Sitting with my parents, dubs decides whether or not I come out of the closet tonight

Sitting with my parents, dubs decides whether or not I come out of the closet tonight.

Do it when it feels appropriate.

Don't ever come out of the closet. It's not worth it. Stay in the closet. Pretend you're a secret agent.

Never come out. Don't ruin your parents lives like that.

Are they conservative?


Shit in your hand and throw it at the wall. Yell this is what you made me into

What the fuck are you coming out about? Is it about being gay, or about your toilet-school fantasies?

Do it fag

More conservative than liberal, but not that far right.

So wait- OP actually IS a faggot?

That's a first.

I bet you get the "we already know" speach.



Come out as straight

Checkd the checker



checkd checkd

Checkd the ceck

checkd the cheked chekdcedqew

checkd the check checkd


cheked and keked

le chekd xddd

Ask if you can fuck your sister... when they freak out and say no, you say, "that's ok, I'm gay anyway". Leave it at that.


This combo is amazing

Checkd again nigger

....Double dub dubs has spoken, I guess.
Gotta prepare....
How the fuck do I say it though?

"Accidently" show your gay porn.

Dubs have ur answer

Tell your dad you want to fuck him



I don't have a sister, I just have two brothers.

If your parents are normal in any way it will be a shock. You should carefully consider what to say and when.

With your dick out

Ask for an orgy with your dad and brothers, easy

quote me on this


Just say something about acceptance. Just say "Mom, dad, I've been carrying this mountain on my back and it's time that I'll overcome and climb it. ..." you know the rest

I never understood the whole "coming out" thing.

Why do people feel the need to announce their sexual preferences? Why not just be gay and let them figure it out.

This, disappoint you parents sometime later

Ask if you can fuck your mom

Are you in a relationship?


Honestly, I don't get it either, I'm not looking for a fucking parade celebrating how brave I am or some shit like that. I'm a faggot, nothing special. But I think I should warn them before I introduce them to my boyfriend.

Why would me being gay disappoint them, they have two other male heirs to procreate and pass on the family name. I also still want kids someday.

Ultra skecked combo!!!

No boyfriend yet, just thinking about telling before I potentially introduce a guy I like instead of a girl.

A little too cheesy for my tastes.


When did this become an "Ask a closeted faggot anything" thread?


do if faggot. but you have to say you are Fluid gender sis faggot

Are you gay?

rolling for that shit

i can smell the trips



Chekachekacheka chek chek chekked

No that's fucking gay.