sometimes sensible discussion of touchy nigger subjects. Obummer was objectively a good president though. Trumpo will objectively be bad.

Have a meme


>and are now tring to find someone/ something to blame for their extrem beta-ness

Well, that's all friends, threads over.

Cred Forums spotted


fuck this Cred Forums just makes me angry. no fun. back to Cred Forums