I dont feel good /b

i dont feel good /b

What's wrong Cred Forumsrother?


Dude, spill..

i have life deciding exams in a few days, i've just gotten over a chest infection and i have no motivation - the girl i'm into has slowly stopped talking to me and i realized how truly alone i really am. Good music won't cut it tonight

Whats up Cred Forumsro?

Just like Bob there, everyone goes through rough spots. What's going on mate?

If you're worried about the exam, do some revision or some shit. Otherwise, dont worry about! As for the girl, let her know you like her. If she takes it well, then great, if she says she doesnt like you, then consider your self free. You know where you stand with her and can start moving forward.
Whats the exam?

Hey settle down, okay?

we're born, we suffer, and we die
what's to get

As empty as this may sound there's always more women out there, not all the ones you like will like you back, but I'm sure there's plenty of women who feel that way about you whom you may not have noticed. I just recently had my 5 year relationship end and that lonely feel is rough, but it gets better.

The other thing you'll need to do is focus on those exams man! as much as you don't have the motivation you'll be worse off not trying to smash them out, I always tell myself in that situation that in a few days like it or not those exams will be done and out of the way. Now its just up to if you want a shit mark or a less shitty mark, or even a good mark.

Everyone who goes through education has to take final exams, and everyone hates them, but most still pass. Same shit happened to me with this girl, it sucks, but you'll be fine.

You'll be okay. Drink lots of water, cry a bit. Pic yourself up. And ace those fucking exams. Then get laid.

Everythings gonna be fine.

Yeah dude if you haven't already tell her. Hey I think I like you and if you're interested I'd lie to go out with you sometime, maybe a drink or a meal or a movie?

That's all it takes and if you don't say that you'll regret not doing so. Don't let you thinking it'll be awkward stop you.

The heroes Cred Forums needs, but not the ones it deserves.

i've got ten 3 hour exams over the next month and i don't know where my future is at. I've tried revising but i have NO motivation even though i should have plenty, this illness has exhausted me. i feel as if im going to be some loser.

i try, i really do but my mind wont let me

i really really like this one, and i've been patient, idk if shes just shy but she seems into me but never initiates, im tired of being alone and all this stupid self pity.

but what if i fail? thats my future down the drain, people tell me "oh its a very small part of your life" how? this determines what i can study in uni, my happiness, whether i live a long happy life or one rid with no money and depression.

i wanted to do it irl but i've had a chest infection, i was unable to string a sentence together without spluttering everywhere so it was literally impossible, i still have another chance in a few weeks but last we talked was monday

If you do nothing you automatically fail, if you give up now then you can't know how good things can possibly be.

Illness is a bitch but in both situations there's always a way around it, if this girl is into you she'll understand but maybe is worth giving her a call or text right now and telling her, again if she's into she'll love it man.

and these exams, most uni's will give you special consideration if you have a doctors letter, that's how its worked for me.

All you can do is your best, but absolutely anything is better than nothing.

Everyone needs advice or an ear, everyone deserves it, and Cred Forums has helped me before.

Yer man! What this guy says. Most of the time the uncertainty is worse than the actual truth. The longer you leave it, the worse the feeling will get. Even if she comes back and says she doesn't like you, you wont feel worse than you do now.
Bro, I fucked up most of my exams, that wasnt the path for me. Cred Forums is full of unconventional people who walk unconventional paths in life. Doesnt mean my life is over! Its a more challenging path but work hard enough at something you love when you know what that is and you'll see exams really count for shit.
Uni these days is a joke, Im working with people who have degress in law and politics and other fields of bullshit and they are no better at what they do than I. Nor do they get paid more than I. Work experience is taking over in importance.
And Cred Forumsro, you've made it this far, you KNOW that no matter what shit is thrown at you, you have this!! Life's shit has nothing on you! Take a pride in yourself!

ah fuck you're right, thanks for slapping me a bit, thank you, i just overwhelmed myself a bit it happens a lot.

Thank you, thank you so much, you're right, i'm completely gobsmacked about the complete and utter care i have received from you all. You're right, i'm going to ask nothing from myself but my best. I wish for you the best and everyone who offered some advice, thank you so much.

Awesome. Good luck Cred Forumsro. You got this shit.


Everyone gets overwhelmed man, that's life. It's just human nature to help people through that. No matter what happens good luck homie, we got your back.

Peace bro!

amazing people

Sometimes giving advice helps you realise that its the same advice you need to hear yourself. We're all Cred Forumsros here so its worth it.

Can't you just retake your exams (atleast the core subjects)?

If so, give yourself a break...but not for too long or you'll end up like me.

If you can't retake your exams, give yourself a break anyway - get some sleep, don't pull all-nighters to study or you'll never retain the information and be left feeling like shit throughout the day.

If you fail, you're not fucked, just delayed on the path to success. If you give up, you're ensuring your own doom.