Haven't seen a rekt thread in over an hour. Help me out

Haven't seen a rekt thread in over an hour. Help me out

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump been waiting to



Did they lower the webm size limit? I can't post half my old shit anymore



Here you go, Op
Got some oc right here

Pleae dont post the razor beheading, its a rekt thread killer





Is it gay if I want to be fucked in the ass by a trap?


>Did they lower the webm size limit? I can't post half my old shit anymore
Yes, japanese moot reduced the size limit after that polish fucker started uploading webms with files inside them



You are the one who is suppouse to be fucking us


but Im a female, I dont have the equipment

You said rekt, not ylyl, kek

post tits or gtfo

Someone has the full 10 min video? I was late and got deleted from liveleak before I could get it





What happened to baby berd?



Thats the worst I've seen in here..fak

really? not this shit?

that fucking file name. kek!


either way it's gay as fuck.
wanting to get fucked by any dick is gay. FACTS
and feminine dick doesn't exist as much as masculine pussy

he said that? then he deserves it (?)

schwink! you just got hit by a shuriken! send this to 5 friends or get diced!
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Did they skin his face and vacuum the remains?

See, this is why I hate ghettos, they do shit like this so they can be jobless, AND get disability. It's 2016, who street fights anymore it's retarded. Unless you're professionally fighting then you're an idiot.

>muay thai instructor

>bikes in a freeway


I'm all for good rekt vids, but as a new father I hope that bitch gets fucked backwards by a pineapple

Story on Polish fucker? I'm slightly glad to know there is at least a reason other than bandwidth for reducing file size limits to last year's.

Fuckin file size limit. Still haven't watched the video with sound.


they didn't like him very much


Nervous gas

checked and story?



fuck, i love that video. its in spanish, has to do with gangs or some shit. its off liveleak on some other site, with sound

decent build up


how hard is it to get a head shot at opint blank? fucking noob.


i guess just as hard as typing "point".


Filming on a blackberry

Fried curry

that's just your human selfishness.
You picture it being done to your kid so it pisses you off.
when in reality you do not give 2 shits about that kid in the clip.

user I'm not sure you want to see it. Its some heavy shit, especially with audio

god fucking damn. Who the fuck just sits there and films this terrible bitch doing this to a kid

nice file name

I live in the town that happened in. It was her ex cameraman. You would think he'd know how to make a good shot.


I dont really like rekt threads and stuff and seeing ppl die or feel like much anyone should but this nigger is so stupid it pussed me off and i felt goof seeing that


That's projecting a bit user. I care a great deal and I don't have kids. I watch rekt threads to get mad. Mad that I can't help. Mad that these humans exsist.

>Examples of Rekt.

>Not Rekt. Just examples of
gore and fucked shit


Gotem fam

I wish I hadn't watched that. fuck

You are imagining it happening to a kid you would/want to have.
You don't give a shit about the one you see int he clip.
> Mad that I can't help.
Yeah you can. Volunteer to help abused kids.
But ya don't do ya?

That fucking bonk at 0:15 gets me every time

Niggers gonna nig




is ded user... is ded... :(


Me when I was young:
>stayed in the shop during lunch by myself.
>put my new stroker crank in the lathe to polish it
>boss comes back and I'm sitting there with no shirt, its wrapped around my crankshaft.

Glad I didn't get sucked through like him, luckily it was an old shirt and shredded easily.

War never changes.

Kek you just watched what could have been


>dat TBI


>something something close the gate
It's shit like this that amazes me. I would think it would be impossible to get hit by a car while crossing the street on a lonely, perfectly straight, infrequently traveled country road, but I was wrong.

but did he died?

wait wtf is going on with this?

that slight of hand

Nah, he rolled out of there soon after.

yep. was all over the papers.

Took me a minute to realize this was reversed

>this closes the gate

Wtf did i just watch?

Boss looked at me just sitting there with no shirt, looked at the lathe with my shirt wrapped around my crank, looked back at me then walked into his office.
Never said anything about it.
Pretty sure he was happy that I wasn't wrapped around it still inside my shirt. He probably figured I learned a valuable lesson(which I did).

It was an interest!ing experience.
Lathe was at slowest setting (150 rpm I think) so unlike the webm I was standing there fighting it for a moment....

>my shirt wrapped around my crank

damn, son.

Niggers attacking a white girl

God damn. Every time I start to build up a little respect for black people and a bit of hope that we can peacefully coexist, I see a webm or a video or a news story of blacks savagely attacking a white person.

It's... pretty hard not to hate niggers. Wish I was there with a gun, clean up some nigger scum.

So, I work in a lab... Most of our stuff has interlocks to prevent mishaps.

Are there no interlocks on one of those?

I mean, even a saw has safety features to snap the blade back if you touch it. Or is it just spinning so fast it wouldn't matter if it stopped because you'd already be through it?

Shirt sleeve or jewelry got caught on lathe chuck, and pulled him in. It looks like it tore some skin off judging by the red on the chuck after, but they'll tear your arm off like nothing

Now I understand

best title

how the fuck was he still alive, or at least not in complete shock

Shit man he got trips

at first I thought they had to put him down and the guy was saying his goodbyes but it was pretty obvious when they put him back into the ground

This is why I support gun ownership

fucking niggers

You don't belong here.

