Cyber is a threat

Cyber is a threat

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epic fail

Hillary is a fail


this. hillary can't even into cyber. trump has the best cybers. he has a ten year old son. such computers.



>we have to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is a, it is a huge problem. I have a son.He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly do-able. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing, but that's true throughout our whole governmental society

[actual transcript]

how is soros a "nazi collaborator"?


trump is an idiocy test and half the nation is failing

The only reason i have to vote for trump is that i do not want a left wing agenda pushing court.

Congress and the senate will stop anything trump tries to do anyways. so thats not a real threat.

However if clinton gets in we get a left leaning court that will shit all over the constitution for years to come and set rulings in place that could fuck us over for 50 years.

George Soros was 3 when hitler became chancellor.

a jewish 3 year old

>believing that Trump will have any loyalty whatsoever to the establishment
>the same establishment that tried and failed to evict him three times from the RNC

enjoy 2017

Well i see we got better.

I mean last time around we put obama again.

do you know how to read?

>she's been there for 26 years. For 26 years and none of these things have happened.

just listen to both men speak. you're salty because you disagree with liberal policies, but obama (hell, mccain and romney too) aren't actually retarded. Trump can't even form a full sentence.

i was going to vote for Trump until he said I was 400 lbs.

>i'm only 375

This is now a Seinfeld thread

Implying that any other presidential candidate ever was not a lying criminal.

>implying he can get fuckall done if congress and the senate blocks him

With Hillary i KNOW we will get fucked with the court.

With Trump its a maybe.

do you? he's saying there's no reason to expect trump to act like a conservative once he's elected. he's barely playing the part in the election.

Translation: Trump will install liberal SJC's too. Look up ANY of his old interviews, before this round politics, he's been completely liberal for 30 years. We're getting liberal SCJ's no matter who wins.

>Trump can't even form a full sentence.
he's Palin when she decides to present as male

If you have nothing else good to say about Trump, at least admit him/his campaign are fucking in tune with internet culture. Hillary is an out of touch retard.

and most everything got better. Where is it that you people live where you only see america going to shit? I live in medium city in a southern state and they fucking clean the sidewalks here daily. It's fucking paradise here, and most of the US considers my state a backwater.

pretty soon gays will be marrying

vote trump, save america


I took the 400 as a complement, but it did remind me that I need a new mattress, this one is starting to look like a recliner.

he and his campaign are out of touch, or do you think Cred Forums is his actual campaign? the dude doesn't even know what cyber means.

the only things Trump has in common with internet culture is thin skin, an overwhelming sense of entitlement, and a complete lack of self-awareness.

you're right sorry

It's okay I don't know how to work a tap either

I think his campaign has no clue about why you retards are behind him, they are just happy to have conned you. You guys made the memes, you made the movement, then you crowned an idiot to lead you. What a waste.

I mean i think gay married couples should be able to protect their pot plants with guns.

>at least admit him/his campaign are fucking in tune with internet culture

Sure, but it's a completely fruitless endeavor.

Trump is pro gay

>les miserables
>400 lb guy on his bed

Compared to:

>no reason to expect trump to act like a conservative once he's elected
he's not even going to act like one when he loses. when asked if he'd accept it he lost to Hillary, he said he'd "absolutely support" her. not accept, but absolutely support.


When people use Ben Garrison unironically, you know it's getting ridiculous.

I'm voting trump because America needs a president who can really cut a rug

I'm cool with this

You seriously think Trump wouldn't be using these if he wasn't a millionaire buying his way into the White House? Hilarious.
You mean like tax evasion, bankruptcies and criminal law suits levied against you for shit business practices?
You mean like telling everyone that you raised $3million dollars for our veterans, and then telling everyone that the money mysteriously disappeared into your campaign fund without your knowledge? Meanwhile the veterans you promised to help are left with no medical care, no money, and no jobs?

ITT Trumpfags try to ignore their own hypocrisy by accusing Hillary of crimes he's guilty of too.

It's amazing, how we're all grouped in with trump supporters. I honestly don't support either. But we have a generation who see this as the last chance. Their swan song if you will. They don't care what she did, it's a Woman as President. Shell game for the Baby Boomers.

do you know what a campaign even is? it isn't any Cred Forums faggot who happens to support a candidate.

>be trumpfag
>know candidate is a piece of shit
>only remaining strategy is to attack opponent

If you suck Trump's cock, tell us why it's so tasty, not why Clinton's pussy isn't.

This is great.

i've noticed only my female pot plants have buds and this is really triggering me. do they make gender neutral pot plants?

I find it absolutely appalling that more people aren't aware that Trump is a puppet.

While I'm not surprised a lot of people aren't aware, considering the average human being is a blithering fucking idiot.... it's still surprising to me that even an idiot could figure it out.

