Post your current car

Post your current car.







Me too user.






Current transport


Got it a few weeks ago.

lets see a pic of you in your track suit posing next to it.



Lol try again beta cuck faggot
>inb4 b-but m'bugatti
Think twice cuck boi

You have some good taste

nah, e30 325i


Thanks user, as do you. Anything after TJ isn't really a wrangler, sadly.


Still pretty jealous either way, I would love to get my hands on an e24 M6

>implying car

I know right, my uncle just got a wrangler JK and just sitting in it feels like a modern sedan, it's too techy and comfortable. I love the old mechanical, gutted out feeling and look of the TJ

The vacuum switch system sucks though :)

fuck yeah, I drive past a black e24 most days. always think one day i'll stop and make an offer for it