>This is why I support gun ownership
Are you me? If guns are criminalized, only criminals will have guns. Dude likely would have been shot had he not had a gun handy.

Then they steal her groceries, if I was there, I would'a smashed that fucker, both of them.

>If guns are criminalized, only criminals will have guns
Yeah, basic logic dictates that. So does every reputable study or source of statistics since humans start keeping reliable records sometime in the 20th century.

Oh, if a dumbass starts telling you how guns are evil, point them to gunfacts.info/gun-control-myths/guns-and-crime-prevention/

To be fair, people who support gun ownership aren't stupid, just ignorant; they simply don't know any better. All the data we have available shows that gun control either 1) does nothing or 2) makes things worse.

I doubt that's her baby, if it was my kid, she wouldn't be walking, again, ever.

Holy Shit, he turned into popcorn, modern space magic!

As someone who moved out of California partially because of the gun laws AND the gun crime, I completely agree with this post.

>If guns are criminalized, only criminals would have guns


are you faggot literally retards?

Kek, I went to school in California and specifically left because of the retarded cost of living, and the state's fundamental desire to prevent people from protecting themselves. Few things piss me off more than when someone says "WHY DO YOU NEED A GUN??"

Fun note, a few years ago I posted on the anti-gun subreddit where they just circlejerk over news stories where people get killed by guns. I said I was writing a report in support of gun control and I needed some statistics and studies to back up my points. They just deleted my post.

I see what you're getting at but this is just silly

Tell me, how does my lead taste?

I hadnt watched it closely enough to notice that. Oh my fuck.

This shit is fucking despicable and awful. I agree with you if I was there and saw that shit, there is no way that I wouldn't get out with my baseball bat and out in some work, and if I had a gun on me, I would pull it on those two pieces of shit immediately and give them the opportunity to get themselves shot.

As for the groceries getting stolen, does it show that in that .webm? Or is there a longer video of it? I don't like seeing shit like that, so I didn't watch more than a few seconds of it.

gets me every time


Fukin banana meme of gore videos, its not even that bad

Is that his leg coming off for good measure at the end?

Cred Forums

They made him take drugs probably cocaine maybe

This thread was rekt.

so was your mom


Ylyl? Lost big keks

fucking kekd and rekd



My sides

Would you like to sign up for vault tech ?

is the penis feminine

Top fucking kek.

check bestgore



lmao at fucking oh sweet child of mine

>When it's white people attacking black people
Nigger deserved it!

>When it's black people attacking white people!


>Implying white people gang up on niggers like a pack of apes

fucking niggers

A lot of equipment still doesn't have interlocks.

99% of lathes i've seen dont have a dead mans switch on them, 99% of the table saws ive used are more than happy to saw fingers instead of wood, and 99% of pretty much automated anything ive seen generally has no way to detect what its doing, rather that be chewing up tree branches or people.


reply to this post if you'd fuck dva in her ass


Don't forget to brush your teeth, kids.

how did the nigger miss the ground stomp twice?





thats not funny, i saw him in the papers

Chinks are fucking genius!

Goddamit that's horrible

Song related: youtube.com/watch?v=7FnrC0JPEAI

It's Darwinian selection. Of course it's funny.

joke went straight over your head m8

>saw him in the papers
my god

Why is it always the chinks who rams the fucking childrens, even babies.

he farted

Niggers are fucking subhumans

>> really, Jerry?

I watched the whole thing, and apart from the obvious disgust was fine. Now, after watching it, I feel like I'm going to throw up. I know I won't, but still. Anyone know why I would have a delayed reaction to this? I watched the video and heard his voice, but then only now when I see the photos do I feel sick... /medfag/ here?

Ayylmao whoops

medfag here, you display signs of being a huge faggot therefore I diagnose you as being a huge faggot.

Darwinism at it's finest

Hi zion. Youre a faggot.
Taking Japanese as your major in college?
Weeb cringe.

fakest shit ever. natural reaction would be to jump up and not start wobbling your legs to make it more easy to pull panties down.

That no rek

my wang is



Delayed reaction is actually pretty common.

the toppest of keks

What a way to go.

Because their eyes are closed and they can't see, user


I wish a similar fate upon all who shit in the street.

W....what?....what am I watching

If you play it back frame by frame, you can detect the tinyest cut, but it's almost undetectable.

hello, Satan!

Fuck I lost

>fucking with john poo
think about it


aint no disability for her she died. look up "2 brazilian student girls fight seizure"

Ive never seen someone get so rekt

You win the thread


>almost undetectable
Good thing we got you here, super sleuth

Fuck me i just fell for bait


All of my Kelso, you can have them

Designated splatting street.

did he die?

Med fag here, sounds like a mild case of PTSD, (not tumblr SJWPTSD) You'll be fine in a week

I went bigger than necessary just because I'm high and was going for a laugh. Never thought I'd catch anyone.

Was that Charro?


omg, is he ok ?

No, doofus, he died

there goes my tax money

Kek on the filename

Poor fucking guy. I can't imagine that pain.

She smiled when he grabbed her. Guess fake.

Does anybody know if they posted part one of this on the internet?

That's so fucked

Women always go for he kill



did not give a fuck



gb2 reddit, cunthold

quality zookeeping

the hat

kek what an asshole