Keep taking the bait. You fucking worthless newfags to life.

my bad man, but I have to make some assumptions you know? It's a binary contest, and you seemed to be saying positive stuff about trump. I'm not a fan of either candidate either, but I despise trump and only dislike hillary.

you can actually get plants that have both male and female parts by stressing them out in certain ways

>implying he can get fuckall done
Living proof that every President will require approval from Congress to pass any laws or get ANYTHING done whatsoever. We voted him in to clean up Dubyas mess, then blamed him for making it in the first place. And then, we ignored his policies and backed Congress, who shut the entire government down before trying to reach across the aisle to work with a "nigger". Trump will not be able to do a goddamn thing if Congress hates him, as we can clearly see right now.

and at the end of the day you're still a fucking sheep....

so... carry on

ok...what do you recommend the "sheep" do? Sit at home and call both sides sheep? Very effective.

Thats funny. Because clintonfags never talk about why clintons pussy is so tasty but they love to talk about how they thing trumps cock tasts bad.

I have no idea where that concept comes from. And I used to live in Florida for fucks sake. America's doing fantastic right now, aside from our foreign relations obviously. Our economy is strong, we're recovering from the recession at a steady pace, gas prices have plummeted so far down that we've had to set a minimum price that they can't go below. We're doing awesome right now. It's just a fear mongering tactic. That's all the GOP has ever had up its sleeve, the promise that our country will go to shit unless you elect their candidate who is more oft than naught an illiterate dumbass who can't make it into office on his policies alone.

Go vote in a pre-planned and rigged election. VERY EFFECTIVE!!!

I don't really care... I half hope a meteor crashes down, and wipes out half of humanity anyway. Most people are worthless scumbags that have no appreciation for anything but themselves.

>be trumpfag
>avoid legitimate criticism by pointing out others' failings

why do you want to be like clintonfags?

a person with intelligence would say he uses too many word and shouldn't ramble.
but I never said you were a person of intelligence.

clinton has actual policies (as the debate showed), political experience, the support of her own party, hasn't pissed off half the nations on the planet that we have to work with, etc.

but go on, I'd love to hear about why trump's dick is delicious.

I have a photo that proves the moon landing was faked. Contact me telepathically and I will tmail it to you.


It tastes like ivankas pussy. Closest we'll ever get to her.

>called out for criticizing clinton instead of defending trump
>responds by criticizing clinton supporters instead of defending trump supporters

does he use too many word? how many word do he use?


>>Trump: "I am a shit candidate"
>>Trump shills: "He doesn't mean that"

'When he's elected he's actually going to fall in line with what I think is best for the country.'

According to FBI interviews:
> Clinton “could not use a computer,” according to notes from the Abedin interview.

>Longtime aide Monica Hanley said Clinton didn’t know what her own email password was.

Yeah, Trump saying "cyber" is the real issue...

>he uses too many word

This is the person you want to put in charge of a global diplomacy, look at him.

I feel like Trump is a snake in the grass, but I'd rather have him than Hillary any day.

He also doesn't seem to know anything about computers or the internet, which doesn't surprise me.

out of touch. liberal buzz phrase.

The only reason Clinton supporters love her is because she ISNT Trump. What does that say about your candidate? People hate him SO much, that they're willing to vote in a criminal the entire country has hated for over a decade. He's THAT bad for our countrys future.

And by the way her pussy tastes so great because she has over a decades worth of experience IN politics, shes presenting ACTUAL plans and policies, and she's not getting triggered on twitter over Megyn Kelly asking her hard questions to make her brain think good at debates. This isn't a popularity contest, the POTUS runs the entire nation. And you'd have a dumbass who just says "yknow" a lot over someone who might actually know what the fuck she's doing in there.

is there any reason to think his cock tastes good? How the fuck did we get to talking about the taste of the candidate's genitals?

the best words

why is it children think they have all the answers?

I just wish Trump would be honest and change his slogan to "make American white again"

>vote in a criminal
yawn. tired old tinfoil hat bullshit
>country has hated her for a decade
she's a politician
> she ISNT trump
They are the two choices we have. Hillary is the only sane choice. End of discussion for rational people.

Sounds like he's trying to say he has TB but misread the autocue.
>best words

most people speak this way.
millennials aren't very bright.

nigger please

Trumpets are a bunch of fags with no father figure so the want to suck the most authoritative cock they can find.

or foreign policy.
or international law
or constitutionality.
or the powers of the presidency.

They are both late 60's or 70 years old. Almost everybody that age is pretty poor with computers.

Shit they were like late 40's or 50 when the internet even became a mainstream thing. They probably still think dialup internet is black magic its so futuristic.

pot calls the kettle black.
nothing new here.

Why is it adults think they have all the RIGHT answers? They're the ones who got us into this mess in the first place. It's HILARIOUS that they're trying to condescend to us now that the climate is fucked and our economy went down the shitter because of assholes that YOU voted into office.

