Hear my story Cred Forums!

Hear my story Cred Forums!

>be me
>med student
>lvl108 procrastination wizard
>having neuroanatomy test tomorrow
>don't know half of it
>make the call
>get 100% pure amph straight from the lab
>shit is strong
>learning like never before
>feeling blissful
>realize I have other shit to do tomorrow
>compulsory party to celebrate too
>won't sleep for 48h

It's 4am here and I'm already 20 hours in. Note, that I've tried the stuff a few times (obviously inferior shit) but never did such a long session before, I admit I'm a noob.

Being such junkies, I ask you Cred Forums, is there anything I have to watch out for? Any recommendations?
Also you must have some sick mixes in mind that would blow my brains out rn!

I am seeing this turning to a general drugs thread and you know what I'm fine with that.

pic related is my stash

How did you make such a good connection to get something as pure and quality as that? Is it because youre a med student or just lucky?

meh I'm more worried about killing myself tonight.

med students do not have access to meth by virtue of being med students. totally unrelated.

just make sure you stay hydrated or you'll feel like a 6ft stack of shit.

My contact (a real fucking junky) has this friend who opened a brand new lab. It's running for 2 weeks now actually.
He gets his hand on the pure, unmixed stuff straight from the machine.
My shit was freshly cooked yesterday

just had 2 eye droppers of tincture but you don't see me bragging

it actually is
it's just the reason I had to use such a spartan method
fucking brain won't learn itself yknow

anything else user?
calcium maybe?
i've heard it depletes real fast from your system on this

why isn't anyone replying to me awesome posts and pucters? IMDASBES

you guys realize i'm not bragging right?

Blue is the best OP. U snort or smoke? Bang?


I'm doing some smack this weekend, ever since I got to college I've been limiting myself to weekends with suboxone during the week to fend off sickness cause I have a script

only one man can save this thread.

atheists 1 god 0

I dissolve it in water for better dosage and longer absorption
call me a faggot, but I don't want to get batshit crazy for learning

you are making my fucking day user!

way to go!

amphetamine isnt meth dummy

If you've always sucked at remembering what you're supposed to be doing and getting things done and avoiding constant daydreaming, you would probably meet the criteria for ADHD-i. Then you can just buy dexedrine or Adderall or Vyvanse (or methylphenidates if you prefer) from your local pharmacy. It tends to be more expensive, though also more consistent.

now that's an interesting thought
anyways, i don't suppose i would get such a diagnose since im an eurofag

Vape that shit op!!
That rush will show you they way it really should be consumed.

See you after loosing everything including common sense

I imagine myself in the morgue in front of the professor not being able to answer his questions cause my jaw is locked shut
