League rule 34?

League rule 34?
















i have nothing to contribute, but i am lurking.


All good bro thanks for the note

I apparently have no Kayle... drat
















and apparently no Sivir either.

Anyone watching and or has some Sivir they'd like to share?




is it just me, or does the idea that all the yordle chicks are huge sluts that live to be impregnated hot as fuck

I could see that being attractive to someone, not me personally but hey each to their own, they themselves are hot as fuck

Took a whole 4 mins to post that since connection died fuck



Never enough Nami r34.

So Yordle user would you like me to dump my collection of the 3 for you?? Which one would you like first

Sure no problem user








Last one

where's the annie? :(


Don't have any sorry

No problem would have more but there's not much than I can see out there of her




















Anyone want a specific champ? I'm missing a few and have a low number of certain ones but I can always check


We can do that














So who's sluttier? Arhi or Sona? Or MF?


Personally, I'd go with Ahri simply due to the lore, then probably MF, Sona no doubt is slutty but would just enjoy it quietly (literally)











Last ahri, next champ?


hell ye

Not a problem














Won't really understand the attraction to pokemon but that's just me



More nidalee? Or lux

We can do that just give me 1 minute to go piss


Kek hot







Last Lux







Last Nid, any other champ??

Uh, idk, let's keep the ball rolling, how about Leona?


Sure thing user, how's your night going btw?/ day whichever

Fuck me half these images don't even work on Cred Forums, lame

same as usual


Welp that's all the leona, who's next well good to hear nothing is out of the ordinary

some change would be welcome, but no news is better than bad news

True true, personally having to deal with my partner in the hospital, feels bad but hey, they're doing ok



I hope your partner has a swift recovery from whatever they're in the hospital for.


Thanks for that user, they should be out within the next 4-7 days fingers crossed



Have to admit, I do love kindreds pussy

it's drawn differently in most of the pictures

Can we get some Zyra?

No nigga, where ashe at




not enough poppy, hoping for the next thread

I'll start a new thread after this game, keep it bumped until then shouldnt be mroe than 5 - 10


and we are back