Boomers have no room to talk when it comes to knowing how this country should be run. We just got out of a decades long recession, thanks exclusively to your generation. So literally fuck your own face.

quoting the dude I was responding too you outoftouchy retard, whine to him if the phrase triggers you

Sorry - but you should probably learn the difference between a conspiracy, and a theory.

I'm not talking a theoretical situation.

Consider the fact that I might be aware of something you're not.

When Hillary is your next president (as I've known about for years), keep believing in the 'system' that alienated you before you were ever born.

remember these people claim to be intelligent.

Thats some real hebrew frankfurk school tier thinking going on right there.

nice shitpost

they literally call him daddy

worthless post

oh, touche user

>>When you crawl out of a recession and trolls want to rig an election so another conservative faggot can cause another recession and war.

worthless post
nice shitpost

Only reason I like Trump is because he isn't Clinton.

I don't find him worthy of being president at all.

Gary Johnson is a tool as well. There are so many brilliant people in the world and I'm supposed to choose between a sleazy lawyer carer criminal, an arrogant pompous reality TV show star, or a libertarian idiot?

head up ass

I was working as a waiter and it took me some time to learn how it's operated.

Because not only the filling angle but also the filling speed is important. Back in my days we even had the 7-min-rule; a beer has to be filled not faster than 7 min.

useful idiot

Sure... As a Hungarian, his legacy all started at the age of 9. If you're going to pass around propaganda, at least make it feasible.

I think thats just the jew Milo Yianopollous

Fact checkers said Trump's comments at the debate..... were all trumped up B.S.

Trump said: You learn more from financial disclosure forms than tax returns. - FALSE

Trump said: Clinton has been fighting ISIS all her life. - FALSE

Trump said: ISIS would not have risen to power if U.S. troops had stayed in Iraq. - FALSE

Trump said: Clinton flip-flopped on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. - PARTIALLY TRUE

Trump said that he never said climate change was a hoax made up by China - FALSE

Trump said that cutting taxes on the rich helps the middle class - FALSE

Trump said that NAFTA was the worst trade deal ever put in place by any nation. - FALSE


this list goes on, but you get the idea. Trump is 100% full of shit, and dishonest, and clearly not fit to be president.


Fuck me harder daddy Trump fuck me

her policy seems to be attack her opponent.

b-but at least he's not hillary!

He's not Hilary Clinton though. He'll always have the advantage of never being as terrible as that crooked, sleazy, murderous criminal.

>I suck cock to lick pussy juice
>calls others cucks

right about the not to intelligent part.

What a waste of breath.

You're clearly taking the bait...hook, line & sinker!

most of those are debatable, and saying clinton has been fighting isis all her life is a euphemism

thank you for proving my point about not intelligent.

school, you should have stayed in it


Also see
And come back when you're old enough to vote.

>babbys first election
You weren't even old enough to VOTE let alone vote for Obama in 2008, you 12 year old autist.


this is your problem kid. terminal butthurt.

yo stupid american what about that third guy. brexit ftw


this guy didn't pay attention. tell me more about trump's plan to defeat ISIS. his plan for bridging the divide between cops and poor/minority communities? say "LAW AND ORDER" a few times

I don't see how anyone can deny that clinton has much more fleshed-out policies on pretty much every issue. that's why she was coherent during the debate and discussed her plans. trump just rambled around the same 3 or 4 talking points and prefaced every answer with "Let me first say that Hillary..."

Trumps advisers are his own fucking children. He's fired everyone else. You want his kids running this country?

only millennials get triggered kid.
what a fucking failure you are.

he said she's been fighting ISIS all of her adult life. how is that a euphemism? a euphemisms for what?

Then don't vote whatsoever. You don't like ANY of them, so ANY of them getting elected would piss you off. This is our political logic right now. You are not required by law to vote in every single election. Abstaining can be its own form of protest, even if it isn't successful. It gives you peace of mind that you didn't lower your standards enough to support any of these assholes.

You clearly missed the point.

>not being millennial
>being late 30s+ and on Cred Forums
>calling others failures

im the best there is at cybering but you gotta wait between posts cause im crankin it

I really don't care that you're a millennial, I just don't want to hear you bitch and moan every time a phrase triggers you.


A person with intelligence wouldn't vote trump. They would see that he speaks like a 4th grader, which is why he is pulling so well with the uneducated. How many words has very little to do with his outcome. Rambling though is a flaw though, completely agree with that.

Trump supporters are trolls.

NOBODY could actually believe that he is a better candidate. NOBODY. He's proven for a full fucking year that he is a shithead.

