Let's lighten up with some seasonal ylyl

Let's lighten up with some seasonal ylyl

Water balloons is a genius touch




Such a cancerous thread


Your humor is wack Op, please stop, this shit ain't funny

'boot or fuck off?

Advanced reverse psychology Clinton shill thread

>LOOK Hillary's " CTR AKA Correct My Lies"
has arrived!

Starts with a shitpost.

Look just 'cause she wore white, Obama DOJ & FBI white washed her mess, she still has a creepy rapist husband and both are willing to do literally anything for a buck. Sorry cuck.





Fuck you pleb, maybe it's time to move out of your mom and step-dad's house, faggot

This shit is HILLARYous


She grew up a poor black child in the deep south...









nigga who even tips at chipotle


What's funny is you have to deliberately post hillary political cartoons in a thread to get a good collection going but Donald Trump is so much of a meme you can browse any fucking thread and get 3 gigs of his content in an instant.

>legitimate news source
choose only one

True the Donald is much more interesting as a subject matter. The Clinton's are stinky old turds left over from the 90's!
Get fresh, go Donald.

once Trump got ass raped by Clinton in the first debate, he was over as a meme


always making excuses for Trump being a retard
>muh microphone was bad!