Hey Cred Forums, feeling kind of sad tonight. Been happening more frequently lately...

Hey Cred Forums, feeling kind of sad tonight. Been happening more frequently lately. As I grow older and the world progresses around me, I realize how isolated and lonely I really am.

Let's talk about how shitty our lives are and despair together tonight, shall we?

life fucking blows dude
but then we die right?

Yeah, that seems to be how it is user. Tell me about yourself buddy


Thanks for the bump user

Anyone here?


I'm watching the thread (op here) and no one is posting.

OP,you didn't have gf or friends Thats you're lonely ?

Yeah. I have my father and a friend I see once every few weeks or so. Other than that I just sit at the computer and talk to people. My computer is too shit to play games, so I just sit with steam open and chat with my friends when theyre online.

im working a dead end job and im a functioning alcoholic.
well barely functioning alcoholic feels bad man

Recently turned 18, lazy piece of shit. Graduated high school, not in college, unemployed but I've been trying to get a job recently and it was going well.

Until I had to take a drug test that I probably failed. Now I'm just hoping I passed.

Also I'm interested in a friend but I fear a relationship would tear apart what we have right now. Could be worse, but I'm really worried about the drug test.

I'd be happy to be able to do drugs. I dont have any friends or any way of getting ahold of anything, so theres no way for me to dull this pain. it's just wake up, if work then go to work, if not waste day and wake up for work the next day. I don't DO anything, and i WANT to

You can't make any friends at work?


I have buddies there who talk to me and are friendly, but none of them seem to want to associate with me after work. There is a friend group that all of the other guys are a part of but after nine months I still haven't gained access. A guy who came after me is now hanging out with them on the regular. I guess none of them like me enough?

It's possible, depends if you've actually asked them or not. Would you say you have traits that would turn people away?

Also checked

Dude.... Get a better pc

>default wallpapers

I never asked them, I figured they'd invite me. Back when I had friends (high school days) I would invite people who hung around my friend group to be a part of it, which was basically hanging out in the library and chatting about books we'd read.

I don't know if I have traits that turn people away, but I know I don't make good eye contact, that i speak pedantically, and that I'm unconsciously guarded and share little about myself with even my one close friend, so it's likely people see me as a shut door and don't try to get to know me. This is just one of many theories I have. I used to be very aggressive and competitive but I've been humbled and never assert my superiority even when it is clear.

It doesn't get any better, but maybe by the time you're 18 you'll be numb enough to it to deal with it.

Well this sort of stuff usually doesn't come to us, we have to take action ourselves. Funny enough, that's why I've always been single, too shy to really make any moves.

You sound like you have some high functioning Asperger's or autism. I'm not trying to meme; you genuinely sound like you may well be an autist.

I'm 19 user.

I'm already aware I'm an autist, have known it for years xD

How do you get through the days aside from a computer and the Internet?

That's all I'm really doing is computer and internet. Like occasionally I'll see my friend and we'll play super mario strikers or something on the gamecube, but really I just hang out here or work

You still use one of those?

Yeah man, it's great

Is that the only game you play on it if it's your favorite?

Its not shit, just realizing more and more that I can't do the things I once did. Playing sports all day doesn't work or drinking as much.

It's our favorite and we do have others

I get this feeling of not wanting to do anything. I just sit on the computer whole day and watch youtube/twitch videos, jerk off, play video games and I repeat. I think it is kind of a depression feeling. I found out that going for a 3-4 minute run every day fixes it partially. How do you guys deal with this feeling?

See I go out and do nothing somewhere else so it looks like im doing something. Want to sit on my ass all day? Going fishing in a reclining chair and go to sleep. Fuck if I catch anything.

Fuck it. OP here. I'm going to bed, hopefully I'll be able to sleep but I've kind of worked myself into a healthy despair tonight so I might not be able to now.