Moreover-- what's his tax plan? How's he going to pay for this wall? The Mexican president has already told us to go fuck ourselves. What else has he even promised us? Nothing. All he does is get on stage and trash liberals, and then punctuate all of his points with "BOMB ISIS LEL". As if ISIS was it's own separate entity with a clear cut face, and not an entire region of the fucking GLOBE. That's over 30 countries he's trying to "bomb" immediately after he gets elected. That is literally a world war, since most of them have allies as well.

I'd rather support someone who cares about white people over lazy niggers. (AKA not Hillary)

>As if ISIS was it's own separate entity with a clear cut face, and not an entire region of the fucking GLOBE. That's over 30 countries he's trying to "bomb" immediately after he gets elected. That is literally a world war, since most of them have allies as well.

as life wears on you will realize how fucking stupid most people really are, and cease to be surprised at their idiocy.

>misusing AKA
Try i.e.

Assuming Trump actually gives a shit about you. Fuck off with that.


are you retarded? he's saying you can't just fucking bomb ISIS as if they were an encampment of roman legions. they're embedded in 30 different countries, you can't bomb them into oblivion without taking out 10x the amount of civilians as terrorists and starting a global conflict.

ISIS now has control over 30 separate countries, and he even said that during his speech. You cannot "bomb ISIS", you can only pick off their supporters one by one hoping the next base you get has their leader in it. But it won't. The problem isn't ISIS, it's the countries allying with them. Turkey included. Every country they've dominated has more powerful allies supporting them. Bombing one drags the other into an armed conflict, unless you literally have no idea how alliances work in warfare. In which case no wonder you're voting for Trump. We're bombing civilians right now, our headlines just dont include the body count so we won't feel bad about it.

pretty sure you mean i.e.
I don't expect anything more out of trump supporters, bless your heart

Hillary cares about all people, Trump only cares about himself, and his rich buddies.

If you're too fucking retarded to see this, then you're a lost cause. This is as plain as day with him, and everything that he says and stands for.

I am not 400 pounds how dare he.

take this, i have a feeling you'll need it in the future.

>ISIS now has control over 30 separate countries
Yeah, no lol. Rest is mostly true though, ISIS despite the name isn't a country you can just go to war with and be done with it.

it is a purposeful misuse, you literal douche nozzle.

The point was to get the words out "NOT HILLARY" instead of saying i.e. Trump.

2/10 try harder.

>ISIS now has control over 30 separate countries
Is in or controls? Because if you are saying conrols, you are going to have to source that

> he's guilty of too.

It kind of seems to me the Americans have to choose between two shit candidates.
This is the problem with "democracy". Money has too much power and people with bad intentions do the most in order to gain the money and the power in order to get more money and power. It is greed that drives them and the good, ordinary peple who settle for less wealth and don't care for the power never get to make this world a better place.

Fuck shit cock damn it
The only good system is dictatorship with a good lad in charge of everything. Obama was the best president US had in a long, long time

My reaction when Trump supporters ruined Pepe

>When Hillary is your next president (as I've known about for years), keep believing in the 'system' that alienated you before you were ever born.


It makes me tear up. This is now an honorary Pepe thread. In his memory.

Matter of fact, there's no guarantee that ISIS DOESNT want us to start bombing them indiscriminately like that. Think about their strategy thus far. They started off killing Christians, burning people in acid got our attention, then the refugee crisis happened and they just went silent. Nothing happened for months, and then they started saying their operatives were in those refugee camps too. And now, Brexit happened, the EU is trying to let in Turkey (who very clearly has an islamic fundamentalist leader who's people tried to forcibly remove from office), and now multiple nations have their missiles pointed at each other trying to stave off a world conflict. What better way to dominate a faceless enemy, than by turning the entire world against them (the US)? They knew this war couldn't be won on the battlefield. They want us at each others throats over terms like "moderate" vs "extremist", because when we're calling each other names we're not uniting together to stop them. By voting in someone who's going to try to bomb them, we might actually be playing right into their hand.


Trump and his supporters ruin everything that they touch. This is exactly why he can't be allowed to president.

>this is a quote directly from Trumps mouth in the presidential debate on Monday

I'm not pulling this shit out of my ass, he literally said "ISIS now constitutes over 30 separate countries".

I think yall mean the liberal dark arts im offended machine.

Hillary supporters follow the mentality of
>Ghetto niggers
>Lazy people who want gibsmedat
>and refugees
And as a New Yorker, refugees are the last thing I need in this shithole

He sure doesn't know shit about Isis since he also said Obama and Hillary CREATED Isis but it was formed in the 1990s. Just because he said it, doesn't make it truthful

He really was. If I could vote for his 3rd term, I would in a heart beat. Look at this shitshow we've created for ourselves. At least Obama has guided us through all the bullshit that's happened to us in the last 8 years. I'm comforted when I watch his speeches, because he always has an air of "don't worry, i have this shit very firmly in control" but most importantly-- he exhausts every possible diplomatic route before resorting to military options. Hillary seems like she would too, just like Bill did. But Trump will literally shit on the UN floor before trying to talk it out with a nation he disagrees with. And then he'll try to bar them from entering the US just like he barred Megyn Kelly from his debates. Is that really the leader we want for this country? I put it to you. And I leave it to you.

>ISIS now has control over 30 separate countries,

Bullshit, unless you mean there are 30 countries with a tiny bit of ISIS influence.

Even if ISIS has control of some areas in that many countries

>Every country they've dominated has more powerful allies supporting them

This makes no sense. Countries don't maintain allies regardless of government. If ISIS controlled Syria, Assad's allies wouldn't complain if America tried to bomb ISIS. If ISIS is in Nigeria, the Nigerian government will be glad to be rid of them.

Regardless, ISIS has proclaimed a world caliphate and is not like al-Qaeda. Their legitimacy, in the eyes of their supporters. comes from controlling territory and presenting themselves as a real state. They can't just retreat to their caves and wait it out.

And it's not like bombing ISIS means you have to bomb every country any ISIS supporter shows their face in.

> In which case no wonder you're voting for Trump

kek you just got wronger.


Trump wants to sell USA to Russia.

Morons sure sound moronic when they generalize


Oh good. So he was just LYING to us while being stupid enough to mix up an important fact his entire platform is centered around. That's so much better.

Hillary wants to sell USA to Spain.

Fuck you Trump supporters literally only want to elect him because they think he will reduce their tax burden. Gimme Gimme faggots who contribute nothing and blame Mexico for the fact they can't get a job.

got a dumb one right here.

Will selling USA to Russia really solve anything?

you have to be eighteen to be here kid.

I would have been impressed if one of them stated that dealing with cyber attacks is very difficult considering that it's basically an ever growing arms race of securing and bypassing.

>tax evasion

Um no, just because he paid no income taxes doesn't mean anything. Business owners pay capital gains taxes instead of income taxes, unless they also happen to be an employee of the company and on the payroll. Most just do the capital gains thing, which btw is a much higher tax rate than the income tax.

>criminal law suits
When has Trump ever been charged in a criminal court? Please name just one.... you can't because that's a load of BS and you know it.


Perfectly leagal, and businesses do it all the time. It is a provision in the law to help businesses restructure while keeping their doors open. This is good for the employees who work their, as they get to keep their jobs. Also Trump owns over 200 businesses, and had only a few bankruptcies. Less than 3% failure rate. That's extremely good since most new business ventures fail at more than 67%.

Keep trying though.....

>Not YUGE Profit
One Jeb

It's spelled "generalise" you fat retard. And he's right.



Trump is probably one of the greatest tricks pulled on the poor in recent times, he acts like he's all for solving the issues that only really poor people care about, but he's just gonna help the rich when he's in office and your problems can fuck off. A wall? Muslims? it'll never be mentioned once he's elected. Just tax breaks for the rich.

>Perfectly leagal,
It's "leagal" to be retarded, but it doesn't mean it's a good sign in a presidential candidate.

then there's this idiot

Thanks for agreeing but in Burgerland it's spelled generalize

Less than 3%

Even Hillary's fail rate is WAY above that.

more worthless posting.
being this new.

>>Makes thoughtful high effort post against Trump
>> "He idiot"

Selling USA to Russia, Trump thinks it's our only chance.

>not knowing how to greentext

>It's not like bombing ISIS means you have to bomb every country any ISIS supporter shows their face in.

How else do you propose to "bomb ISIS"? By NOT bombing their supporters? Fucking hilarious. Thinking that dropping a bomb in any territory that isn't US soil WONT start a war is just as stupid as thinking you can bomb an ideological entity like a theocracy. You cannot bomb a place and have them refuse to retaliate. That is not how armed conflict works.

Hillary is worried that trying to sell USA to Spain could cost her the election.

Jeb is a mess

the implying, the implications.
you can tell everything from a post.
that's quite some superpower you have there.

paying no income tax is cheating, and evading taxes you dumb shit. trump admitted that he games the system and gets away with paying absolutely no taxes. so stick that "hur: bu-bu-but he pays capital gains taxes" bullshit up your ass. he pays no taxes and thinks that it's fucking funny.

Pepe ruining Trumpcuck detected


the imagination of children.

you have some real reality issues.

> he exhausts every possible diplomatic route before resorting to military options. Hillary seems like she would too, just like Bill did.
>Hillary seems like she would too
>just like Bill did


wow. bitch being autistic.

What's he right about? Just like how all Mexicans are rapists right?

never said I was. you seem to be projecting your own hypersensitivity into this thread.

you know trump wants us to become russian slaves right????

Warren Buffet pays no income taxes, but pays very high capital gains taxes. Most business owners, especially those who own multiple businesses go that route.

>trump admitted that he games the system and gets away with paying absolutely no taxes.

you know Bill and Hillary are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, right?

Trump is old school why would he know about cyber secruity, all you need to know is he will fire the worthless people employed by obama and find talented people that are fit for the job.

>When has Trump ever been charged in a criminal court? Please name just one.... you can't because that's a load of BS and you know it.
>being this retarded
Oh lord...

>Keep trying though.....

this post was a waste of everyone's time.
didn't bother to read your failed ad homin attack.
comeback if you ever become an adult.


>Trump projects, in their entirety
>advocating breaking the law this hard
You cannot accuse Hillary of breaking the law, and then turn around and defend someone who's broken the law several times over by saying "egh it wasn't that bad". $250 million is not spare change. It's the budget of entire nations, in some cases.
>When has Trump ever been charged in criminal court?
Rape. He's been accused of tax evasion (Trump projects), profiteering (Trump University), and rape (Trump himself).
>bankruptcy is legal
That's not what we're discussing, kiddo. You can't advocate his business prowess if he has multiple examples of his LACK of business prowess.

Keep trying to condescend though, at least I'm providing sources for my claims. You're just sitting there saying, "yeah he broke the law. big fucking deal. BUT HILLARY BROKE THE LAW MUH EMAILZ REEEEEEEEEE". Hypocrite.

What a dumb fuck. No wonder you support trump

maybe they can rationalize things instead of just believing what others tell them.

Don't you dare associate Pepe with the inbred fucks who vote for Trump.

Can't you see his self esteem is already damaged enough?

>you can't even greentext properly and you're trying to one up someone

lurk moar. shitpost your daddys rants after.

the wall. seriously kid that meme died months ago.

Cant forget this gem

Hillary's defense for sending classified information over her private email server was her own technological ignorance, which is just to cover up that she's one of the biggest criminals of all time. You're a fucking paid shill, and I hope you die.

Just so everyone knows, Hillary pays thousands of dollars to this place called Correct the Record that pays neckbeards and numales to shill for Hillary all over the internet.

An "ad homin" attack would be a personal attack. Not one pointing at all trump supporters. But your post does prove that the uneducated vote for trump

Holy fuck! I can't believe that. Charged criminally at least 20 times, and even served a 2-year prison sentence for possession of cocaine.

I was on the fence, but fuck it, I'm voting for Hillary. She looks like a choir girl by comparison. Not even joking.

You faggots act like I'm making this shit up. I promise I am not. I'm either quoting him, or his administration, DIRECTLY. And it's ironic that you faggots take issue with what I'm saying. Because all I'm saying is what HES been saying.

thinking Hillary will.
both sides of the aisle want troops in Syria.
if I was you kid that would be my main concern.

YOU are threat

Looks like all the shilldren are home from school (AND they're homeschooled! They're -that- stupid!)

being this gullible.

better that then become slaves to fucking russia you dumbass. You wanna be a slave???

His 10-year old is really good with computers. You out to see him use a computer. It's really so great, so great when he uses the computer. So very great.


You know that you could say that about almost every President we've had since WWII right?

Including your precious Ronald Reagan.

nice childish imagination.
oh that's right you're more intelligent 'cause you votin' fo hilldog.

For the Trump supporters who watched the debate last night

what the fucking fuck. you should never take 7 minutes to fill a beer retard. 15 seconds is normal for normal beer, like a minute for a nitro.

another tard. if you can't back it up don't post it kid.

So, Donald Trump really does use cocain, I wonder if he'll continue to use it in office, as it's pretty obvious he was using it during the debate

Funny how he still brought it up at the debate on Monday.
>died months ago

I didn't watch any debate last night.

I watched the one the night before though, where he won as decided by the viewers and almost every single snap poll.


Trump just talks shit and responds in the moment he sees an opening to push his goals, the guy can't put a thought together without bouncing off other people (literally repeating back what they said with his own agenda rolled in) but it doesn't work when it is just Trump and his opponent

>everybody agrees we need housing
>many people
>many honest people
>various cities
>it's unheard of statistics
>everyone is doing badly
>when you walk around the cities today very few are doing well
>as far as the pass of laws
>nobody ever thought it would be possible for something like this to get passed
>and all of a sudden its passed
>and everybody including the united states government is left holding the bag

>...and alot of other governments by the way

more of the retarded left.
what was that about intelligent?
doesn't sound like it.

>Every single snap poll
>Dredge report and Fox

>hundreds of thousands

oh lawd....

claiming retardation. you guys are suppose to be the intelligent ones.

This is a Conservative Pepe

It represents the people who want to elect a shit head to start a war and ruin our economy.

It only appears once every 4 years.

Why do you even bother posting if you are not going to say anything?

The funniest part is probably where Putins outright said that he supports Trump for the presidency.

You can go ahead and google the phrase "Putin supports Trump" on your own time. There are literally pages of results saying this same thing.


more witty responses from the "intelligent" side.

>snap poll
1/10 for making me respond. Cred Forums raided them with proTrump votes. Surely you can't be this fucking idiotic so obviously you're fucking with us.

not caring about childish things.

You mean every poll that was flooded by Cred Forums and reddit multiple voters? Or do you mean the expert opinions from conservative and liberal analysts that say he was trounced, including fox news?

>Putin supports Trump

Which is EXACTLY why you should be NOT supporting Trump.

Vote Hillary, or support Putin..... your pick.

Are you a patriot, or a traitor?

If you support Trump, you're a traitor, and should be shot dead.

oh any real proof kid

Actually, both answers are correct. 'Generalise' is the rendition given in traditional British English whereas 'generalize' is the one given in the American.

Trump is, by all definitions, an unintelligent person who yells a lot, this resonates with the unintelligent American people, which is a large portion, especially in the south.

Hillary is smart, but pretty bad at hiding how inhuman and corrupt she is, she resonates with ultra-liberals and progressives who will just vote for her out of man-guilt or some shit.

America is fucked either way.

nice selfie.

>hurr cocaine
None of those say a damn thing about Trump being a cokehead.

Nice attempt at attempting to discredit the real shit so people won't read it. Why are you Trumpcucks so afraid of the truth?

solid evidence right here folks

sure kid

>Cred Forums raided literally every single one
>you can only cheat on snap polls in favor of Trump
>no one voted multiple times for Hillary
>if snap polls don't support my views, they're shit.
>CNN's poll showed Hillary as winner, so it is the only one that is accurate.

Hahaha this fucking guy can not make a comment with any counter points.
Just nope you are wrong. That's not true. Liberal media. Its like we have trump right in the thread.
Proof was just given to you, Its really just sad you refuse to look into it.

you are sweetheart.

>$0.10 has been deposited to your account by Nimble America

>sure kid
Said everyone who was called out for bullshitting

>this much damage control

This is a good candidate who tells it like it is.

I don't support either, you're linking to the wrong user. Or you're literally retarded. Neither would surprise me at this point.

>Support Putin
In our nations history, Russia has been the only country who's presented a legitimate threat to our interests. This goes all the way back to the post WWII Red Scare. Our relations with this country were always shit, and he'll support anyone who could possibly bring us down. He's an imperialist, as we see with Ukraine and Crimea. Whoever Putin supports is the wrong horse to back every single time. Guarantee it. And most of this tension is just leftovers from the Cold War.

Ultimately though he has a point. He only got involved in the Middle East to stop us from creating yet another power vacuum that we'll have to fight in another 8 years. Bay of pigs, Iran Contra, this is not the first time the US has supported a rebel group to oust the leader of a country that refuses to serve our interests. Same song and dance, different names and faces. Most of you are just too young to remember these things.

I believe you did attack trump.
intelligent? don't think so kid.
implying I support him doesn't help you either.

One of Trumps best friends in the whole fucking world is Joseph Weichselbaum, look him up, he's one of the most famous Cocain traffickers in recent history.

Recently Trump called him a "Credit to the Community." AFTER he was convicted.

Trump does coke.


>implying Cred Forums even had enough votes to make a difference
>implying that the polling data was almost entirely theirs

>being this retarded.


being this childish

Take it from a guy who does a lot of coke. Joey Diaz is going to explain to Trump supporters why he's a criminal and a shit head.

PERSONAL attack user. To the person you are talking to.

"directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining."

Once again, you are a fine example of a dumb ass
( Thats ad hominem )

This is all true though. We blew up an Iranian centrifuge with some SOFTWARE. He clearly recognises the threat cyber attacks pose to our infrastructure. Meanwhile she willfully violates our security measures. A

the debate was Monday. way to fail.
the intelligent side strikes again

fucking hilarious.

>being this mad

wow, i guess the jews are better than you if they can accomplish that much at three, how do you live with your worthless life

every thread. if this is so true post it on you face book then.

Pearls before pigs

doesn't understand the response was for him.
this is intelligence?

In other words

>expecting a 70 year old businessman to know shit about computers


and he is so disqualified from being president on that fact alone.

the DEA is looking into this now at the request of Howard Dean.

Trump's fucked.

Are you for trump?

Are you saying that Hillary is an enema of the state?

more words, more pathetic.
she won't notice you. none of them notice you.

>the DEA is looking into this

I just read that earlier. I hope this is true. Oh fuck, so much fucking win will be had.

>expecting a 68 year old politician to know shit about computers

because this is Cred Forums. try Cred Forums if you want a debate.
that's right, coward. sorry I forgot.

She knows how to delete

>excusing his stupidity this hard
It's really not rocket science. If you don't know jack shit about a certain topic, don't talk about it. You'll sound like a fucking idiot. Even kids know about this.

Hillary knows so much her IT guy goes to reddit

yea but Hillary isn't disqualified at all especially not after all her scandals

implying this is a thing. well maybe to the "intelligent" left.
we all know what a google bomb is newfag.

Hillary knows computers probably better than many people here do.

Trump is computer illiterate, just like he is pretty much everything else illiterate.

He's dumb as fuck, like almost every single republican candidate before him.

What an absolute retard.

If we both say the same thing without showing why you think that way, you get no where.

>IT guy googles the solution to his problem
>this is news to everyone apparently

Clearly none of you have ever actually WORKED in IT before. That's literally all they do. Google the solutions to their problems with a general background knowledge of how a computer works. Its even a meme in their community, for fucks sake.

'Alleged' but never proven.

Just more bullshit that the GOP keeps slinging at her, even though it never seems to stick.

they fucking asked him on a debate, what was he supposed to say ?

yeap, hillary is a disgusting woman-lizard.

Trump is at worst, an idiot who does it for fun.

>implying she knows anything
She's just parroting whatever her advisors say

Yep, everyone on this planet is wrong and you're the only one who's right. And pages of google results couldn't possibly be more accurate than your omniscient knowledge of the inner workings of every single thing on this goddamn planet.
>fucking millennials

>le republicans are dumb XD

These are the people that support hillary

So you are holding someone to a higher standard than the other candidate. Gotcha. Really holds faith in the person you would like to vote for. Someone who needs a learning curve to even match up.

>Hillary knows computers probably better than many people here do.

again with the retardation. the cold war is over kid. longer than you have been alive. to be this retarded in the modern age is beyond me.

>Cred Forums

so much this!

Trump was convicted several times. Hillary has never been convicted.

I'm guessing that Trump was able to buy his way out of the felony charges, because I don't think felons can run for president, but I could be wrong there.

Putin is waiting for an opportunity to pounce on all the countries lost during the disbandment of the Soviet Union. An isolationist like Trump will give him this opportunity. If Trump wins, Putin gets more powerful than ever, possibly starting proxy wars and another Cold War era. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to have another Cuban missile crisis type situation on our hands. Trump couldn't handle something like that. Thus, the only choice is Hillary.

President Obama is giving the internet away (american assets) without congress approval which is against the constitution. Like rules matter to presidents...

>ok let's plan our next bombing run on nazi germany
>excuse me sir but nazi germany comprises almost 634,000 square km, how can we hope to bomb all of that

Do you honestly believe that in order to bomb something, you have to bomb ever single part?

>Thinking that dropping a bomb in any territory that isn't US soil WONT start a war is just as stupid as thinking you can bomb an ideological entity like a theocracy. You cannot bomb a place and have them refuse to retaliate. That is not how armed conflict works.

It won't start a world war, which is what I'm disputing. The idea is ridiculous.

And even though what you're saying is different to what I'm arguing against, it's still bullshit. Hence no war with Yemen.


Admitting you know nothing is wiser than acting like you know something you don't. At least it shows humility. But nope, instead he just rambled on about how great his son is. Like a 40 year old at a picnic, showing their kids photos to anyone who'll listen. The fuck do I care about your kids knowledge of computers? It has nothing to do with the future of this country.

I can't believe anyone on Cred Forums is agreeing with this idiot.

didn't comeys questioning today prove it enough to you? she's also proven to have smashed phones and iPads with hammers to dispose of them

childish speculation isn't the truth.



Is that why she had her cell phones smashed with a hammer?

"HUR: destroying that evidence guise....."


Except Trump literally said we need to kill the civilian family members of ISIS.

>you are holding someone to a higher standard
What is this supposed to mean ?

I'm not that fond of Trump, but I like some of his economic policies and some of his opinions on foreign policy. He might make a good president, if he gets some good advisors around him. He is not fit or suitable to be president, but heart is in the right place, at least.

Clinton has no redeeming values, to me. I hate all of her policies and I hate her corruption and history of failures. At least Obama had the charisma. She doesn't even have that.

nice rant
pick one

Well, its either that or a guy who is known for fucking people over any chance they get.

being this stupid

>like rules matter
Congress matters. And he's been a lame duck specifically because Congress does not like him. Shitting on him for taking the internet away is ironic at best, since Congress has been trying to do just that for the last decade.
>CISPAs endless series of lather rinse repeats legislation for example

Who gives a shit what fucking Trump said? The claim
>ISIS now has control over 30 separate countries

>she's also proven to have smashed phones and iPads with hammers


where? fox news?

oh lawd....

Obama already drones schools, weddings and civilians.

Yes she does have policys...
The un just said Americans need to pay reparations to all black people for slavery
Hilary said this is a great idea and to pay for it all white people will pay 10% more in taxes


That's a different issue you're moving to because the original claims were bullshit.